They showed a graphic of an upswinging stock chart--not sure whose it was.
They featured a lot of the Royal Caribbean ships in the video as well. Has there been a change since Kim's demonstration of tap dancing? Does the new marketing guy (who apparently made this video) realize that YTB cannot sell them?
Absent was all of the promise of riches and perks which is a good thing and they really did focus on selling travel. Now if they might be a little bit more forthcoming and let the prospect know how much they could earn it would be better. There was no mention of recruiting, but there is another video highlighting that--just click on the "Take A Look At YTB" link.
They also touted the $226M and $414M in travel and they said that those numbers represented travel sold "through their websites". And we know that is not true because according to Travel Weekly, the RTAs (both personally and through their websites) only sold $211M last year.
But it is another step in the right direction. Did it go far enough to call off the dogs that are suing them? Doubtful. I see this like a rapist that is caught red handed and now before trial claims that becasue he promises to not do it again and has not done it for a while he should be set free.
What do you think? Go to and click on "Company Presentation". Let's discuss!
Well, now that I'm done throwing up in my mouth a little.....I have to agree, it sure was slick and looked good. I will argue with John on the not talking about perks, though. Now they're just calling them "ytb exclusive trips", but they're still advertising what are supposed to be FAMS as though they're vacation trips with reduced prices. They're just not calling them FAMS any longer.
ReplyDeleteI also like how they are still on that thing about are you going to buy from someone you know or a stranger thing. Well, that might happen once, but the second something goes wrong, I think the old axiom of not mixing business and pleasure will kick back in. It just doesn't make sense.
Something else I want to touch on today. Has anyone else noticed how Doug seems like he gets an awful lot of his blog ideas from THIS blog? Go read his entry for today, then come back and read the entry and comments here from 2 days ago. Doug always seems to be behind the times.
Well, Ains ole Doug doesn't have an original idea in his head. That's why he copies everything here. YTB doesn't recruit the sharpest crayons in the box. If they did they wouldn't have anyone working for them.
ReplyDelete"Now they're just calling them "ytb exclusive trips", but they're still advertising what are supposed to be FAMS as though they're vacation trips with reduced prices. They're just not calling them FAMS any longer."
ReplyDeleteThey are not FAM trips Ainsworth. Leave it to Ainsworth to find something wrong with anything that has to do with YTB.
"Something else I want to touch on today. Has anyone else noticed how Doug seems like he gets an awful lot of his blog ideas from THIS blog? Go read his entry for today, then come back and read the entry and comments here from 2 days ago. Doug always seems to be behind the times."
That goes both ways there sport. Speaking of being behind the times.
I must say that at least there were a couple of compliments, although they turn around and still kick the bucket.
ReplyDelete"ytb exclusive trips" are just that. They are NOT "supposed to be FAMs". Certain vendors have created exclusive trips for this company with special prices.
I thought it was one of the most complimentary things John has ever posted. You are right, it was too hard for him to not find something to blunt it a bit though.
ReplyDeleteYea I guess you're right. So, we should consider ourselves lucky???
ReplyDeleteAnonymous people, especially anonymous ytbites, cannot consider themselves anything because they really do not exist.
ReplyDeleteIs this all these people do is complain, whine, gripe, trash and talk about YTB???????????
You don't even know the half of it Jakki!
ReplyDeleteTell me!
ReplyDeleteThey're still using the one benefit to travel agents that should be for real travel agents, being able to visit a location for less than retail, as a selling point to sign up with ytb. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You can put a wolf in sheeps clothing, it's still a wolf. You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. You ALL get my drift.
ReplyDeleteWell, Jakki, ytbers come here and moan and groan and cry that they are the victim, because we point out the "error of their ways", and point out that ytb is strictly re-active and not pro-active. And we point out that bloggers such as Doug seem to find alot of their blog material here. We also point out other blogs, that just happen to belong to ytbers, that are just full of misinformation and outright lies. Then, they complain that we're the bad guys.
