As of today they are down to 112,300. The numbers are so bad there is no longer a cancellation department. If you want to cancel, you have to speak to a live person which results in a continued pitch and plea to stay even if it means staying on for free for a certain amount of time.
It seems YTB is doing whatever it takes to keep the numbers up. After all, the RTAs are what keeps the company afloat--$50 a month!
138,000 - 112,000 = 26,000 loss since June 30th. That is 6500 RTAs per month or about 216 per day. Obviously this has accellerated since August 5, 2008.
I also enjoyed that when asked why, if they were going like gangbusters, had their membership dropped so drastically, his response was to go off on a tangent about how much they had recently spent monetarily on "infrastructure"....the new building, computer software, etc. What the hell does that have to do with why they're losing people?
ReplyDeleteYou people are too much. Sarah Palin, which I'm sure you're voting for, couldn't completely answer a question today either - AND at other times. But I bet that's ok.
ReplyDeleteSeems like you'd be glad that the numbers are down. We're finally getting rid of the non-serious people and holding onto to those who are serious about the sale of travel. It's a good thing.
With all of the improvements in the infrastructure, $30 million worth, this is a new company and positioned for success. And there was NO loan for the $30 million. Hmmm guess that's why everyone was selling houses, etc.
For US!
Get a real life!!!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how you all make any money sitting on here all day responding to this stupid blog, trolling forums looking for YTB stuff, patrolling people's blogs and coming back here to announce the latest info you heard or saw about YTB.
Good Lord, are you all invalids and can't get out??? Is there nothing else in your lives???
Urtravelchick--it is not unreasonable to expect the President of a company to know how many people he has working to support his business. If Kim was asked how many cruise berths he has sold this year it woudl be a different story. This is like asking Palin or Biden how many states there are in the Union.
ReplyDeleteYou do have loans to build the campus. If you would take the time to read the SEC filings you would see that. You would also see that YTB is out of credit. Apparently, their bank (the one owned by two of YTB's directors) was making "unsafe" transactions and has been taken over by the FDIC. It is speculated that one of those transactions was a sub prime loan to YTB for interest only--highly unusual for a commercial venture. But when the state began to investigate, YTB quick made a payment and then refinanced it and is still current. Purely reactive again. But they have said that they have no other sources of credit available. And I am sure no one is loaning any money to a company that is facing a $25M Pyramid Scheme/Illegal Business Practices suit from the CA Attorney General, and two separate Class Action Suits each seeking in excess of $100M. YTB's Market Cap is only about $40M.
As for declining enrollment, you go on and keep thinking it is because they are weeding out the bad. It is not. It is because no one is signing up and many are beginning to see this company for what it truly is.
Whatever YTB has, Coach's Mansion, his Lear Jet, his car collection, his motorcycle collection, the Florida house, his salary, any any physical improvements to the K-Mart are all built on the backs of the RTAs $50 a month interest free. And in return, he promises them millions yet delivers $104 a year!
And, let's not forget the 2 class action lawsuits filed by your own RTA's/Reps who feel ripped off, taken advantage of and sold a 10 cent diamond ring. The law firms involved in this suit are 2 of the largest tort firms in the US. Heavy hitters. They just don't take cases unless they think they can win them.
ReplyDeleteAs to our not having a life and are invalid comments. You are the one who needs to get real. We can multi task with the best of them.
The Sarah Palin comment is just a deflection on the real truth. You people in YTB can't handle the truth.
Travelchick, the people that you see on this blog, and searching for other info about what is going on in our industry, are the people who have been successful in this industry. It is because of that success that we are determined to protect the INTEGRITY this industry has by keeping people who think they can just write a check for $50 a month and instantly be a travel agent. Yes, it takes a lot of time. Yes it's distracting. But look at what we've accomplished so far! Royal Caribbean, Perillo,and several other vendors put a stop sell on YTB thanks to over 3000 agents who signed a petition. IATAN took your certification away. SquareTrade took your certification so that you can't sell travel on EBay any more. The CA AG and the IL AG are investigating your business practices. And your enrollment is dropping off. So, it may take a lot of time, but it's working!
