Not sure if this was an initiative of YTB or on the part of the producer, but it seems that all of Earl Allen's videos have been pulled from YouTube. I am not sure what I will do now for my Sunday morning entertainment, but this is a great step in the right direction.
The industry--MLM or traditional does not need, misleading, amateur, unprofessional YouTube videos out there for the public to see. Fortunately, EAB's videos had very little play time on the net, so the damage was probably not too bad. Now, what about Rufus?
Kudos to YTB if you have taken a stance on YouTube marketing. While it may be a great channel, it certainly needs to be regulated. After all, EAB was communicating your message. Not it was the best choice for a spokesman, but requiring approvals would be a great thing!
I would guess YTB had nothing to do with it. Probably EAB looking like a idiot, pulled them himself. I mean look at the guy, who would take him seriously?
ReplyDeleteI am sure YTB had a LOT to do with it. As you said, just look at the guy. Would you want him to be the mouthpiece for your agency?
ReplyDeleteAmen! Now, it would be great if the other MLM Travel entities will do the same. YTB appears to be the larger of the MLM Travel companies so it would be great to see them lead by example and impose strict policy on their RTA's to ensure compliance with penalty. There's no need for that stuff to be out there...it's reflects negatively for the industry as a whole.
ReplyDelete*click* Ummm *click* yeah...I'm working on the next miracle *click* diet....yeah....*click*....I made this miracle *click* on the farm *click*.
ReplyDeleteYTB had nothing to do with it. I was always willing to lose what I have built so far, to say what was right.
ReplyDeleteI was more concerned about how my comments and videos might effect my associates, many who have already put years into the travel industry and are enjoying huge successes and I deceided for myself to take another direction.
It would have been easy to hide my face or my name, like some of you lame sucks, but that's not what you get with me, sorry.
As for my appearance, well let's just say, I've seen some of you and I'm not too damned impressed either. I can always lose the weight, but many of you will be ugly and stupid forever.
Forgive me Lord.
Ányway...I tell you what I told a Pacific Gas and Electric Lineman one day while I was picketing his company for ripping-off seniors and widows of their Calif. stock investments...
He said, Ï'd like to see your fat ass crawl up that telephone pole." I said, "you should have seen my fat ass in Vietnam trying to get back with it attached, so I could picket your BS company."
I live and speak up and act for 58,000+ that cannot. I'm not here to please you. I am active in my community, my church, and Vet affairs. Last year I donated thousands to them. My family and my dogs love me and I think they are proud of the things they've seen me stand for.
Anyway, John, Thanks for the forum.
I knew eventually you'd come around to our way of thinking...
Just Kidding.
Who the hell is Virginia Roberts? And why are they using a Yahoo email address if so professional. Hey EAB that isn't even close to your last name.
ReplyDeleteYou pulled your videos because you look like a uneducated moron, like most of YTB.
I bet the cows and sheep love you too eh?
Your a liar and were called on it...so you backpeddle. I bet you and YTB bed together!
Your a scam artist...and things are coming to light about how bad you are. You failed...your a faker!
dang, I think the entire US version of YouTube.com has been banned!! When I went over to poke around just now, when I type in http://www.youtube.com/ it automatically redirects me to http://es.youtube.com/ (ie: Spain for those of you who aren't up on the es code ;-)
ReplyDeleteThis blog reminds me of a cesspool that JF wants everyone to swim in. You will never grow your business by visiting and posting on this blog. It will never make you a dime! Think about it and let JF and his horde enjoy swimming in this filth!
ReplyDeleteWay would JF and his band want to criticize travel MLMs for not marketing more travel then the business opportunity? Why should he care? Why should he care about compensation plans and how much an MLM'er makes? After all, the less travel we sell the more for JF to sell. Right? I think JF has an unhealthy obsession against travel MLM's. The more he belittles us, the stronger we will become.
So, why come here to swim in JF's cesspool. Spend your time elsewhere where you will be encouraged to grow your business!
Anonymous..please feel free to call Coach and see if he will give you permission to leave the pool.
ReplyDeletePosting this here seems a little disingenuous to me...don't ya think?
This blog reminds me of a cesspool that JF wants everyone to swim in. You will never grow your business by visiting and posting on this blog. It will never make you a dime! Think about it and let JF and his horde enjoy swimming in this filth!
Way would JF and his band want to criticize travel MLMs for not marketing more travel then the business opportunity? Why should he care? Why should he care about compensation plans and how much an MLM'er makes? After all, the less travel we sell the more for JF to sell. Right? I think JF has an unhealthy obsession against travel MLM's. The more he belittles us, the stronger we will become.
So, why come here to swim in JF's cesspool. Spend your time elsewhere where you will be encouraged to grow your business!
Your travel "professionals" continue to rip off the American Traveling Public.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you, a se;f-proclaimed travel professional doing about it John.
So, you think you've cleaned up youtube, now.. how about cleaning up your cess-pool, dirty little travel rip-offs before you give us referring travel agents a black eye?
I am not a liar. I am not a scam artist. Ask John he has researched it very well.
ReplyDeleteI have held a Ca. Real Estate Lic number for nearly 20 years, and completed millions of dollars in transactions, without complaint.
Something quite a few of you travel
professionals are having trouble doing.
I guess YTB and I are in bed together, of sorts, but they don't speak for me and I don't speak for them.
I have, however became aware that the things I do and say, may have a negative effect on my associates and I've taken steps to correct it.
This is a revelation that John has not come to, yet.
Virginia Roberts is my girlfriend of 6 years. I am her Sales and Marketing Manager for her YTB company.......RobertsResorts.Net
I have never wanted or needed to scam anyone to market anything to them. I have God given talent.