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MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry!
Self portrait?
ReplyDeleteI thought about asking that same question, but figured I'd be nice during the holidays.
(no matter which side of the fence we stand on)
ReplyDeleteHow about your New Years Resolution? Don't lie...oh wait, there is no way in hell you could do that. Cheers!
Hahahahahaha great one scam!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry pal, I'm not lying here. Your name alone is a lie. it's a contradiction. you see, in scams, the average person doesn't make any money. In YTB, the average person does make money. Go find a copy of Success From Home magazine. Inside, you will find a lot of people who were once average before joining YTB and making money!!!
Here's my resolution... or should I say... goal. by the end of 2008, I will have over 1000 people in my downline!
As far as resolutions go, I have no need to make any for all the resolutions I've had in the past, i was able to reach... thanks to YTB!
Enjoy your Kool Aid!!!
Proud...is YTB willing to put a live survey online where we all can access it? Give each RTA a code to get in (maybe their YTB number that is still on all the websites) and ask them to anonymously check off their income from two categories
ReplyDeleteSelling travel
Selling business opportunities
I am not debating there are people making money, but the majority are NOT. And really now, do you think the Tomers are so stupid to put in anything but the greatest success stories when they paid all that money to have their advertorial run in the magazine?
Have you ever seen an ad for slimfast or another diet pill? Notice that the before shots are all these 250#+ people and the after shots are the 150# buff people? Look carefully and you will see an asterisk (*) and somewhere on that page it will say *Results Not Typical
While it is a bit cagey, it might be a good idea if YTB would implement something like that when they have these people talking about the millions being made in the program....an asterisk.
I believe someone asked (not sure if it was here or on scam.com) for someone to name 7 people in their downline that are making money selling travel. To date--no one has stepped to the plate.
And since my original column in July--not one person has shown me where they are making any money selling travel.
Heck, you are not even making any real money selling travel and you are a director!
ReplyDeleteOnce again you don't get it. Success From Home magazine is a paid for magazine. YTB PAID them to put their "success" stories in the magazine. I don't get how you people don't realize it. Just go read the website. Oh wait you will twist and turn it like you do everything else.
John, a survey would not do it. Because you would have people like Proud and EAB claiming they made billions so it wouldn't mean anything. The only way to get true figures is if YTB released those, and we already KNOW the answer to that.
Oh one more thing, boy that YTB stock, is hovering near the dollar range again. I knew once it dipped it would only be a matter of time before it drops again. You can't keep a leaky boat afloat forever.
ReplyDeleteA boat...more like the Titanic!
John, did you see the disclaimer when you went to the YTB meeting?
ReplyDeleteIt clearly stated that there is NO Guarantee of success!
What this means is if you do nothing, you get nothing!
If you do a lot, you are successful!
Did thwy or did they not show you this at the presentation you went to?
it's funny how you mention the magazine. Some of the people in it, I knew since before they joined YTB. I know they were just average people. They didn't start out with a lot of money.
It's funny how you also mention slim-fast too! Well, if a person sticks to the plan, that person will lose weight. they also state that regular excercise is required. If a person doesn't stick to the plan, then that person will fail! the diet didn't fail the person. the person failed himself/herself!
As far as a live survey goes, I cannot answer that. You will have to ask YTB HQ about this one... and I don't work at YTB HQ.
Scam, you don't get it. regardlesss of who put the stories in, those are REAL success stories from REAL people who REALLY work the YTB business!!!
Work = SUCCESS!!!
Nothing = FAILURE!!!
You call that petty cash success? It was laughable at best.
ReplyDeleteIf the best YTB can come up with is those that they put in the magazine themselves, then YTB is still a laughable at best.
There were no disclaimers. There was a copy of the Bill of Rights in a poster and the admonitions that I needed to join before the end of the year so I could get credentialed without having to sell any travel.
ReplyDeleteBut you see, in Slim Fast the headlines (the YTB Sales Pitches) show that you can lose 100# or more (earn tons of money and travel like an insider). But Slimfast conditions that and says, but all these people that we show you that lost 100#---well don;t expect that. They are upfront about that.
Nowhere in my meeting did the guy say that if I worked at the travel end of the business I could expect to earn $57 a month. No, he said that by recruiting people, I could earn tens of thousands a month. He did not say most people earn either $900 or $70 a month selling the opportunity. What YTB is pitching is like the CEO of IBM talking to the Chinese at Lenovo--see, when you work for IBM you fly in corporate jets and helicopters and have a salary of $3.5 million per year. Well, that is for me, but since you are here in China, we will pay you 12 cents an hour.
Same thing!
The people that produce in YTB are the minority by a long shot! I am not saying it is YTBs fault or their own, but the fact is the fact...very few people will make any money in this scheme. And when they realize it, they will bail and the pyramid will collapse!
