Dear Santa,
It is almost Christmas and I know you are probably very busy getting ready for your annual trip around the world. I wanted to thank you for you continued confidence in booking your trip with a trusted professional travel agent. It would be horrible to disappoint the millions of children, by allowing someone that has purchased their credentials to handle this journey. There is simply too much riding on it!
I am glad to be able to handle your travel for Christmas Eve (and your well deserved off season Caribbean break). I am keeping an eye on the weather for you and will make sure you are aware of anything that will impact your trip. I have all of the contacts for you so I can get in touch with you should an elf call me about a last minute toy that needs to be delivered (it always happens). I have been in touch with Mrs. Claus because she worries too--even though you have been doing it for a long time, she loves you and worries, so I try to keep her in the loop as well. You are all set for insurance should you be delayed, or (heaven forbid) have an accident. After that unfortunate incident last year with Vixen, you are even covered for unexpected reindeer dropping damage. And finally, I have confirmed your rest breaks with the hotels in the cities we discussed--they are aware of your schedule and will have the red (what other color?) carpet out for you!
Santa, I am glad you have put your trust in me. I have worked very hard to learn my trade and to provide exceptional service to my customers. I realize (as do you) that travel today is so much more than getting from one place to another. And when there is a trip as important as yours, it really drives that concept home. You just can't point someone to a faceless, nameless website and let them hope for the best. Explain that to millions of kids on Christmas morning..."Oh Santa did not make it this year because he booked his trip on his cousin's brand new website." Unlike your reindeer, that will not fly. But I wanted to again thank you for your business. You have my numbers--they are actually on my website--and you also have my home and cell numbers and you know to use them if needed.
I am closing up the office for the holidays, but rest assured that when you stop at my house (you are coming right?) that I will have your usual--chocolate chip cookies and 2% milk--see as your agent, it is my job to know those things! Have a safe flight, be careful on the rooftops, give the herd a pat on the nose for me and send my regards to Mrs. Claus!
And one final thing...Merry Christmas!
Your professional travel agent,

Fred E. Flyer
Travels With Fred
PS: Don't worry about it now, but I think Saba might be the perfect spot for you and the Missus after the holidays. Never too crowded and I am friends with the owners of a perfect little resort that will be just right for you.
PS Santa--can you please bring a clue to the YTB folks. They are in dire need of one! Well, most of them anyhow.
ReplyDeleteHO HO HO....Poor Santa won't be making his scheduled visits this year...seems he gave his travel plans to a traditional travel agent in Lodi, Ca. and his money.
ReplyDeleteTraditional Travel Agents, Cash and Credit Cards: A Bad Mix
Next year Santa will join the other 80 million by booking directly online.
Why risk your trip or vacation plans to a business model that is in decline?
For the record...YTB was not obligated to return a dime to anyone. They did it because it was the right thing to do.
Happy Holidays!
JF said, "Dear Santa,
ReplyDeleteIt is almost Christmas and I know you are probably very busy getting ready for your annual trip around the world."
Seriously, would anyone want to book travel with a guy that's writing to Santa Claus? lol! I'll bet he personaly knows the Tooth Fairy" too! Mabybe that cuz hes from the land of Oz. lol!
Read the first paragraph of John's little Xmas story then promptly upchucked my Xmas cookies. That's got to bed the corniest post I’ve ever seen from old John.
ReplyDeleteForgive him Santa, for he not know what he do!
You should have made it Santa Coach...YTBers like those stories better. And careful with the PS...they might send someone to Serbia...
ReplyDeleteI think it is cute.
ReplyDeleteAs to why risk it to a business model that is in "decline" (contrary to all the news reports)--well because they want it done right!
Roberts--you get a pass on not knowing that online travel is on the decline---your ignorance, and your lack of command for the English language, and the apparent single digit IQ that you possess makes it un-Christian to hold it against you.
Hoping Santa brings you something that might be able to fascinate you all year long--perhaps a Slinky!
Or maybe an escort from Honolulu--your choice!