ReplyDelete"Royal Caribbean, Perillo,and several other vendors put a stop sell on YTB thanks to over 3000 agents who signed a petition. IATAN took your certification away. SquareTrade took your certification so that you can't sell travel on EBay any more. The CA AG and the IL AG are investigating your business practices. And your enrollment is dropping off. So, it may take a lot of time, but it's working!"
ReplyDeleteIt's working? With all that is stated we are still selling more travel than the year before. Royal Carribean's numbers are down (not saying it is all attributed to YTB) but Lisa Bauer was moted" to the hotel division (promoted, yeah right) and Vicki (from Carnival replaced here). Vendors-several of which we didn't work with in the first place-decided not to work with YTB. Didn't matter. We still sold more travel and the vendors that we do work with love us. IATA - yeah that sucks but we still kept selling more travel. CA AG is actually helping us and we are still selling travel in California. They didn't shut us down and you would think that if YTB was truly guilty of everything that was accused that they would have stopped YTB right then and there. Nope. Still going.
So, is it really working or is it just making YTB stronger? I suggest YTB is becomming even stronger and their resolve is more defined now. God bless you Kate but I don't think things are as you seem to hope it is.
Once again fireman, You show you really don't know much about the travel industry. Bless your heart.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic, your comment about Lisa Bauer just goes to show that you have no concept. If you consider the move that she made to be a demotion, then you are truly an idiot of the first magnitude. She went from heading a department that had about 5000 people in it to heading a department with over 23,000 people in it. You know how the ship captain is the "boss" of the ship? Well, she is head of the department that includes the ship captains, in other words, she is the person that the ship captains answer to! Please explain how that is a demotion, because without the ship captains, the ships aren't going anywhere!
ReplyDeleteAs for Vicki Freed, she was ytb's biggest cheerleader at Carnival. She was let go by Carnival, and the only company that she could get a job at was the one company that kicked ytb to the curb. AND, to top it all off, it was nothing more than a lateral move. Usually when someone at that level in corporations moves, it is for a promotion, not to stay at the same level they are already at.
See fire, you are exactly what we are fighting against. People that have no clue what the hell they're talking about making statements for the world to hear. Oh, and you might want to go and read Traveling Moms blog. Today she is blaming you, firemedic, for her blog being "pulled" by ytb. Instead of taking responsibility for all the false information she was spewing, like you do, she does, again like you, blames everyone else and cries that she is a victim.
"You people are too much. Sarah Palin, which I'm sure you're voting for, couldn't completely answer a question today either - AND at other times. But I bet that's ok."
ReplyDeleteNope, not voting for her and her running mate. It's also not good that she couldn't answer some of the questions she was asked.
Have a different deflection to post?
There is no deflection. FireMedic has spoken the truth in that after all of your efforts, we are still selling travel and increasing the sales each year. Deflection???
ReplyDeleteAnd Kate, you've finally taken credit for what you've done. All I've ever heard is that "we had nothing to do with it". Thanks for the admission.
And as for Vicki Freed - she wasn't quite our biggest cheerleader. Our biggest cheerleader is still with Carnival. AND provides much of our travel training. Now THAT'S not experience in the travel industry???
ReplyDeleteSuppliers don't 'train'. They present their products to help you sell them. If that constitutes YTBs 'cruise sales training' then it's poor 'training' indeed. Nice try, though.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for Ann being your largest cheerleader--of course she is, she works on commission. See how loud she cheers for you if Carnival drops YTB or your sales go through the roof. She is riding the YTB Gravy Train just like CLIA is and will continue to do so till it jumps the track and then sayanara
ReplyDeleteAll that cruise training, yet a YTBer didn't know what an NCF was. Awesome training that is.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter how many times you explain the Lisa Bauer move. They want it to be a demotion, so therefor it is. Doesn't matter how many more she commands, or how much more she probably makes, they don't like her, therefore she got demoted because of YTB. Yet her demotion didn't get YTB reinstated did it? Hmmm.
Firemedic..the only reason YTB is selling more than last year is because you were able to recruit more people than last year.
ReplyDeleteThe average annual sales for a RTA is about $1500. In 2007, you went from 130K to 138K and now down to 112K.