You call $36,000+ a month petty cash? man, you would NEVER see that much money in a month!
ReplyDeleteWhat I call petty cash is $68,000 a year which is what I used to make at my old job... until they decided to restructure everyone's pay by a 20% decrease. Now, I find that quite laughable. I also got an old business partner into YTB. he's not quite a director yet I also have other people in my downline also getting closer to becoming directors!
I am part of a strong upline and I have a strong downline. You keep watching those numbers, and you will be seeing a lot more successful RTAs in YTB! I can guarantee that from the group I'm in!
See, your problem is that you look at it as if as soon as somebody joins, they should have instant success. If instant success isn't achieved, then you consider it a failure. That's not the case! Success takes time! You also have to keep in mind that a lot of the RTAs in YTB are only a few months into the company. They are just starting out to build their teams, and their clientele. Each person moves at different paces. This is why you see a lot of money being paid by RTAs for training compared to little back at the moment. Really, this is a good sign. Why? It is showing that the new "recruits" really are about the business and want to be trained!
This is what happens when you are on the outside looking into the window. You don't see the full picture or in this case, house. You only see what you can see through that one window which is 1 room and only 3 of the walls. Little do you know that on the wall you can't see hangs a masterpiece worth billions! You won't know it's there until you open that front door and enter in. it's the same with YTB. you will never know all about YTB until you open the door and enter. Hey, I was skeptical at first. The first few people to approach me with YTB... I turned down. I reluctantly went to a meeting witht he next person who approached me with it., and now I'm glad I did!
(the 1st and last person who approached me are people I personally knew for many years)
ReplyDeletethat really was a bad presentation you went to, and I am sorry you had to witness something like that. In all of our presentations, the disclaimer is to be the 3rd thing you see!
1. opening statement
2. biz opportunities
3. disclaimer
4. travel
5. medical
6. marketing
7. closing
If you ever see that director again, tell him that you were told about the disclaimer and that it should not be skipped in the video (under NO circumstance)
I'm sure TravelPro can agree with me on this.
I don't see how you can compare this to IBM and China. In China, no matter how hard they work, they will continue to make $12... today... tomorrow... next year... etc.
ReplyDeleteIn YTB, the more you work, the more you earn! totally different concept here!
There was not video---just the power point and there was the deal about it being two opportunities, but no disclaimer. Nothing about medical insurance. This guy is a Level 3 director. You tell him. He is probably your upline!
ReplyDeleteAs to the China analogy with IBM that is a perfect analogy...a big shot comes out and tells you about all these millions he makes and the perks he gets. I am a director making $36,000 a month and I used to make $68,000 a YEAR. And blah blah blah. But the reality is that most people don;t make squat. Your numbers are in line with the July statement of Rep and RTA earnings for a Director. But there were only 94 of you then making that kind of monay. How many reps are there? 200,000? If so, then why is it that .0005% of the Reps make the kind of money the presentations allude that you can make?
Proud to be YTB---you ever see the Breakfast Club? You can probably substitute "YTB" for any of the bold words.
ReplyDeleteHere's a bit of the script:
BRIAN(to no one im particular)
I'm in the math club...
See you're afraid that they won't take you. You don't belong so you just have to dump all over it...
Well...it wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being assholes...now would it?
Well you wouldn't know...You don't
even know any of us.
Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run out and join one of their fucking clubs.
It takes time for peopel to build teams and move up to becoming a director. it doesn't hapen overnight. Also look at the jump the count took from 65,000 to 137,000! It takes different people different amounts of time to grow their teams. This is what you seem to not understand. it's not join an WHAM! INSTANT SUCCESS!!! No, it's how fast you go that determines how fast your fteam grows which leads you to director. Keeep your eyes open, because the # of people reaching director will soon surprise you!
ReplyDeleteThe power point didn't have the disclaimer? Mine does.
I assure you that this director is not in my upline.
Ha ha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha, you're funny traditional travel agent!!!!! I guess you watched that movie about a million times to know all the lines by heart. I hope you're that dedicated to your clients! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteMovie club is another blog!
No need to memorize movies. Google is an amazing tool.
ReplyDeleteBreakfast Club---what a funny movie. I may need to rent it this weekend!
ReplyDeleteThat was a good movie BTW. I saw it a few times.
ReplyDeleteNo one who brags about their money really has any. If they did, there would be no reason to brag would there? Poor poor Proud.
ReplyDeleteOh puleeze----don't get Proud whining about how much money he has. We just got over his whining when we inadvertently referred to him as a her....
ReplyDeleteNow all posts will be ending in the "i am rich. i am . i am notr poor. you just dont know ytb" routine.