While 2000 RTAs and Reps were sailing on the Carnival Sensation to Nassau, I had some to cull some numbers that were released by YTB. Culling, it is sort of like gleaning, so it should be comprehensible to most.
There was a contest for tis incentive trip. The 500 RTAs with the most sales in a little more than three month period would win a cruise with Coach for his birthday party. I assume the contest was created to kick up the sales a notch--just like the Sail-A-Thon was supposed to do. Maybe this was another step for YTB to (as Kim Sorenson has said) "legitimize" the concept.
But after looking at the numbers shown on YTB's site, I am not so sure this was a success at all? The numbers open the door for many other questions and concerns.
- How does someone with only 7 bookings over 106 days qualify as a "Top Producer"?
- If 540 RTAs made 7153 bookings to earn "Top Producer" status, what did the other 149,460 RTAs do?
- How come all of the people that email me telling me how much they sell, are not on this list?
- Will the RTAs report this cruise as income to the IRS?
- How did they calculate these numbers if the SAP system is not installed? Gleaning?
- If these are "Top Producers", one would think that the 13,000 cruises sold on the Sail-A-Thon might impact this group...unless those 13,000 were all sold by the bottom producers.
- Being generous and calculating each booking at $3500 fully commissionable at 16%, the average RTA would have earned $4450 for the three months. So, where are the riches if the "Top Producers" are earning just above minimum wage?
- Not being generous and being realistic that each booking was more along the lines of $1500, the commissions retained by YTB probably did not cover the cost of chartering the ship.
- It is strange that YTB will use the terms "bookings" and "sales" at different times when it best suits their needs. You will rarely (dare I say never) see the two together--that might paint a real picture!
- I decided to let my downline participate instead of me
- I book all my travel personally and don't use the website *
- You just don't understand YTB
- I was on the ship, you can't prove I wasn't
- You are an old hen
- One Billion Dollars in 2008**
* Then why they hell are you in an Internet based travel opportunity?
** The "billion" stays the same, it just seems the year keeps changing.
7. I comment on blogs in a different name to the one YTB knows me by.
ReplyDeleteI'm so confused!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you only made 7 bookings over a 3 month period, how does that make you a "top producer" ? How much in sales does that add up to?
And yes where are all the people who are always on this blog talking about the millions and trillions of dollars they are making? Why weren't they listed on the cruise?
Some stats based on the numbers from that YTB report:
ReplyDelete48.15% made between 7 and 9 bookings
44.63% made between 10 and 24 bookings
5% made between 25 and 49 bookings
2.22% made over 50 bookings
Millions and trillions???
ReplyDeletePlease! I never said I was making millions and trillions.
About the 7 bookings over a 3 month period...
Over the months of te contest period, many people have children... who happen to go to school. Therefore, those people are the least likely to be taking a vacation while their kids are going to school.
Also Temptress, just because there was a contest, it doesn't mean that everyone took part in it.
As far as "top producing" goes, this is the top producing for the 3 month period! it's quite possible that they happen to book more durinmg other months... or not.
It's a great thing that I live in Florida, because during schooltime, I am easily able to get families to partake in a weekend ad Disney... which counted to qualify me or the contest.
Some may have made 6 sales. some may have made 5, 4, 3, 2 1, and yes john... even 0 sales during those months. It's not up to you to try to figure out who was on the cruise and why. this was already figured out by YTB.
Again, your idiocy rears it's ugly head with a topic like this.
I can see it now...
"In today's news, John has won the lottery, but instead of going to the state capitol to calim his winnings, he calls them up to ask them why he has won. When they tell him, he proceeds to argue the case."
BTW... to answer you stupid question, NO WE CANNOT CLAIM THE CRUISE TO THE IRS because we didn't pay for it! IT WAS FREE TO US!
Excuses, excuses.
ReplyDelete"BTW... to answer you stupid question, NO WE CANNOT CLAIM THE CRUISE TO THE IRS because we didn't pay for it! IT WAS FREE TO US!"
ReplyDeleteYou misunderstand....John said:
"Will the RTAs report this cruise as income to the IRS?"
