YTB has been in complete spin control as was evidenced by the pulling of many videos highlighted last week. They have also "ordered" their Reps and RTAs to modify their blogs and websites to adhere to their message. As I have said for a long time, one of the issues is that there is no way to control that many people. There are still blogs out there that are going against the grain--even Regina Osei seems to be skirting the issues by offering a free laptop to join her team. Oops, it seems that she must have been slapped down as the link is not longer valid.
What is interesting to note, is the frequency of press releases issued by YTB since August of last year. To me it appeared that every time Coach had to use the men's room there was a press release. Well if you look at the frequency over the year, you can see that he must have solved that problem.
August 2007-5
September 2007-1
October 2007-2
November 2007-3
December 2007-3
January 2008-6
February 2008-5
March 2008-3
April 2008-5
May 2008-4
June 2008-1
July 2008-1
August 2008-1
It is also interesting to note that according to YTB's SEC filing about the lawsuit (they did not issue a press release on that) they say that negotiations with the Attorney General fell apart 45 days prior to being served. That would have put it in the neighborhood of early June--just when all the press releases stopped.
John, I'd like to add you were complaining that YTB issues too many press releases. Now you are complaining that YTB doesn't issue enough. Too hot, too cold, is there a possibility of "just right?"
ReplyDeleteNot a complaint Rod--just an observation. Before the AG talks break down there were tons of them. Now not so many!
ReplyDeleteMaybe they could get that traveling moms lady to write some stuff for them. Granted it won't be spelled write or have any punctuation, but hey, it's better than nothing!