Well, is it finally happening? Is YTB getting serious about selling travel? I know they are requiring sales of $1500 to get your CRTA card now and imagine my delight when I found an actual training site for the Referring Travel Affiliates (their new name).
Finally, a single place where RTAs can go and get travel training. Qualifying clients, product knowledge, geography, routings, popular destinations, attractions, history, cruise ships, cruise lines, charter aircraft, and I imagine even all they could want to know about China and their new Olympic initiative.
The site is "hosted" by two directors and if you check it out, you will see what I mean. Just go to Your RTA Training (www.yourrtatraining.com) and explore.
GREAT site!!! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMore of the same crap from YTB. Even their own people dont know the differeence or blur it intentionally between a rep and rta.
ReplyDeletekeep up the heat john
Leave it to John to find a website and lable it something it's not so that it looks like he is putting a spin on it
ReplyDeleteYou don't think so? Re-read his opening blog then.
Sell, sell, sell!
ReplyDeleteWebpages that is, but some travel would be good, too.
There actually is a single place where we can go for travel training. It's caled our back office.
ReplyDeleteDoug, since you know John personally, could you by some chance show John your back office so that he can see there's really travel training in there.
Be careful though. the information may be so overwhelming that it may make John go blind.
Leave it to John to find a website and lable it something it's not so that it looks like he is putting a spin on it
ReplyDeleteProud--I did not make the website. I did not label it! One of your own is responsible for that and it clearly is called RTA TRAINING. Did you read the URL?
So, show me where on the site is the RTA training. RTAs are the ones that SELL travel right? I don't want to hear about your back office. This site is branded as a RTA Training site and it is NOT.
It is deliberate misinformation from a pair of directors with YTB. Misinformation is a policy supported from the top on down it seems!
Yeah, it says RTA training... not RTA TRAVEL TRAINING!!!
ReplyDeleteAgain, this is what you get for assuming!
ReplyDeleteWith the "size" of your back office, you just might have to build a new one the size of Canada. Once again you can't answer anything and do the normal YTB tactic of steering clear and not answering the questions. You are a joke.
Also, getting back to labeling, just because you didn't make the tag, it doesn't mean you are not labeling it.
ReplyDeleteDo you even know the meaning of labeling? Look all around John. it's everywhere! Hey, you're even doing a lot of labeling yourself with this blog. You are labeling YTBers as scum of the earth... eventhough you don't know any of us personally.
> a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.
> a word or phrase indicating that what follows belongs in a particular category or classification
> to put in a certain class; classify.
A label is more than just a brand name John.
Dear Proud to have almost passed kindergarten---
ReplyDeleteOver the past months you have been VERY vocal that REPS sell websites and recruit. RTAs sell travel. What don't YOU understand?
Is this just one of those games you play between naptime and quiet time---opposites?
Is there a site called YTB REP TRAINING that offers travel training?
The point is that it is misleading and again the focus is on recruiting and NOT selling travel and training people to be agents.
Now Proud, come on in from the playground, it is time for snack!
John, get with Doug and ask him to show you his back office. you will then see all the travel training that's available. Until you do that, you really don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to talk about training.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know REPs sell websites, but a lot of RTAs are also REPs. Whether we call it REP training or RTA trainming, it pertains to the marketing side. Travel training is called just that... TRAVEL TRAINING. If you find something called Travel training, you will see that's exactly what it is. Of course, they are not going to post up YTB travel training courses for non-YTBers to see. AAA won't even do the same thing.
Ah, John's getting started with the name-calling again... referring to me as a kindergardener. Isn't john the one who requested everyone to quit the name-calling? Wait... that's everyone except for him. Since it's his blog, he's exempt from his own rule.
John, get off the merry-go-round. You're making yourself dizzy with all your assumptions.
But serious, and without malice to you, Proud, haven't you over andover again maid the point that RTAs sell travel and that this is their role, not selling/building downlines? Shouldn't a site devoted to the "how to" of selling/building down lines be called "Rep Training" and not "RTA Training"?
ReplyDeleteProud you do no justice to YTB, people like you are the reason why people look so badly at YTB. You guys have more spins, and downright lies than anyone else. If you were a real business you would have been shut down a long time ago. Keep selling the websites, because thats the only thing keeping you afloat? Did you read the article about Canada? Doesn't look like your to welcome there.