You may need to declare the cruise that was given to you as a GIFT and pay the appropriate taxes on it.
This by far is one of the funniest things I have ever read on this blog...Proud you never fail to bring a good laugh...
ReplyDelete"As far as "top producing" goes, this is the top producing for the 3 month period! it's quite possible that they happen to book more durinmg other months... or not."
What a pathetic excuse...now the sorry lack of sales are due to YTB picknig the slowest months for booking?? AHAHAHAHA
"Over the months of te contest period, many people have children... who happen to go to school. Therefore, those people are the least likely to be taking a vacation while their kids are going to school."
ReplyDeleteMost people plan vacations months ahead - they purchase the trips now and take them later - isn't that how it works? So they could buy a trip now for when the children aren't in school.
Thats how my clients do it.
You didn't limit your clients during the contest to only travel during those 3 months did you???
BTW... to answer you stupid question, NO WE CANNOT CLAIM THE CRUISE TO THE IRS because we didn't pay for it! IT WAS FREE TO US!
ReplyDeleteUm, excuse me? Prizes count as income and you should report it as such. While free to you, there is a value to the cruise and that needs to be stated as income. It was highly advertised as a "prize" and not as a FAM, so be careful ... you can't report anything associated with it as a business expense.
Hold on a minute there proud....
ReplyDeleteYou said "Over the months of te contest period, many people have children... who happen to go to school. Therefore, those people are the least likely to be taking a vacation while their kids are going to school. "
Was the contest for bookings or travel completed?
The last 3 months of last year are exactly the time when people are booking their travel for the following year. I booked over $85,000 in the last quarter for travel to be completed in this year, and picked up a lot of last minute trips for the holiday season as well.
So, did the contest state that only bookings that were completed in 2007 qualified?
Here's my other question...
ReplyDeleteProud said "Also Temptress, just because there was a contest, it doesn't mean that everyone took part in it."
Usually when a company holds a sales contest it is to increase sales, brand awareness and morale.
Since you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a YTBer, how is it that there are so few that participated? Who was in charge of getting people to participate? How often were you given updates as to your standing in the contest? I would expect a multi level marketing company to do a bang up job of marketing their own contest! But it doesn't look like many were inspired to particpate.
Well, duh, of course it can't be counted as a business expense. As far as reporting it as actual income goes, I will have to ask my CPA about that.
ReplyDeleteIf a family member gives you a gift by paying for a cruise for you, do you have to report that as income?
Did I make a profit by going on that cruise? NO! Did I pay anything out to go on the cruise? NO!
FAM trips, yes, you have to report them, but this... I highly don't think so. Like I said, I will doublecheck with my CPA to be sure.
Temptress, as to the actual number of participants, there's no way to tell. Some went the route of trying to sign people on. Others went the rout of trying to generate travel sales.
ReplyDeleteNow I know that I had to do a little bit of scrambling to ensure that I would be one of those on the ship. it turns out that I really didn't need to, because I had enough bookings over the minimum qualifying one. Anyway, the clients of mine who already booked their trips in May, june, July weren't ready to book another one yet during the time of the contest. Some did. In the process, I also made some new clients.
Since there were no standings during the contest as to travel booked, there was no way to tell what the number to beeat was. As far as i was concerened, it could have been 1... or it could have been 20. The winners were announced when the contest was over.
"If a family member gives you a gift by paying for a cruise for you, do you have to report that as income?"
ReplyDeleteIt was not a family member and it is not a gift - you had to perform a specific duty in order to "earn" this prize - it is considered remuneration. Be careful. If they do it correctly, it should be included in any 1099 YTB sends you.
Oh but wait - YTB fired it's lawyer and hired someone who is not a lawyer to watch out for those issues...........
ReplyDeleteCTA in MD said...
ReplyDelete"Oh but wait - YTB fired it's lawyer and hired someone who is not a lawyer to watch out for those issues..........."
Actually I heard Teddy quit to go work for Gov. Arnold to settle that $362,351.94 debt.
