Brent Batten of the Naples News did a piece on the Great Pyramids of Wood River last weekend and he really nailed it!
Check out some of the comments from Burt's constituents:
- By the same token though, he thinks the $700 billion federal government bailout that broke the debt clock and crashed the stock market was a good idea too.
- Of course, let's not forget that he thought it was ok to skip out on last year's special session to go on vacation in China, leaving Collier and Lee counties without a voice during crucial negotiations in Tallahassee.
- Oh, and that's right, he even thought it was ok to be a registered lobbyist and a state senator at the same time.
- Well, Burt's rose colored glasses may distort his view of what's right and wrong, but the rest of us can see it clearly in black and white.
ReplyDeleteWhile I do think that the Burt Saunders piece in the Naples News is valid for your blog, it is silly to use the comments section just because you want to keep it going. All of those items you posted from Saunders constituents are all from the very first comment from one poster. The rest of the comments on that poll are from either ytbers or anti ytbers that found that poll perhaps from your blog.
Ah, more sage words from Josh.....Josh, the man who admittedly does business with a comapny (Wachovia) that was so in trouble that the FDIC had to step in and tell them to either find a buyer themselves, or they would do it for them, but he isn't worried! Yeah, Josh is someone that I would take seriously.
ReplyDeleteLot's of comments over there, and who's to say who found the articles how.
Ains are you for real? I do banking business with the 6th largest bank in the US and don't have more than 100k in the bank so I am protected by that same FDIC, therefore I wasn't worried and still am not, and because of that you wouldn't take me seriously? Wow. That's rich.
ReplyDeleteWait! You're in YTB and DON"T have more than $100,000 in the bank? I thought you were all millionaires, living off the glory of your downline. Maybe you could be one of traveling moms broke friends too!
ReplyDeleteWell, it isn't wise to have more than 100k in the bank (well 250k now). Yes, I am in YTB, and I have never claimed to be a millionaire. I bring in between 1500 and 2000 monthly working YTB on the side. I am happy with that. I have been in YTB for just shy of 2 years.
ReplyDeleteJosh, I own a pink elephant too. Did the Wood River gang tell you to put that figure on here? Sorry, I don't believe you. The SEC Filings show otherwise.....
ReplyDeleteI have posted travel commissions on here before from the 10% override standpoint. I am sorry you don't believe me. I didn't realize MY earnings were in the SEC filings. Have you seen the income disclosure statement. I am a power team leader and that just mentions the REP side of the business. IN 2007, earnings from the REP side alone in 2007 for PTLs rranged from 8 bucks to 120k. I fall in that range. ;)
ReplyDeleteHere are comments from Burt Saunders that John probably wouldn't have quoted on himself.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a lot of interest concerning my serving as a nonexecutive board member on the YTB board of directors. It is important that voters fully understand my role with YTB as they prepare to vote.
First, the timeline:
I was elected to the YTB board of directors as an independent board member and attended my first YTB board in June 2008. California litigation involving YTB was filed in early August 2008. I agreed to serve as an independent director with the understanding and commitment that I would protect investor interests and ensure that all corporate dealings were in compliance with applicable federal, state and local law.
United States securities regulators now require all publicly traded companies to have a majority of nonexecutive independent members on their boards to protect investors and the public. I own no stock in YTB and, as an independent director I have no insider dealings with the company. I am not a participant in the company’s marketing or sales programs; I receive no YTB commissions and I am not a YTB employee.
During the many corporate scandals and excesses that have contributed to our country’s current economic crisis, with companies such as Enron and WorldCom, the shareholders’, investors’ and employees’ interests were not adequately represented by the actions of independent directors on the boards.
Unbridled excesses by corporate executives need to be prevented and independently controlled boards are vital to this effort. As an independent director, my legal responsibility is to ensure that the interest of these shareholders, investors, and employees is fully protected, and that there is compliance with all applicable laws.
In reference to the California situation, my fellow independent directors and I are requiring YTB to take all actions necessary to come into compliance. If that means making changes to the business model, operations or management of YTB than that will be required. That is the role of an independent director.
I take this legal responsibility very seriously. Independent directors are urgently needed to end the greed and corruption that has destroyed our confidence in many of our corporations and financial institutions. Without these independent board members, greedy executives will continue to take advantage of investors and consumers, and employees will continue to see their pension and retirement plans squandered.
