Wow, when I look back to my first post in this blog back in October, who would have ever thought that I would be sending Christmas gifts to Doug Bauknight, a YTBer whom I now consider a friend? We are still on the opposite sides of the fence but we talk If that weren't strange enough, I now find myself corresponding with one of the top Corporate attorneys in the MLM world. What is even more strange is that he was the Chief Counsel for YTB and led the firm from nothing to nearly 150,000 RTAs strong. Stranger still, he was a decades old personal friend of "The Coach".
It appears that when Ted Lindauer began to do what he was hired to do, the megalomaniacal duo of Scott and Coach Tomer fired him without nary a reason. Apparently Ted wanted them to comply with some laws as it related to their expansion into cars, flowers, and other ventures. He wanted to make sure that the hundreds of thousands of lemmings running around the country were selling the program legally. Apparently he wanted to let him know of the legality (or illegality) of charging the RTAs for credentials. But the Tomers were on a roll. Back in September when Ted was fired, the stock was up and it was a great time to sell. And sell they did! Ted was replaced by in a nepotist move when the Tomers replaced him with Andrea Clagg, the wife of CFO, John Clagg. Andrea apparently has no legal background and is all of a sudden the Director of Legal Services.
Now, the good Christian Coach will not speak with Lindauer nor offer any explanation as to why he was ousted. So much for loyalty and friendship. Ted has a website with a lot of very good information on YTB--MLM Lawyer. What I find particularly interesting is that his claims are fairly parallel to my suspicions all along--YTB is operating on the fringe of legality. But with his inside information and his recent letter to the Board of YTB, I suspect that YTB has crossed the line. I wonder how "Coach" is going to spin this bit of news. Ted has now put the Board of YTB on notice of their illegal ways with an eye opening letter. An attorney with nearly a half century of experience does not write such a letter lightly.
Just some key points:
- The required trainings and purchasing of credentials violates civil and criminal provisions of many states' anti-pyramid laws and constitute deceptive trade practices under the FTC.
- The RTAs that sell cars need to be licensed to sell cars in many states.
- The Two Fly Free program constitutes a Travel Club or Discount Buying Service which requires licensing and bonding in many states. YTB has not obtained them.
- The promotion of the medical insurance has effectively resulted in YTB being deemed an unlicensed insurance provider in many states.
Ted also points out some "accounting irregularities", something to which YTB is no stranger:
- As of December 31, 2006, they were overdrawn on the corporate bank accounts is excess of $1 million dollars.
- Their CFO, John Clagg, is not a CPA (but he plays one during the week and his wife plays an attorney)
- The promotional materials used by the RTAs are not being reviewed by knowledgeable legal counsel prior to publication (can you say "Coming to you from the farm...")
- The companies have ceased publishing monthly data on Rep and RTA earnings and RTA travel bookings.
So, what does all this mean? Well, Ted, as a shareholder of record has put the Board on notice that they must comply with his requests or provide a satisfactory response to him. If not, he is prepared to file a stockholders derivative suit in the US District Court to compel YTB to comply. I imagine that word of this action will spread to several other three letter agencies that might have an interest--IRS, SEC, FTC, and the AGs of many states.
NOTE: I have placed a link to Ted's site on this blog. I feel it is important for everyone on both sides of the fence to read this information. Please visit it and read some of the comments from current and former YTBers, responses from YTB HQ, and Ted's comments on the whole situation!
I can’t get into all that’s being discussed in this “document” but I will offer one piece of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteTed’s first grievance about the “required training” was set up by him years ago. I’m not sure why he would have authorized such a practice, or let something like this go for more than 3 years if it does violate MLM Law. Mr. Lindauer should also know the difference between a “Rep” and an “RTA”.
Also, for clarification John, no where in the document does it mention “purchasing of credentials”, only “required training” to be eligible for certain overrides and commissions.
I think I have your fax number, I will fax you some of Ted’s work that actually contradicts some of this document.
I also noticed that the Mr. Lindauer’s rebuttal statement on Jan, 4 changed.
Could get interesting, but then again, I got a Christmas gift from YOU so what else is new!!!
Doug, I would be interested in them. 443-782-2370. I have a copy of the Lindauer response from the first day it was on his site and it was not changed from the one that is there. Now if you have a copy of the letter prior to it being posted on the web--I cannot speak to that.