This blog has gotten somewhat ridiculous. It reminds my of an internet version of "The View" . . . we have CTA in MD, Travel Tempress, YTBScam, and various anonymous posters bitching and moaning about YTB and how it is making life so unfair for them.
ReplyDeleteTime to change the channel!
Umm YTB isn't changing my life at all. Never said it was making my life unfair. Once again YTBers assuming everything and stating stuff that has nothing to do with anything...typical and expected.
ReplyDeleteI have no connections to YTB other than a relative being scammed and now being pissed at the world because shes not making anything. Shes trying to recruit like a banshee....stating over and over about travel perks. Obviously there are millions upon millions of smarter people, than the ones who join the scam. If it was such a "great" deal everyone would be on board.
Everytime something doesn't jive there is a excuse...Proud....can't add, now its the wrong months, whats next? LOL
Actually, I've never, ever said it's een "unfair" to me. I relish competition, especially when the competitors can give me a run for my money - so far, the only YTB person here who has in any way shown me that he can, is Doug. He is the only who seems to have nay knowledge of business - home-based, MLM or otherwise. He is the only one who seems to actually book travel - focusing on that more than building his downline, and he is the only who is not ignorant of the travel industry itself.
ReplyDeleteProud continues to show us he knows very little - I believe elsewhere I once called him "ignorant" even explaining that this is not the same as "stupid" - just ignorant of the rules.
I can even remember the name of the idiot who thinks it's "sophisticated" to call the color of her car, "cocaine white".
You, IBtravel have illustrated no actual knowledge of travel - you never even comment on travel issues - you just complain about what others have posted. In fact, you're the one who keeps crying about posters here being unfair to YTB......
I'm crying about posters being unfair to YTB?
ReplyDeleteI think you have me completely confused with someone else.
I've never defended YTB.
I've noticed alot of activity with the amount of stock trading. My opinion, someone at the top is trying to keep the stock afloat. Something is amiss.
ReplyDeleteTravel agency manager tip for the day.
ReplyDeleteEvery morning, always insure there are plenty of corn cobs in the candy dish before your agents arrive for work.
YTB tip of the day....
ReplyDelete"Make sure there is plenty of kook-aid, in the water jug!"
Hey AfganScam! Are you the same old smart feller as ytbscam? Accountant to boot? LOL.
ReplyDeleteIts default you idiot. At least I'm not hiding behind anonymous..imagine that. I bet most of these anonymous posts are coming from the same person. Changing the topic once again..you YTBers never learn.
ReplyDelete"I'm crying about posters being unfair to YTB?"
ReplyDeleteOMG you're the idiot! He meant that you guys cry about how unfair YTB makes it for you.
Geez. Yor aunt falls for a gimmick and you can't read...apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?
Looks like we have another undeducated brain dead idiot on here...
ReplyDeleteAnd I QUOTE....
"In fact, you're the one who keeps crying about posters here being unfair to YTB......"
Pee...shouldn't that be PEA...for your brain size?
"OMG you're the idiot! He meant that you guys cry about how unfair YTB makes it for you."
He meant...oh ok...so all the talk about recruitment, all the misinformation from Proud, and the other YTBers, were mistakes, and they MEANT to sell travel?? hahaha
Oh wait ANOTHER mistake..or misunderstanding by a YTBer!!
elemenohpee said...
ReplyDelete"Geez. Yor aunt falls for a gimmick and you can't read...apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?"
LMNOP, please don't be too hard on old AfganScam. As long as he has a functioning brain stem, and he makes an occastional bit of sense, I think we owe him the benfit of the doubt. I really like the guy. He's quite amusing
Regarding his aunt doing so poorly in YTB, perhaps there is a legitimate reason. Here is a previous post that I'm sure went way over his stem.
"If the nephew is a reflection of the aunt, it is now understood as to why ones positive attitude and likeability factor is so very important for success in the network referral industry."
Appears YTBSCAM is now posting from Afganistan as I noted this from his profile which he promptly removed.
He also claims to be some sort of accountant. From the looks of his math calcs, appears he uses his fingers and toes quite often.