My past experience as an officer with A.G. Edwards, as a member of the founding board of a local bank, and as a member of a bank advisory board, along with my legal background and qualifications, equip me well to fulfill the role of a “watchdog” to protect shareholders, investors, and employees of YTB, and to ensure compliance with all laws.
But it is not all true. He does own stock. We have been hearing about this "Senator" being on YTB's Board for well over a year and I can document that with emails from last year.
ReplyDeleteJohn Simmons was an independent Board member and he quit because he was no longer able to affect any change because it was controlled by the insiders.
The Board is loaded with insiders. Saunders and the Energizer dude that replaced Dickinson are the only independent ones on there.
And to be honest, why the hell do you accept a Board position knowing that you are running for Congress and knowing that they are under investigation by the AG and a lawsuit is likely? Maybe he did not know--maybe YTB did not disclose it to him? But if you have half a brain, you know that in politics someone is gonna crawl up your ass with a microscope and regardless of legitimacy or not, YTB does not look good!
"But it is not all true. He does own stock. We have been hearing about this "Senator" being on YTB's Board for well over a year and I can document that with emails from last year."
ReplyDeleteHe has been on the board since May of this year.
Perhaps the reason he accepted the board position was because, unlike naysayer on this site, he actually took the time to meet and get to know the people you slander. Perhaps what he found was just opposite of what you say on here based on his experience of these people. Perhaps he does not have this false sense of having to a be the savior of the travel industry (as he knows it) and can see past the rhetoric. If you have "half a brain" you can see past the dung that is slung out there and see the truth, if you chose to
Firemedic-The only reason he joined the board was to line his pockets. And, I bet his trip to China was paid for by Coach. And, wasn't he involved in the Florida cover up I mean investigation of YTB? Yea, he joined the board cause he believed you are going to be the largest. Man, you people really are a bunch of Kool Aid drinkers with rose colored glasses. Take that back to Wood River with Josh's claims we aint' buying.
ReplyDeleteFireMedic - Simple question. Depsite your conviction of how great YTB is...what if you are wrong? And why would they NOW just start implementing travel stuff AFTER being sued and not before...18months before to be exact?
ReplyDeleteWhat if you are wrong and YTB goes belly-up, as much as you don't like it? What then?
"FireMedic - Simple question. Depsite your conviction of how great YTB is...what if you are wrong? And why would they NOW just start implementing travel stuff AFTER being sued and not before...18months before to be exact?
ReplyDeleteWhat if you are wrong and YTB goes belly-up, as much as you don't like it? What then?"
Lakeisha - Let me ask you the same thing. What if I am not wrong? What if YTB does not go belly up as you hope? What then for you? YTB keeps getting bigger and you get bitter?
Lakeisha the difference between the naysayers and those of us that John calls Dumbasses, is that we have an experience of the company that you don't. It would be like me talking bad about one of your close friends or family members that I have never met and have only read bad press about them. You know your friend a lot better than I but I still take a cheap shot every day at them. How would you feel about that? (Don't give me this "I would not have a friend like that of YTB". That's an Ainsworth chicken exit) Because John and the rest of the posse doesn't like the business model, he attacks the people personally when attacking the model isn't working for him.
As far as just now implementing travel stuff...what are you talking about? We sold over $400,000,000 in travel stuff last year. Now if you are talking about making adjustments then I don't see the problem. It's called making adjustments to stay on course. If you drive a car, you do it everyday. I mean, the next time you drive, get your car lined up and take your hands off the wheel. If you are good then you should never have to readjust your steering wheel. Right? No. You are being (as John likes to call YTB) "reactive", meaning you readjust to stay on course. It's part of doing business and part of life. YTB is doing the same.
AT - Responding to you is a waste of time. Glad you are here, though, to represent the "professional" travel agents.
Right back at ya firemedic. Glad you represent the professional fireman. I hear you are on disability leave cause you flaked out....
ReplyDeleteWhen will anyone acknowledge that RTAs did not sell 414 mill in travel last year? 202 mill of those sales came from the legitimate host agency under the YTB wing. The non mlm one. And there isn't close to 100,000 of them to sell that amount. YTB is recruiting, not selling travel. Those sales are just incidental.
ReplyDeleteThey all keep saying the $414M number. None of them say that the other company did $202M of that number. So technically the 130,000 RTA's that sell so much damn travel, only sold about $200M. Not a very big number for that many agents wouldn't you agree? Why is that? Because a majority of them aren't selling a thing. Yet they all have the audacity to call themselves travel agents (in any form).
