Apparently the Bonus Reset program is not working. Apparently the RTAs and Reps are still leaving in droves. In yet another grasp at maintaining their current levels of "agents", YTB is making the following changes:
We find it very fitting that the news we are about to share with you comes during the month of October. As you know, the end of this month is Halloween which consists of "trick or treating". The "trick" part of "trick or treat" is a threat to play a trick on the homeowner or his property if no treat is given.
We are very pleased to inform you that Coach, Scott, and Kim have their own "trick or treats" for everyone (depending on which side of the fence you sit on) for the month of October.
There has been frenzy of activity going on behind the scenes the past few months and we are finally able to provide you with some very helpful and hopeful information concerning what YTB is rolling out as a result.
Reps and RTA's of YTB...we are on the verge of an updated RTA program THIS MONTH with several different levels.
For those who simply want to refer people to their Booking Engines, can still do so and earn 60% commission on all sales from their Travel Web Sites. This basic "affiliate program" (possibly to be renamed later) will be offered as an entry level. Group bookings, and vendor contacts and bookings will NOT be available to these "affiliates". These affiliates are not required to be trained and operate the same way Travelocity, Orbitz and Expedia do, without any personal assistance or contact with clients or vendors.
If you choose to upgrade with YTB for a chance to earn commissions from groups and the ability to work directly with our growing list of suppliers and vendors, RTA's can upgrade by enrolling in an expanded and updated "First Class Training" and by doing so will also increase their travel commission to 70% on all personal bookings.
For those already certified in years past either with the previous CRTA or the updated "First Class Training" will be required retake the updated training for a nominal fee. (Probably $49.95) By upgrading at this time not only will you upgrade your personal bookings to 70% from here on out, but YTB will give you an opportunity to receive 100% commission on two bookings (up to a group of 8 passengers) of your choice!
While details are still in the works at this time, we have also received word that the word "Referring" can also be dropped from your title with YTB and for those who desire, can earn the title of "Travel Agent" with YTB. (More information to follow as either we or the company provides it and details concerning this option are ironed out.)
We want you to reserve this date on your calendars, Saturday, October 18th. James Tackett who many of you know is working full time with YTB is working on the improved "First Class Training" to be launched on this date. While there are several "First Class Trainings" trainings scheduled around the country, we want everyone to have a chance to see first hand what this expanded and updated RTA program will offer you as a member of YTB Travel Network. Therefore the company is setting up a LIVE WEBINAR for the ENTIRE COMPANY on this date. The class will be approximately 4 hours in duration, and our Travel Agent Programs will be explained in detail at that time.
We also wanted to let you know that these new opportunities for you are a result of all the perceived adversity our company has gone through since the National Convention back in August. Through our ongoing discussions with the California AG, new and existing suppliers who offered their input and assistance, the DSA (Direct Selling Association) and our own Directors and Circle of Champions all have provided us with extremely valuable resources and insight into these new programs being rolled out.
What looked like the end of YTB to some back on August 5th when news broke just a day before our National Convention is now making an abrupt about face much to the dismay of our critics.
"Trick or Treat"!
And yes, when you spend that additional $149.95 (for newbies) and $49.95 for the people that were already trained, this will mean you are entitled to 70% commission on all sales and a bonus of 100% commission on two bookings of your choice. So for $449, $50 a month, and $149 for the training, your average annual income will rise from $102 to $109. Quite a return on your $149 investment don't you think? But if everyone took advantage of this, YTB (the company) would do very well.
Besides, it appears they offered the big middle finger to the industry and is now allowing their people to call themselves "travel agents"--they can drop the "referring".
I just wonder how they will sell it to their rapidly dwindling stable of RTAs? It is difficult to sell an upgrade to a product that has been proven not to work. More smoke and mirrors folks. Nothing unexpected!
Well, again, they're being reactive about something. Is that anything new? They're making these changes because of all the "perceived" adversity since the convention. More training. Upgraded training. Why wasn't all this training in place to begin with? Why do they only impliment things after the fact? TRICK or treat, indeed.
ReplyDeleteso people who go to First Class Training, which is not really travel training at all, will get more commission simply because they paid for this worthless class that teaches them nothing about travel, and then they can be called Travel Agent? What the hell am I missing here?
ReplyDeleteAccording what was posted, First Class Training gets them the upgrade in percentage split. It said details were coming for what had to be done to drop the word "referring".
ReplyDeleteMy take is that they need to up the travel split because of the criticism being leveled here about the 60/40 split.
A question that I have is where did this quoted material come from?
YEs Lisa you are correct, if they learn to recruit more effectively at First Class Training (already discussed in a previous post) they will be able to call themselves TRAVEL AGENTS and will earn an additional $7 a year. All this for the low low price of $149.95. But if you already paid the $149.95 you can get it for an additional payment of $49.95.