ReplyDeleteI've yet to run across a blog or forum where a YTBer is actually pushing TRAVEL. Selling a destination, pushing for a booking. It's always about recruiting, or joining the company. Why, if your company is all about travel, is the travel part not pushed? Why when someone answers a questions posed on say Craiglist asking for travel advice, the answer is always "why don't you become a travel agent and save money on your trip". Umm thats not the answer they wanted (besides the fact that its against CL rules to solicit). Why can they not simply say..well a cruise to blah blah would be best..or this resort is awesome you should try it. Could it be because most of them honestly have no idea?
ReplyDeleteI get your drift. An exclusive trip should be reserved for who?? Only YOU ALL who are either home-based or brick-and-mortar who book travel all day?? Or can it not be for many of us who constantly drive people to our sites to book travel and book group trips/cruises??
ReplyDeleteThese people came to us to offer these exclusive trips. And we should say "no thanks"?? Please. Of course, their motivation is for us to book travel at those destinations. We understand that. So, I'll go on those exclusive trips, do site inspections, experience what they have to offer and have another destination to send my clients! That's what it about!!
Got it Ainsworth. I didn't come here to moan and groan. You can talk about us as much as you want. It's just pointless to me and a drastic waste of time.
ReplyDeleteI do Lisa.
ReplyDeleteSo, Yakki, What do you think are the highlights of the new YTB presentation vs the older ones posted on utube et all? Is this new presentation the ONLY allowed version now?
ReplyDelete"An exclusive trip should be reserved for who??" Not YTB because you ARE NOT travel agents nor do you have ANY knowledge of the travel industry or destinations.
ReplyDeleteYou only joined for the perks,the down line and the tax write offs. If you didn't get those it would be bye bye.
My name is JAKKI.
ReplyDeleteI think its an excellent presentation. It ONLY focuses on travel. If someone is interested in the marketing, they have to view another presentation.
Older versions presented marketing too much. I think it was too confusing, i.e., become an agent or sell websites?? I love this new presentation.
This is the ONLY presentation to be given by ANYONE. As with anything, we'll see. I have seen the presentation AND the policies and procedures. The company can't do anything else to control that. If you see other versions out there, that's on the individual. I would say contact the company. Because they have said that they will crack down on persons who continually market incorrectly. We ARE to market travel.
Kit, it's real funny. When I was doing some travel training last night, one of the things I read was:
ReplyDeletePerks is ONE of the reasons that attracted many of the individuals in the travel industry. It's not just YTB. You can say it wasn't for you, but you can't speak for every other TA.
And you also can't speak for EVERY person in YTB. I have great knowledge of the TRAVEL INDUSTRY and DESTINATIONS, among many other things.
ReplyDelete"You only joined for the perks,the down line and the tax write offs. If you didn't get those it would be bye bye."
ReplyDeleteYeah, Kit. You always seem to know exactly why people in YTB do what they do. It's definitely black and white in your book. You have no more right to say how someone else feels than they do to say how you feel and operate.
Jakki - Be prepared to be shamed, called names, and blasted by just about every TTA on this site if you decide to stay.
Jakki is right in that the ONLY presentation allowed now is the one that is on our sites and the ones that are put out by the company. Also, the power point presentations are the same. The company will be doing spot checks to make sure there is compliance. Will there be people that don't follow the rules? Probably but YTB won't have to worry about finding those because John and the posse will find them for us.
"They're still using the one benefit to travel agents that should be for real travel agents, being able to visit a location for less than retail, as a selling point to sign up with ytb."
Ainsworth, If YTB is allowed to offer these trips to RTA's for a lower cost, that isn't up to you to decide that they shouldn't get it dude. Traverus calls them "member trips". It's the VENDOR that doesn't have a problem with it and if fact has sanctioned it. Gripe to them about it and see where it gets you.
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You can put a wolf in sheeps clothing, it's still a wolf. You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. You ALL get my drift."