ReplyDeleteYTB didn't make the changes just out of the blue, they started making MINOR changes since the AG put a fire under their ass. Now they are scrambling to fix the problems.
And, where are the flower and car sales? I bet they are lumped in with their travel sales....
ReplyDeleteIt would be like me talking bad about one of your close friends or family members that I have never met and have only read bad press about them.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic--that is from your previous comment. Have you ever spoken badly about George Bush? Dick Cheyney? Bill CLinton? Maybe the Chief in your own department? THe Mayor of your town?
Have you personally met them all?
One does not need to personally meet someone to form an opinion. You and I have never met and you seem to have formed yours just fine. And that is fine.
John, I would gladly buy you a beer and talk to you in a friendly setting. We would probably get along and have a lot more in common than this blog might show. As far as saying something bad about those people you talk about, yes, but I don't make it my daily obsessions. I am no fan of Hillary or Bill but I would love to sit down and pick their brains just because of the mere fact they are leaders. I don't think they are "morons, wastes of skin, dumbasses..." just because I disagree with them on social and political issues. And I bet, I would have even more respect for them if I actually KNEW them.
ReplyDeleteAT - I am a full-time firefighter and paramedic. I have never been on any disability for anything other than for the same injury that John had. I was out for three months. I have been firefighter for 14 years and in EMS for 17. I have seen your sarcastic comments on here several times questioning by qualifications and I could really care less what you think of my profession. You are the perfect example of attacking the person because you are too ignorant to talk about the issue.
ReplyDeleteIf you are referring to "flaked out" as having a hard time with a call where I watched a woman burn alive in her car because I couldn't get her out, then you just showed your social class.
FM - how much of the 212 mill is yours?
ReplyDeleteIt's all mine eddie!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, had to correct some typos.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic you said
"Lakeisha - Let me ask you the same thing. What if I am not wrong? What if YTB does not go belly up as you hope? What then for you? YTB keeps getting bigger and you get bitter?"
Is that your answer? I am just trying to hear at least ONE person think realistically, whether they like it or not.
Secondly, you are assuming. I just asked a simple question. Take it as face value.
Simple question. Despite your conviction of how great YTB is...what if you are wrong? And why would they NOW just start implementing travel stuff AFTER being sued and not before...18months before to be exact?
For the record FM, I used to be in YTB. And no they did not push travel and the changes they are implementing on the 21st until the AG came into play.Before I joined I spoke with many YTB uplines to see which one I liked, and each one pushed recruiting. Even my ex-sponsor, kept pushing recruiting and doing FAM trips. You signed up and got credentials, and even a letter to use while waiting, just for joining. That only changed when AG got on them. Heck I know some YTBers to this day who still don't know what VAX is. Secondly yes it's good to adjust and move forward, but you are a TRAVEL company, why did it take 7 long years to implement what should have been in place already? Better yet, 18months?
Take what is said as face value, not an attack, look from the outside in, and just answer that's all.
Lakeisha, you will never, ever, get a straight answer from anyone in ytb, much less from firemedic, even to a legitimate question. Your question and others have been asked, ad naseum, and a straightforward response was never forthcoming.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic, speaking of "chicken exits", I'm still waiting to hear whether or not you were able to set up the meeting between me and the old fart......uh, coach, for the 27th of this month in New Orleans. Remember, 11:00am at Cafe Du Monde, on the patio.
Firemedic, I sincerely doubt you are what you say you are. As to my sarcastic comments we have proven time and again you are just as bad if not worse. Pointless to debate YTB with you in an intelligent manner because you are so brainwashed you can't see the other side nor do you want to...
ReplyDeleteThat's great FM! So the other chickens make nothing selling travel. Just as I thought. See, it only takes one person to support a pyramid. So the other 99,999 just pay 500.00 and 50.00pm to his coachness because he is so 'blessed.' The AG is right, huh?
ReplyDelete"Firemedic, speaking of "chicken exits", I'm still waiting to hear whether or not you were able to set up the meeting between me and the old fart......uh, coach, for the 27th of this month in New Orleans. Remember, 11:00am at Cafe Du Monde, on the patio."
ReplyDeleteAinsworth, do you really want to go there again? What a joke.
AT - Once again I care less whether you believe me. I don't believe you are a real travel agent. AT you don't debate anyone on here. All you offer is sarcasm and insults. Ignorance on display.