All you YTBers out there----Honolulu is in Hawaii. And if you want to ever go there, you had best get your passport soon! :)
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Little John, this is Santa. I am now a new RTA with YTB and all my Elf’s have joined too. I'm a little disappointed in you with all the YTB bashing going on. So...this year I'm only bringing you some specially scented reindeer droppings from a special reindeer. However, I will continue to watch your behavior through the coming year with hopes of you mending your ways.
ReplyDeleteBe nice, not naughty,
I woke up with such a scare when I heard Santa call.....
"Now dash away ,dash away, dash away all!"
I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts, those nasty reindeer had left "little gifts" I got an old shovel and started to scoop, neat little piles of "reindeer poop".
But to throw them away, seemed such a waste, So I saved them, thinking you might like a taste! As I finished my task, which took quite awhile, Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled. And I heard him exclaim as he rose in the sky "Well, they're not potty trained, but at least they can fly".
Christmas is coming and so are the deer, listen closely and you will hear
And 'long with them comes a special treat, Reindeer droppings for you to eat!
Online Travel... on the decline???
ReplyDeleteNow that's funny... almost as funny as John's topic.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
One more thing... don't forget to go out and donate a few thousand dollars to your local charity to help less fortunate children also have a Merry Christmas... and along the way, if you know someone who is on the verge of losing their home, help them out so they may keep it. I already did both. That's one other thing I didn't mention. Because of YTB, I am also able to give generously back to the community. Because YTB has made my life a whole lot better, I am able to help improve the lives of others... and they don't even have to join YTB to do it.
Be a Santa this season... not a Scrooge!
EAB--nice sentiments about helping others, I agree. Let's leave it at that!
ReplyDeleteOops--sorry proud---nice sentiment. I agree. And if you look, Internet booking has been declining--but that is only if you believe the major newspapers, including the WSJ and the NYT. But if you are reading the YTB Crier...it is a different story!
ReplyDeleteEAB--I see you are still resorting to name calling to refute anything. Carry on!
Man, that Robert's dude is all over the net isn't he?
LOL my favorite is the one looking for an escort.
Thank you John. It's one thing to help others, but another thing entirely to help someone you personally know.
ReplyDeleteOh my...
ReplyDeleteAn RTA that wants to work the business and thinks RobertsResorts is a buffoon said...
Man, that Robert's dude is all over the net isn't he?
LOL my favorite is the one looking for an escort.
December 23, 2007 5:39 PM
Looking for a escort? I don't think bucket loader could escort him!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteGuess Victoria doesn't give it up to him, but what do you expect...look at the guy.
My name is Harvey Feltmore, President and CEO of Carlson-Wagontrain Travel.
In behalf of all our entire staff here at Carlson-Wagontrain, I would like to wish all travel agents a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!
My last post on this blog contained a short piece describing how to construct your new travel agency. I certainly hope you found it beneficial.
In closing, I would like to thank the entire staff here at Carlson-Wagontrain for their dedication and support for the traditional travel agents. Thank you!
So on behalf of all our staff, I would like to share this Christmas card to all of you who love this industry. Please click on the link below.
Again, we look forward to working with all of you next year and the years to come!
Harvey Feltmore
President & CEO
Carlson-Wagontrain, Inc
Hey Harvey! I am sure Carlson is going to love it that you are infringing on them. Ho! Ho! Ho! You are easy to track!
ReplyDeleteAs to the rest of you YTB, RTA's give it a rest will ya? It's Christmas for crying out loud! You claim that God Blesses you and then you snipe at TA's, argue, call names and take potshots constantly. In my book that is called being a hypocrite and far from Christian beliefs and the spirit of the season.
Wagontrain? Wow jealous of the traditional agencies are acually producing travel and making "billions" of dollars without having to hawk websites or harass your friends and family. Tisk Tisk. I personally work for Carlson Wagonlit, and am proud to work under a name that is respected in this industry. But at least you know who CWT is..I actually saw a post from a YTB'er that had no clue that "Amex actually has travel agencies..did you know that" :)
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas..and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Mr. Roberts seems to be quiet lately.
