Monday, January 7, 2008

An Attorney Mystery

This bit of news seemed to slip under the radar back in the fall, but apparently, the attorney that was a major domo in YTB was let go and no one really seems to know why? You can get these originals from Ted Lindauer's website. Hmm, just not sure what to make of this? Any conspiracy theorists out there?

The first letter:

At the request of Coach Tomer, I closed my network marketing legal practice of 37 years in September, 2005. I immediately moved to Southern Illinois and began working full time at Your Travel in multiple capacities as marketing compliance legal counsel, a department administrator and as a marketing consultant.

On September 7, 2007 Coach cancelled my contract with YTB without explanation or prior notice. I have reopened my network marketing practice and have had no affiliation whatsoever with any of the YTB companies since September 7, 2007. This Announcement became necessary after Coach repeatedly refused my requests that he publicly announce that I was no longer affiliated with YTB. In my opinion, the withholding of this information from YTB Reps and RTAs was just not right.

Since September 7, 2007 the maintenance of YTB's marketing compliances has been the responsibility of a team of attorneys with law practices in Southern Illinois.

I have filed an arbitration proceeding against YTB to collect back compensation owed to me. As a YTB stockholder I have requested that the Board of Directors of YTB International, Inc. require that the officers of the various YTB companies be ordered to take a number of specific actions. In my opinion each of these actions is critically necessary to ensure the survival and future success of YTB. In the event the Board of Directors refuses my requests I will file a stockholders lawsuit to have the court order that the actions be taken.

Thayer C. Lindauer

The YTB response:

In response to the e-mail recently circulated to some of our Directors from Ted Lindauer, YTB makes this initial statement. Mr. Lindauer was engaged by YTB as legal counsel for several years and has been a friend of Coach's for decades. Mr. Lindauer submitted a written resignation to YTB on August 10, 2007. Although Mr. Lindauer's arrangement with YTB did not provide for compensation in the event of his resignation, Mr. Lindauer made several arbitrary and unreasonable demands on the company.

After months of attempting to work with Mr. Lindauer in good faith to arrive at a generous settlement providing for more than he was entitled to under the terms of his engagement, YTB is shocked to now learn that its own former counsel has attempted to alarm the YTB community with this confusing and unwelcome e-mail communication. We are disappointed that Mr. Lindauer has apparently chosen to cease negotiations and pursue another agenda seeking to harm his former client and its business family.

This situation is being evaluated by our legal team and appropriate action will be taken immediately.

And the Lindauer response again:

Friday, January 4, 2008

I resigned from YTB in April, 2007 because YTB was ignoring my compliance recommendations and refusing to provide staffing to support my administrative responsibilities. Coach asked me to withdraw my resignation and promised to address my compliance recommendations and to provide the needed staffing. I accepted Coach at his word and withdrew my resignation. In the following months my administrative department received additional personnel, including the appointment of CFO John Clagg’s wife, Andrea, a non-attorney, as the Director of Legal Services. My compliance recommendations continued to be ignored.

In early August, 2007 I learned that John Clagg was giving various compliance directives to his wife. Neither John nor his wife were discussing these matters with me before acting on them. I objected noting to Coach that neither John Clagg nor his wife were qualified to make legal compliance decisions and the decisions they had made were wrong ones. Coach refused to stop the Claggs from making compliance decisions and refused to reverse the erroneous compliance decisions they had made. On August 10th I resigned and submitted my request for severance.

Andy Cauthen, who was then CEO of Your Travel, and Coach both asked me to once again withdraw my resignation. Coach promised to address my concerns after the August Convention in St. Louis. He also promised a generous severance package when I retired from YTB. I again withdrew my resignation and returned to work at YTB.

After the Convention Coach informed me that local attorney John Simmons was being engaged as overall General Counsel for YTB International, Inc. and its subsidiaries. I met with John Simmons on several occasions in August to review my compliance and other recommendations previously provided to Coach in several memos. On September 7, 2007, John Simmons asked me to temporarily vacate my office at YTB so it could be modified to house two attorneys. That evening I received an email from John Simmons welcoming me to his new legal team.

Several days later, while working at home, I received an email from Thad Leach, a local attorney who is part of the new legal team. Mr. Leach’s email contained one sentence and stated that YTB had decided that it was no longer in need of my services.

I immediately asked for and was granted an appointment with Coach and Scott. On the day of the appointment I received a call cancelling the appointment and telling me to contact Thad Leach. Mr. Leach and I exchanged various emails about my severance with Mr. Leach denying that YTB owed any severance to me despite the fact my written agreement with YTB called for a specific severance package.