Lakeisha - I'm not buying your story about being in YTB and now you are so against them for all the reasons you said you are. Who are you with now? Traverus? If you did your research so well and all everyone was telling you to do was "recruit" then why did you still join? How do you still know such much about YTB if you have moved on to bigger and better? Why would you care? I'm calling B.S. on your story.
Hey John, how do you feel about Traverus? We know how you feel about YTB but what about them?
ReplyDeleteAT - Once again I care less whether you believe me. I don't believe you are a real travel agent. AT you don't debate anyone on here. All you offer is sarcasm and insults. Ignorance on display.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you firemedic. Believe what you want. I have read your posts here, seen your trashing of other people on other blogs and all the right wing crap you expel out of your mouth. As to debate you don't debate you point fingers and you whine we are being mean to poor you. I have yet to see one intelligent debate from you. IMHO, you are an ass.
Traverus, World Ventures are on my list. I actually feel Peter Stilphen has a good list and my opinion of them is the same as that of YTB. Unfortunately for you (I guess) YTB is the largest and the loudest and the most egregious of the bunch and they are public so there is some more info available that is not for a private company.
ReplyDeleteBut here is Peter's list and as far as I am concerned, you are all in the same boat:
HOLIDAY PLANNERS a/k/a INFINITE FRONTIERS and formerly AMERICAN VOYAGER, not to be confused with Holiday Planners , Branson, Missouri.
( ADDED DUE TO FINANCIAL CONDITION) PROTRAVEL NETWORK, not to be confused with ProTravel International
I see firemdic has a lot of debate going on on this blog of his. LOL!
It's interesting to see firemedic posting on 153 blogs defending YTB. How do you find time to fight fires and save lives firemedic? And, how much is Coach paying you to defend YTB?
ReplyDelete"It's interesting to see firemedic posting on 153 blogs defending YTB. How do you find time to fight fires and save lives firemedic? And, how much is Coach paying you to defend YTB?"
ReplyDeleteWhatever AT. Keep blogging your dung. We appreciate it.
I am sure you do firemedic. And, keep slinging your dung at Traverus and the rest of your competition.
ReplyDeleteAT what is your obsession with my full-time job? Did you not get hired as a firefighter once or something? Perhaps you couldn't pass the physical test? What?
ReplyDeleteI'm not on 153 blogs so get real. Not even John has that much time and he blogs WAY more than anyone else on here.
I see Lakeisha you are with Traverus. Do you realize that John feels about you the same as he does YTB?
ReplyDeleteFiremedic is lying again. He is on 153 blogs. As to your profession that you claim firemedic if I were in a fire or situation where I needed a fireman I would not want a clear nut job like you attending me or anyone else. From the amount of time you spend blogging there is no way you are working full time in any capacity.
ReplyDeleteAT - prove that I (and not someone else with the same handle)am on 153 blogs and prove that I am not a firefighter. This is your chace to Ainsworth-up and "put up or shut-up".
ReplyDeleteAgain, why are you so bitter? Couldn't pass the the test and now you are a struggling TTA?
Firemedic all I did is google your handle. Believe me Firemedic I am not stuggling or jealous. You are a fake, a fraud and not gainfully employed. Futhermore, you are a nutcase and a disgrace to the professional firefighters. I don't have to PROVE anything to you. You know the truth and you as usual are deflecting away from it. You are a loser.
ReplyDeleteOh, and as to my being bitter. I am tired of all the lies you and your fellow RTA's spew about.
ReplyDeleteFM - I would like to politely ask you to remove my info off of your blog. You are too sensitive for this business. I have not attacked you but asked you a question, and you are reading too much into it. I'm a very nice person, but you don't want to go down that road with me.
ReplyDeleteYou have no clue who I am, what I'm about. I have always answered any questions asked of me truthfully. I used to be in YTB...came across John's blog, and have a couple friends in YTB, so I am interested in the outcome. Not only that, I used to be in YTB whether you believe it or not. It was called EliteChoiceTravels. I have the letter stating to use as confirmation for travel perks, I have a letter from corporate I rec'd a month or so ago, terminating my REP status even though I cancelled my RTA membership almost a year ago, still get emails, and more info to 'prove' that I was in it. I could care less about YTB, and for you to come at me the way you did is off base. I have posted on his blog what - twice, compared to your 88, and you feel the need to blast me on your blog.
I am asking you one time nicely to remove my name with your false info off of your blog.
I see Lakeisha you are with Traverus. Do you realize that John feels about you the same as he does YTB?
