I am putting out a thumbs up to the newly formed YTB Police (according to Kim's talk yesterday)!
Apparently, the blog, Traveling Mom Home Based Travel Business has been deleted. The charges stemmed from being...FOS.
But the Marketing Site is still active, so apparently there is some value to YTB.
About damn time!
ReplyDeleteThat's a damn shame. YTB has once again proven that they have no sense of humor or desire to entertain the reading public.
ReplyDeleteSurprised to hear you say that Ainsworth considering she was such a source of fodder for you all for the past few weeks or so.
ReplyDeleteWhy firemedic? She should be allowed to put out all sorts of misinformation? Yes, the woman was funny, but funny in a sad way. Ignorance is never funny in a good way.
ReplyDeletesource of fodder, sure ... but more importantly she was a source of embarrasment for the WHOLE travel industry (and especially so for YTB). So, yes, it's about damned time.
ReplyDeleteNow we only have Firemedic's blog....and he's been neglecting it lately. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteShe's BAAAAAACK !!!
ReplyDeleteI see that, but with strict limitations, so how is that going to do her any good? She can't use company name, according to what she has posted, so that means she can't post a link to her site, because it has the name of the company in it.
ReplyDeleteThat's not fair. Doug talks about YTB all the time (when he isn't talking about John) and it's okay for him but not Traveling Mom? Do we have some kind of double standard here?
eddie said...
ReplyDeleteNow we only have Firemedic's blog....and he's been neglecting it lately. Sigh.
Oh, he made an entry today. I questioned him on it. I also went back and asked him if he was comfortable publishing what could basically turn out to be innuendo and gossip, what with his site being all about how Traverus is talking bad about ytb, and how he likes to yell that he is victim of personal attacks. I also asked him if he will be man enough to publish a retraction and apologize if it does turn out what he has published does turn out to be not true.
Big difference, Eddie. Doug, while still a tool and idiot, doesn't print outlandish things and does seem to have a grasp on how the travel industry works. Mom was just a tool and "ignert".
ReplyDeleteNope - no difference if a rule is a rule. One is NOT supposed to even mention YTB, good or bad. But Doug is a chosen one and Mom isn't. Both are supposedly members in good standing and both contribute to Coaches bank balance. So what if Doug spells better and can complete a sentence? Mom showed just as much adoration as doug does. It's discrimination, pure and simple.
ReplyDeleteShe was also putting up plenty of false information, you forgot that part, Eddie.
ReplyDeleteOf course, now she is saying that she was told by the "company" (makes it sound like the CIA) everyones blog has to come down. She then says its because John of this blog got her in the spotlight. She also states that she is "really pissed off". Nice thing to write on what is supposed to be a professional blog!
I am back
After doing some Internet research I found a lot of millionaires and directors with blogs and website so I am back until they officially send me something in writing about it and the millionaires and director should have been told first I am just a little girl on the totem pole trying to make it. I will not show any videos this time around or mention the company name and everything I right is my opinion no one elses.
Thank You for reading my blog with some positive feedback.
After talking to the company once again they said everybodies website and blogs are coming down when it comes to her desk. What kind of BS is that. Because John of NOMLM got me in the spotlight I have to take my blog down. Because it came across her desk. Say What? I am confused. Is this company that afraid of NOMLM or what hey I might have to look at this again myself. I am really pissed off right now about the whole situation.
I feel like the company I am trying to promote is turning on me for promoting them. They are so scared of a lawsuit. How are you going to get a lawsuit from someone talking about taxes out of a book and the IRS website.
Oh, and she has also changed the name of her blog from Traveling Mom to:
ReplyDeleteAll About How to Start and Benefit From Any Home Based Business
This blog is for you to get information on your business that you are doing or want to do. This is not a specific blog for any one company.
Well if she read this blog, she woudl know that YTB reads it. I have said it many times. They check it out twice a day. Everybody wave to the nice people at YTB!