But as I said, I like the guy.
ReplyDeleteelemenohpee 4
Um, really, did you eat paint chips as a child? Suck on an exhaust pipe? Let me break it down for you:
ReplyDeleteIbtravel said: "various anonymous posters bitching and moaning about YTB and how it is making life so unfair for them."
ct in md said: "You, IBtravel have illustrated no actual knowledge of travel - you never even comment on travel issues - you just complain about what others have posted. In fact, you're the one who keeps crying about posters here being unfair to YTB......"
ytbscam: "I'm crying about posters being unfair to YTB? I think you have me completely confused with someone else. I've never defended YTB."
I said: "He meant that you guys cry about how unfair YTB makes it for you."
First, no one was talking to you. Second AND I QUOTE, you're an idiot :)
What don't you get? People on here complain about ytb and it being unfair (not my words), this was not directed to you, you thought it was, I pointed out that you're an idiot simply because you call everyone else on here that.
ytbscam: "Hi pot, it's the kettle. You're an idiot."
(For the record, I am not in YTB. Nor am I a travel agent. Just an interested party. I worked in traditional insurance; now do it online and work in tech support part-time. I also live in the area of YTB HQ, or whatever it's called.)
As for uneducated, I have a bachelors degree, which is probably more useful than your GED.
Ok kids, we've gotten totally off track here...
ReplyDeleteSo does anyone have the sales figures for these "top producers"? And please don't just pull a million dollar number outa your you-know-what. Does anyone have the actual sales figures?
Busy day for YTB 306k in stocks traded. Average is usually 180k...and not ONE CENT MADE!!! Billions I tell you...BILLIONS to be made!!
ReplyDeleteBusy day for YTB 306k in stocks traded. Average is usually 180k...and not ONE CENT MADE!!! Billions I tell you...BILLIONS to be made!!
ReplyDeleteelemenohpee 10
¡cYtbscam, usted es idot y es cerebro muerto!
ReplyDelete¿Dónde es viejo Juan, la plata zorro? Él es reservado. Este blog está agujereando y está en la necesidad del nuevo tema.
我預先安排美妙的旅行到上海。YTB 有非常好車費。我將去奧林匹克和將度過美好時光。YTB 是最佳。
ReplyDeleteWow you YTBers are awesome! Speaking Spanish now....
ReplyDelete"I'm a idiot and brain dead".....wow! Must be that the YTBers are the only ones that speak Spanish now!!! Guess that will increase recruitment!! LOL...jokes on you anonymous!!
So Proud, now that you have been proven wrong about Mr. Piccolohead...whats your stance on it? Oh wait you have chosen to completely IGNORE it once again. Proven wrong and you ignore, change the subject.
ReplyDeleteOh wait I bet you will put a new spin on it, that he is a changed man, The "scamers" Tomers, told you so, and you believe everything they say! Heres to some more kook aid!
YTBSCAM usted es como el perro que sigue su cola.
ReplyDeleteProud, You HAVE to claim the value of the cruise BECAUSE you WON it. It was NOT a gift!
ReplyDeleteLOL---easy audit for the IRS. Wham, nailed 1000 returns. They just need the URLS and the names are all there for them!
ReplyDeleteSomething does not add up. Doug B. sells all of this travel and did not qualify for the Coach's Cruise?
ReplyDeleteIt looks to me like he is a GREAT communicator with his blog, but there are little travel sales to back up his talk. I have a brother-in-law in YTB and he said outside bookings counted when they did the proper paperwork with YTB. To not even make 7 sales in 3 1/2 months certainly raises a question. At the same time, he does a heck of a job communicating the YTB story.
Either that or DOUG is another fake. Claim all you want, but the numbers tell many other lies. He wasn't one of the "invited", take what he says with a grain of salt. Proud squared.
ReplyDeleteHow much do you really know about Doug? He’s done more for this company than anyone Rep or RTA I’ve ever seen! I wish I had his talent and experience! I spoke with Doug about the Uniworld booking he did some time ago, guess what, can’t find it on our web site, so it has to be direct.
