Well it seems that in the little fantasy world in which Firemedic lives, what is good for the goose (me) is certainly not good for the gander (firemedic). Take a look at his brand new blog, complete with the same map widget I have, devoted to bashing Traverus and how unfair it is that they are posting facts about YTB and recruiting their RTAs.
Poor baby, you can't have it both ways....unless.....hmmmmm
I love how he refers to the CA Lawsuit as a "right of passage" or that is somehow validates that YTB must be successful or they wouldn't be getting sued. I actually laughed out loud when I read it. What a dipshit!
ReplyDeleteThats not the first time I have heard that about them being sued only because they are successful. It is usually followed by Microsoft, Intel etc etc are all being sued and they are successful. It's just the new excuse of the month.
ReplyDeleteYep, figures. ytb is definetly going to have to rotate him out now.
ReplyDeleteI am not bashing the competition. I am pointing out the people (people you also say you are against or have you forgotten) that use bashing the competition to further their business. So quite frankly John, I don't give a rats ass how you feel about my blog. Just like Mark Ewing deletes comments that don't pertain to the topic, so will I.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, this guys quote was spread all over the place and stated that the cost of getting in YTB was "death" and "injury". Yeah, right. He has taken Mark Ewings psuedo-religion of "secret law of attraction" to the extreme.
Hey John, You for Traverus? I mean, aren't they too a "card mill" or do you think they are legit?
ReplyDeleteAs far as "your" widget John...lol.
Oh, and about this "whined on and on" about posting videos. Bull... I don't care that you are posting them! In fact, you are helping YTB! Anyone can go back and read any blog entry I have posted and see I appreciate it as well as posting your Ainsworth's! Thank You! And I also appreciate the added publicity to my site! You are so easily baited John. Just like Doug was able to bait you. You "travel insider/professional/non-leader" you!
Fire, you say you are not bashing the competition, and John implies you are. I will leave it up to the individual to decide whether you are or not. The point of John's blog post today is to point out what a hypocrite you are. You have forever and a day in your comments on THIS blog stated that you never say anything bad about another individual. Well, some of the things you say about individuals on your blog can be construed as "bad". The only way you can be certain of not saying anything "bad" about another is to not say anything at all. In other words, in language you MIGHT understand (because we all know you have issues with comprehension) keep your mouths shut (yes, I used the plural, because you have 2 mouths. 1 for each face, since with the exposure of your blog, the whole world now knows what we have been saying all along about you....you're two faced!)
ReplyDeleteYa know Firemedic, you really are such a major wanker!
ReplyDeleteSo...the only thing that you can think of, when you are confronted about your bad behavior, is to make jabs at me?
You honor me. I am glad that I have had that much of an effect on you.
Before you make such asinine comments, you really should watch my videos about "the secret" and the law of attraction. And while you're at it, watch my videos about YTB. (We can always hope that we might get through to you. No matter how hopeless it may be.)
And why on earth are you worried about anyone taking people away from YTB? Are you really that concerned with Traverus? Are they better than YTB? After all, aren't they (Traverus) only taking the "non-believers". Do you really want non-believers in your cult (I mean business)? They probably weren't selling travel anyway. And the odds are that they weren't making any money. So, why do you care if they leave for Traverus?
And talk about a pseudo-religion...Look at your sick devotion to YTB and Coach. I want to believe that there is hope for everyone. But in your case, I am afraid that even an exorcism wouldn't work right now!
Like Yoda said, "I sense great fear in you!"
And for the record, I am not associated with Traverus.
ReplyDeleteIf YTB is all about selling travel, why complain about anyone leaving? Just go sell more travel yourself.
ReplyDeleteOh, it's not all about selling travel, is it? It's about getting other people to sell travel for you. But that's not recruiting, is it?
I think Yoda would have said, "In you sense great fear do I."
Mark you may actually have a point about the weak going to Traverus. You seem so nice on your videos but you sure are different on this blog. I wondered if you would pop your head up.
ReplyDeleteAs far as your opinion of me being a "wanker"...you fit in nicely with the character of people on this blog. I don't call names, I just point out actions and behaviors. Big difference. But quite frankly I don't mind the names from the cesspool. Just proves what kind of "professionals" spew on here.
Oh, I saw on one of your videos that IATA was not necessary to be a "group travel oranizer".
Ainsworth...... have you noticed that John has never come to your defense as far as your video being the same as the dumb ones that some of the YTB people put out? So as far as comprehension goes there sport.......I am so glad that YOU have decided to leave it up to the individual to decide on my blog. Nice to know we have your permission. Right.
John, your any your posse's obsession with YTB can also be construed as Yoda would have said, "In you sense great fear do I."
Well, you get it on one post and not on another. Someone ought to help you out with that issue firemedic. Hopefully you do not get confused like this when you are treating patients.
ReplyDeleteDid you read my post about Ainsworth's video? In the post I said it was a well reasoned post. If you are looking for an endorsement--here it is. Ainsworth--good video. I agree with what you had to say. Thanks for putting it up and thanks for allowing 175 people to see it and to hear your opinion of YTB
ReplyDeleteLet me point out a couple of things for you.
First of all, when I said that you were a wanker, I WAS talking about your actions and behavior. Unfortunately, in your case, it is a "small difference", and I say that with all due respect.
Second, I never said anything about the "weak" going to Traverus. What I said was that the "non-believers" are leaving YTB . Big difference. I know that this might be very hard for you to comprehend, but not everyone sees YTB as an opportunity. Some see it as a money sucking scam. Others even see it as an illegal pyramid.
Third, you are actually right in the fact that an IATA number is not required to do what I do for a living (a professional group travel organizer). So good for you!
Having said that, it is nice to have your own credentials, and I do have my own travel agency with my own set of credentials. For the most part, I buy and sell travel in bulk, and my vendors seldom ask for my credentials. I only really use my credentials when I am booking travel for ones and twos. And I don't really do too many ones and twos, unless it is a favor for friend. So I don't understand why you think this is a dig against me. ???
The fact that YTB lost their IATA credentials for good is a major deal. Like I said in my video, it would have been better if YTB never had their credentials rather than to have had them and then lost them. It hurts the individual RTAs more than it does YTB. And it really limits the vendors that you can work with, and basically eliminates those prized benefits that YTB tries to sell.
So you see, you have your big things and your small things reversed.
I am glad I could help you out on this matter.
Well there you go! Got me set straight! Now go back out there and "Spin baby spin"!