ReplyDeleteStrangely quiet here...shhh you can hear the spin doctors whispering...disgruntled employee..this is good news...ignore the subpoena on your door...this has no bearing on any Reps or RTAs, just keep sending in the payments....
ReplyDeleteWell the normal YTB cheerleaders have buried their heads in the sand per say.....imagine that proven wrong, alot of bad press, and they go away. Its only a matter of time, that they come back and say Coach said this or Coach said that, everything is FINE!
ReplyDeleteFamous last words from Coach....
ReplyDelete"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to Chuck King.
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to Rick Ricketts.
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to accounting "irregularities".
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to an unprecedented stock slide.
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to Pink Sheet listing.
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to RCI.
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to IATAN.
"This is all a misunderstanding.", in response to Ted Lindauer.
"This is all a misunderstanding."
ReplyDeleteI guess there's a lot then that Coach doesn't understand....
Just a disgruntled "ex" team member.
ReplyDeleteSeems these items were his job in the first place.
He will be soon forgotten and ytb will address certain areas I would imagine.
I imagine that years ago nobody would have him as legal council, thus the reason for working for a friend.
"What do you not have when you have 100 lawyers buried up to their noses in sand?"
Not enough sand . . .
mostlawyers----I am in your court for the most part with lawyers. As a whole, not my favorite segment of society, but...
ReplyDeleteIf you took the time to actually read the documents, when the issues were brought to light, the Tomers did nothing to support the attorney. So I suspect if they HAD addressed them , they would not be facing a shareholder's lawsuit. So yes they were his job and when he tried to do his job, they did not support him.
A wise person told me today that YTB has a history of READY---FIRE---AIM.
As to Ted being unemployable, again, if you read the documents (or know any history from what I hear) he was a very successful attorney in the MLM field for nearly 40 years. He was a friend and confidant of Tomer's and it was Tomer who convinced him to give up his practice to become chief counsel for this new scam called YTB.
You ought to get Ron Head and Rick Ricketts in a casual off guard moment and ask them what they really think of the program. I bet you might be surprised.
"I imagine that years ago nobody would have him as legal council, thus the reason for working for a friend."
ReplyDeleteThen you probably wouldn't want to see the list of friends and family that are running YTB.
Mr. Lindauer is not licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois. Never was. Also, don't you find it ironic that the guy who was charged for years with making sure YTB was in legal compliance (Mr. Lindauer) is now blaming his own client for not being in compliance. What the fxxk?
ReplyDeleteNo I don't find it strange. Ted obviously was trying to keep YTB on the legal side. He was fired for this reason. Obviously "Crotch" and the other CEOs know that for YTB to be successful they must operate illegally. Ted was trying to keep people like EAB, Proud, and the thousands of other Reps in check...."Crotch" didn't want that.
ReplyDeleteLindauer resigned from YTB in writing on August 10, 2007. That's an incontrovertable fact. That you may not want to believe this or if that doesn't fit your agenda is irrelevant to its truth. He was also not licensed to practice law in Illinois. Again, fact. Lindauer is being chased by tax authorities, is up to his eyeballs in payments to ex-wives and debt and was recently sued for malpractice. Leaving the company and attempting to blackmail it is potentially more lucrative for him. Don't settle for being one of the MLM sheeple -- think.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, where is your proof of said allegations? You can't come in here and make them without backing them up.
ReplyDeleteAll will be revealed in time. In the meantime, you can start by independently verifying that Lindauer is not licensed to practice law in Illinois. Contact the Illinois ARDC (Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission) - log onto www.iardc.org and do a lawyer search for Thayer Lindauer. Go ahead - don't take my word for it.
ReplyDeleteThe malpractice claim was filed in the Third Circuit Court of the State of Michigan, Case No. 07-729651NM, filed November 6, 2007. It's public record.
Call the state tax authorities in California. I'm sure their hearts bleed for poor Ted.
By the way, where are the demands for back-up for all of Ted's accusations, including his claim he was fired? The fact that he says it does not make it true.
Many people who get involved in MLM businesses and who traffic on websites and blogs like this one often just believe and act on rumors, mischaraterizations and misleading information. Ted knows this and in fact is counting on it to further his campaign. It's pathetic really. If he's one-quarter of the MLM lawyer he claims to be, he'd be working for another one by now. No one is going to pick him up because he's a lier and a fraud.
