This video had embedding disabled by request, so you will need to CLICK HERE to see it. While the contents offer no surprises, yet again, it reinforces just how important the recruiting aspect is to YTB.
The message is all about exposing the opportunity daily to as many people as possible. The "actor" stresses to not deal with people that "don't get it" or "don't want to get it", but to make sure you find those that "do get it". Pretty reasonable. He also said that "most" don't get it. One wonders why?
One of the points he made was to get "travel testimonials" which apparently is a different definition than I am used to using. As I see it, he is talking about personally traveling on the perks and discounts in order to provide your own testimony in selling the program. He tell you that you should use the CLIA number since they lost the IATA number and encourages people to go out and get some discounts and travel. He mentions a recent trip to Cozumel with his parents that was 100% tax deductible. Hmmm. I like the way the IATAN thing was glanced over.
In the "real" travel industry, a testimonial is from a client and it discusses how the agent served them, their experiences at the property or cruise line, and typically some sort of endorsement.
This appears to be more of a travel on a discount so you can tell people you travel at a discount. And then sell them on the program. Again, no real surprises here but still awfully smarmy!
Does anyone know how much you actually had to sell to be in the top 500 and qualify for the trip?
ReplyDeleteI saw the press release and those numbers were not disclosed. Coach did say that the 2007 numbers were higher than 2006. But if RTAs are making $57 a month in July 07, one would hope that it goes up
ReplyDeleteThe itemized list can be found here
Total in travel sales: 7153
The average RTA sold 13
The bottom 90 people sold 7 each
Total REP sales: 18506
The average REP sold 33
The bottom 42 people sold 22 each
Contest ran from August 18 - December 2, 2007
Interetingly not much of a jump on cruise sales occurred during their sailathon. The math does not add up.
I remember seeing a YTB BizReport (I think I saw it on here) that showed 6 bookings got in you in the top 500. This was from mid-August through November. I haven't seen anything since the end of the contest and since it was mentioned in the video I thought a YTBer on here might be able to post just how many bookings it took to make it to the top 500...
ReplyDeleteOn 11/06/07 the reported TOP 637 travel sales totaled 5,845. On 11/12/2007 the reported TOP 575 travel sales totaled 6,408.
ReplyDeleteNo one has confimed actual numbers on sailathon. The numbers thrown in range anywhere from 22,000 to 8,000 for cruise sales on ONE day. My take is most rta either bought for themselves or to gift just as the croach suggested.
Thanks, I couldn't get to the pages but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a very impressive number.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I'm clear on the Birthday Cruise numbers...was that something you had to sign up for and was counted separately? Or did 7 bookings in 3 1/2 months get you in the top 500 out of all 130,000+ RTAs?!
ReplyDeleteWhat is VERY interesting is the drop off in new sales on the REP side. 18,500 sold=18.500 new RTAs. 14 weeks that is 1321 per week or 188 per day. A few months ago, I saw documentation that 400 to 500 were signing up each day. Even basing it on a 5 day week it is 264 per day.
ReplyDeleteThat is a 62% drop in recruiting.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if they started to drop off. The loss of "perks" from venders, the $1500 sold in travel, now Carnival requiring the bookings. No longer can you "travel" for free so easily. And the pool will eventually dry up on recruits. You will see a larger numver of people quitting than are joining....its only a matter of numbers.
I think it is funny that the folks that are on this blog saying how much they are making--none of them made the cut for travel sales or recruiting.
ReplyDeleteI mean if Metre Wishom is buying a Bentley with YTB money you would think that she could muster 7 sales in three months.
It appears that YTB money doesn't even buy you enough "Cocine White" to get a buzz...never mind the Bentley...lol
ReplyDeleteThings that make you go hmmmm
ReplyDeleteguess whos the #1 REP on the list
Phillip Angelo Piccolo with 202 recruits
and I do not see the StJohn lady on the list, supposedly the superduper #1 mlm person ever. .
things that make you go hmmmm
ReplyDeleteOf course they don't nobody is making money. Put it this way I heard it through the "grapevine" that my Aunt if furious because she has made ZERO money since she has been on her recruiting drive!