In October YTB offered me a new 3-year consulting agreement in lieu of my pursuing my claim for severance. I agreed in principle subject to having an acceptable written agreement. Mr. Leach sent a proposed draft of a new agreement which was one-sided and allowed YTB to cancel the agreement at any time with no further obligation to me. I rejected this draft and proposed seven changes. Mr. Leach dragged the matter out for several months, finally saying he needed to speak with Coach. I never received a response from YTB as to the seven changes I requested. Mr. Leach notified me just before Christmas that there had been unspecified “new developments” and he would be back in contact with me “after the holidays.”

Continuously throughout the months following September 7, 2007 I offered to train the new legal team in MLM legal compliance requirements in 12 two-hour training seminars without any compensation to me and whether or not I was able to settle my severance claim or enter into a new agreement. Mr. Leach rejected my training proposal at first, then refused to respond as I renewed my offer over and over again.

Most disappointing of all was the refusal of Coach, despite my repeated requests and then demands, to let the YTB Reps and RTAs know that as of September 7, 2007, I was no longer affiliated with YTB and to tell them who is overseeing YTB’s marketing legal compliances. If Coach is comfortable having a team of local attorneys with no Multi Level Marketing experience take on the responsibility of keeping YTB in legal compliance, why hide them and pretend that I was still at YTB?

Ted Lindauer


  1. I wonder if Proud will question if this is the THE "Ted Lindauer", or probably say that Ted never worked for YTB? You never know with all the misinformation from TM and Proud.....things get quite funny.

  2. Typical pyramid break down. Money wise it collapses from the bottom. Managements greed starts to come apart at the top.

  3. Oh but I'm sure the YTBers will put a spin on it like they do everything else. I guess when it goes bad, EVERYTHING goes bad.

  4. The "Friends and Family Employment Plan" at YTB is unbelievable...

  5. Ted owes $362,351.94 in taxes in California which may be part of the reason why he “needs” the money.

    (Scroll down in numerical order.)

  6. I wonder what the "compliance" issues were....

  7. Lindauer: Earl shut the F__k up
    EAB: This is Earl coming from the farm
    Lindauer: Earl from the farm, shut the f__k up
    EAB: I think I will write a press release
    Lindauer: Earl shuth the f__k up!!!
    EAB: Well, maybe I will just harass some people and place a Craig's List Ad for a hooker in Hawaii
    Lindauer: Earl, SHUT THE F__K UP!!! You are not complying with what I am telling you.

    Meanwhile, later in another part of the K-Mart (oops I mean YTB HQ)

    Coach: (Calculating the best time to sell stock) Ted, what are the issues?
    Lindauer: Compliance Issues sir. The RTAs are out of control and will bring this whole thing down if you are not careful.
    Scott: (checking the bank to make sure the $6.8 million in rental fees came in) It does not matter, as long as we can get the money from them, we can be long gone before too long. Dad has sold most of his stock, I hardly own any--he he we put it all in the wallets of the RTAs and the Reps!
    Lindauer: I am not sure I like this
    Coach: (in his best Donald impersonation) You're Fired!

    Scott and Coach: Laughing

    Beeep--(telephone intercom: Coach, Scott, Phil PIccolo on the other line!

  8. Proud will say how do you know it is THAT "Phil PIccolo"? LOL

  9. The taxes he owes in CA are from 10years ago. Before he was at YTB. That's IF it's the same Thayer C.
    And which is worse for your rep? being on the same list as OJ or working for YTB?

  10. Wow, that is quite a list.

    Dionne Warwick
    Sinbad the comedian
    Bob Evans (restaurant dude)
    and George Jefferson (apparently he IS moving on up)

  11. One of the comments on that site...ahahahah and this is the type of person you want to deal with? Just watching the cruise video and watching the actions of Scott, reminded me of a 10 year pouting because he couldn't get his way...

    "We were shocked when we read your Announcement. We did not know you left YTB in September. I personally called three of our upline Directors and they didn't know you had left. One of them said he was told by Scott that you were on medical leave. Like other Reps we have followed the example of our upline Director and mentioned your name and qualifications on our website and when recruiting new Reps. Now we have to go back and tell our recruits who joined after September 7th that you weren't with YTB and apologize to them. Some of them are going to quit and want their money back. We've decided to pay them if YTB refuses to refund them. "

  12. Everyone listen you hear that sound? Its the sound of YTB falling apart at its seams.

    First the stock dives, and in heavy trading today even for YTB, it falls on a flat 1.05, WOW! They can't keep a crappy stock like that afloat for long...I bet it dips below dollar within a week or two, and may never recover. Their legal team fired, losing all kinds of tour operators, cruise lines. Whats next?

    Wouldn't be funny if ted scored 1+ million on the lawsuit, that would mean YTB loses its profit. Pretty sad profit from a company that size.

