Friday, December 28, 2007

What I Learned This Year

I went through a lot of school in my younger years, but 2007 really turned out to be a learning experience for me.

I learned that:

  • Some MLM agents are serious about selling travel
  • Most MLM agents are not serious about selling travel
  • Bentley Motorcars offers a convertible in "Cocaine White"
  • YTB does not calculate revenues, they "glean" them
  • Nearly 3000 traditional agents can take a stance on a petition in two months
  • Just over 200 MLM agents can take a similar stance on their own petition in nearly three months
  • YTB took some very proactive steps in controlling the masses with their "Behavior Memo"
  • The memo worked
  • YTB will sell either $500M, $800M, or $1B in travel in either 2007 or 2008
  • I learned that YTB received over 70% of it's income from selling websites--not travel
  • I learned that if you own a lot of stock and can sell it very high, you are able to buy a kick ass house on the Mississippi River
  • I learned that EAB was promoted to "CEL" of YTB--Chief Executive Loudmouth and was able to craft poorly worded press releases
  • I learned that the concept of revenue and sales is still a grey area for many in YTB
  • I learned that the YTB stock went from $9.50 a share to .94 cents over the year but that is nothing to worry about
  • I learned that YTB made its first profit in two quarters, but it was on the sales of websites, not travel
  • I learned that Doug has a good sense of humor and although on opposite sides, I consider him a friend
  • I learned that EAB is looking to expand the empire to Hawaii and is seeking "partners"
  • I learned that CLIA, Carnival, and IATAN all have employees at the YTB Headquarters
  • I learned that there were either 5K, 10K, 12K, or 25K YTB people at the convention in St. Louis
  • I learned that Rufus has issues with his booogers
  • I learned that Ryan Stallings (the yes, yes, yes YouTube Marine) is a top seller of travel for YTB
  • I heard that a sales force numbering 136,000 strong were able to sell either 6K, 13K, or 45K cruises in a day
  • I did the math and that ranges from .04 to .33 cruises per salesperson

There is so much I learned this year it is hard to keep track of it all.


  1. I learned some YTB math. Altho 400 people sign up everyday, and no one ever quits ( jeez why would you?) the quoted membership stays at 140,000. I also learned that the new rage is to pay to go to birthday parties. My Bday is in May folks! Sign up now.

    Happy New Year, John! Keep up the good work!

  2. I learned that there are a small number of YTBers who are serious about being Travel Agents and do want to learn. But I also learned that far, far more are intrigued by a "get rich quick scheme" and that many, many are involved (or have been involved) in multiple MLM schemes - like they're selling Noni Juice as well as "selling" travel.

  3. I learned that you have no freaking clue and are just on a personal vendetta against YTB. I heard you joined and sat on your ass and did not make any money and now you are pissed at them.

  4. Damn anonymous, you figured it all out on your own? YTB ought to hire you in accounting and maybe you can figure out how much they made (or didn't)

  5. I learned that YTB members rely upon rumor a lot! You idiot! John's been in the business for years and makes more money at it than you'll ever dream of!!!

  6. I learned that YTB can sell a lot of cruises to themselves in one day. Not voluntarily however, this was the result of the coach begging people to book cruises and with the help of the coach son inducing people to give the gift of cruises to everyone "this Christmas everyone is getting a cruise" is what he said. Giving everyone he knew a cruise for a gift regardless if they wanted it or not. The numbers sucked...the sail-a-thon was a bomb.

    I also learned that this YTB "travel agency", mind you, the one looking forward to being the #1 seller of travel, does not want Royal Caribbean's business ever again. That, of course IF, the opportunity were to be there... which is not.

  7. YEah, we will see...I just heard that we are right onthe verge of $750 million sold in travel this year and the Coach is calling another play. He want $1 billion sold. Watch the dust in your eyes

  8. Not that I believe it for a moment, but the question I pose to the RTAs that will sell a billion in travel this are you going to spend your $441.17? That is almost a quarter an hour in wages!