Assume you maintained that 138K that is 8K people selling $1500 a year--that is $12M in sales. Nothing to sneeze about for sure but a piss poor showing for 8000 people.
Now we are waiting for the 3Q reporting and it will be very interesting to see exactly how much YTB is "growing" in travel sales. They have already lost close to 25% of their sales force and that is inclusive of the new recruits!
I do question why YTB is building this huge campus and uses spending money to define "growing like gangbusters" when RTA counts (the bread and butter of the business) are significantly down. Recruiting is down. Bonus payouts are down.
Yep, deflection at its best. Sorry to tell you that she does more than cruise sales training.
ReplyDeleteAnd that was just to respond to your statements that no one surrounding the company has any travel experience. What about the Travel Division head who has 16 years' experience in travel?? She doesn't count?
"All that cruise training, yet a YTBer didn't know what an NCF was. Awesome training that is."
ReplyDeleteThat was ONE person Lisa! There may be more, however, EVERYONE in the company is not that dense! Maybe that was her first training, who knows?? Surely, you don't.
Carnival also tighten the requirement for FAMS & Agent rates because YTB abused them and recruited on-board which is a big NO-NO.
ReplyDeleteAs for increasing sales every year that's a joke. You are losing RTA's and Reps like crazy. Can't wait for the SEC filings. And, as the previous filings state the main income stream is recruiting and not selling travel. LMAO.
According to firemedic, who is close to those in Wood River according to him, the head of the travel division only has 8 years experience. Ya'll need to get together on your lies!
ReplyDeleteJohn, we're growing like gangbusters because we're finally getting people who want to be in the company and want to sell travel. Geeeshhh, still not satisfied?? That's why the expansions - forward thinking.
ReplyDelete"Carnival also tighten the requirement for FAMS & Agent rates because YTB abused them and recruited on-board which is a big NO-NO."
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely correct. And that has been addressed. The company will have its own Partner Exclusive Trips (FAMs). Would anyone like to go on one?? LOL
utravelchick, the fact still remains, when asked a direct question, Kim danced around the answer. He was asked if the company is growing like "gangbusters", why has your rta count dropped so drastically. He responded by talking about spending money on physical infrastructure. That has absolutly nothing to do with the question asked.
ReplyDeleteTell me, are you Mix's replacement?
Ainsworth, are you talking about Kim Sorenson?? Because I'm not.
ReplyDeleteThat ONE person asking about the NCF's is indicative of the problem. Releasing "greenies" onto the world that have no training, and allowing them to call themselves "travel agents".
ReplyDelete"utravelchick, the fact still remains, when asked a direct question, Kim danced around the answer. He was asked if the company is growing like "gangbusters", why has your rta count dropped so drastically. He responded by talking about spending money on physical infrastructure. That has absolutly nothing to do with the question asked.
ReplyDeleteTell me, are you Mix's replacement?"
The fact still remains, Sarah Palin still hasn't questions straight. It happens.
No, sorry I'm not.
Forward thinking is the development of the office campus in the name of The Tomer Group, Inc. and NOT YTB, Inc.
ReplyDeleteTTG (headed by Coach, Scott and Kim) will likely lease the premises to YTB for a tidy sum (and that is fine), but if and when YTB goes under, the TTG will have the asset of the development built $50 a month on the backs of RTAs!
You see, Coach keeps telling you to have a Plan B. He has one as well!
utravelchick, we aren't discussing Sarah Palin here. We're discussing one of the main men of ytb. Can you pleas keep to the subject and explain why he danced around the question? You're doing the same thing that he did. You are asked a hard question, and won't give a hard answer. Is that something that is taught in ytb's training, because all of you ytbers seem to have it down pat.
ReplyDeleteurtravelchick said... And that was just to respond to your statements that no one surrounding the company has any travel experience. What about the Travel Division head who has 16 years' experience in travel?? She doesn't count? Ainsworth, are you talking about Kim Sorenson?? Because I'm not.
ReplyDeleteThen ya'll need to decide who is in charge of the travel division!