ReplyDeleteFM, I am not here kissing anyone's ass. I am fully aware of how they feel about TraVerus, I have mentioned on one of his other blogs that I was. I am not saying that TraVerus is 'BETTER' than anyone. Unfortunately, I have had many people whom I care about not being told everything about YTB. B/c I was a past member, I shared my experience. I am not here looking for friendship but asking questions, but you are so high on the defensive you want to start slandering people you don't know per your blog. If you saw my stuff on WBTD, you see that I am not brainwashed, or illogical when it comes to business, have TraVerus as my be all end all biz.( I so happen love to travel). By they way going on a cruise, and in December going to Barbados, then Carribbean in Jan, oh and then Spain in April...so I can better service my clients. On my own dime. What are you doing in your 'TRAVEL' business? Also those that know me and actually talked to me, know my position. I won't share with you b/c you don't mean anything to me really.
So you can go off on a tangent if you want, you don't know what I'm doing, so don't assume. I'm not assuming which is why I asked you questions you refuse to answer.
Firemedic, c'mon. Let's see if you really have the juice you say you do. 11:00am, October 27, Cafe Du Monde in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Why do I, and everyone else, have the feeling that you won't be able to produce the old fart. You're so hot for me to have a confrontation with him, produce him. Personally, as I have said many times in the past, even though I'm not afraid to face him, I'm not going out of my way to do it. Why should I go out of MY way to let the old man know what I think of him. In my opinion he's a scum bucket, a scam artist, and all the other things I have called him, but again, not going out of my way to tell him that to his face. If you're so hot for it to happen, then make it happen......ON MY SCHEDULE.
ReplyDeleteLakeisha - You cannot convince me that your commenting on this blog had pure motives. Especially when all hatred is for YTB. You came on here and jumped on pile thinking these people would embrace you and you are wrong about that. I do not doubt you are a very nice person but as long as you play the "attack YTB" game you will remain on my blog. You have an opportunity to apologize and take down you misinformation about YTB on your sites. When that is done, I will delete the blog entry about you.
ReplyDeleteYou say you still have friends with YTB. If they are still with YTB then let them be if they are happy. Maybe they don't feel the need to jump from one MLM to another. Maybe they don't feel the same as you do so if you are a friend then just suport them. If you are happy with Traverus then just be happy with Traverus.
You made the comment that you don't think Traverus is "better" than anyone else but you sites show that is not the case.
Like I said Lakeisha, I am happy to the blog entry about you when you show by your actions that you are no longer taking the "bash" YTB tactics.
Just make another video Ainsworth. You are still trying to get past your chicken exit. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteFire........show me where I ever said that I would do anything on your, or the old farts, schedule. All I said was that I wasn't afraid to face him and tell him what I thought of him, and for someone to set it up. I realize now that I should have been specific, because your small brain can't understand that other people besides you have a life, and will not do things just for you, when you want. You remind me of a petulant child who doesn't get their way.
ReplyDeleteI am now telling you when and where I will be available, so lets see if you have the juice with Wood River to make it happen. October 27, 11:00am, Cafe Du Monde, New Orleans.
Whatever Ainsworth. The meeting was for you not for Coach. You blew your mouth but then chickened out. I am not going down this road with you again. Everyone has seen your video (chicken exit). Just let it be kiddo.
ReplyDeleteWell, fire, since you're the one that keeps bringing it up.......
ReplyDeleteNow's your turn. Let's see how much pull you have with Wood River. Put your money where your mouth is. Nothing was for me. As stated previously, I could give a rat's ass if I ever meet the man. You are the one who seized on what was said and ran with it. So now here is your opportunity. I'm giving you a time and place where I will be, so make it happen.....again, for you. I could care less. If I ever happen to be in the St. Louis area and have time on my hands, I might make the sojourn to Wood River, but until such time, I'm not going to re-arrange my life to suit your needs or wants. Everyone else in the world understands that. Why can't you? So, big man, make it happen! Or aren't you that important to the big wigs at ytb?
Whatever Ainsworth. The meeting was for you not for Coach. You blew your mouth but then chickened out. I am not going down this road with you again. Everyone has seen your video (chicken exit). Just let it be kiddo.
ReplyDeleteSee above Fire, see above. Then go back and re-read everything. As I figured, you can't set up a meeting between me and the old man, because you aren't important enough to Wood River. I bet you haven't even tried. Now who's pulling a chicken exit?