ReplyDeleteWell, I know for a fact that people that are ytb members in good standing sent in complaints about the blog, too.
ReplyDeleteI am not at all surprised that they took it down. What's sad about it is that we had to tell them it was there in the first place. Again if they had TRAINING stuff like this wouldn't happen!
ReplyDeleteI get that Ains, but it's not like every YTB blogger isn't do that same thing one way or another. Mom is just a little more...expressive? So she gets smacked for it and Douggie is the YTB darling because he gushes more. How about Mike the travel Guy and his Millionaire Maker kind of blog? How many millionaires has he created from his failing downline. YTB is discriminating because Mom is a little nobody and YTB can treat her differently.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone at YTB - do you get my point?
YTB has a love fest for Doug. Must be the fake tan look.
ReplyDeleteAs to getting your point Eddie, LOL, they aren't that smart.
Hi Nice people at YTB
ReplyDeleteYou'll notice that the nutjob that is Travelling Mom doesn't like your policys, nor do Gail's Travel, Travel Pro, and the COUNTLESS others on Craigslist, Myspace, Blogger, UTube etc etc etc. The policing question (the first for Kim yesterday) was in fact my question. Learn to control your spawn, they are the ones giving your company a very bad image and name.
Train all REPS and RTAS travel FIRST before setting them loose into the industry. Maybe then they'd get a grain of respect from the ones that actually work very hard and are knowledgeable on the subjects at hand. If you think this just a few, keep looking. Just yesterday at the Trade show a Heather Kirkendale (probably mis-spelled that) asked what an NCF is. Travel 101. Tisk-Tisk.
Mom should slap a discrimination suit on YTB. She can look up on the internet how to do it, or ask the FBI.
ReplyDeleteThat's the only way I can see her making a dollar off them.
Carey and Danis would probably represent here.
ReplyDeleteThat should be represent her not here. Geez, I am getting just as bas as she is.
ReplyDeleteIt seems as if Traveling Mom has gone off the deep end!
ReplyDeleteImportant Message to my Blog Followers and my Forum Readers
Now they are telling me they did not say take my blog down. This is what they sent me for all the people that have blogs with this company.Once you have reviewed your YTB Terms and Conditions I believe you may have a better understanding why we do not allow blogs. I can assure you that I am not trying to make your YTB business suffer in any manner. I am here to support and serve you. She said I can't mention you know what company. Well I hear to tell you my blog was about promoting my company Urban City Travel. Not their company. I really don't know if I am a independent business owner or I am just someone under someone else and they make the rules on how I can promote ,what is suppose to be my company. Yes one of my emails I just got says their seems to be a lot of dissension and I don't blame him for saying that one day I am up the next day I am down.
Well as you see I took out all mention of that company in my blog. So I guess I write about whats on my mind today. I listed some other home base businesses you can try. If you want to cell video phones I have a friend that does that. I just promote other people's businesses.
All pictures are mine I buy them from istockphoto.com. and jrett.com
Don't want nobody saying I am using their pictures.
All Name graphics are free.
All Ads on the side of the page are my affiliates I signed up for. My email address urbancitytravel@live.com belongs to me and msn.
Nothing on this page associates with the company I use to post about.
And the name Traveling Mom is my blogger handle has nothing to do with the company I use to blog about.
And I am a democrat and I am voting for OBAMA! Which is my choice.
Posted by Traveling Mom at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Well I am putting up the white flag. I give up seems NOMLM and SCAM.COM won the battle. Now they have nothing to write about me now they can move on to their next victim. It was a well fought war I will miss you guys terribly.
Posted by Traveling Mom at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Where's Ole Scorekeeper when you need him?
ReplyDeleteWell fought? Come on! When the opposing team hands you the ammunition on a sparkling silver platter it is not too difficult!
Poor Mom. Is Doug's blog down too? mike the bikes? Gails?
ReplyDeleteGail has a blog? Bet that's another winner. Not sure that I'm familiar with "mike the bike", either.