So, is "Coach" sort of like "Smith" or "Jones" in the Network Marketing world?

told by the Coach himself!
Art Williams shares the inspirational story of what it took to build a tiny "peanut" of a company into an industry giant. Full of heroes and villains, amazing victories and dashing defeats, this book is a must-read for anyone who's ever dreamed of building a team, of winning big, of doing what others said couldn't be done.
ReplyDeleteThere are more connections with A.L. Williams and J. Lloyd Tomer than you realize. You should read this book, you’ll find many ties to what A.L. had to endure and overcome, and what J. Lloyd is dealing with right now.
The common threads are quite revealing.
Most know how the A.L. Williams story ended with 7 straight years as the Leader of Life Insurance, the largest industry in the world at the time.
Seriously…read this book, it’s a real eye opener.
Travelpro, do you really think John is going to read this book? I surely don't. Although we know it will be an eye opener to many people who do read it, John won't want to. he already has his mind made up about YTB and companies like it. It's that "stinkin thinkin". Until he really decides to learn without trying to negate everything (and getting shot down in the process), he will never truely learn. look at the topic "what i haven't learned". I poseted the very simple answers to his questions, and he still doesn't understand. It may not be that he is incapable of understanding, but probably more like unwilling to understand.
ReplyDeleteOk Proud, so if there were 5 things that you wanted the rest of us to know and accept about YTB what would it be?
ReplyDeleteHere is my issue with this. YTB seems to either be or not be a travel agency dependent upon when it is convenient for them. If they want the perks, they're a travel agency. If they want reduced rates and fams, they're a travel agency. If they want to provide an actual service to a client with a complicated itinerary, well then they aren't a travel agency and that's not what they do. They just point people to a website and that's it. When one of us accuses a YTBer of not being properly trained to be a travel agent, you ( and by you I do not mean you personally)then you either swear that you are qualified, or claim it doesn't matter cuz you are not a travel agent. So it seems as though YTBers get to pick and choose under which scenarios they are a travel agent based on when it is most convenient for them.
I blame this issue on the home office and their hundreds of recruiting videos and training materials that claim you can "travel like a travel agent with no training". The idea is not to be a travel agent, unless of course you want to take advantage of a fam, at which point you suddenly are a travel agent again.
The only way to resolve this issue would be if YTB would insist upon a minimum training requirement before one of their reps were allowed to use the term "travel agent" or "referral travel agent" in reference to themselves. This would not only improve YTB's travel sales but enrich the reputations of travel agents as a whole. No one looses. Everyone gains. This would probably also go a long way towards YTB regaining it's IATAN and standing with companies like RCCL. However the folks that I spoke with at your home office did not seem to be particularly interested.
And so the saga continues. Traditional agents continue to disrespect YTB agents because of their lack of training and service, and YTBers continue to claim that traditional agents will become a thing of the past. But despite YTBer's claims and prediction to the contrary, I am still standing, my sales are still growing, and I expect to have an amazing year this year.
The changes that would need to take place in order for YTBers and traditional agents to peacefully exsist would need to come from the top, and that ain't happening any time soon. So, back to work I go. Happy New Year to all.
ReplyDeleteYour the last one that should be accusing people of NOT answering others questions. You dance, you tip toe and you spill out downright misinformation, everytime you talk. The pot calling the kettle black.
Actually Proud, I think he would. John’s a smart guy, and he’s actually recognized more of the “good side” of YTB than most. The problem as I see it is that John and others have been programmed to look at Network Marketing one way. That has nothing to do with you, me, or anyone else in YTB. He’s been “told” that this is the way it is.
ReplyDeleteTemptress here is a prime example. She knows all the basic Anti-MLM “catch phrases” surrounding the industry. (It’s really quite comical) Yet she has no idea that YTB has always required both company and CLIA training before anyone is eligible to carry a CLIA credential with us. Furthermore, she has no clue that starting today, YTB also requires actual “travel sales” before any type of credential is offered. (RTA or other.)
That’s the difference between someone like Temptress and John. At least he has shown a willingness to look at things from another perspective. He may or may not agree with the perspective, but that’s his choice.
I believe based on the mutual respect John and I have for one another, he will consider giving it a read. There are just too many parallels with what ALW and the traditional Insurance Industry went through, and what YTB and Traditional Travel Agents are going through right now.
Don't you be talking to a director like that. He can buy and sell you three or four times over!
ReplyDeleteWell, TravelPro beat me to the punch and posted what i was going to say Temptress. Anyway, the things you shoud know about YTB and how RTAs must now EARN their credentials has begun nationwide... TODAY! Also, I posted in th topic "things I haven't learned" are things I just taught John.
ReplyDeleteTravelPro, being a fellow director, I will trust your judgement as we are both here for the sanctity of YTB.
Travelpro, you are incorrect in your statement about CLIA. A relative that is in YTB, hasn't done training, and hasn't recruited anyone, and they got their CLIA from YTB. So what you speak of is completely wrong.
ReplyDeleteAs far as todays booking travel before your CLIA. What a joke, YTB is now requiring people to book travel, while you have 100+k out there that have no clue or anything. They still get no respect. The respectful thing for them to do would have been to wipe everyone that didn't do the traning or sell travel, of all "perks" then make them do what the others will be doing. This is just proof that the "top" know what they are doing is nothing but a scam. Why would you fix something if it wasn't broke.
ReplyDeleteSince your relative hasn’t taken any of the training, he probably doesn’t have a clue that what he is carrying isn’t actually a CLIA card, but an RTA card. The testing and training required to carry a CLIA card is done by CLIA not YTB.
I’ve completed testing with CLIA directly the last three years, and a passing exam score is required in order for CLIA to even look at let alone process my CLIA card.