That is great news since she has cut off most of her family now.
And all the loudmouths here on YTB, didn't make the cut because they are full of lies and more lies. They have been called out again and again and again....but I'm sure they will come back in full force and say this is a mistake! And Mr Piccolo...HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS THEE Piccolo...give me a break...YTBers are still the lowest scum on this earth as I have said before. Keep believing as your ship keeps sinking.
So would one of the regular YTB posters - besides Doug (since he's just about the only legitimate business person in the group) send us a photo from the Birthday cruise that they are one right now? Just a photo of the crowd on the ship - not a personal one....
ReplyDeleteInclude a date line from the ship's daily newsletter in the shot with today (or yesterday's) date on it...
Of course they are not! I am not even sure if Doug is on the cruise but you know that Roberts, Boek, Wishom, and the tree dude from New Hampshire are not. And because Proud is still in the closet, we don;t know his name so he may be on it, but somehow I think that he may not have made the cut. I mean he was unaware of the #1 dog!
ReplyDeleteytbs said - " I wouldn't be surprised if they started to drop off. The loss of "perks" from vendors . . . "
ReplyDeleteWhich ones? Not even a dozen have revamped their fam qualifications.
" . . .the $1500 sold in travel "
Sold. If they can't sell that in a year - why join 'eh?
" No longer can you "travel" for free so easily. "
Sure you can - you just have to know where to look.
" And the pool will eventually dry up on recruits. "
Not in our lifetimes. Especially since Canada is opening . . .
Get real . . .
LOL, as I figured most of the YTBers that post here are just full of it. EAB, the Prouds all chanting about the millions they are making. They aren't making anything. I'm sure there will be a "mistake" as to why they weren't invited.
ReplyDeleteFull of lies just like most of YTB.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why alot of the YTB join YTB is because they are told of the FREE travel they can get. Nothing about having to sell anything. Travel like a TA, Travel for Free, Ask me how I got here for free...etc etc....
And by the time they figure it out, its to late they have invested a ton of money in the "system".
Tom, I thought you made a good point on Dougs blog.
ReplyDelete"When the old hen travel agents become tired of the daily grind - they might want to consider joining YTB and employing LEVERAGE to get with the movement BEFORE the paradigm shift occurs once again in travel mlm's."
And they should also stop repeating their life in those 8 those easy steps.....Old Travel Hen Routine
The top travel earner for the cruise had 147 bookings. Those do not include air, flight, car or hotel. They are cruise and vaca packages only. The REP sales were only people that you signed up into your power team only.
ReplyDeleteytbscam-to put it simply, so you can understand: you're rude. Just because your aunt got duped into this and probably did nothing, so she made nothing, doesn't mean you can go around and say stupid sh_tty things about people you've never met. Have some class. You remind me of the child in "A League of Their Own" with the "you're gonna lose, wah wah wah."
"And by the time they figure it out, its to late they have invested a ton of money in the "system"."
If someone is dumb enough to not properly research and read into a company before investing 500 dollars into it, then they deserve everything they get. Sure, a YTB person can lie and try to trick you into it, but if you don't read the Terms and Conditions (which you have to do to sign up) then you're at fault and you're the stupid one.
No, I am not on the cruise this year. I’m impressed that so many believe that I would be. For the record, the photo on my blog is from a past YTB cruise CTA, and come to think of it, it wasn’t even a Birthday Bash cruise, it was for a Seminar at Sea last October before Funshine.
ReplyDeleteIt’s been discussed and I believe there will be a change for next years contest that those of us who book directly with suppliers will be able to qualify next year. It’s the first year of the travel contest and like it’s been pointed out here before, it’s difficult for YTB to track bookings not made directly through our booking engines. (Part of the reason we “glean” sales from our vendors currently.)
Besides, who’s going to stay behind to either recruit all of you! As Eddie pointed out here yesterday, everyone on the ship is already IN YTB. Where is the fun in that?
YTBScam. My apologies for the sex change. I’ve been known to be wro..wr..wron… (NUTS) mistaken before and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
I would like to commend you for the kind words about me being the scum of the earth. I’m extremely honored that you think so highly of both me and my company to put that out there for everyone to see.