ReplyDeleteMr. Roberts is probably spending his "billions" on escort services. Unfortunately non of them want anything to do with him.
ReplyDelete"One more thing... don't forget to go out and donate a few thousand dollars to your local charity to help less fortunate children also have a Merry Christmas... and along the way, if you know someone who is on the verge of losing their home, help them out so they may keep it. I already did both. That's one other thing I didn't mention. Because of YTB, I am also able to give generously back to the community. Because YTB has made my life a whole lot better, I am able to help improve the lives of others... and they don't even have to join YTB to do it."
ReplyDeleteCharitable giving is very important and certainly laudable. BUT it is very, very UNCHRISTIAN to publicize/broadcast/brag about your giving.
How do you achieve credibility for your internet business?
ReplyDeleteSo you have paid your money to whomever it is that has told you that you can get rich sleeping if you market and sell their product or services. You have gotten yourself a website and an URL with an interesting sounding name that differentiates you from the tens of thousands that are also selling the product and services, you were provided with, had someone make you an impressive website or built it yourself with all kinds of interesting information about the products you are selling and an e-commerce page that allows people to buy your products on line!
Now what.
Nobody is visiting your website let alone buying your products. So you start working on promoting your website in an effort to generate traffic. You start placing free classified ads or even paid ads in various internet publications such as Bacpage.com, Craig’s lists, Add-post, Lycos .com, Local.com, Domesticsales.com, Google base and so forth and so on.
You go to your website stats every day and still there is barely a noticeable trickle of visitors to your site.
You have already printed business cards, postcards and brochures at considerable cost courtesy of Vistaprint.com and have distributed them in the small town that you live in and have gone around your neighborhood, the golf club, the beauty parlors and put postcards promoting your internet business in every mailbox that you could find. You have spent a ton of money on print cartridges and glossy paper for your brochures.
You keep checking your visitors stats and be damned if you could find any increase in traffic of visitors to your website not to mention anyone buying anything from you.
What to do next?
You scour the internet for advice, watch hundreds of video’s that are all bait and switch schemes that promise the world and deliver very little, you try some of those get rich quick marketing schemes that do not work, throw more money away, send e-mails with promotional materials, including video’s, to whomever you can find in your outlook address book.
Make a ton of videos that you then upload to YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Mydeo, My Space, WAYN, Face Book, because the entire community of Guru’s tell you that it will increase your rankings on the search engines. This is only partially true with regard to your rankings in the video search pages but does not really help you with your rankings on the regular search pages.
And still barely anything happens to your daily visitors statistics.
So there must be something else that is required.
And of you go setting up your own blogs on subjects related to your business, commenting on other peoples blogs that are relevant to the business. Writing articles on EzineArticles.com and more commenting on other articles relevant to you business.
You join Adsense, put a Google search bar and Adsense ads on your website go to Commission Junction and get RSS feeds to earn commissions on their ads; all this in the hope that the cross polinization will drive traffic to your site. You get an XML site map for your sites, upload them to your site, register them with Google and Yahoo and get verified.
Surely you have done a fair amount with all of the above to get your sites noticed. I have had various refereed articles published in my name, that people are using to promote their websites such as Amazon.com, Strategic Finance, All Business and so on, I am not sure if they are successful, but these entries have been there for four years, so that must mean something. All you have to do is Google or Yahoo search “bou van kuyk” (my name) and at least Five to ten entries show up promoting the big name companies mentioned above, including my own three websites, but then who will ever look for a name like that unless they already know me?
Yet traffic to my websites remains anemic and I wonder what it is that I have to do next! Or what it is that prevents people from taking me serious.
I am good looking, have an honest face, am responsible, get my customers great value products, got a privacy statement on my website, have a published Toll free number, various IM buttons by which they can contact me thru Yahoo or MSN with a simple click, am approved/certified by Pay pal, have opened business accounts for each of my businesses so as to not commingle funds, so what is stopping people from making purchases on my website?
Although this sounds like an excuse, and I certainly have not thrown in the towel yet, but some of the reasons may be readily available.