Yeah, we get your drift. You like to use cliches.
firemedic - they got the right one now. I have no problem in them shaming me, blasting me or calling me names.
ReplyDeleteAnyone here gonna pay me to stay away from YTB?????
Ainsworth, I think I see the blog entry you were talking about:
ReplyDeleteAccording to a survey done by NATCA the average split is 74/26, just a mere 4 clicks north of what I currently make with YTB. (70/30)
I would have never guessed since all I hear is 80/20 from the traditionalists.
I would like to know why many many YTB websites have not been updated. They still are viable as a booking engine, but all the info YTB wise is outdated. Could these websites belong (?) to RTA's who have quit? If so, why are they still 'live'?
ReplyDeleteps we are 90/10 with our ICs. But they are experienced and need no training.
Which websites are you talking about Eddie? Marketing?
ReplyDeleteIt could mean that those people are not focused on the marketing aspect of the company. You don't NEED an updated marketing site to focus on travel.
Guess I don't understand what ed is saying about "updated" sites. The company does all the updates and site content.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm assuming he's talking about upgrading to the new marketing site. He wasn't quite explicit.
ReplyDelete"And you also can't speak for EVERY person in YTB. I have great knowledge of the TRAVEL INDUSTRY and DESTINATIONS, among many other things."
ReplyDeleteJust because I can CLICK on webmd it doesn't make me a doctor any more than YTB makes you a travel agent.
"Anyone here gonna pay me to stay away from YTB?????"
We have given plenty of advice and information on host agencies where you will have a better commission split, make more money SELLING TRAVEL and be respected by your peers. The problem is YOU and YOUR FRIENDS like firemedic don't want to give up the revenue from the down line. If you all are as serious about selling travel as you say you would leave.
SEC Filings show only a small % actually make any money at all. Only the people at the top. You people are like compulsive gamblers keep giving your money away in hopes of the big pay off. Sad, very sad all of you.
You're absolutely right about webmd. But unfortunately for YOU, I'm taking more substantial courses in the travel industry and have the credentials to prove it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't ask you to give me any recommendations to go anywhere else. I asked if you all were going to pay me to stay away from YTB? You are so concerned about how much money I make WITH YTB, I thought you would pay me to get away from them. And trust me, having YOUR respect means nothing to me either. I don't know you and you don't know me.
And marketing doesn't phase me. I only made $35 last month from the marketing side of my business. I don't actively market. I ACTIVELY BOOK TRAVEL AND THAT'S WHERE I MAKE MY MONEY.
I have seen YTB RTA sites that are not updated. I am thinking that the 'rta renters' have quit, but that YTb leaves the sites up to boost membership numbers. Every RTA in YTB makes plenty of money selling travel according to them. So either YTB filed fraudulent numbers with the SEC or many many many RTAs are not being truthful. Either senario is plausible. I'll wait for 3Q filings to see what if anything has changed now that Fireman and Yakki are selling up a storm. Have a great day folks!
ReplyDelete"I have seen YTB RTA sites that are not updated. I am thinking that the 'rta renters' have quit, but that YTb leaves the sites up to boost membership numbers."
ReplyDeleteYou may have seen the REP sites but not I doubt it was inactive RTA sites. Plus the "udated" sites you are talking about may the the difference in the enhanced site or the original, in which the REP has the choice.
Thanks Fireman, I was unaware that there were booking engines on the REP sites. Does this mean that REPs sell travel too now?
ReplyDeleteEddie, what are you talking about??? Are you talking the travel site??? Every REP who has ever been in the company still has a marketing site, unless they were terminated, so that's not surprising.
ReplyDeleteAnd again, my name is Jakki. I wouldn't dare call you Beddie. Show some respect.
"I'm taking more substantial courses in the travel industry and have the credentials to prove it."
