Just who the hell is Phil Piccolo? Sure, I have read some internet sites that reference him--and he does indeed seem like a one man MLM scam machine! If the rumors are true, I understand that he has already been named a director. So, again,why does YTB want a known scam artist as their Numero Uno Major Domo? I mean they already had some bad press on Angelo Degenhard--just does not make sense to me. My hypothesis is that the more people recruited, the more money for the top of the pyramid! The owners are sure not making any money on selling their stock now that it seems firmly entrenched at a buck--so I guess if Phil can bring in 100K members that is a cool $50 Mil for the top dogs and another $5 Mil a month in rental fees for the websites.
It has been posed that we do not know this is the "same" Phil Piccolo--but that is sort of like saying we have a quarterback that played in the SuperBowl for the Patriots several times named "Tom Brady" who wants to play for us--but we are not sure it is the same "Tom Brady".
So, what is the story on this mysterious Phil Piccolo? Google it here!
Although this is a step, it would have made more sense, to have them book more than 5 cruises...that minimal...how about 20, how about 50?? That would weed out the real people selling travel. But the untouchable Carnival/YTB alliance how just got a kink in its armor. I'm sure it was in response to many emails. I had emailed Carnival corporate stating I wouldn't ever book them until they took a stand on the "card mills", and I made it clear that i'm a consumer not a TA.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the spin on this one from the YTBers. Maybe they should "stick" it to them...maybe they don't need them? Pretty soon the only travel YTB will be booking is a dingy in China, pre-olympic time. Good luck...your gonna need it.
I wonder if Mr. Piccolo will be attending the bash..I mean the guy could fill a cruise ship with just the amount of people he ripped off.
ReplyDeleteHey Proud, is it the REAL Coach on the ship or some other Coach? Parcells maybe?
Woah! You're talking about a man who just joined YTB here... according to your information. Now you re saying that he may already be a director? Director isn't a title that is just handed to you from out of the blue. It is a status you build up to as your team gets built. If you paid attention at the meeting you atended, you would know this.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't know this Phil Piccolo and am not even sure he is in YTB. Where's the proof? Yeah, I see links that state that he is in YTB, but where is the link to his website? I could go online and create a link to a page that states that I found the fountain of youth... LOL! Just because something is stated on the internet... doesn't mean it's gospel. I even looked up past e-mails from YTB that list all the bonus earners in the BIZ REPORTS. I never once seen Phil's name. Now, if he had a downline and people were joining, Phil would be receiving bonuses left and right for every 6 people.
If I'm not mistaken, this is Mr. Piccolo's YTB site. But then again since nobody puts their real info on their sites..who knows
Your in YTB, wouldn't you know?
I don't know if Proud is even in YTB....how do we know its even Proud? Oh wait, thats easy Proud makes the most outragous claims and lies...so we know its Proud. Deny it Proud, keep denying it. With your misinformation campaign, I'm sure it is THE Mr. Piccolo, but you will deny that. Deny the Carnival thing, oh RCL, IATAN, and the list goes on and on and on...
ReplyDeleteI operate a small little B&M travel agency. I decided to put up some hidden camera's and here is what I found this morning. Needless to say, this agent has been terminated.
ReplyDeleteTake a look
Lisa, again, this could be Phil's site... or it may not be. I do not know everyone in YTB... just as you don't personally know all the other traditional travel agents who comment here.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is that I have never seen Phil's name mentioned in a bonus earnings report and if he was being a powerhouse as claimed (in recruiting), his name would be on it over and over again.
Proud, maybe he's doing YTB under one of his aliases?? ;-) Just a thought
ReplyDeleteMLM Watchdog: Index / Consumer Protection Network Marketing Due ...18 Jan 2006 – Phil Piccolo (latest alias = Don Johnson) ............. MLM - NetWork Marketing-Party Plans. Are Good! Yes, there are some bad companies out ...
www.mlmwatchdog.com/ - 81k -
Proud. Phillip Angelo Piccolo is in YTB. He just won 1st place in the Coach's B/D Bash. Check the status
ReplyDeleteWell, there goes the neighborhood!
ReplyDeleteytbscam said:
ReplyDelete"I had emailed Carnival corporate stating I wouldn't ever book them until they took a stand on the "card mills", and I made it clear that i'm a consumer not a TA."
Sweetie, you really have issues, and by no means could you consider yourself a "consumer" after your experience with YTB.
Talk about "spin". ;-P
There are two sides to every story folks. I’m aware of the propaganda that is being put out about Phil Piccolo. I will also verify that the link above is the same Phil Piccolo mentioned on a web site called World Wide Scam Network.
However, at the same time, I am also aware that that owner of this web site has filed bankruptcy himself for close to $1 Million.
Point is, just like ytbscam claiming she’s some sort of consumer, things may or may not be as clear as they might first appear.
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.
ReplyDelete32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Hello---you must have stumbled to the wrong blog. Try http://religiouszealots.blogspot.com is you are looking to quote scripture.
ReplyDelete--Have a blessed day!
It must be a really boring birthday cruise if Proud and Doug want to spend their time blogging.
ReplyDeleteJeez, a cruise with no one to recruit! A YTBers nightmare really.
I'm going on a cruise next week and will be at MCO on Sunday. If I see anyone wearing their "Ask me how I got here for free" shirts I;ll try and get a pic.