ReplyDeleteProud--I apologize for the name calling, but you make it so difficult.
ReplyDeleteI do know people in YTB. I have never called them the scum of the earth.
I merely demonstrated that the website was misleading. I also demonstrated that this is about selling sites. Why is that so hard to comprehend.
I feel I have gone out of my way to learn about YTB and to be honest, very few of the thousands (yes thousands) that I have em=ailed, interacted here on this blog, on Scam, Scamtypes, or TW have done much to sway the opinion I have held for a long time. I have attended a local meeting at your urging only to be told that the presenter was wrong (by the way he was at the Founders Tour last night and Scott seemed to embrace the guy--does Scott embrace wrong?), I attended the founders tour and still no one is making any real case for YTB.
What have you personally done to understand our side of the coin? I am not counting the tantrums and the rants you routinely put on the blog and boards. Have you ever offered to interact with someone? I know not me. You need to keep your identity a top secret--that way no one woudl be able to call you out on your BS.
SO proud, what have you done to learn a bit about this situation other than the crap that was spoon fed to you by your upline?
Are you REALLY a director? Or are you one of the 99% of Reps that earned less than $20K last year
Great program!
Scam, show the article. Don't tell about an article and not put up a link to where people can go read it.
ReplyDeleteYes John, I am a director.
Yes RTAs do sell travel, but a lot of RTas are also REPs and they do sell websites.
I understand perfectly.
As for the embracing from Scott...
This man is a director. This man is YTB. YTB treats it's own like family. Whether someone is a director or just starting out... everyone gets treated the same way. Everyone is embraced.
Now some say that look at those who don't produce. That's not YTB's fault. that's their own fault. YTB doesn't fail anyone, but people are great at failing themselves. It's sad, but it is human nature for a lot of people. As soon as things seem to get difficult, people quit. Those who want to succeed won't quit. They will succeed. YTB will succeed because after the quitters quit, all that will be left are the one who want to be successful in both travel and marketing. This is what will keep YTB growing stronger every day.
As far as upline and dwnline goes, we get all the same information. If we find one person exaggerating on something, we come forward to them and let them know it's not right.
Just because you don't like what I say, you call it BS. I try to teach you something, and you call it BS. Yeah, you went to a meeting. I called it a bad presentation, because it was a bad presentation... according to your description. Because I said this, you again took my words as BS. Well, believe what you want. I have NEVER brought anyone into the business under false pretenses.
Also, for the record, YTB has been notified about some of the bad presentations that are going on and is taking action. The HQ is in process of making a standard presentation of the business which EVERYONE will be required to use.
ytbscam said, "Did you read the article about Canada? Doesn't look like your to welcome there."
ReplyDeleteIf the article you refer to is from this site, all should know it is written by a traditional travel agent from Canada. So, what would you expect, "Welcome to Canada"?
Scam, if you had attended the YTB conference last year, you would have seen a video from John Turner, a former Canadian Prime Minister. In the video he welcomes YTB to Canada. He commended YTB for doing it right (regarding legalities) before setting up business in Canada. That was a very powerful "Wecome to Canada" message!
Proud it was in the last blog posted by someone but in case you "missed" that here it is...
It's funny you keep claiming that HQ is working on getting rid of these "rogues" but once again they keep popping up over and over. I haven't seen anything where they are doing anything about these people. Then again Phil is in YTB that speaks volumes for their credibility right there. Oh wait thats right it CAN'T be that Phil right? Yeah you were proven wrong once again.
And you are wrong when the people who fail leave, your pyramid colapses. Its the website charges and initial fees that are keeping YTB in business not travel sales, and that has been shown over and over and over again, but you don't get that.
And everytime someone says something about bad presentations, you just say well thats not like us. Well guess what? There are tons of presentations out there like that, not some isolated incident.
It might be written by a traditional TA, she does make some good points. I'm curious as to how many provinces YTB is actually opening in...we haven't heard that yet.
ReplyDeleteytbscam said. "It might be written by a traditional TA, she does make some good points."
ReplyDeleteHer name is Bruce Parkinson.
Does it really matter if it was written by a he or she? OLE don't even know if you are male or female. Does it matter to me? Nope!Just be careful some people will label you a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteProud to be YTB said..."Leave it to John to find a website and lable it something it's not so that it looks like he is putting a spin on it
ReplyDeleteYou don't think so? Re-read his opening blog then."