ReplyDeleteMan these guys think of so many ways to fleece the flock from their money.
I half expect to see a Billy Mays infomercial on YTB shortly!
Steve the quoted material was sent in an email blast from Travel Pro to his subscribers this morning.
ReplyDeleteAccording to his website yesterday, this is the news that was supposed to :
It’s going to put our critics into a frenzy, because what they thought was going to happen is actually making our company much more attractive and stronger to a wider audience who may be looking into a Home Based Business.
Well all it did was honestly annoy me more. So now they will be (maybe) called travel agents who have no training other then recruiting training. Yeah that makes sense. Other then that, the 70/30 split doesn't get me all excited as most other legitmate agencys give far better splits without fleecing people.
ReplyDeleteWow John, it sure didn't take you long to get this one up! I mean, it was sent out at 11:30 and you had it up in 26 minutes! Way to go there sport!
ReplyDeleteIt also didn't take long for you to put your ridiculous spins on it either. (well, 26 minutes).
Why don't you put the rest of the Travel Pro's news letter up there? Okay, I will.
"Travel Weekly has set up its very own Virtual Leisure Summit slated for October 20th and 21st. Among the presenters of this summit, Travel Weekly has acquired Peter Yesawich, the nations leading seer on leisure travel trends, and Marc Mancini, Ph.D, the industry's most prominent educator to conduct presentations during this two day event.
Those who register for the webinar sessions can ask question, interact with the presenters, and even contribute their own insights on this online conference.
In addition to the educational sessions from these two industry leaders, Travel Weekly's Editor and Chief Arnie Weismann has also invited a few others to participate in this highly focused tradeshow, which has been limited to 25 relevant exhibitors and industry leading suppliers. Among those invited to participate as industry figures include Americas Vacation Center co-President Van Anderson, NACTA President Scott Koepf, Vacation.com CEO Steven Tracas, and Ensemble CEO Jack Mannix.
Oh, we almost forgot...also invited as a "relevant exhibitor" and "industry leader" is YTB Travel Network President, Kim Sorensen. ;-P
Why weren't you invited John, Ainsworth, Kate? Snubbed? Well at least you can register and participate. This will be especially good for Ainsworth!
Fireman--I am holding off comment on that till late October. If Kim performs as well as he did last time he spoke with TW, it will not be a good thing. You remember where he did not know how many people were in YTB, could not answer a single question. But then again they never asked him how much he pulls in a month from recruiting. I am sure he has that number down pat.
ReplyDeleteAs to why I was not invited? Why the hell would I be? They are looking for industry leaders. Not me. I am just an industry insider with an opinion. They are also looking for host agencies. I am not that either. But then again, comprehension was never your strong suit.
And speaking of suits, what did Coach say about that one in the beginning of September? My guess he is hoping the resulting verdict will be swept under the rug.
Oh, the Travel Weekly interview where temptress dubbed in her own words for Kim instead of what was really said. Yeah that one. Can't wait to see what you write about him after you spin it after the forum.
ReplyDeleteAnd speaking of suits...how come you never answer the questions about yours?
FireMedic, as John stated, and you have proven time and again, you have no comprehension of the whole thing. Heads of companies were invited to be on the panel. I am not the head of an agency, I, like John, am just one in the trenchs. It will be interesting to hear Kim and how he handles himself. I have a feeling it will be akin to a Sarah Palin interview, with lots of "ums", "ers", and going off on tangents that have absolutly no revelency to the question asked.
ReplyDeleteOh, and hey, Fire....why no comments on all the lovely videos of your contemporaries? What's the matter? Truth hurt?
"Oh, and hey, Fire....why no comments on all the lovely videos of your contemporaries? What's the matter? Truth hurt"
ReplyDeleteBecause like you, I think most are not good. Stupid in fact. Sort of like yours! Oh, and far as comprehension goes Ainsworth...have you still not figured out that these videos are YTB's equivelent of yours in Johns mind?
Okay, done quoting on this tabloid cesspool for today. Have fun in your frenzy.
ReplyDeleteThank god!! First Ole, then Mix, now Medic...all of you are a pathetic bunch.
ReplyDeleteKim's a fat slob and has no industry knowledge. It will be fun to watch him implode.
ReplyDeleteInstead of hawking travel the guy ought to go in the diet business.....
So, which of us is going to ask the 'hard questions' of Mr Sorenson? And what will those questions be?
ReplyDeleteProbably can't post those ideas here - too public and YTB would probably send them to KS so he could 'study'.
Like whats a UCCF?
UCCF = Unidentified Clown Cloning Frenaye!
ReplyDeleteFor my $49.95 I'd expect them to give me an option to put my name and phone number on my travel site?