  13. It is also worth it to note that many Reps or RTAs still feature Lindauer on their sites. APparently the word is still; not out--or then again, maybe YTB does not want to correct the record. Someone ought to call up and ask for Ted. LOL

    Google "Ted Lindauer" and then click on the IMAGES and when you see the guy with glasses and grey curly-ish hair you can see that he is listed on the recruiting sites touting all about his expertise in keeping YTB at arm's length of the authorities.

    From what I also gather, one of his prime foci was approve the outlandish RTA and Rep claims. Prior to putting anything out in print, or on the web it needed to be run through his office for compliance of the messages. I imagine that is the issue now. Apparently the RATS are running wild!

  14. ytbscam said...
    "Everyone listen carefully..."

    "Do not answer anyone stupid according to his foolishness, that you yourself also may not become equal to him."

    "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness."


  15. Scam . . . your speculation speaks volumes about your ignorance! WOW!

    I have met Ted Lindauer. I do not know all of the details, but I'm sure they will come out soon. When I last said hello to him early summer at Wood River, he looked extremely unhealthy. He is not a young man, I would guess in his late 70s. I would speculate that he has Parkinson's disease with the uncontrollable shaking in his hands. Nothing wrong with that, but it makes it tough if that is what he has along with his age. It could very well be that he was having a difficult time performing his duties and it is a tough situation for a company to deal with. Ted has done some great things for YTB and reknown as a legal counsel in the network marketing industry. I would guess that his productive days are behind him and writing the letter to Directors is out of character for him . . . unless his health is clouding his judgement.

  16. Wow---who would have thought that we have one of the MDs in YTB posting on this blog.

    And able to diagnose a disease from afar and able to know what is and is out of character.

    Good job and thanks for clearing that up lbtravel, MD

  17. Well hell they are all "professionals" they have doctors, lawyers, scammers, you name it in YTB...I highly doubt his health is the reason for this.

    Why would Coach not speak to him? There is more to this than his health, that kind of statement is just plain ignorance.

  18. I agree--seeing that he and Coach were good friends for years and Ted did not realize the Coach had written him off (at that time), if it were medically induced one would think that a former best friend, former pastor, good Christian man would at least speak to him.

  19. So, the compliance issues were MLM legal compliance then. I guess they forgot to hire somebody to make sure they were in travel industry compliance...

    Oops. I guess selling travel is so easy, why have anyone who knows anything about the industry running the company?

  20. There is no reason that someone whose hands shake can not function as an Attorney!! What a load of crap - there are blind Attorneys, deaf Attorneys, Quadriplegic Attorneys, double-amputee Attorneys!!!! You think the guy is unable to speak or think because his hands shake? Guess what? If they cut him out because of that, he has a great ADA/discrimination suit on his hands! Oh, by the way - people can work into their 70s - and even 80s - ageism is also a reason for a disvrimination suit...

  21. Of course disabled folks can be attorneys. Don't you remember Perry Mason?

  22. " ytbscam said...
    Everyone listen you hear that sound? Its the sound of YTB falling apart at its seams.

    First the stock dives, and in heavy trading today even for YTB, it falls on a flat 1.05, WOW! They can't keep a crappy stock like that afloat for long...I bet it dips below dollar within a week or two, and may never recover. Their legal team fired, losing all kinds of tour operators, cruise lines. Whats next?"

    Opened today at $1.03.

  23. Ibtravel doesn't seem to think so - either he's too incapacitated to work or too old - "his productive days are behind him".


    Our Tax Attorney handled the sale of my Husband's engineering firm (several million in funds and stock), dealing with the SEC as well as taxes and he had Parkinson's and was 82!!!! Came highly recommended here in DC by 3 other high-powered Tax Attornies as the "best guy in the field"!

  24. The heavy volume days in the stock trading are often caused by various insiders all dumping large blocks...I haven't seen any insider buys.

    And that attorney has been a MLMer himself for a long time. Sharks and wolves WILL eat their own. Too bad he didn't write himself a Bill of Rights.

  25. I don't think they are necessarily "falling apart at the seams." They got rid of one lawyer and replaced him with other lawyers. From what I understand, those people are helping YTB meet compliance for travel, not whatever the MLM guy did. I doubt it was health reasons, you don't up and fire a guy b/c he's sick, especially a lawyer for goodness sakes! That's lawsuit potential I'm sure.

    As for him being canned, what is the need for an MLM lawyer? Are there "proper" ways to run network marketing? Obviously he wasn't doing a very good job anyway, seeing as all of the videos being taken off and rules on how to act at trade shows came AFTER his discharge...

  26. Gee lbtravel-Where did you get your medical degree? Don't make a diagnosis based on an observation. The poor guy could have been shaking from the stress "Coach" and his band of merry men put on him. I hope he sues the pants off of all of them. What a bunch of idiots hiring "family" without legal expertise to do legal work.