ReplyDeleteThis person who didn't know what an NCF was, was sitting in the lounge of the Travel Weekly trade show, telling everyone how YTB was going to be #1 and put us all out of business. She was proclaiming to be a RTA. Tell me exactly, why are they given that title without any PRIOR TRAINING. Training should be given to both Reps/RTA's alike BEFORE GIVING THEM A WEBSITE or authority to recruit. When they say things of the above nature, they simply make your company look unprofessional. You cannot have people like Travelling Mom, or NCF girl representing your company when they are completely clueless to the industry. THAT IS MY POINT!. Are you going to argue with me that they are few and far between? Because if you are I suggest you spend your day checking the You Tube videos, My Space, Linked In, Craiglist, and you'll see there are plenty of them spouting nonsense, mis-information, and calling themselves agents when in fact they are the farthest thing from it.
"utravelchick, we aren't discussing Sarah Palin here. We're discussing one of the main men of ytb. Can you pleas keep to the subject and explain why he danced around the question? You're doing the same thing that he did. You are asked a hard question, and won't give a hard answer. Is that something that is taught in ytb's training, because all of you ytbers seem to have it down pat."
ReplyDeleteCan you explain why anyone responds in a certain manner? I'm sorry I can't. I've had psychology training, but not a psychologist. Sorry.
May I have the name of the travel manager with 16 years experience please? I'm not sure I believe you.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Ann S does not work for YTB. She works for Carnival so....
I didn't figure you were going to be able to answer, utravelchick, just like Kim couldn't. The reason being you don't have an answer that you want public. The reason that the number has dropped so drastically is because people are starting to see ytb for what it truly is. People aren't making any money, despite the promises of riches, and are dropping out. People are reading the SEC reports and seeing that people aren't making any money, and aren't joining. Of course Kim, or you, are going to say those things publicly.
ReplyDelete"Then ya'll need to decide who is in charge of the travel division!"
ReplyDeleteI'm asking who you're talking about. Kim Sorenson is not the Travel Division head - he's the President. They are two different people.
According to firemedic, who is close to those in Wood River (at least according to him), Kim Sorenson is head of travel division. His exact quote to that effect is..."firemedic said...
ReplyDelete"An executive with any company should and needs to have a basic understanding of the product that the company is dealing with."
Kim has been the executive for the travel business for over 8 years now."
As I said, ya'll need to get together on your stories!
Lisa, you and I agree on that point. I don't like it either.
ReplyDeleteThere are some things a company cannot predict when it begins. I'm sure this was one of them. However, this particular issue HAS been addressed. People will no longer be able to do certain travel tasks without the training. Training has always been available, but not mandatory. There were incentives to get the training, but not mandatory. Who knew people who wanted to be a part of a travel company would not take advantage of the training? I look at some of the people on my own team and wonder why they never took training. Trust me, it was not for the lack of me encouraging and motivating them to do so.
There are much different changes now. The one thing that I disagree with you on is that REPs need travel training. They are responsible for marketing the opportunity, not booking travel. If someone they approach is interested in booking, they refer them to someone with a site.
I also know that many ignorant people are all over the internet spouting misinformation. The company knows that as well and is taking steps to stop them. It may not be as quickly as you'd like, but remember there are over 100,000 people. Can't be done overnight.
So, we're on the same page.
"May I have the name of the travel manager with 16 years experience please? I'm not sure I believe you."
ReplyDeleteTammy Goad
And do you know me in order to say you don't believe me???
Ainsworth, Kim Sorenson is the President of the Travel Company - NOT the Travel Division Head. Surely, you know the difference.
ReplyDeleteAnd why did ytb start a travel company and not make travel training mandatory for people that were going to be selling travel? Um, seems like that would be common sense. The minute they realized that people were joining a TRAVEL company and weren't interested in taking TRAVEL TRAINING, those people should have been shut down. Oh, I know. They were still paying their $50 a month for the website!
ReplyDeleteHow many divisions does a TRAVEL company have besides TRAVEL?
ReplyDeleteUTC-- You said:
ReplyDeleteWho knew people who wanted to be a part of a travel company would not take advantage of the training?
When your goal is to recruit people to travel like an insider, vacation at wholesale, reap tax benefits, and be given upgrades galore---why are you shocked that people are not interested in training? If I believed your hype, I would have jumped on board a long time ago for the false perks you promised. But knowing what I know I knew they were false. YTB preyed on 138,000 people that obviously had no clue. They were in it for the perks and now YTB says oh by the way we are changing the rules and you need training? Why is it a surprise to you?