Facts are facts...sorry.
Tell your relative to get a clue and get himself trained. Then he might know the difference. Who knows, he might even screw up and actually sell some travel. ;-P
I recall hearing that at some point last year (and it may have changed) that YTB Directors (the one I heard about was in Texas I believe) was working a deal to issue CLIA cards. Again, unconfirmed, but from what I heard RTAs went to a "training" session and paid the Director for his time ($100) and then were handed the CLIA exam and given time to complete it. Ask your neighbor, open book, etc. The exams were all signed and sent in by YTB and then the RTA needed to pay for tyhe card application as well. So the training thing appeared to be a moot point as they could just go there and essentially fill out the test.
ReplyDeleteI did know that starting today that your recruits had to have some training, but that hasn't been the case for the last 7 years.
It is my understanding that anyone can be RTA with no training. Is that correct?
I think you are being rather presumtuous about me. I have taken the time to read both the good and bad about your mlm and do understand that some people in your organization have taken advantage of the training program. My issue is that the training is not mandated, and that there are so many untrained people running around calling themselves travel agents. I think that if you read over this blog you will find many of my posts to be respectful in nature and that even the YTBers that are here for the most part would agree.
Scam, your relative explains it all now! now i know why you hate YTB so much! it's because your relative is highly unsuccessful. Let me remind you that his lack of success is his own fault! He joined, and yet hasn't done a damn thing! NO WORK = NO SUCCESS!!! tell him to either start doing some work or get out of YTB! He is among those that give YTB a bad name!
ReplyDeleteYou also say that he got a CLIA card without any training? I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT!!! First of all, one had to be a CRTA (not just an RTA) to even be allowed to take a CLIA test. Who in TX gave out the bogus CLIA cards? Only CLIA can issue those cards, and if anyone is making bogus CLIA cards, YTB should be notified of this so that person can be terminated! YTB has terminated people for dishonesty. One of those peple who were terminatd is now with another MLM travel company... of which I notified. They replied to me thanking me and letting me know that they're going to look into it... or so they say.
Proud--the no work=no success mantra is getting tiring. We all know that, but the system is flawed for the majority and yet you refuse to address that. If the system works so well, why is it that 79% of the REPS earn less than $200 a month? Are you saying that 79% of your people are doing nothing and failing YTB? Then YOU kick them out! Yes, you read that right 79% of your reps--those with power teams and those without power teams earn less than $200 a month!
ReplyDeleteAs to the CLIA card I am going from what I was told by a former YTB. Disgruntled and an ax to grind..maybe. But the inherent flaw in your logic is that they need to be a CRTA to get the credential. Since YTB is the one that offers the CRTA, it holds no weight. The only requirement to obtain a CRTA is to pay YTB $149. Gee wonder why they offer it?
They can use whatever criteria they want to call then CRTAs. The move to required training is a move in a right direction, but until it is an outside source of training, there is ZERO credibility. Ask Butch Stewart about self-certifying and how well that worked out for him--you do know who Butch is don't you?
I'm going to guess that Coach will sell 136,000 of these books at a discounted price to all the Reps and RTAs! And I'm going to guess that they will be pressed hard by their "up line" to buy it!
ReplyDeleteOr another tack - the "directors" could might find themselves on the receiving end of a "suggestion" that they purchase a copy as a gift for each member of thier downline!?
Well, Citi is finding itself in unhappy situations thanks to the great deals at primamerica. Last week I got a cold call from the new mlm citi scheme telling me what a good idea it was for me to join. When I politely refused, the guy went semi ballistic, bragging about his income, and that I 'was throwing away a fortune' etc. I couldn't hang up the phone fast enough. I don't like working with anyone who brags aboyt their bank account. It's slimey.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, really. All these people go to CRTA training to get the CLIA card, but the main reason for having the training is to get more people to sell travel, which for some reason is ignored at the actual training. By becoming 'certified' it allows the RTA (now a CRTA) to earn an extra 10% commission on selling travel. It also provides a match on people in their downlines and the travel they sell. Ex: John recruits Amy. Amy earns 1000 in travel commissions in 12 months. John gets a 500 check.
ReplyDeleteYou think that would be some incentive to sell more travel or get people to.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm going to guess that Coach will sell 136,000 of these books at a discounted price to all the Reps and RTAs! And I'm going to guess that they will be pressed hard by their "up line" to buy it!
Or another tack - the "directors" could might find themselves on the receiving end of a "suggestion" that they purchase a copy as a gift for each member of thier downline!?
Can't wait to see the sales material coming out urging/begging YTB members to buy it!!
Folks--this book is NOT by the YTB Coach. It is by AL Williams who also goes by the name "Coach" and wrote the book.
ReplyDeleteNow Coach 2 got his start and learned the ropes from Coach 1, but this book is NOT by Coach 2. Coach 2 has just absconded with the name!
What's interesting is that there is also a business development/entrepreneur development group called "The Coach". They're sort of like "life coaches" for entrepreneurs....
ReplyDeleteWow these post are old - but I have a relative that tried to convince me to join YTB - I told him I have no interest in the travel biz he said "Me neither! I just host this website and the checks will come in - I get people to join and I get 1/2 of their commission." I told him I was not interested and he got defensive almost rude to me. I said look I hope this works out for you - its just not for me, it sounds like a pyramid - Again with the defensive language - "what company isn't a pyramid?? he said" I said, the one I work for now isn't! I think this is all a scam and I feel bad for my family member who is gulable and got sucked into this mess. All he did was quote from a training book when I asked a question - never had an original thought of his own. Because he doesn't know what he's doing. He thinks he's gonna have this website and watch the checks roll in. poor guy