ReplyDeleteI checked out his claim about booking direct as part of the rules and sure enough, he’s right.
“Travel sales will be based on the number of bookings (double occupancy) for all cruises, tours, and vacation packages booked through your personalized booking engine. Air, car, and hotel will ONLY be included in the total if all three are booked together. No other combinations of air, car, and hotel will apply. Vendor direct bookings will not count toward your total; group cruises will count ONLY if processed through the YTB group cruise module of your booking engine.”
I’m sure he can handle his own around here, but please leave him alone. He’s a very smart, nice, and huge asset to YTB.
Tread carefully leavalone.
ReplyDeleteHe lies in wait for your kind of sensible post.
This guy is a real mean, rude dude, full of hostility. Rhymes with insecurity.
Proud to be YTB said...
ReplyDeleteIf a family member gives you a gift by paying for a cruise for you, do you have to report that as income?
In a nutshell per www.irs.gov if the "gift" is valued at over $12,000 in 2007 then YES you pay income taxes on it.
But this cruise from YTB is not a gift, it's an INCENTIVE for sales production, hence it's calculated as income and taxes accordingly by the IRS.
For those that oppose and want to ridicule me, “Thank you for sharing”
ReplyDeleteFor those that have commented kindly such as CTA, LeaveAlone, I thank you. In case I missed any others, my apologies, but like IB stated, it’s getting increasingly difficult to weed through all the crap here lately.
Take what you want about me. I can share these stats from an interview in Travel Trade to help put things in perspective.
(“Google” Kim Sorensen, Travel Trade)
- Ruth & Floyd from Frontenac only had 8 bookings, and made $13K in 2007
- Lenore from Pearl City only had 8 bookings, and made $14K in 2007
- Tina from Houston who made close to $19K in 2007 didn’t make the list?
- Carol from Fort Lauderdale who made over $11K in 2007 didn’t make the list?
Who knows why some did and some didn’t, but to base blanket assumptions about anyone’s earnings in this company isn’t an accurate reflection of what anyone else can do. I’ve never really understood why people need to look at averages. I always try to model what the best can do. What I or anyone else does is no guarantee that your result will be the same.
Uniworld, FunJet, Trip Tailor, Globus, Brendan, and Magestic America are not found on our booking engines. It was my choice to book with them instead.
PS – Proud, dude, most of my bookings these days ARE for next summer when the kids are out of school.
PS – Scam, don’t kid yourself, you’re still hiding behind a screen name. Give us a profile everyone can read. (And get a life.)
PS – John, I’m in this opportunity for one word – “leverage”. ;-P
I try to translate.
ReplyDelete我預先安排美妙的旅行到上海。YTB 有非常好車費。我將去奧林匹克和將度過美好時光。YTB 是最佳。
My prearrange wonderful travel Shanghai. YTB has the extremely good fare. I will go to the Olympics and pass the happy time. YTB is best.
ReplyDeleteAre the figures you had posted their sales figures or their commissions for the year?
- Ruth & Floyd from Frontenac only had 8 bookings, and made $13K in 2007
- Lenore from Pearl City only had 8 bookings, and made $14K in 2007
- Tina from Houston who made close to $19K in 2007 didn’t make the list?
- Carol from Fort Lauderdale who made over $11K in 2007 didn’t make the list?
Last night, I spoke to Coach Tomer... as he was in Tampa. He did address to all that he did indeed pay for the cruise for all f us out of his own pocket. This makes perfect sense, because he gets a healthy tax write-ff for it.
ReplyDeleteYou can speculate all you want to about the Tomers. until you grow the balls enough to go meet them face to face and really get to know them, you will continue to be a bunch of clueless people making assumptions. Anyway, the Tomers aren't in the least bit worried about the "pebbles in the road", and quite frankly, neither am I. YTB will prevail and continue to grow and be a force to be reckoned with.
I also got to meet Mr. Ron Head, and even got a picture taken with him... and yes, I was wearing his director ring. he told me that as long as I keep up the effort I'm putting into my YTB business, I will have no problems upgrading my level 1 ring for a level 2, then 3, 4, 5, 6... and yes, even a level 7 where Ron currently stands.