ReplyDeleteBut, you're right. I will let it be, because arguing with someone who is mentally unstable, like you, is pointless. No matter what anyone says, you will always think you're right, even when facts and proof are staring you in the face. It's a shame, really. If only you would take your medication on a consistant basis, you seem as if you might actually be intelligent.
It really is time for you to join the ranks of Mix, Ole, Proud, and others and realize that in the long run, ytb is a scam, and will eventually lose everything. You are the only "old timer" who is still here fighting the fight. Don't you ever wonder why those better than you have disappeared? Because they have realized that they, and you, are in a no win situation, and decided to get out while they still had any shred of decency and respect left. The more you talk, the less you have, but if you want it that way, keep going. Hell, at least they were all men enough to let their true identities be known. You're not. You are a coward who hides behind a screen name and calls people names, and takes cheap shots at them.
Whatever Ainsworth. Just like the rest of the "professionals" on here, you attack the person instead of the issue. Just keep talking there Ainsworth, we appreciate it. Oh, and make another video, please!
ReplyDeleteBut fire, you, coach, kim, scott, and just about everyone else involved in ytb ARE the issue! You just don't see that, because you're in too deep. You're the issue because you keep perpetuating the myth that ytb is a wonderful thing, isn't a pyramid, isn't a scam deep down, and you're the issue because you keep on recruiting no matter what. No matter that ytb has several multi million dollar lawsuits filed against it. No matter that ytb has no IATAN accreditation. No matter that coach has a lawsuit filed against him personally. It's man the torpedos, full speed ahead! So, fire, the issue IS being attacked. If you take it personally, that's on you. Like the old saying goes, "if the shoe fits...".
ReplyDeleteStill waiting on the confirmation of the meeting that you're setting up. You, travelling mom, and Rod over on scam.com keep talking, as we appreciate it. It goes a long way showing what kind of idiots ytb will accept into their business model!
Firemedic is a disgrace to professional firefighters. And, he has dished plenty of dirt on his blog and all the other blogs he posts on. What a hypocrite.
ReplyDelete"Lakeisha - You cannot convince me that your commenting on this blog had pure motives. Especially when all hatred is for YTB. You came on here and jumped on pile thinking these people would embrace you and you are wrong about that. I do not doubt you are a very nice person but as long as you play the "attack YTB" game you will remain on my blog. You have an opportunity to apologize and take down you misinformation about YTB on your sites. When that is done, I will delete the blog entry about you."
ReplyDeleteFM, I don't even KNOW you. Why would I try to convince you?? In just 2 posts, asking very simple questions, you are blowing it up to what you have...and slandering me on your site!! Again HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I POSTED HERE???
I have been reading this blog for quite sometime, and b/c I chose to ask you questions now I 'jumped on the pile?' You are jumping to all these conclusions and you don't know jack about me. I ask you a general question and you in turn personally attack. I also think it's funny you asking ME to apologize when I did not attack you. You want me to apologize for asking a question?? Do you know how that sounds? What if I was a prospect asking you? Would you say the same? And blast a prospect on your blog?
"You say you still have friends with YTB. If they are still with YTB then let them be if they are happy."
No S*$@. That doesn't mean I don't care about them and looking out for them from a distance. Those friends of mine could have something end for them. They will learn the hard way or not depending on what the AG decides.
You made the comment that you don't think Traverus is "better" than anyone else but you sites show that is not the case."
That is funny. If you are talking about my main site jt.info then my info is basic. You people need to get a tougher skin. And what about your site? You are throwing out all this stuff but yet you start a blog doing exactly what you hate being done.
"Like I said Lakeisha, I am happy to the blog entry about you when you show by your actions that you are no longer taking the "bash" YTB tactics."
Fort he umpteenth time how is asking questions bashing. Is that what they say. For someone who is in a profession for all these years, and such, I'd think you'd be mature enough to know the difference between dialogue and bashing.
What I think is funny about your whole comment is that you are making pure assumptions. Again, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I POSTED HERE? That in itself should tell you something. You are already at your wits end b/c everyone on this blog is tearing you up, so when I come on and ask you a question, no name calling, no insults, just asking for a factual answer you feel the need to take it there. Take my stuff off of your blog. Lastly, when people click on that WBTD link, they will not find anything 'incriminating' as you would hope. lol
This is firemedic - Not sure how you guys did it but someone figured out how to change my name. I would I am reporting it to google now.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic...not sure Google will be able to help you out.