Actually, what I find to be misleading is the banner John chose with the blue background that reads, "TRAVEL TRAINING". I know John, I get it. Perhaps you were just trolling. ;>)
Proud said:
ReplyDelete"Doug, since you know John personally, could you by some chance show John your back office so that he can see there's really travel training in there."
I suppose I could, but he already knows that we have training back there. He knows about Marc Mancini and our E-Campus, he knows about the Thursday Night Training calls, he knows about Funshine and all the vendors we had down there, he also knows that we have access to the same resources for training he does like Travel Agent University, CLIA, etc etc.
He doesn’t have a beef with all that. His beef is with Network Marketing. In his mind, Travel and Network Marketing don’t mix. (Thus the title of his blog?)
He’s entitled to his opinion in that regard. You don’t have to agree with it, you don’t have to promote it, you don’t have to argue it. You do however have to accept it before you can move forward with any type of intelligent debate about the facts.
As far as I’m concerned, if he wants to split hairs about two directors and their “RTA Training”, so be it. Is it misleading? Maybe to him, but that’s on him, not me.
I could split hairs as well for his comment that he thinks you and I are changing our title from “Agents” to “Affiliates”. The fact is, it’s only in Canada.
So where is Ole Scorkeeper when you need him eh? That’s HIS job, not mine.
The fact is these to guys are Directors, they are offering support to just about anyone who wants it, and while I haven’t done any real research on the site to see if what they have is any good, I can probably do a little “R&D” on it. (Which stands for “Rip-off and Duplicate. ;-P) They must be doing something right, they’re Directors and making a lot of money. I’d be more focused on what they did to get there than be bothered with someone who doesn’t get it and wants to split hairs about “RTA Training”.
Look, John HAS done a lot of research on our company. He went to go see Scott last night. That’s far more than most. Be grateful for that.
I’m also grateful that he didn’t drink the water while he was there last night, it would have ruined my plan when we get together for drinks next time he’s down in Atlanta. ;-P
Gonna spike that water with Kool Aid? ;-)
ReplyDeleteI don't normally agree with John - but, he has a point.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the website - and couldn't find any "travel" training.
The website should be renamed REP Training.
He isn't twisting in this case - only pointing out the misnomer and what is clearly a "sales" or "recruiting" training website.
cruisin_man said...
ReplyDeleteI don't normally agree with John - but, he has a point.
I looked at the website - and couldn't find any "travel" training."
Whoever created the site probably had no intention of misleading anyone into believing it was about "travel training". So let's not be too critical folks. I can't believe there needs to be so much discussion about the site. Doug made a good point that John's "beef" really is all about Network Marketing. "In his mind, Travel and Network Marketing don’t mix."
Since there are so many predictions going on here. Here is one. I predict John Frenaye, as a result of doing exhaustive research on our company and for the first time seeing Scott last night, will shock the travel industry when he officially becomes a YTB RTA. That would be truly something to behold!
CTA in Maryland said:
ReplyDelete"Gonna spike that water with Kool Aid? ;-)"
Sush! Let's just keep it between us. K?
(It's his own fault, he sent me a new supply for Christmas.)
I did have a chance to review that site a little more. Some good information for Reps...not a lick of "Travel Training".
Looks like we'll have to send an e-mail to our Directors about this. ;-P
As always Doug, a Gentleman and a Scholar. Please, please, please tell me what might tempt you away form the Dark Side!!!
ReplyDeleteProud, I don't think that John is directly trying to "insult" you by referencing the fact that you passed "Kindergarten" or whatever. I have seen YTB reference "YTB Kindergarten" on MANY of their sites. After you have completed the Toolbox the syllabus for “YTB Kindergarten” is a group of recorded. training calls that have been especially selected to help... bla bla bla.... Seriously, when I google "YTB Kindergarten" you get 29 options that carry that specific phrase. I personally think that John is making fun of the fact that YTB in general includes the term "kindergarten" in their teachings!! Now that would be insulting to me!! Get over it, YTB started that whole YTB Kindergarten to begin with. Geez!!!
ReplyDeletecta in md said;
ReplyDelete"As always Doug, a Gentleman and a Scholar. Please, please, please tell me what might tempt you away form the Dark Side!!!"
Ahhhh, but who's to say that I'm on the dark side and you are not?