You should be proud of the way you are able to express yourself.
As I leave for vacation tomorrow, and will miss all the banter back and forth, I must say this. About the only YTB person that seems to work is Doug. I do not come here to bad mouth any one specific person...except for those that do it first, then of course I will defend. Tom's old hen comments are so old and boring and not worth commenting on. This is not about bashing people. As I do not know anybody on here on a personal note, what I am here for is to defend what I personally feel is wrong. We all have our opinions, as we are all intitled to. I do not agree with YTB's or any MLM's motives in this industry...and for those that actually work for what they get, they deserve it. But those that sit on their collective a$$ and do nothing, except watch the website do the work, and collect what they are not entitled to...is just wrong. I'm glad Carnival did what they did. I hope everyone in this industry follows suit, then we can weed out the worthless.
ReplyDeleteOf course. Now it all makes sense. The low producers are on the cruise and have left behind the top producing ones because they don't use their website to book.
ReplyDeleteWhy would someone not cry foul with this? I mean really, I can sell 14 $299 cruises or Bahamian junkets and be on the Coach's Cruise, but if I am busting my ass selling groups on Princess or Cunard, and not booking it via the site I am not getting squat?
I don't believe that TP for a minute.
And what a better way to glean than to book something direct and then forward the confirmation to the HQ for tallying!
If I was an RTA providing service and working with the vendors, I woudl be screaming holy hell.
If you are booking direct with the Vendor, the commission check should still be going to YTB as you would be using their CLIA number, no? Any Agency with a decent back office system should have no problem tracking this. but more importantly doug, if the above is not correct and you are booking directly with the Vendor and the check is coming directly to you - what the heck are you doing with a host like YTB? You could be with a better host or you should be a stand-alone Home-based Agent working with one of the better Consortia - they also take care of the website for you - you'd be making a lot more money .... it's just silly! Really, it is!
ReplyDeleteThe problem is not what can be tracked, it’s what can be verified at this time. None my bookings come directly to me, I submit a Commission Claim Form for all bookings and they all go through the home office.
ReplyDeleteWho’s to say that anyone could just submit a bunch of Commission Claim Forms with bogus bookings just to get on the cruise? YTB simply has no way of verifying with the vendor directly at this time that these bookings ARE bookings until the commission actually comes in or electronically confirmed with each and every vendor. Something I believe the SAP software will eliminate. I do know we have electronic confirmation with Carnival, and use to with RCCL as well. (The verification would show up almost immediately with them.)
Others we do not and this is how it is currently handled. A check came in this month from UniWorld with booking number XXXX for $X amount. That booking is then matched up with the commission claim form I submitted in November of 2006 when I first made the booking. It’s in the system, but other than calling UniWorld directly for the booking, or submitting by hand all faxes sent by UniWorld by hand, YTB does not verify this booking with them until then. (I by the way requested they verify this booking when I first made it.)
Trust me, I was mad about this, but that’s the way it was explained to me when I found out. I was not aware of the rules, I didn’t not play by the rules, therefore I am sitting at home enjoying the company of good friends.
The reason I do not go with a regular host agency is because I happen to like the leverage YTB creates for me. If I succeed in training other team members to do what I do, I override what they book and I can enjoy posting on blogs and message board forums.
Thank you for the kind words and enjoy the time away with the beautiful baby of yours. (Or not…just husband, which could be even better!)
1/4/08 5:58 pm)
ReplyDeleteJF said, "It(YTB Stock)will be under a buck by the end of next week and will likely reside there for a while. (that's my prediction)"
Well times up and I am soooo disapointed! lol...closed today at $1.05. Folks, this is just another meaningless prediction. What else is our stock expert going predict?
Umm 1.05 is nothing to laugh about and its slowly going down again , it wont be long before its below $1, I predicated two weeks...it hasn't been two weeks yet.
ReplyDeleteAh - predictions. I wonder why they are termed that?
1.05?! That's .20 lower than when they announced their record earnings. This dog is definitely trending downward.
ReplyDeleteBut if you want predictions, here's two:
#1- Insiders will continue to dump their shares.