Again, all will be revealed.
All will be revealed? All, as in ALL those awesome news announcements we always here "Crotch" and his minions talking about? Whats the latest announcement? That he had to claim a birthday bash? LOL
ReplyDeleteIf he had resigned why didn't "Crotch" put out a announcement instead of trying to hide the facts? I find that the most interesting thing about this, nothing, announced.
Why is it that whenever there is any negative news, its always someone elses fault, or a misunderstanding?
What is the "legal team" doing for any of the YTB clientel? More people leaving? More venders pulling out? I'd be a bit more concerned....
The fact that he may or may not be on the IL bar is irrelevant. The only thing that allows him to do is bring suit forth in Illinois. Now if all of YTBs business was in Illinois, that might make a difference. But as we know, YTB wants to conquer the world, so they are ll over.
ReplyDeleteYes, I saw the tax bill from CA. Unfortunate for him.
Malpractice? I did not look, but was there a resolution? People can sue anyone for any reason these days. And if it was such a big deal, why did Coach hire him in the first place?
As for him suing for that which he was responsible...come on. He was trying and apparently was stonewalled by Coach and Scott. Do not be bothered by laws and rules, we are 150,000 strong and well above any of those! No, he was trying to make sure they were in compliance and he was rebuffed. Now that he is a shareholder, he is looking to protect his $1.00 per share investment.
Stonewalled? Please!!!
ReplyDeleteBelieving Ted's word is like believing a thief saying that he didn't steal anything while still holding onto the goods!
Why don't you try googling some info on Lindauer and try to find another account for what unfolded. Maybe an unbiased observation. I'm sure there's one somewhere. I too am looking.
Found some stuff!!
COLUMBUS, OHIO -- A buyer's club started by an LDS man and based in Westerville, Ohio, closed September 1st, a week after Ohio Attorney General Betty Montgomery filed a lawsuit to force the company to return to its customers $100 million. The Attorney General claims that the Purchase Plus Buyers Group was a ponzi scheme that prayed on relationships, primarily in the LDS community.
The group was started by LDS businessman Gene Arnold in October 1997 to offer discounts on services like Health coverage and phone cards, but with a twist; members were told they could earn back their $400 membership fee in 90 days and earn up to $11,0000 in commissions over several years by signing up new members and investors. But while initial investors did make a lot of money, consumers began complaining about defective merchandise and unpaid commissions, leading the Attorney General to investigate.
The growth of the company even led local LDS Church leaders, including stake president Samuel Kiehl, to warn members to do their homework on investments and not invest just because LDS Church members run the business. "It's inappropriate to take advantage of church membership or knowledge of other members to build a business," Kiehl said. "As a church leader, it was of grave concern to me. I am concerned anytime a member could get hurt." Kiehl even spoke to one of the wards in his stake about the issue, reminding members that they have a responsibility to deal fairly with one another and to not use the Church to advance their businesses.
Local leaders said they began to fear that Purchase Plus was a pyramid scheme early this year as many Church members began to join. A pyramid or ponzi scheme uses money invested by new investors to pay money to previous investors, instead of using the money in money-producing activities.
Meanwhile, founder Gene Arnold, 51, says he sold the business in April to California lawyer Ted Lindauer, who has been involved with the company since its inception. Arnold claims to be a victim himself, saying in a written statement released Friday that he hasn't been given all the money he was supposed to get from the sale. "I have received only one payment since selling the company," wrote Arnold. "In all likelihood, I will never receive another payment and have also lost a great deal of money as a result (of) the company's current problems." But Lindauer is apparently also claiming to be a victim, since his team told employees and customers that the previous owners were "guilty of mismanagement." And an article in the Columbus Dispatch indicates that Arnold and his wife have started more that a dozen companies since the late 1970s, many of which have gone out of business leaving thousands of dollars in debts.
Meanwhile, the involvement of LDS Church members was significant. The company's president, Steve Moss, a vice president, Christ Beddoes, and George and Janitye Vaile, who helped form the limited liability corporation for Arnold, are all LDS Church members, according to the Columbus Dispatch. In 1998 and 1999 as the company apparently prospered, local LDS leaders even steered jobless Church members to the company, since it was paying good wages. The company also spread through Mormon circles as it managed to reach across the US. Utah Better Business Bureau president Russ Behrmann says that he has recieved more than 100 complaints and inquiries regarding Purchase Plus from Utah residents.