You never know just how dark it is until you've seen a brighter light. ;-P
PS - Thank you.
You never know just how dark it is until you've seen a brighter light. ;-P
So John, you went to see Scott Tomer last night? If so, I am impressed.
ReplyDeleteI will lighten up on this subject.
Calmly speaking of course, I am sure that these directors didn't mean any intentional misleading by calling it "RTA TRAINING". Now, if they called it "RTA TRAVEL TRAINING" and put this same info in, then it would be misleading. It's just become... what's the word I'm looking for... more common to refer to it as RTA TRAINING since majority of the people in YTB who are REPs are also RTAs.
Want to know why I'm so proud to be in YTB? Read my blog:
Regina Osei
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so full of misinformation.
Doug tells me the Affiliate designation is ONLY for Canada. You say otherwise.
So YTB is making a standard presentation. Admirable, but how are they going to control it? See you already misinformed about the title..or maybe Doug did? See my point--the field people in YTB will say anything they want. Did you read my post on the meeting I attended a month ago?
How do you explain Phil PIccolo? ANd now "Doctor" Seligman? Who is scamming who here? Is it these guys scamming YTB? Or is YTB scamming whoever will listen?
Check back on MOnday for an eye opening entry. I will be pointing out a LOT of misleading information that YTB keeps putting forth!
Do you have a Cocaine White Bentley?
John, don't attack Regina now. She didn't attack you. In fact, she was quite professional with her comment here.No, I don't know her. No, she's not in my downline, but she is aparently new to this blog.
ReplyDeleteRegina, welcome! I hope you continue to comment here.
I am not attacking her at all. I am pointing out misinformation or inconsistencies. As a businessperson, I assume someone would like to correct these, but then again, it seems that when it comes to YTB, the more inconsistencies the better.
ReplyDeleteIn the last few days:
Bonuses are paid in cash (or stock)
RTAs are now affiliates (or agents or associates)
Dr. Seligman is a hero (or a scam--and that was from a pro YTBer)
And that is just in the last two days.
SO, I am pointing out the inconsistencies as I see them. That's all!
No? Then maybe this should have been left out of your comment to her.
ReplyDelete"Do you have a Cocaine White Bentley?"
Are you going to ask that of every newcomer to this blog who is YTB?
Anyway, if the large bonuses are all paid in stock, than I could cash my stocks in for... well, cash as soon as I get word of receiving my bonus. Oh, wait... Then you would accuse me of stock dumping. No matter. The stocks are holding quite steady anyway.
Hey I did not come up with Cocaine White Bentley--that was Metre Wishom from YTB. Just emphasizing that there is ZERO control from HQ on what Reps and RTAs can and will say.
ReplyDeleteAs to your stock--of course it is holding steadily. The value is not determined by the market--it is determined by YTB solely. Now Doug has told me that it is fixed at $1 per share, but I have not seen that anywhere in writing. I also do not know the vesting attributes of it. Perhaps you must hold onto it for 60 months before it vests? You tell me! And if it is the class B stock, I believe it takes 2 shares of Class B to equal one share of Class A which can be sold. Class B shares are not traded to the best of my knowledge!
Regina's blog makes my skin crawl.
ReplyDeleteOn Reginas site she posts on the 25th this..."YTB COMPANY OF THE MONTH
ReplyDeleteYTB has been given "Special Reprints" of the "NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS JOURNAL" as we were chosen as "THE COMPANY OF THE MONTH" in the February 2008 issue! Yea YTB!!!! Check your local bookstores for copies of the journal. If it is not there now, it will be soon. There is an awesome article about YTB....make sure you pick up a copy today!"
Umm I guess you didn't read that YTB paid for that advertisement did you? And from NMBJ site..."A look at our many departments
Company of the Month: This regular feature highlights a highly successful network marketing company each month. Products, management, compensation plan, philosophy and sales objectives are covered in depth. Companies choosing this publicity route often do so to: a) secure new distributors, b) instill pride in their current distributors, c) secure new customers, d) open an avenue to securing reprints which can aid distributors in telling the company’s story, e) create a professional, national image for the featured company, and f) help the company secure a national marketing position. (Note: Reprints are also available for the New Kid on the Block, Product of the Month and Manufacturer/Service/Support Company of the Month)."
What a bunch of scams you are! WOW YTB paid for themselves to be featured. Wow what a great company...another lying YTB maniac.