Friday, October 3, 2008

Coach Is Worried

Last week the three topics discussed on the Coach's Call on Saturday were:

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going!
Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do!
G ood Enough To Win, Tough Enough Not To Quit!

This week, Coach is joined by Andy Cauthen to discuss the following topic:
How Do We Handle A Major Crisis In Our Life?
Hmm, is anyone sensing a theme here?  If anyone is interested, the call is at Noon EST on Saturday October 3, 2008.  Here is the telephone number to call:  641-594-7505 PIN 601340#



  1. Damn, I won't be near a phone at that time (meeting with a potential new client). Will anyone be transcribing the call?

  2. Okay John, you were on the call. Now to take a line from the current energy crises... "Spin baby spin!".

  3. Nope not on the call. But I am sure the spin emanated from Coach and Andy.