Church members that lost money in the company seem to believe its their own fault, according to statements in the Dispatch. Lee Padula, a member from New Albany, says that he wasn't guaranteed anything, "Nobody coerced me. It's unfortunate that people lost money, but there was never a guarantee. They were selling a business opportunity." Retiree and LDS Church member Ann Jensen agrees, "We believe we make our own choices. I don't blame anyone. I believe it was founded under honest principles. That's what I choose to believe."
But part of the company's sales message was either aimed at LDS Church members or used their membership to make the sale. Arnold reportedly told some consumers that he wanted to give families an opportunity to make more money so that mothers would be able to stay home. A non-member employee, George Wagner, says that while the Church wasn't mentioned in official company documents or presentations, the membership of the company's leaders was mentioned to get credibility.
Local Church leaders are still taking a cautious approach to the issue, saying that they will wait for the outcome of the Attorney General's lawsuit and other lawsuits before deciding if action is warranted against Arnold and other LDS Church members involved in the company.
Purchase Plus investments cost Mormons millions
Columbus OH Dispatch 10Sep00 B4
By Stephanie Brenowitz: Dispatch Business Reporter
Now Mormons are confronting a disturbing question: Were they preyed upon by their own?
Company's collapse painful to Mormons
Akron OH Beacon-Journal (AP) 10Sep00 B4
Founder of Purchase Plus has a history of failures
Columbus OH Dispatch 10Sep00 B4
By Stephanie Brenowitz: Dispatch Business Reporter
It's not Lindauer, but the instances are similar:
Updates on some legal matters from YTB Legal & Regulatory and General Counsel, Ted Lindauer:
1. Chuck King : Mr. King was terminated in January, 2007 for several reasons including his continued use of non-approved sales materials. He demanded $4.5 million in damages which YTB refused to pay. Mr. King then put up a website, claiming that he was denied continuation of his health insurance, had sued YTB etc., all untrue. YTB has sued Mr. King; he has never sued or claimed against YTB in court or in arbitration. YTB expects a court hearing in late July to enjoin Mr. King from lying about YTB on his website or otherwise.
EDITORS SIDE BAR: I actually talked with Chucks brother. This is not the first company that Chuck has been "kicked out of." Chuck claims he held the fastest growing YTB distributorship. Well when you "pay peoples way in" thanks to several hundred thousand dollars from a private investor you will have rapid growth. You also end up with a VERY disgruntled investor when the money runs out!
My commment:
Disgruntled just like Lindauer!
2. Rick Ricketts/ Florida AG Pyramid claim: A year ago, in July 2006, the Florida AG (Consumer Protection) placed a notice on its website that it was investigating Mr. Rickett's sale methods and his participation in an illegal pyramid program (YTB). YTB met with the Florida AG on several occasions and provided extensive information about our company. In November of 2006 the Florida AG's office informed YTB that there would be no further investigation of YTB but they would continue their investigation into Mr. Rickett's sales practices. In June of this year the Florida Consumer Protection office routinely renewed YTB's Florida Seller of Travel license. Mr. Ricketts reports that in his recent discussions in resolution of his issues with the Florida Attorney General's office there has been no mention by the Florida Attorney General's office of any claim that YTB is or may be an illegal pyramid.
My comment:, The Florida AG knows that YTB is NOT an illegal pyramid!
* Editors notes have not been reviewed endorsed or approved by YTB.
They are simply observations by the editor of YTBReport.com
Below is a person with a PHD from Oxford and Harvard! He has a doctrine in Economics... and is also an RTA with YTB! Are you going to call him stupid John? Man, he's smarter than you, me, or everyone here combined... and yet, he joined YTB! It makes you wonder if it's smarter to be pro YTB or anti YTB. I still say that being pro YTB is smarter... and if an economics major also thinks so.. then it must be.
This site is not affiliated with endorsed, sanctioned or aproved in any way with YTB.
It is simply a place where you can do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
Dr. Bob Seligman, PhD (& RTA)
PhD in Economics (Oxford)
MBA in Finance (Harvard)
Former Senior VP of Corporate Development for Fox, Inc.
Reported Directly to Billionaire Barry Dillar
(Owner / CEO of Expedia, Inc.)