Guys, you have absolutely no idea about the integrity of these people!
Coach sold his home to start up YTB. Yeah, he sold stocks to buy it back. He had every right to!
So, we have a suspended IATAN. SO WHAT!!! We are still booking travel! We still get FAM trips! We still are offered courtesies when using proper protocol. We are still recruiting... at least here in Fl, it's strong. At Monday's meeting, there were 9 new pwople. this was at 1 meeting. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SIGNED UP! How do I know? Well, they are all brought in by members of my downline. I spent a good part of the day just sending out e-mails to them... starting with a welcome letter, and ending with lots of training materials!
And I agree with Doug as to why he's with YTB... for the same word applies to me. You know absolutely nothing about this word, because it doesn't apply to you.
ReplyDeleteThe word is LEVEREGE!
The word is LEVERAGE.
ReplyDeleteI apologize, but I don't believe you. Why on earth would someone approach someone and ask about a "gift" they were just given? Did you really approach him and ask if YTB paid for the cruise or if he personally did?
If you did, how gauche!
John, while he was on stage speaking into the microphone, he announced to EVERYONE that he paid for the cruise out of his own pocket! It was really a big show of appreciation for the people of YTB. He knew that he couldn't take everyone. The cruise could only hold so many people, plus he was spending enough for it. He Narrowed it down and turned it ino a "contest" to see who would be the ones going. It's only fair. Why have someone who has done absolutely nothing be a guest on a cruise? Why can't you understand that?
ReplyDeleteHey, why don't you go ask Tomer yourself since you can't believe a Director? why, since you can't believe a Director... don't you go ask Tomer yourself and stop asking us for answers???
You ask questions... you get answers. If you don't like the answers you get, because they don't fit your criteria for wanting YTB to look bad... TOUGH!
I want to see a picture of these "director rings". What is the requirement to get them and do they come in different styles and colors? Obviously they have the men's and women's rings. It's amazing what one will do for a trinket ;-)
ReplyDeleteIt's not just about the ring. I could care less whether I got a ring for each level of Director I make. The main thing is that for each level of Director one reaches... the more money that person makes.
ReplyDeleteBTW... Trinket??? FYI, those are real gold rings... worth a lot mre than your H.S. class ring.
Proud--you were all excited about having your picture with Ron Head and Scott and Coach. Now you say the ring does not mean a thing for you?
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't the ring I got my picture taken for. It was just the experience of the moment. To be there talking face to face with Ron... a true mentor. Yeah, he may be a close friend of the Tomer's, but Coach didn't automatically make him a Director. He worked his way up... just like everyone else... by building teams who built teams... who built teams.
ReplyDeleteThe experience of the moment!!! Christ, this is not an Academy Award for crying out loud. Yo met some guy who was successful in MLM. Look at ANY MLM and you will find them--usually on top of the pyramid!
ReplyDeleteAnd if you believe that Ron and Judy Head started on the bottom just like you--and that you have the same opportunity to rise to their level of deity, you are sorely mistaken and I have a nice mansion on the hill to sell you!
John, they did start at the bottom, but weren't there for too long... as they initially went out and got others into the business. Coach didn't just say, "Welcome to YTB Ron! You're automatically a Director."
ReplyDeleteI know Ron. You don't.
I talked with Ron. You didn't.
Te bottom line is.. STOP your nonsense speculation. I am giving you the facts Jack (John). If you don't like it because they don't fit in with your anti-YTB campaign... TOUGH!
Maybe if Doug chimed in on this and said the same exact thing I am saying.... then maybe you'd believe... since you and he are great friends.
Proud--you are getting awfully defensive lately. Perhaps I am making sense.
ReplyDeleteBut if not, and you no longer to be subject to my opinion you are free to leave.
Defensive? Naaah! Just correcting your misinformation with a fact.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know I'm free to leave.
I also know that I am right on the mark when it comes to this discussion about Ron.