As for YTB policing the internet. It is laughable. You encouraged recruiting of BM agencies at the 07 convention. You encouraged recruiting on board ships and FAMS. Remember the old "tell everyone in 3 feet of you what you do" line? Remember the line about "there is no better receptive audience than those people that are already on a ship or at a resort."? SO YTB encouraged the practices that we see every day and now is reacting because people like Traveling Mom are making them look like asses. And even then, the actions are laughable. You ask her to take down her blog, but you still allow her recruiting site to remain. Well I am sure that is to report that in 2008 you had 390,000 Reps. It is a good number for YTB. But seriously, YTB only has an interest in suppressing only the most egregious offenders, and if the false information is alluded to (rather than stated) that is perfectly alright with them.
UTC---do you have kids?
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many?
Does your husband or partner know how many?
Hubby or partner may be the "head of the household" but you may be the "household manager" yet you both know how many kids you have. Heck, your neighbors know how many kids you have. Ask a YTBite and they will tell you any number that pops into their head. I have heard over a million people are in YTB. I have heard half a million as well.
Oh come on!!! Silly questions.
ReplyDeleteThe training was there!! EVERYONE did not take the training because EVERYONE was not interested in becoming a "Travel Agent". You're right - big mistake on the part of the company for not taking action sooner. But it happened.
There are two companies - surely you know that. She is the TRAVEL division head. There is also a MARKETING division. She has involvement in that division.
"UTC---do you have kids?
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many?
Does your husband or partner know how many?
Hubby or partner may be the "head of the household" but you may be the "household manager" yet you both know how many kids you have. Heck, your neighbors know how many kids you have. Ask a YTBite and they will tell you any number that pops into their head. I have heard over a million people are in YTB. I have heard half a million as well."
John, knowing how many kids I have and how many employees/reps are in a company are two completely different scenarios.
My "older" neighbors may know I have two kids because they saw them often. Our "newer" neighbors may not know how many I have because one of them has moved away.
BAD comparison.
My post of: Oct 23, 2008 12:41:00 PM
ReplyDeleteLet me correct a statement before I get slammed. She has NO involvement in the Marketing division.
Only silly because you can't or won't answer. No such thing as a silly question. Only silly question is the unasked question.
ReplyDeleteYes, we know there are 2 companies. There is a marketing company and a travel company, not divisions. I ask again, how many divisions does a travel company need other than travel?
If we are to go by what you are saying above, you're telling us that this Tami woman is the HBIC of travel, not Kim. So, which is it? Tami or Kim? Either way, Kim, as an executive of the company, should have been able to answer the question.
If EVERYONE that signed up to be a travel agent, then EVERYONE should have taken the travel training. If EVERYONE didn't then the ones that didn't should have been cut loose, as it would have been obvious that they had no interest in doing it the right way. So, now that ytb is caught with their pants down, they are being re-active and making training mandatory.
Oh travelchick... where to begin.
ReplyDeleteYTB may have training now, and some people who have been in the travel industry now, but the fact remains that everything that YTB does is very reactionary. In addition to this, your rta's repeatedly show no respect for the individuals who have made this industry what it is today.
For the record, many of us are working dilligently to rid our industry of these untrained, unprofessional freeloaders that have infested our industry. I have collected dozens of videos and craigs list ads filled with false earnings claims and deceptive recruiting practicies that have been posted by YTB, and sent them to ASTA, CLIA, the FTC, the AG, and anyone else who may be interested. And yes I did contact YTB regarding travelingmom's blog, because I was horrified that someone who wasn't even smart enough to form a freaking sentence was running around and a sex toy party telling people she was a travel agent. If you would like to see a copy of the email please let me know.
So if you would like to blame me for every bit of trouble YTB gets into going forward, rather than taking some responsibility for their own stupidity, please feel free to do so.
kholmes said... So if you would like to blame me for every bit of trouble YTB gets into going forward, rather than taking some responsibility for their own stupidity, please feel free to do so.