This is an opportunity to hear what a new, peer RTA found as a prospective business owner in YTB following his exhaustive investigation that only a few in this country would have even known how to do. Dr. Seligman has seen everything in the book, had all the resources and questions to ask that the rest of us would have never known to or thought of to ask. With his extensive understanding of what this industry represents and is going through, prior to coming onboard, he investigated this Company for six months; evaluating it from the perspective of him hypothetically buying the company personally to help him determine whether he should get involved with YTB as an RTA. Lets see what he found and why YTB has is undivided attention! This call is going to give everyone in your business as well as your prospective business owners an opportunity to gain some scope on what a significant, unprecedented opportunity YTB is and why NOW is SO IMPORTANT!
Listen to the Call
Here's the URL to this page:
Travel Weekly buzz about YTB:
Proud--it is funny, but Ted was the guru of YTB compliance for years. But you were the only one that knew he was a "crook"? Maybe you should be running the compoany since you are so all seeing. He is a great guy when working for you , but not he is a scam artist?
ReplyDeleteThen you reference some articles that you admit have no connection to Lindauer to support yourself? Come on you can do better than that. Maybe the sun got to you on the Coach's Ego Boost Cruise.
And he bought a company that did not disclose all the skeletons in the closet and he reneged on the deal. Happens all the time! Do you have a source where the prior owner was issued a judgement? Or is this just hearsay?
And I cannot help but notice the similarities between the LDS company and YTB...earn commissions by signing up new members....earn back your money (the $6000 guarantee?) and using the money paid by new members to pay the old members and not use it for "money producing activities".
I am not saying Lindauer is a saint. But this is an example of the kool-aid mentality showing itself. Oh the Coach said he is a liar so it must be. The Coach said IATAN is a misunderstanding so it must be. Coach said the RCCL move does not apply to us so it must be. Coach said to buy your brochures so it must be a good deal. Coach said drink this...so I must drink this.
And Ted has a personal vendetta against YTB. Since he is against YTB, John MUST believe that everything Ted says is true.
ReplyDeletePlease John, quit being so naieve.
What I see is a pattern here. Lindauer gets involved with a company, acts all pro-company swearing to be loyal. Then he turns around and bashes the company claiming he was a victim. It's a classic case, and you see it all the time... everywhere. This is why Lindauer has gone from company to company to company. now that he left YTB, I wonder what company he's got his greedy hands into now.
This line alone should raise red flags about Mr, Lindauer:
"Meanwhile, founder Gene Arnold, 51, says he sold the business in April to California lawyer Ted Lindauer, who has been involved with the company since its inception. Arnold claims to be a victim himself, saying in a written statement released Friday that he hasn't been given all the money he was supposed to get from the sale. "I have received only one payment since selling the company," wrote Arnold. "In all likelihood, I will never receive another payment and have also lost a great deal of money as a result (of) the company's current problems."
My question is, "Why is an MLM Lawyer doing buying an MLM business and why couldn't he fully pay the previous owner???
I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to buy YTB from the Tomers, got turned down, resigned and is now anti YTB because of it.
Also, about the other part I posted... about the guy with the PHD in economics. Now, why would he join YTB? Maybe it's because he is... hmmmm... what's thw word i'm looking for... SMART!!!!!
Oh wait... John didn't read that far down yet... LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteJohn, why would an economics and finance major from both Oxford and Harvard join YTB??? Maybe because it's SMART BUSINESS!!!
Where's your degree in Economics?
Where's your degree in finance?
Don't have them???
Then you have absolutely no grounds to go against this guy, and I'd take the word of a man with a phd and mba over the word of disgruntaled ex MLM lawyer for YTB and an anti-YTB blog starting disgruntled TA anyday!
First he hypothetically became an RTA to study YTB. After seeing how great it is... HE JOINED YTB!!!
ReplyDeleteJohn said, "And he bought a company that did not disclose all the skeletons in the closet and he reneged on the deal."
John, I think you may want to reexamine this part.
"Meanwhile, founder Gene Arnold, 51, says he sold the business in April to California lawyer Ted Lindauer, who has been involved with the company since its inception."
I would believe Mr. Lindauer being one of the foremost MLM attorney's in the US would have been on top of things since Arnold claims he was "involved...since its (the companies) inception". Therefore it would be hard to imagine Mr. Lindauer would not have been aware of at least a bone or two in that skeleton's closet.