  9. When you are in the $20 billion dollar ballpark like the CWT's or Amex's in the industry..maybe then i'll be oooing and ahhhing. Doubtful that day will ever come. But good luck.

    $441 won't cover much...not even close.

  10. yeah but how long did ti take a-mex to get there? YTB is only 7 years old and we grew by 3/4 billion dollars in a year. how much did you grow by?

  11. Amex has been inthe business over 100 years, but it's been selling over $1 mil for at least the last 30 of those...... they were a travel company long before it was a "credit card".

    The point is, you guy guys are not moving over $200 million in TRAVEL - you're travel sales themselves are less than 30% of that.

  12. I've learned a lot about YTB, too...especially considering I had never heard of them before two months ago. But what I HAVEN'T least not from YTB...
    is how much does the average RTA earn from selling travel?
    How do I sell travel to friends and family if I sell them their own webpages?
    How much travel is self-sold?
    What is the turnover rate for RTAs?

  13. I also learned to not underestimate how gullible and greedy some people can be. If YTBers tried to get everyone to buy travel through their website that would be one thing. But trying to get friends and family to pay for an "opportunity" that the recruiter should know is not going to be profitable but will fatten the downline...well, that says a lot about a person.

  14. I learned that the dinosaurs cannot compete with us. Let's see them sell 13000 cruises in a day

  15. I'm sure that Amex along sells more than 13000 cruises a day - as does CWT. And that cruises - not certificates you shmuck!

  16. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Frenaye:

    We are very sorry to inform you that litle Johnny must be held back for at least another year. He puts forth a lot of effort in his work, but for some unknown reason he just can't grasp basic concepts. He relies on incomplete facts, and what he can't verify, he simply makes up. That is not acceptable.

    Perhaps in the coming year he and his 'gang' will be able to see the big picture more clearly.

  17. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Frenaye:

    We are very sorry to inform you that litle Johnny must be held back for at least another year. He puts forth a lot of effort in his work, but for some unknown reason he just can't grasp basic concepts. He relies on incomplete facts, and what he can't verify, he simply makes up. That is not acceptable.

    Perhaps in the coming year he and his 'gang' will be able to see the big picture more clearly.

    December 28, 2007 4:18 PM

    Since he is unable to grasp basic concepts, relies on incomplete facts, and apparently is unable to verify anything, we have decided to enroll him in the brand new YTB College of Business Management. This is the new campus being built by Disney for YTB. While there, he will have direct access to CLIA, IATAN, and Carnival employees who are based there.

    He will learn that stock at $1.00 is REALLY a good thing, and how to convince RTAs that the pot of gold is just around the next rainbow.

    Upon graduation, he will earn a really cool nickname like "Coach" or "Skipper". And if he pays enough attention and bilks enough money from the program, sells his stock when it is artificially high, he too may be able to purchase a multi million dollar home on the river.

    Yes, Mr. & Mrs. Frenaye, all this can be available to your son. If you would just send in a one time fee of $449.95 and and an authorization for $49.95 a month thereafter, we will handle everything for you to make sure he is brought up to speed!

    Sincerely yours,


  18. You learned that the dinosaurs cannot compete with you. I'll have what your smoking because the last I looked YTB was FAR behind the Amex's & CWT's of this industry in ACTUAL TRAVEL sales, not selling of websites. When you can learn math skills, then you'll maybe grasp reality.

  19. Hmmm....let's see - today (this week actually) YTB's stock has been up and down by $0.02 - it's sitting at $1.13. RCCL, the cruise line YTB and Joystar were going to destroy by not selling, is at the end of the week up - and just to remind you again - paying a dividend for the 59TH QUARTER IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!

  20. St5ock prices don;t matter. How much did the agent for RCCL or Prillo bring in this week. I am making 5 figures a month! A member of my team has earned 50,000 in travel commissions--yes travel commissions this year and another $150,000 in comissions and overrides from being a rep. Did you make almost a half a million this year? Thousht not!

  21. $150,000
    + 50,000


    Not even half way to a half million. More YTB math!