ReplyDelete"Jeez, a cruise with no one to recruit! A YTBers nightmare really."
ReplyDeleteLOL! I was waiting for someone to make that comment!
Eddie you win the pool!
Contact me and I'll send you a check. ;-P
Lol Ion, I'm laughing because I'm actually going to Disney with my kids next week, and was wondering if I'd see any of the fools walking around the park with their lime green shirts..my camera phone will be armed and ready. :)
ReplyDeleteYou know...I hear Carnival pays their ob board people about $50 a month. The Sensation has a crew of 920. Maybe Coach can call a play to waive the sign up fee since they are technically "in" the travel business.
ReplyDeleteGame on!
That's $46,000 a month in website rental income and showing these guys about the millions to be made traveling. Heck, you can probably show them the REAL numbers and it will look good to them.
oh, here are some more alias' "according to the internet" of course ;-)
ReplyDeleteHis many aliases include:
Johnny d'Angelo, Johnny Dangelo, Phillip Angelo P.,
Joseph Stevens, Don Johnson, and Felix Angelo
Dang, don't those names sound like PORN stars? lolol
source: http://worldwidescam.info/sumphilp.htm
And if hes so legit...why does he need alias? Thats my question? A nickname is one thing, but come on!
ReplyDeleteTravelpro, please don't call me sweetie, I never stated that I was female but thanks. Because I'm not.
ReplyDeleteBut but is it the REAL Johnny d'Angelo? Or is it the REAL Johnny Dangelo? Or is it the REAL Phillip Angelo? Or is it the REAL Joseph Stevens? Or is it the REAL Don Johnson? Or stand up if your the REAL Felix Angelo?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Proud will question all the above...you know because PHIL is such a honest person...you know.
Hey wow TravelPro so your now defending one of the biggest scam artists out there??? Thats takes the cake. Your YTBers really know how to defend your thiefs!!! But then again I wouldn't expect anything else from you.
There is alot of information out there about Phil, and it doesn't come from one website.
"I operate a small little B&M travel agency. I decided to put up some hidden camera's and here is what I found this morning. Needless to say, this agent has been terminated."
ReplyDeleteI don't know why, Tom. You keep saying that's all we're good for...
Kiss, kiss!
Old Hen
Proud to be YTB said...
ReplyDelete"You're talking about a man who just joined YTB here... "
"Personally, I don't know this Phil Piccolo and am not even sure he is in YTB."
"I have never seen Phil's name mentioned in a bonus earnings report and if he was being a powerhouse as claimed (in recruiting), his name would be on it over and over again."
Take a look at your list of winners on the Birthday Bash contest of top 500 Power Team Sales.
Who's your number one?
Who's your daddy?
ReplyDeleteAnd this guy only signed up for YTB in mid September I believe.
Hey BTW Proud--how is the weather in Nassau?
Forgot the link..silly me!
Here is a link I found on Phil. Interesting to say the least. It suggests that he is giving his best to another company until 2011.
ReplyDeleteytbs said -
ReplyDelete" I wonder if Mr. Piccolo will be attending the bash..I mean the guy could fill a cruise ship with just the amount of people he ripped off. "
How many is that? Please share the documentation to back that up?
p.s. - Ann - that wasn't me - I don't hide behind screen names.
Hey Proud where yah at? Hiding? It can't be THAT Phil Piccolo...why yes....yes it can be! Once again you are WRONG WRONG WRONG!
ReplyDeleteProud? Proud? Where hath thou gone?
ReplyDeleteCalling the back office to find out why you were "lied" to once again? Trying to figure out how to make a spin of the new bad news?
"p.s. - Ann - that wasn't me - I don't hide behind screen names."
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Then I wonder who I've been kissing... Anyone want to own up? The feathers will give you away, you know...
Awww... did you miss me??? I was on a cruise basking in the sun of the Bahamas... and getting sunburned. Man, it still hurts a bit. Anyway, in good news, YTB has opened it's doors in the Bahamas! On Feb.8, YTB wil officially be in Canada!
ReplyDeleteOn Feb 1, the rules of California pertaining to getting credentials and the CLIA will apply to EVERYONE! Personal travel bookings DO NOT count towards the $1500 worth required for credentials!
YTB will issue out ONE presentation format that EVERY presenter MUST use! NO EXCEPTIONS!
YTB cars is in discussions with other auto dealers about joining YTB!
Also, Coach Tomer is looking forward to the meeting in Tampa tomorrow and so am I.
Nice ignorant comment. Any negative comments about Phil Crookolo is not some propaganda. It is the truth. He is a crook, a liar, and a charlatan without a shred of ethics and character. How is anything negative on Phil a propaganda? On the contrary, any positive comments on Phil is the one that is dubious with some hidden agenda. Either that or the person making a positive comment on Phil is a moron or Phil himself hiding behind yet another Gay MoFo Alias. Right? Of course.
ReplyDeletePhil Piccolo's latest alias attempt is "Brad Williams" with DubaiMLM. But he may have more, you never know. His latest favorite ploy is to take someone else and use them as a front so he can operate off their credibility -- until he ruins it.
ReplyDeleteAnd YES. Anyone going to bat for Phil is working with him attempting to conduct damage control. The man is a troll. It is amazing to me the people who will turn a blind eye because it is the business they are involved with. Disgusting.