ReplyDeleteNooooooooooooooooo! I want to share in that "blame"! ytb is a cancer within the travel industry and it must be gotten rid of, and I am proud of my actions to expunge it from our midst!
"If we are to go by what you are saying above, you're telling us that this Tami woman is the HBIC of travel, not Kim. So, which is it? Tami or Kim? Either way, Kim, as an executive of the company, should have been able to answer the question."
ReplyDeleteFor the last time, Kim is the President. There are employees under him. He does not do the day-to-day work in that company. There is a person who manages the day-to-day activities in the travel company. That is Tammy.
Can't be put any plainer.
Tami Goad, Manager RTA Travel Support; J. Kim Sorensen, President YTB Travel Network; Shelly Coppersmith, Vice President YTB Travel Network
ReplyDeleteSo, Kim is the president of a company. That makes him the boss. That makes him the head of everything, even the travel "division" within the travel company.
ReplyDeleteStill doesn't explain why he 1) blatently lied when asked how many were in the company (his response "upwards of 117,000". Correct answer....112,300), 2) stated the company was going like "gangbusters", 3) when called on the gangbusters statement, danced around the answer, and gave a non-answer.
Do all company executives do things like this at one time or another? Yes, but it makes them no less culpable. We're also not talking about other companies on this blog, or Sarah Palin, we're talking about ytb and Kim Sorenson.
That is clear. But if you ask the CEO of virtually any company, they will know how many employees they have.
ReplyDeleteHell, if Kim had said, I have not seen a report, but in January we had 132,000 at least he would not have sounded like an idiot that does not knows a critical number for his company.
Maybe the question should have been rephrased--"Kim, how many $50 checks to you deposit each month?"
Yes there are many of us working hard to resolve this issue. Thanks to the efforts of Ainsworth, John, Travel Lisa, Miss Kitty, the guy at Pyramid Scheme.org, the CA AG, and countless others, we have been making progress. But were it not for the stupidity and complete lack of respect YTB has shown for this industry, none of this would be possible!
ReplyDeleteBTW--here is Tami accepting a plaque from PCL:
Well Kate and Ainsworth......do what you do. Just to let you know that I do respect you and what you've done in the industry. But it's a waste of time to keep going back and forth while I've already agreed with many of your points.
ReplyDeleteThere are many things that have gone wrong in this particular company AND OTHERS. Whether they are reactionary or not, if the goal is accomplished does that not matter?
I won't blame anyone here for what happens. But don't hold your breath for the company to be "expunged from your midst". I truly don't think it will happen. There are many people in this company who want to do the right things and wouldn't mind the respect that I give you. I have a family also that I want to support.
Since you have so much knowledge and experience in this industry, why not work to help them correct situations instead of working to expunge them? Would that be so bad? Make it the best darn travel company it could be. I mean we are talking about people's livelihoods in this recession.
So, again, I've clarified my positions on this topic. I have a group of 500 who want to cruise. I have to meet with them at 2:00 pm. Unlike many of you, my multi-tasking leaves something to be desired. LOL
Have a great day while you continue this conversation - ad nauseum.
One more ad-nauseum UTC
ReplyDeleteI think many would be very willing to work with YTB to make them the best they could be if they had not come onto the scene and thumbed their noses at all of the collective suggestions and criticisms that WERE offered. You can only turn the other cheek so many times!
Good luck with the group
Tami, Kim, Shelly. Any of those 3 should be able to accurately answer the simple question posed by TW: the current number of RTAs in the company. To be off by 5,000 is significant (it's one thing to say "about 112K" when it's really 111,897. But to say "about 117k" when it's closer to 112k is offbase).
ReplyDeleteOops, made a boo-boo, here is the corrected entry:
ReplyDeleteurtravelchick said...
Yep, deflection at its best. Sorry to tell you that she does more than cruise sales training.
And that was just to respond to your statements that no one surrounding the company has any travel experience. What about the Travel Division head who has 16 years' experience in travel?? She doesn't count?
According to a ytb document I just found online, Ms. Goad does not have 16 years experience. In 2005, when she joined ytb, she had 10 years experience, so today, she would only have 13 years experience. Another case of a ytber padding their comments!