  22. "Not that I believe it for a moment, but the question I pose to the RTAs that will sell a billion in travel this are you going to spend your $441.17? That is almost a quarter an hour in wages!"

    1) Are you saying that every RTA gets a share of all the commissions paid out by YTB -- like a communal pool? or
    2) Do only the RTAs that sell travel get paid?
    3) Since you were able to calculate an hourly amount for wages, how many hours does each RTA work?

    Let's see, your answers will be:
    1) "No";
    2) "Yes"; and
    3) "I don't know, I'm just guessing again".

  23. "Just over 200 MLM agents can take a similar stance on their own petition in nearly three months"

    What petition?

  24. This petition

    And before you all go nuts on me, I do realize that it was a joke.

    AS to the math, I admit it is fuzzy--that is the way YTB likes it! But I know that the only ones that get paid are the ones that sell, so the average per paid RTA is a lot higher. But there are so many of the RTAs that receive ZERO!

    As to how many hours I used the standard 2080. After all if someone is serious about a profession, they ought to be pputting in some full time hours....oops but then again, assuming you are serious is kind of a stretch isn't it?

  25. Well, I guerss we will see. IWhere should I send the crow you are eating for dinner?

  26. Every YTBer that posts that they're earning a lot in travel commissions is making YTB look worse for the majority. We know how much YTB paid in commissions...and everyone that took big a slice is leaving less pie for the rest.
    And while there probably ARE YTBers that sell a lot of travel why they stay with an outfit like YTB is beyond me. YTB is designed for people to save marginally on personal travel...that's their hook. Anyone producing big numbers would do much better by hooking up with a traditional agency and earning more than 60%, being able to sell RCL and being able to use an IATA card.
    So you can't have it both ways...if you're serious about selling a lot of shouldn't be with YTB.

  27. ture--ytb is not JUSt travel. That is the main focus, but there is other sterams of revenue that more than make up for the 60% that you all seem to think is so sub standard

  28. I learned that JF will resort to any level including fake postings and personal attacks, to get his agenda across. This makes him a real low-life scumbag in my book.

    I've learned that if JF does not like the message, on Tripso or the petition, he will remove anything that does not promote his very slanted point of view. 2,000 signed, we get more on a Sat call.

    I've learned that traditional travel agents in the US are ripping off hundreds of potential clients annually and the media, leaders, and vendors don't want to talk about it or deal with it.
    10,000 where also ripped off by one traditional agency in England and they are making the loses good.
    YTB had one and they refunded, and did not have to, the fees paid the agent.

    I understand why the US agents don't address it, the losses run in the millions and their BS bonding programs do not address it. How "Professional"

    I've learned when you pee in the travel well the water taste the same to all in the industry.

    I've learnt the YTB business model is the most cost-effective, safe
    and sane why to purchase personal travel. One that will continue to grow and one day, sooner than some will like, dominate the entire industry.

    And JF, no matter how hard he tries, can't stop the Million agents I see coming.

    Now go out there and make it a YTB Year!

    John where you really a ex-YTB rep that couldn't cut the mustard?


  29. EAB--you seem to have drank a week bit much Kool-Aid over the holiday. Personal attacks are not instigated by me. I believe it was you who fired the first email back in August. I believe it was you who physically threatened Mark Ewing.

    I never deleted anything from Tripso and as a matter of fact recused myself from that whole debacle where your mouth got you banned. Too bad YTB does not have the same sense of propriety.

    As to the message on the petition. Again, apparently you were snoozing in third grade when they told you what the definition was. It is NOT a platform. It is a show of support--period. There is a pro MLM petition out there by Tom Coleman--please go sign it. You are welcome to put all the pro MLM rantings that you like over there. I only hope that you chastise him as well because there are a lot of rejected names on there as well.

    Whatever you dug up in the UK is unfortunate, but I am concentrating my efforts on the US. But since you are such a super sleuth, why not bring your findings to the attention of all of our "BS bonding programs" and do something about it? By the way, YTB participates in those same BS bonding programs. Or are you merely content to sit in that luxe office in your shack on the farm spewing forth old information and making yourself look like an ass?