ReplyDeleteYour cover is blown. So you are the one that was "posing" as me before?
I suspect that like Mix--you will now go disappear.
Hacking into my account is absolutely ridiculous. If we cannot have debate these issues without the personal attacks, the unsolicited emails, and account hacking then that shows and disregard for personal privacy and is over the line. I have filed a complaint with google and if I find out who did it the will be prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteNo John, perhaps you were posing as you and now you figured out a way to hack me. I hope that it is not the case.
ReplyDeleteHere was my original response back to Lakeisha.
ReplyDeleteLakeisha - "FM, I don't even KNOW you. Why would I try to convince you?? In just 2 posts, asking very simple questions, you are blowing it up to what you have...and slandering me on your site!! Again HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I POSTED HERE???"
You are right Lakeisha, you don't know me or anybody else on this blog but you jump right in there on a website that doesn't miss a day to slam YTB and the MLM Travel business. Don't act like your intentions were pure. Don't act like your questions were so innocent. Your questions were asked with a negative connotation and you were looking for a negative response.
Were were not slandered on my blog site. I only pointed out what site you were blogging on and pointing out you were taking the opportunity to jump on the YTB pile. I then offered my opinion as to how you, as a network marketer, were not doing the industry any favors.
"You people need to get a tougher skin. And what about your site? You are throwing out all this stuff but yet you start a blog doing exactly what you hate being done."
I am not attacking Traverus and calling people names. I am merely pointing out the tactics that some of the leaders in that company are doing not only to YTB but also to the travel mlm industry. If it bothers you then change tactics.
"Fort he umpteenth time how is asking questions bashing. Is that what they say. For someone who is in a profession for all these years, and such, I'd think you'd be mature enough to know the difference between dialogue and bashing."
See, right there you make a personal attack in saying I would not be "mature enough". Seems could fit right in on this blog site if it wasn't for the fact that you are a "recruiter" too.
"so when I come on and ask you a question, no name calling, no insults, just asking for a factual answer you feel the need to take it there"
Again Lakeisha, you don't just come on to a blog that is in the process of making personal attacks on YTB and the people on it, ask your negative connotative question, and get the benefit of the doubt that you are "just asking a simple question".
I took my blog entry about you off earlier out of respect but you come back on here pulling the same stuff again .....
Firemedic--you are so busted! LOL that is so funny. Do you honestly think that if someone had the knowledge to hack into Google's system--Blogger the largest blogging platform on the planet--that they would do so to to discredit you?
ReplyDeleteCome on you can do that well enough on your own.
So apparently, you have another blogger account somewhere and are using the name "John" to post under. You forgot to change it when you posted here and now you are out of the closet.
Please past a copy of the Google complaint and also their response here. Be sure to include the headers so we all know it is legitimate. There is your challenge! Up for it?
Thought not!
Wow..now let me get this straight, you claim someone is hacking into your account. Then you go ahead and delete the post you say was hacked under your other name and report a similar copy under firemedic... BUSTED dude!
ReplyDeleteFYI, here is the content of the original comment that the "hacker" deleted:
john has left a new comment on your post "More Heat For Burt Saunders":
Lakeisha - "FM, I don't even KNOW you. Why would I try to convince you?? In just 2 posts, asking very simple questions, you are blowing it up to what you have...and slandering me on your site!! Again HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I POSTED HERE???"
You are right Lakeisha, you don't know me or anybody else on this blog but you jump right in there on a website that doesn't miss a day to slam YTB and the MLM Travel business. Don't act like your intentions were pure. Don't act like your questions were so innocent. Your questions were asked with a negative connotation and you were looking for a negative response.
Were were not slandered on my blog site. I only pointed out what site you were blogging on and pointing out you were taking the opportunity to jump on the YTB pile. I then offered my opinion as to how you, as a network marketer, were not doing the industry any favors.
"You people need to get a tougher skin. And what about your site? You are throwing out all this stuff but yet you start a blog doing exactly what you hate being done."
I am not attacking Traverus and calling people names. I am merely pointing out the tactics that some of the leaders in that company are doing not only to YTB but also to the travel mlm industry. If it bothers you then change tactics.
"Fort he umpteenth time how is asking questions bashing. Is that what they say. For someone who is in a profession for all these years, and such, I'd think you'd be mature enough to know the difference between dialogue and bashing."
See, right there you make a personal attack in saying I would not be "mature enough". Seems could fit right in on this blog site if it wasn't for the fact that you are a "recruiter" too.