YTB Travel Support Division Manager, Tami Goad
Mt. Olive, Illinois. Tami joined YTB Travel Network in July, 2005 with an extensive 10-year background in professional travel booking and customer service; managing travel companies. She has brought to YTBTN a team of agents averaging ten or more years of travel experience. She’s a graduate of ITA Travel Academy and holds an ARC Specialist Certification. Specialty certificates include: CAS Qualifier, ARC; World Span Specialty Training; CLIA 360, among others. YTB University Instructor 2006.
Classes Teaching:
“Travel from A-Z: Booking Travel Outside Your Website” Room E 10:00 AM
“Travel from A-Z: Booking Travel Outside Your Website” Room E 1:00 PM
Since when is CLIA cruise3sixty a "certificate"???
ReplyDeleteHonest mistake - not a case of padding. I apologize. She has 13 years of experience.
ReplyDeleteThanks John. Really gone now.
Also just found this online (there is a picture with it, but it won't paste here).....
ReplyDeleteL-R: Tami Goad, Manager RTA Travel Support; J. Kim Sorensen, President YTB
Travel Network; Shelly Coppersmith, Vice President YTB Travel Network, and
Melanie Chamberlain, Travel Commissions Manager, hold almost 6,000 travel
commission checks that will be sent to RTAs! This is a Travel Network record
month, with travel commissions totaling almost $350,000!
Um, let's see. 6000 checks that total (almost) $350,000. That is an average grand total of $58.33 PER CHECK!
"The company will have its own Partner Exclusive Trips (FAMs). Would anyone like to go on one?? LOL'
ReplyDeleteNot with a bunch of Kool Aid drinking wannabes. I don't sell Carnival anyway not enough money and my clientele wouldn't be caught dead on a Carnival ship or alive for that matter.
BTW Chickie pooh-The only way YTB will ever be viable as a legit seller of travel is to get rid of Lloyd, Scottie and Kimmie pie and the entire management team.
ReplyDeleteDo a google search on Lloyd Tomer and the Lisa Marie, oil additive scheme and all the rest of the bs he has done and money he has scammed from people including his own Church. The guy is nothing more than a con man like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz. Smoke and mirrors.
Gosh - that made my day! I have more experience and better qualifications than the travel manager of the 26th largest corporate travel agency is the US of A. I'm asking for a raise! Too bad I'm the one I have to ask for it.
ReplyDelete"You can only turn the other cheek so many times."
ReplyDeleteThank God that he doesn't feel the same way there John.
firemedic said...
ReplyDelete"You can only turn the other cheek so many times."
Thank God that he doesn't feel the same way there John.
This makes no sense. What are you talking about, firemedic?
Means that thank God that He (God) does not feel the same as John in that "You can only turn the other cheek so many times."
ReplyDeleteI wish I had sad that.
ReplyDeleteTouche' Fireman.
Knock off the religious references firemedic. (And Rod) It has nothing to do with the discussion. You want to discuss religion? There are plenty of blogs for religious fanatics and hypocrites such as yourself.
ReplyDeleteOh, that's what I thought, but wasn't sure, because you said "Thank God that he doesn't feel the same way there John.", and generally when referring to the deity with a pronoun, it's capitalized. Wasn't sure if it was a typo, or you were talking of another he.
ReplyDeleteThough, I do have to say that I agree with Kit, and that religious references are best left to the forums where that is the focus of discussion.
Speaking of focus of discussion, perhaps firemedic or rodtravels would like to take a stab at why Kim grossly overstated the number of RTA's in ytb, and when questioned about the "gang buster growth" comment despite the drop in numbers, he went off on a tangent about money spent on physical buildings and software.
Kit...oh Miss Kitty. Welcome back.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmm, I see that NO ONE from ytb can answer the question. That says a lot.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous & Regina. I am offended that you have an ordained minister scamming people. And, I am even more offended by the lies that are thrown out there in the name of recruiting. Especially, the ones about saving your home from foreclosure by joining YTB. As if YTB is the magic bullet that is going to make the bank go away and all your creditors. If you are facing foreclosure joining YTB is the last thing you should do.
ReplyDeleteYou guys come off as good old Christian, Jesus loving people. Well, in my Church people don't rip off other people and unethically recruit.