    And as to your business acumen (which has been repeatedly demonstrated as sub par)if you feel that YTB is the safest way to purchase travel--good luck. Maybe you can buy a ticket to Honolulu and grow your business there!

  30. I learned that the dinosaurs cannot compete with us. Let's see them sell 13000 cruises in a day
    The so-called dinosaurs sold MORE cruises in a single day, with fewer TAs participating.

  31. I learned...

    EAB with the millions and billios he makes can't afford a decent video camera.

    EAB is going to lose thousands of pounds with some new scam

    EAB doesn't get any from his wife/gf whatever make believe female he has living with him, so he has to "RESORT" to buying escort services.

    EAB spews out the most pathetic attemtps at sounding like a person making all kinds of money.

    EAB can make charts with no numbers and a arrow that points skyward. Is that your weight gain for the week?

  32. I learned that it's good to read Doug's blog, too. I just did and saw that Tomer WAS at the Steelers game last week. I was watching it and thought I saw him...but decided I must be spending too much time on this site...

  33. I've learned that the BBB in Illinois has had 35 complaints filed against YTB in the last 36 months. For the math challenged that's about one per month.

    I've learned a lot about what not to do and who not to hire by watching Earl and Tom.

    I've learned that even people who are making no money with YTB will defend it as if it's the greatest thing that has ever happened to them, which makes no sense to me at all.

  34. I've learned that all the BBB complaints were resolved and the ones who filed faile to respond. In EVERY single case YTB has done their part to resolve each and every issue! maybe it's because they were SATISFIED and had nothing more to complain about!

    notice that all the claims sent into the BBB were very small in nature. It's like a person buying a bag of apples at a supermarket then complaining that one in the bag was slightly bruised.

    There was only 1 sevgere money issue reported, and that was quickly resolved... yet here are still people out there who paid a traditional travel agent for services... received nothing... complained... had the agent arrested... and STILl NEVER GOT THEIR MONEY BACK!!!

    The moral of this story is that before you go casting stones... make syre you don't live in a glass house!


    YTB will still be here... will you?

    Here's an update on the travel agency that closed down in my town. The building is still vacant with a "FOR SALE or LEASE" sign posted. It's going to be that way for a while, because real estate is in the toilet right now. 4 of those travel agents who worked there joined YTB last Thursday. today I just bought dinner and talked with another one... I received an e-mail confirmation that she she also joined my team at 7:38 pm last night!

    If she posts here,I'd like to say, "Welcome aboard Stacey!!!"

    I also sent her a personal welcome e-mail along with any company training material she needs. It's aparent that she doesn't need travel training. BTW... Because she's already a travel agent, it didn't cost her $449 to join YTB.

  35. If YTB is so bad... then tell me this...


    Also, does your travel company incorporate non-profit affiliations... like churches radio stations, suppor groups, schools... who use their own YTB websites to book trips for their members and us ethe commissions to make improvements to the facilities for the good of the people?

    I think not!

  36. Hey john,

    I think the comment you posted on the other topic was supposed to be in reply to this one... LOL!!!

    Blame it on the holiday confusion. it affects a lot of people this time of year.

    Easy John. I was just displaying a sense of humor here.

  37. JF...Did I ever threaten you? I think you suck...but I've never threatened you and compared to you, my friend.

    So you can stop spreading the lie that I threatened any personal harm to Mark, what's his name..
    I told Mark, honestly, I did not like his mis-leading use of the YTB name and the word scam he associated with it. My threat, if you want to call it that, was..either stop it or prepare for a similar attack on your BS travel company. He did not, so I prepared and posted a misleading
    article and named his company and him in it...He, went nuts..seems it's ok for him to do it to us, not visa versa...low-life. He called my company and lied about what I had promised and attempted to make something out of it, that it was not, as you have here in this post.

    I've taken much heat here from you and other "professionals" here. No one has been threatened personally,,,think about it.

    I have other, more effective ways of dealing with such things of this sort, so does YTB.


    He too is a liar....sorry just the facts...