ReplyDeleteWhat the Princess Commodore Class? LOL! Because they are giving a FREE cruise away. That's real credentials. You are full of it. I don't believe a word of it. And, I don't believe you are making money at travel because of your lousy commission split and all the other garbage you have to pay for.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAinsworth, I think I see the blog entry you were talking about:
According to a survey done by NATCA the average split is 74/26, just a mere 4 clicks north of what I currently make with YTB. (70/30)
I would have never guessed since all I hear is 80/20 from the traditionalists.
Anonymous, he got the idea for today's blog from conversation that took place here. Can't he come up with something on his own?
Since I'm not a member of NACTA, I'd truly like to know the exact distrubution of their respondents, because with my host, if the commission on something I sell is $100, the check that I get for it is $80, which is an 80/20 split.
YTB is not a member of NACTA and they did and do not endorse them. Some members of YTB may be members of NACTA.
ReplyDeleteTW is stretching--449 people is not a big enough sample. And if Joystar and YTB are included (as they were) their splits (some of Joystars, like the ones with the mentors) would have dragged the entire thing down. Nexion (I believe) also has different programs.
Love your website Jakki! But please remove the YTB agent airfares section as every airline you mention requires an IATAN card. Also glad to see Denyse is helping you out. you must be one of her downline? I didn't know her spouse was a PhD either...did he get his the same place Seligman PhD did?
ReplyDeleteActually, the whole site could use a little updating but I know your busy. Has this site the YTB 'stamp of approval'?
"What the Princess Commodore Class? LOL! Because they are giving a FREE cruise away."
ReplyDeleteNo Kit, how about the Certified Cruise Counsellor training.
Actually, Eddie, I have no control over that site - its not mine. I do know Denyse but not one of her downline. Her husband does not have a PhD, but a Theology degree. I'll tell the owner of that site though.
ReplyDelete"No Kit, how about the Certified Cruise Counsellor training."
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is that? I have heard of ACC, MCC and ECC, even LCC. But, NEVER Certified Cruise Counsellor. Must be YTB's designation. What do they teach you? How to recruit on cruise ships? How to recruit a cruise group in your Church. ROTFL! That is a good one. Try CTA or CTC or even the basic TAP Test and the real cruise designations above. NOT YTB's laughable training. Heck, my dog probably knows more about travel.
If you really want to sell travel plenty of hosts out there. But again, it's all in the down line and recruiting. Because if it wasn't you would leave.
Funny, how Densyse just pops up all over your website. So, now Denyse you are going by Jakki with 2 k's. Cute. Did you get rid of your glamour shot too?
As to the PhD in Theology degree did he get that through the mail too? How's that work. You send in $499 and you get to be a PhD in Theology? Diploma Mill just like YTB is a card mill. Hard to believe a real PhD would fall for YTB's smoke and mirrors.
You know my Momma always said who you keep company with REFLECTS on you. YTB is a scam outfit. What does that make all of you? And, just being involved in a company that cons people out of money and promises riches that never materialize makes you all hypocrites. You gotta walk the talk.
"Actually, Eddie, I have no control over that site - its not mine."
ReplyDeleteOne more thing Jakki aka Denyse, don't link to a site that's NOT yours. Duh!
Then you don't know as much as you proclaim Kit. This comes directly from the CLIA site: "CLIA Certified Cruise Counsellors". YES, I'm working on my ACC.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is no PhD in Theology. He has a Doctorate in Theology.
And what is this Denyse stuff?? Where do you see Denyse???
ReplyDeleteThe current commission percentages and/or commission fees that are paid to YTB for utilized reservations confirmed on our YTB web site are very high because of the volume YTB produces. That means 70/30 at the top of the vendor commission structure is many times better than 80/20 at a lower vendor commission percentage scale.
Anon, that would be true IF the agent was on their own, but the reason most agents go with a host is to get the higher vendor commissions. So if you have done your "due diligence" before joining a host, you would know if the 80/20 is a better split than the 70/30. It's all about doing the math and knowing the type biz you do.
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW, intimating that YTB gets higher commission percentages from vendors than anyone else is BS.