Thursday, October 23, 2008

Traveling Mom Has Traveled On

Who knows how long this will stay up on her blog, but it appears that she does not like YTB messing with the way she does business. She has moved on now and apparently YTB is no longer the best thing out there. I wonder what that one recruit she landed thinks?

She now blames Firemedic for the problems and states that she does not understand why YTB is hassling her becasue she "is not making any money"

I need a trip I book it with somebody. Don't need hassle in my life right now. I am an independent person I don't like being told what to do never have especially if I am talking up your business and putting it in good light it is not making me rich. I am so turned off right now and I can't see how I am going to get back into this business because I am still angry about the way that stuff went down about my blog. Call me one week about something and then wait a week and a half later to call me about the same stuff that was on their when you call me the first time. If it was a problem why did you not mention it then. I know why because those reps read NOMLM and SCAM.COM and thanks Firemedic for putting me out there with NOMLM because he found my blog through you who suppose to be for the company. I just had to say my peace now I can move on.



  1. I believe I found her blog through John. And yes I too did complain about what she was saying too. She just was not open to feedback.

    Traveling Mom, I am sorry you feel that way. I tried to warn you but you chose to do your own thing. Believe it or not I was actually for you until you decided to keep saying things that were going to get you into more trouble than you could afford. God bless.

  2. Bon voyage, Mom!

    I still think, on a personal level, that if she wants anyone to take her seriously, she needs some English lessons.

  3. Firemedic please cut out the crap. You are the biggest back stabber this side of the Mississippi. You don't give a rat's ass about Traveling Mom.

  4. Why is it when Doug, firmedic and the rest of the boys spout off untruths, slams and all the other garbage on their blogs they are not censored?

    Hey Danielle, first amendment violation. Get a lawyer honey. Sue the heck out of em. I'm sure the great law firms of Carey and Danis or Rex Carr will be happy to help you.

  5. Several people have said that she was discriminated against. And while I did not care for her blog, I am kind of seeing this.

    Others have no problems with YTB because perhaps they are a director, are well liked, write well. YTB looks the other way.

    But with Danielle, they shut her down pretty quickly.

    Selective enforcement!

    But since she never paid for the Rep site, I imagine that she has little recourse.

  6. Nice John! You come on here for the past couple of weeks with the posse and make fun of her. You now turn around and defend her? Wow.

    YTB did not "shut her down". She still has her site. She just cannot market her business saying the things she was saying and you know they were right for calling her on it. YTB gave her a choice and Danielle is chosing but they didn't shut her down.

  7. Firemedic, you are SUCH an idiot. She was made fun of because her lack of knowledge of basic English grammar, and her unwillingness to learn it made it easy to make fun of her. She all but asked for it. I started out trying to give her pointers, to help her make her site look and sound more professional, and she replied to me that she "don't need know help".

    The other reason that she was a focus of this blog was the amount of false information regarding travel that she was espousing. What, we're supposed to allow the fallacy of the notion that just because the price of gasoline is now going down that airfares is going to be lower in the spring pass by? Even you admited that you had a problem with her blog.

    It's quite obvious what Wood River objected to, other than the misinformation, when you compare her blog to Dougies. Get real.

  8. "She was made fun of because her lack of knowledge of basic English grammar, and her unwillingness to learn it made it easy to make fun of her. She all but asked for it. I started out trying to give her pointers, to help her make her site look and sound more professional, and she replied to me that she "don't need know help".

    The other reason that she was a focus of this blog was the amount of false information regarding travel that she was espousing. What, we're supposed to allow the fallacy of the notion that just because the price of gasoline is now going down that airfares is going to be lower in the spring pass by? Even you admited that you had a problem with her blog."

    I was pointing out the hypocrisy here. How one minute John, you, and the others are thrashing her, and when YTB gives her a choice to stop or face disciplinary actions, you now scream "rights violations". What a bunch of dung!

  9. FM there is crap on many blogs and we give them crap too. Those blogs are stillup and running (Travel-Pro is full of misinformation) and YTB allows it. This one they did not.

    YTB cannot control their people as a rule but on occasion they find some that will roll over for them. She did and it is wrong to slap her down and not the others.

    What part don't you get?

  10. Fire is an idiot in that he doesn't see that while we didn't agree with what TM was saying or how she was saying it, we defend her right to do it!

  11. Ainsworth and John you defended her "rights" to do it so you could have some fun at her expense and to use her as part of your mission against YTB. You only defend her now that you cannot exploit her.

  12. Firemedic, you are truly a complete, total idiot. Whether I agree with what ANYONE says, I will always defend their right to say it. Now, will I pick on them if they say it in a completly uneducated way, and then scoff at the help offered to make their stance sound better? You betcha.

  13. Fireman turned her in because she was embarrassing YTB not because she was 'breaking the rules'. Other blogs break the rules everytime they mention YTB by name but YTb isn't shutting them down. As I said before it's a double standard and I expect nothing less from YTB.

  14. Very true, Eddie. Doug's blog is FULL of references to ytb, but it's still up and running!

  15. TM is truly a lunatic. She can't make up her mind as to why her blog has changed so many times. First, it was because of John. Then it was because ytb told her to take it down. Then it was because firemedic focused too much attention on it. Then it was ytb again. Now, it's because the "company is changing direction."

    Friday, October 24, 2008
    Don't be alarmed Traveling Mom is not going anywhere. She is still offering the greatest opportunity. If it don't make sense don't get involved that simple. Blog was changed to get ready for the new direction the company is going. So the old videos are obselete so check out the new video click the link below. Everything you need to know on one video presentation. Have Fun and Enjoy! __Traveling Mom

  16. test to see if my account is working