#2- Nobody on this blog is going to buy ANY shares and post the Buy confirmation as proof.
Lol? At 1.05? Zat you, Coach?
Crowing about 1.05 makes about as much sense as believing the recruiters when they tell you that "YTB is publicly traded so you know the SEC is overseeing them". Now that's something to lol about.
ReplyDeleteiontop said...
ReplyDelete"Crowing about 1.05 makes about as much sense as believing the recruiters when they tell you that "YTB is publicly traded so you know the SEC is overseeing them". Now that's something to lol about."
Congratulations iontop!
You have captured the "MLMs and Travel: A Bad Mix" village idiot award!
No YTB'er is "crowing" about the $1.05 closing today. It was merely to point out JF's lack of expertise in his "prediction" of how low the stock will go by the end of this week.
If I were you (and I'm glad I'm not) I would buy all the YTB stock I could muster. At $1.05...IT'S ON SALE!!!!!!!!!
Can you say,...Microsoft? Didn't think so. lol
Microsoft went public at $21 and never looked back. THey were never pink sheeted nor did they ever fire their CEO for "accounting irregularities". To my knowledge, they also operated legally and in compliance with the laws of the US.
ReplyDeleteLOL Doug. I'm actually going to Disney today with my hub, and 2 kids. Thank you, my lil one turns 1 this week, and both of them are excited. Have fun this week, and play nice. Will try to check in from moms because I'll just miss the banter entirely too much.
ReplyDeletePointing out that YTB is 1.05 and not 1.00 qualifies you as a Level 1 Director of Idiocy. Comparing YTB to MSFT qualifies you for Level 2. See Prediction #2 and put your money where your mouth is...let's see your Buy confirmation. Don't you buy everything Coach is selling you?
ReplyDeleteAside to John: About MSFT operating in compliance...hmmm, probably not the best example...lol...but that's topic enough for a whole new blog.
TL, Maybe I'll see you there Friday or Saturday...look for me..I'm the Village Idiot wearing a shirt that says "I bought a ticket to get here". lol
ReplyDeleteOf course, some YTBers think they will have a monoply on booking travel someday...so maybe comparing to MSFT is fair.
ReplyDeleteLOL this forum is great for laughs sometimes. Hell, my Uncle argued with me that the YTB stock was doing pretty good when he joined...it was hovering around $1.25, until I told him that it was around 9 bucks just a few months prior. You should have seen his face then.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt that this place can be hilarious...but the funniest thing by far is CCL b**chslapping Coach with the 5 bookings required just as he's stepping onboard the ship he chartered from them. Ouch!
ReplyDeleteAnd I realize this applies to ALL agents...it just doesn't MATTER to any except the MLMers.
Well those 5 bookings are nothing for real "AGENTS" and thats not your percentage of YTbers who just want everything for free. I'm going to pay you so I get free and discounted stuff. Anyone who thought this is was a good business plan doesn't have a brain. And that's what YTB is trying to do..promote discounted travel for free. Then you have the other group of idiots, running around promoting it with t-shirts, videos, farms whatever.
ReplyDeleteThe company CEOs can't control their minions. It's not a real business period.
Yeah Coach boards the ship, I wonder if he announced this new incentive by Canival while there? I doubt it.
I knew there was more to it when immediately after all the *hit hit the fan, Carnival switched out their head. Funny thing when RCCL promoted theirs, the YTBers were saying it was a demotion.
Carnival will be the next to pull out, what then? YTB sells candy bars in competition with the local elementary schools? I can see it now...t-shirts, "ask me how I got this candy bar for free!"
Hahahahahaha scam! You just keep your job at Wal-Mart then.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm back from the cruise... and quite sunburned... LOL!
BTW... for those who criticize, Coach paid for this cruise for us out of his own pocket. When was the last time your boss sent even 10 of you on a cruise for free?
Possibly NEVER!
To my surprise, I got another phone call last night while driving back from Port Canaveral. I have another client who called me for a cruise booking. They're coming out of the woodwork now! When a client is satisfied, they recommend you to others.