Proud/John, what do you say about that?
EXACTLY! scorekeeper!
ReplyDeleteSee John, scorekeeper understands!
As far as providing things to back up my statements... I have done very well here.
How many points do I get scorekeeper?
"John, why would an economics and finance major from both Oxford and Harvard join YTB??? Maybe because it's SMART BUSINESS!!!
ReplyDeleteWhere's your degree in Economics?
Where's your degree in finance?
Don't have them???
Then you have absolutely no grounds to go against this guy, and I'd take the word of a man with a phd and mba over the word of disgruntaled ex MLM lawyer for YTB and an anti-YTB blog starting disgruntled TA anyday!
First he hypothetically became an RTA to study YTB. After seeing how great it is... HE JOINED YTB!!!"
Thus confirming that 1) even someone with an MBA and Phd have weak moments, 2) he forgot to take the class on MLM/Pyramid Schemes, 3) he has no intention of selling travel, but every intention of abusing the perks, 4) all of the above.
It was just too good to pass up.
How come when I google Bob Seligman, using every word I can think of that might apply, his name is no where? Is this another it's true because I said so?
ReplyDelete2. Rick Ricketts/ Florida AG Pyramid claim: A year ago, in July 2006, the Florida AG (Consumer Protection) placed a notice on its website that it was investigating Mr. Rickett's sale methods and his participation in an illegal pyramid program (YTB). YTB met with the Florida AG on several occasions and provided extensive information about our company. In November of 2006 the Florida AG's office informed YTB that there would be no further investigation of YTB but they would continue their investigation into Mr. Rickett's sales practices. In June of this year the Florida Consumer Protection office routinely renewed YTB's Florida Seller of Travel license. Mr. Ricketts reports that in his recent discussions in resolution of his issues with the Florida Attorney General's office there has been no mention by the Florida Attorney General's office of any claim that YTB is or may be an illegal pyramid.
ReplyDeleteMy comment:, The Florida AG knows that YTB is NOT an illegal pyramid!
Hmm....Proud, when was it that YTB brough on a FLORIDA STATE SENATOR to their Board (who is still not listed?)
And Seligman was a SVP wiht Fox? I may look into that as I have a connection there as well. My (follow along) former step brother in law is Jamie Kellner who started Fox way back when.
Next you'll try to tell us you have connections with the Mafia... LOL!!!
ReplyDeletehey, Donald Trump and Kyosaki also got into MLM and stated that it's genius!
Harvard teaches MLM now!
Things to make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmm......
Well, if you bring in a reputed member of the Mafia (which is not too far fetched with your Yale or Jail and Penn State or State Pen recruiting taglines), then yes, I will most certainly accuse you of having connections with the Mafia. Why wouldn't I?
ReplyDeleteHave you enrolled or audited the Harvard curriculum of MLM. They also teach classes on slavery and the holocaust and I think we can all agree that they are not teaching about how good of a concept that was.
Can you cite Donald Trump saying that MLM was genius--or something similar? If it is so genius, why is he making his money of (imagine the horror) a traditional business model? I mean he even had a semi successful television show all about UNPAID workers for his company that he FIRED.
I thought the whole MLM concept was to make oodles of money and be your own boss to prevent being fired. Apparently The Donald has a different opinion!
I am glad you had the opportunity for a photo op with Ron Head. It must look great hanging over the mantel in your living room!
Excuse me??? Trump has his own MLM travel business. I'm surprised you didn't know that! Yes, it's based on MLM. The only diference is that he charges thousands just to join.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I was stating that YOU would probably state next that YOU have ties to the Mafia since you keep stating left and right that you have ties here and ties there. I wasn't stating that YTB does.
Again, you misunderstand.
Also, thanks for the idea. it probably would look good hanging in my living room. Maybe better in my home office on the shelf next to my other YTB photos... including the few with Coach and I... not to mention the one with my wife, kids, and myself all standing with Coach when he personally presented me with my 1st director's ring.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Ted took down his website. Hmmmm...
ReplyDeleteTed is a piece of sh*t and one of the reasons he was fired was his behavior in the office that included verbal assualt and sexual harassment
ReplyDeleteAnonymous--could be, but apparently all is forgiven as it seems he is back to work with Coach and Scott and Kim! See his website!