First, I believe that the internet is riddled with no name scammers, MLM’ers and people that imitate big name companies to extract money from honest unsuspecting people, selling them stuff that does not really exist, who have been burned so many times that they have become gun-shy and are reluctant to part with their money to anyone that cannot positively verify that they are part of a well known chain.
The worst of these products and services are subscription based and typically start with a free trial period. The subscription kicks in automatically after the trail period and is invariably under $30 ($29.99) per month and non refundable. The trick here then is to make the cancellation method as cumbersome as possible, hoping that the customer forgets or gives up on trying to cancel it before the trial is over. At least one monthly subscription kicks in for an amount that is low enough for the customer not to sue to get it refunded and to let it go or write it off as a lesson learned.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! This person will think twice before he or she enters into a transaction on the internet again and there are millions of them.
Secondly, the fact that any person who joins an MLM and is not one of the first to join, like number 98,996, will find it extremely difficult to make money without spending an inordinate a mount of time and money to get traction. So it is important to pick a business that does not depend on MLM to make money, unless you are one of the firsts to join.
Although I have been unsuccessful to date, I firmly believe that the YTB proposition of offering people and corporations their own website to book travel and receive commissions is a good one.
It is unfortunate that the MLM part is so widely publicized as the real money maker, which I believe it is not, except for the very few who came in at the top. It is merely a strategy to increase travel bookings under the YTB banner by the masses and so increase market share for YTB in sales of travel.
Most individuals that spend less than $6000 per year in travel should not own their own website, although of course any amount of travel that they book on their own website, no matter how small, counts toward sales of travel by YTB thus growing the company and increasing its market share.
The minimal amount of travel booked by these small owners, compared to the amount they spend for maintaining a YTB website has also skewed YTB’s earnings. YTB earns more from selling and hosting portals/websites than from selling Travel.
However the notion of taking out the middleman and offering the traveler the opportunity to be the travel agent instead is pure genius.
The traveler/corporation now has the opportunity to benefit from the commissions that the traditional middle man receives and lower their travel expenses with those commissions.
Additionally by becoming the middleman/travel agent, YTB offers its site owners the opportunity to be in charge of their travel arrangements. The site owner/traveler has full and direct access to the travel operators and as such has access to benefits that are not available to the ordinary traveler.
So I am convinced that I picked the right business model, but would like to only sell travel the “honorable way” by targeting people/corporations who can truly benefit/make a profit from having a turnkey secure hosted travel website and therefore by definition will buy at least $6000 per year in travel. I do this by openly publishing the one time set up costs of $450 and the monthly maintenance/hosting/ Liability insurance fee of $50 up front, which by the way may be the other reason why nobody comes to my site, perhaps I should hide the real costs just like everyone else!
That is the way to a win/win proposition, I make money from their travel, they save money on their travel and YTB increases market share in the travel business instead of the Website hosting business.
So I have not really been able to provide the answer to my original question. And I would be greatly appreciative for any helpful hints from fellow strugglers.
Having said all that, I invite anyone to comment on my observation of how to get noticed on the internet and to be taken seriously and my observations about YTB, MLM and Scammers.
Santa and his elfs realized last year, that they fitted the perfect profile of people who benefit from having their own YTB hosted secure Travel website.
ReplyDeleteSo he got his own Turnkey, secure, Christmasco.com travel website hosted by YTB as a Christmas present to himself and the all the Elfs last year.
They used it extensively in the 2007 christmas season and saved themselves tons of money, traveled in style for the first time in many years and got themselves lots of cash back for the amount of travel they booked.
Additionally, they will use their insider credentials this summer to go on many cruises as a group, because Santa has discoveredd that He travels free if he and the elfs book as a group on YTB AND get comissions back.
This is the first time Santa has ever received a present from anyone in the travel business and all that thanks to YTB!
Ho Ho Ho Ho
You are aware that if you book groups regardless if you are an agent or not, you are entitled to a "freebie" based on the number of passengers that travel. It has nothing to do with being an agent.