So far this year 2008 I've completed bookings for people (for Jan and Feb vacations)
1 hotel
1 hotel and cruise
1 cruise
1 airfare, rental car and hotel to NY
1 airfare from CA to FL
Not a bad start for 2008!
Come to think of it, why am I telling you for? You're not going to believe me anyway... just because I am YTB. Maybe if I was a traditional travel agent, you'd believe. Yeah, my words would be as good as gold then!
Like I said from the begining, I joined YTB because I know a lot of people who travel... and now I know a few more. I knew I could build a client base (I built my client base before I really got into recruiting) Yeah, a couple of them did join YTB (and are also doing quite well), but the rest of them are happy just being my clients. Why? Not one of them have I told, "Go to my website and book it yourself." I have done the bookings for each and every one of them.
Remember the couple I told yu about that are in their 70's and still jog around the neighborhood every morning? Well, they are on a 7 day cruise right now... which I personaly booked for them.
Also, keep in mind that although I have over 500 people in my downline, I DID NOT recruit them all. Only 21-30 of them were personally signed by me. (I didn't give the actual number because some may try to figure out exactly who I am.) The rest came along from others who signed others who signed others... etc. You think that all everyone at YTB does is recruit. Well, there comes a point when a YTBer does stop personally recruiting. Some stop after 6 and go on to help their team. Some stop in the 20's range, 30's range... and some... yeah some even don't stop at all... like Piccolo. BTW... Yes, I did see him on the cruise and talked with him a bit.
Now, to justify him as to why he has gone from MLM to MLM to MLM, he stated that he did it for the experience of it. Some worked for him and some didn't. Some, he got tired of doing, and some just faded away, because their products were either not in high demand to start off with or the novelty wore off.
My 2 cents:
You cannot label a person like you do just because he has been from one MLM business to another to another. Thyis is just a person who knows that as long as one gets in with a great marketing company and stays motivated with it, it will be quite profitable.
Again, YTB is a company with great integrity! Coach didn't have to pay for everyone's cruise? he could have made everyone at least pay part of it. He didn't!
I am greatly looking forward to tomorrow night when he comes to Tampa so I can bring others in my team who haven't gotten the chance to meet this awesome man behind YTB.
I am conflicted on who is the bigger village idiot when I read some of these comments.....
ReplyDeleteProud...did you see Coach pull out a wad of cash and pay for this cruise? Do not think he paid for it "out of his pocket". This was paid for by YTB as a marketing/recruiting/incentive tool for the top producers. This cost Coach NOTHING. Actually, this cruise was paid in full by the 145,500 RTAs that did not go. And mostly funded by the 123,000 that have not earned a thin dime from this "opportunity" yet are stupid enough to continue to send in $50 a month.
New tag line---pay your $50 a month so Proud can go on a free cruise!
So, if you are on this cruise and a "Top Producer"...how is it that you earned that status with numbers like these?
1 hotel
1 hotel and cruise
1 cruise
1 airfare, rental car and hotel to NY
1 airfare from CA to FL
1 hotel at $200 a night for what 7 nights= $84 to you
1 hotel and a cruise, about $88.61 to you.
1 cruise $76.61 to you
Air, car and hotel $53 to you
Airfare $3.60 to you....
Wow, $305. At this rate, you might make $700 this month! Ant folks, THIS is a top producer in YTB!!!
But then again, this is $305 more than close to 130,000 RTAs that signed up!
ReplyDeleteJohn 1
Proud 0
1. John, I get 70% of the commission... not 60%!
ReplyDeleteHow does this...
Air, car and hotel $53 to you
come out to be less that this
1 hotel at $200 a night for what 7 nights= $84 to you
And you assume that the hotel was only $200 a night? Try more pal!
Great math John!!!
The main point that I am making here is that I am booking travel for people, and business is off to a strong start for 2008. All you keep talking about is my commissions! John, I could book nothing but airfare for people for all I care! As long as I am helping people get somewhere, I am satisfied! Besides...
A possible $700 a month (according to your numbers)on top of what else I make from YTB... Yeah, I can live with that! LOL!!!