"so when I come on and ask you a question, no name calling, no insults, just asking for a factual answer you feel the need to take it there"
Again Lakeisha, you don't just come on to a blog that is in the process of making personal attacks on YTB and the people on it, ask your negative connotative question, and get the benefit of the doubt that you are "just asking a simple question".
I took my blog entry about you off earlier out of respect but you come back on here pulling the same stuff again .....
Posted by john to MLMs and Travel: A Bad Mix at Oct 15, 2008 5:36:00 PM
It's called using the "back" key John after resetting my password, and then copying and pasting the post.
ReplyDeleteLakeisha, I fear that you are, unfortunatly, beating a dead horse when it comes to FireMedic. He acts like, and seems to have the mentality of, a petulant child who throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his own way. He is also showing symptoms of paranoid delusions, as evidenced from his postings above. I have a feeling that whatever he wrote about you will be on his blog forever. BTW, I didn't know he had a blog. Would love to read it, for a good laugh, along with Traveling Moms blog. What is the site address? If you're not comfortable posting it here, you can e-mail it to me at tvainsworth@gmail.com
Is the blog and it is primarily a Traverus bashing blog.
See Firemedic says I am not allowed to bash YTB but he can do it to Traverus.
THe difference is that while I call attention to special people (DD Members) and call the leadership of YTB into question, Firemedic just bashed individual CTAs (I think that is what Traverus calls them)
Got it, thanks. I popped in real quick over there, and I did see where he seems to like to talk bad about others, though in his comments here he swears that he never does that. I guess along with being a paranoid delusional, petulant child, he is two faced as well!
ReplyDeleteWe knew that and discussed it here!
ReplyDeleteTO FM - or John (not frenaye).
ReplyDeleteFirst, John started a post and asked why people join a travel MLM. I put my piece in there. I also said that people who say they don't get into it for the resids are lying. My comments always stick to the facts, and I don't put my emotions into it like you obviously have.
Second. You made some comments and I asked a question. You are judging me b/c I asked a question on Johns Blog. Had I asked you the same questions elsewhere you would have reacted the same way. B/c I have my opinion.
Third. You make no sense. You are in essence saying for instance: You ask if I had a different shirt to wear with my outfit, and what if I bought it and it didn't look right? And I assume b/c you asked me that you think I'm fat, getting ready to tell me about my tacky wardrobe...basically making all kinds of assumptions b/c of a few questions.
Third. You didn't say, I will take your name off...you said I had to apologize first. So I responded, but now you are going backwards saying you took it off but since I responded... you're gonna put it back??
"But you jump right in there on a website that doesn't miss a day to slam YTB and the MLM Travel business."
You need to take a breather, come back and re-read MY post. I didn't SLAM YTB. I asked questions! How much clearer do I have to make that? Whether or not I'm INNOCENT,if I wanted to say something else I would have. I didn't so take what I said at face value and stop going deeper than it is! I really think you are blowing it out of the water to avoid answering what appears to be a difficult question for you anyway.
"I am not attacking Traverus and calling people names. I am merely pointing out the tactics that some of the leaders in that company are doing not only to YTB but also to the travel mlm industry. If it bothers you then change tactics."
You're NOT?!? Anywho...I am asking you to take down MY POSTS. My tactics you assume are FALSE therefore slanderous, You know all about me from less than 10 posts on here don't you?...most of them wasting my time going back and forth with you.
"See, right there you make a personal attack in saying I would not be "mature enough". Seems could fit right in on this blog site if it wasn't for the fact that you are a "recruiter" too."
Geez. You are a sensitive one, I've heard worse being called of you. Again you know nothing of what I do...stop 'filling in the blanks'.
"Again Lakeisha, you don't just come on to a blog that is in the process of making personal attacks on YTB and the people on it, ask your negative connotative question, and get the benefit of the doubt that you are "just asking a simple question".
Yeah I told you I have an interest b/c of my past experience and DEAR friends I have. But you choose not to believe that. Your problem. Not mine.
"I took my blog entry about you off earlier out of respect but you come back on here pulling the same stuff again ....."
You did not take it off. When? Out of RESPECT, take mine off. I don't have time to create blogs about YTB individuals nor do I care. You guys have bigger issues to worry about.
AT- You are right, he will take things to another level, and keep believing what he wants. I'm through, I'm going to take the high road...FM, take my name off of your blog.
Last question. FM. Are you really in YTB? Whats your site?