ReplyDeleteNow, you can push away about how you feel as a YTB agent, but your still not hearing our side. We do not care if you want to book friends/family, recruit or whatever it is you do. However, this does NOT deem you a travel agent..referring someone to a website makes you simply that...a website. To be a true travel agent you need training, experience, tools and a good reputation for customer support. Sending a client to a travel agent only phone number on your website does not count as customer care. So if your not truly acting as an agent...why should you be entitled to anything we actually work for? I'm going to chalk it up to neither side understanding...as for now its Christmas...and I refuse to argue today. My daughter took her first steps on Christmas morning..and that alone made my holiday.
Dear Bouwou,
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how to get noticed on-line, because I don't operate an on-line agency.I can't even imagine how many on-line agencies there are right now, so I would think you would have to do something really amazing to get your site to stand out. Your site looks very much like you are trying to be all things to all people. But what are you an expert at??
The reason that we continue to grow and be succsessful is because we offer services to our clients that they can't get from an on-line site or a YTBer who knows nothing about travel.
You seem like a smart enough guy. If you really want to make it in the travel industry, then you have to get away from companies like YTB. Because YTB places no limits on the number of reps they can have in any area, or no expectations as to the education or credibility of their rta's, the chances of succsess with that company are slim to none. To make in today's travel industry you have to have a niche, you have to stand out, and you have to offer something they can't get anywhere else. This is why despite the YTBers belief to the contrary, our service business continues to thrive.
You stated that "However the notion of taking out the middleman and offering the traveler the opportunity to be the travel agent instead is pure genius. " But it's not. It's created an entire army of uneducated people who have done nothing to enhance the travel industry, and they are not saving any money at all.
If you want to be the operator of an on-line business or an mlmer I can't help you with that. If you want to be a real travel agent though let me know.
Travel Temptress...Great News. YTB just created it's 13th MILLIONAIRE
ReplyDelete(annual earnings)
"To make it in today's travel industry, you have to have a niche, you have to standout and
offer something they can't get any-
where else"
How about an opportunity to earn a million for $500 Dollars? Sounds pretty dang "real" to me.
JF...Name Calling? You lost me on that one....
Oh Earl - you are such a sad creature -
ReplyDeletePlease post the names of the 13 millionaires .....
ReplyDeleteYou can be a traditional ta and be a millionaire too. And you can do it much easier because you get to keep 100% of your commissions. AND you get to use your own name rather than the name of a company that has been given the boot by IATA and others.
mil·lion·aire [ mìllyə nér, míllyə nèr ] (plural mil·lion·aires)
wealthy person: somebody whose net worth or income is more than one million dollars, pounds, or another unit of currency ( often used before a noun )
Big Whoop Earl! I've fit that decription since 1994 - and around here you're tripping over "millioneaires" just about every other step you take. Now "billionaires" - that's something to brag about.
Dear Temptress,
ReplyDeleteNot worth commenting on, you clearly did not understand the reason for the post.
Do you have a name? or perhaps even a picture?
Dearest Travellisa,
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that you assume that I am a dummy.
You are right we are not travel agents in the traditional sense, and I for one do not want to be one, we are people that sell travel that the customer wants, not what you as agents want to sell them.
We are game changers Travelocity II, which is why you "Traditional Travel Agents" are so defensive.
You happy now? What is in a name!
As to experience, I probably know more about travel than you will ever forget.
Get your sense of humour back!
Merry Christmas
ReplyDeleteI do not assume anything, and I never once stated that you were a dummy. I was merely stating a fact in case you weren't aware of it. Some YTB agents don't have a clue. Yes some might...but the majority I've run into, do not. As for knowing more about travel, doubtful. I've been in this industry for 20 years, and have handled some big names due to my personal attention and excellent customer service. I am not a leisure agent, nor do I pretend to be. I handle groups, incentives, VIP and corporate accounts. As I stated, I do not want the "web browsers" that YTB claims they want. I have enough clientele to keep me well paid and happy. But I will not sit idley by and watch people who do not have a clue about this industry at all, give agents a bad name due to lack of knowledge, and for some..common sense.
As I said...I'm quite sure neither side will ever fully understand the others. For now, we will have all agree to disagree, until something changes.
Happy Holidays!