That's what separates you from me! You MUST book high dollar travel to earn a living. I book travel for people because I want to. It's a great feeling when you send someone on a vacation, and they come back telling you how great it was, and that they are going to recommend you to others.
Hey John, I have more cruises coming up, so stay tuned in the next few months! One MAY be a wedding cruise. I'm going over the details with my clients. Of course, this may not happen for quite a few months, but at least it's in discussion.
2. This month is only 2 weeks old, so to have all those bookings in 2 weeks is great! I've almost made the requrement for that contest again! LOL!
John, part of the contest was for the quantity of bookngs in a few monhs... no the commissions earned for a few months. get a clue!
Even if it was YTB's money that paid for the cruise, when was the last time your company sent 10 people on a cruise at once all expenses paid? NEVER!!!
Keeping score now? I didn't think this was the NFL.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your numbers are backwards, because John still doesn't have a clue.
As for village idiot... John's assumption of my commissions... as far off as they are shows that I'm not the idiot.
ReplyDeleteJohn 1
Proud 2
Proud--my office goes on a company paid FAM trip every year. And yes, we have done a cruise. So, there goes that theory--it is not that unusual. And we actually learn a little about the destination --not just about how to recruit the next sucker.
ReplyDeleteAt $6 a ticket, I hope you DO focus on all the air you can handle.
If the hotel was more than $200 a night, likely it was in NYC. In which case I say you did your client a disservice by renting a car with the booking. Ever tried to park in Manhattan?
And my numbers are fine.
1 hotel (assumed a week at $200/night fully commissionable at 10%. $140 to YTB $84 to you --sorry I did not include your 10% additional because you are such a top stellar performer.
1 hotel and cruise. $$798 on the cruise at 16% and $200 at the hotel for one night at 10%. $127.68 + $20. Your take $88.61
1 cruise $798 for the cruise at 16% $127.68 to YTB $76.61 to you.
1 airfare, rental car and hotel to NY. Assume a week and $200/night on the hotel and $35 a day on the car. $140 from the hotel, $12.25 from the car (5%), and assuming two people on the airfare $12. $98.55 to you. (I may have only figured one on the air the first time)
1 airfare from CA to FL. $6 to YTB and $3.60 to you!
$351.37. As I said on target for $700 this month. Glad to hear you have already qualified for the contest.
Do you limbo? You seem to have no problem working when the bar is set so low!
olescorekeeper---go back and read the blog
John 100
ReplyDeleteJohn 2
Proud 2
Gentlemen, it appears we have a tie so far regarding this topic. Good work!
John, you are still wrong on your figures! you are confusing this
ReplyDelete1 hotel
with this
1 airfare, rental car and hotel to NY
And you say the commission for one hotel is more than the commission for air, hotel plus rental car.
Maybe the more people book with you, the less commission you make, but not with me.
Commission for airfare, hotel plus a rental car adds up to a lot more than $53! and comes to far more than just an $88 hotel commission.
Your numbers are a little screwy.
And John... how many people work for your agency that they offer a free FAM trip? I guarrante it's not as many peple that qualified for it with YTB.
Go back to your village so they can call off the search party for their idiot.
Travelpro said...
ReplyDelete"Who’s to say that anyone could just submit a bunch of Commission Claim Forms with bogus bookings just to get on the cruise? YTB simply has no way of verifying with the vendor directly at this time that these bookings ARE bookings until the commission actually comes in or electronically confirmed with each and every vendor. Something I believe the SAP software will eliminate. I do know we have electronic confirmation with Carnival, and use to with RCCL as well. (The verification would show up almost immediately with them.)"
Actually my friend, YTB CAN verify that a travel booking is legit. Have you ever filled out a commission claim form? Notice that on the CCF, all the traveler's info must be submitted including the booking number... which is the very first thing asked for.
With this in hand, YTB can easily contact the vendor and confirm this, because a commission claim form is filed when an RTA books directly with a vendor.
New deal... No more making money on reps. Only on services. Launch is the 12th. Experienced reps get a special deal if interested... I am partners with the founders of the US expansion and have access to the NDA if more info is needed. YTB is in dire straights now, but imagine being 1st in YTB?