If you missed it, the talk is archived here. But if that does not work, try this link and navigate to the Auditorium and then click on the white panels on the stage to get to the last one.
Let's discuss in the comments!
MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry!
I think Kim did as good a job at answering the questions as our American politicians did during the debates.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that Doug thinks he did a great job addressing the growth question by talking about facilities, rather than addressing the drop in the number of RTAs. We'll see in a couple of weeks when the latest SEC filings are posted whether that drop has continued, and how it is affecting sales. Personally, I think he danced around that issue much like our political candidates.
As for the issue of "greenies", in my mind the issue has never been about whether there should be new blood in the industry. Clearly everyone is/was a "greenie" at the beginning of their career. The issue has always been about why those folks got into the business in the first place. Are they getting into the business because they love travel, love to help people make the proper choices, willing to learn the business so they can help those people, or is it because they have been told they can "travel like an insider", or make bunches of money by signing up all their friends, family and others to also be RTAs? I think it is clear that all the MLMs, not just YTB, emphasize the insider benefits and the money to be made on the REP side of the business. Just watch any of their sales presentations and see how much time is devoted to those topics versus how much time is devoted to how much you can make in commissions selling travel.
I found it interesting that while the REP with a certain number of folks in their downline (forgive me for not being an expert in YTB specific rules) used to get a 10% override on the RTAs travel sales, they no longer do. This was always a bone of contention when the MLM backers would claim that the REPs and RTAs were two separate opportunities. If there is this override, then the two are not completely separate as claimed. I'm sure this change was a reaction to the California AG lawsuit. When exactly did this change occur? Kim's statement was the first I had heard of that change.
Finally, but not totally related to the Kim Sorenson interview, I have yet to have anyone explain to me why they would want to pay an initial sign-up fee, and a monthly fee, to get a 60/40 or 70/30 split (with the new training program and extra fee), when there are host agencies that have no sign-up fee, no monthly-fee, give you a website powered by the same Revelex engine that powers the YTB sites, yet gives an 80/20 split. If you are a REP, how do you convince someone that the RTA position is a good deal versus the host agency setup I describe? If you can't tell me why that travel business is better, then why do you try to sell an inferior product? Please remember that you cannot use any information from the REP program while making this argument, as that is a separate company and opportunity.
"If you are a REP, how do you convince someone that the RTA position is a good deal versus the host agency setup I describe?"
ReplyDeleteSteve-I would bet that the majority of those signing up with YTB don't know anything about host agency set ups. They are sold on the perks, travel like an insider, get discounts on your travel, get commission on your travel and the tax benefits. Only when the RTA's start going to travel industry events do they even realize that there are other options that are better.
"50-80% annual churn rates occur in ALL MLMs because the “endless chain” model causes a 99% “failure” rate. So, most quit the scheme in less than a year, after they suffer punishing financial losses. The scheme continues only if it can replace the “losers.” It uses the same claims about “unlimited income” to fill the slots each year vacated by the previous year’s “quitters.”
Could it be that all these MLM recruits did not care to make money? They signed sales contracts. They surrendered rights as consumers to become “contractors”. They took on risky legal obligations. They paid fees. They bought sales kits. But could it be that they only wanted the products or travel services at a discount? They never intended to make any income?"
Taken from the blog, "False Profits"
Back to Kim's interview IMO he tapped danced around questions. IMO, he came across as being uneducated and unprepared.
YTB REPs are not going to say anything about 'other' opportunities in the travel industry. It is in their financial interest to sign up as many as they can regardless of the consequences. The 'I just want to help people succeed' is a load of baloney.
ReplyDeleteTo respond to Steve's question about why I would want to be with a company with a 70/30 split on commissions. Using JUST THE TRAVEL SIDE OF THIS BUSINESS.
ReplyDeleteThere are many reasons that are NOT available in another host. Two of the major reasons are:
1. There is no monthly fee once there are a certain number of people in your organization. I have never paid that monthly fee as I had that number in 2 weeks. To be specific, it's reimbursed monthly.
2. There are bonuses available that are not available in other hosts. For instance, for my efforts of training new persons I earn bonuses on what they produce in travel. If someone earns $5000 in travel in their first 12 months, I as their trainer, also earn $5000. That does not happen in other hosts. I have earned $15,000 in one check as I had 3 people who earned $5000 each.
My response should not be debated. I have definitely explained them before, however, this was Steve's statement: "I have yet to have anyone explain to me why they would want to pay an initial sign-up fee, and a monthly fee, to get a 60/40 or 70/30 split (with the new training program and extra fee), when there are host agencies that have no sign-up fee, no monthly-fee, give you a website powered by the same Revelex engine that powers the YTB sites, yet gives an 80/20 split."
And I have complied with his request FOR ME. These bonuses ARE PAID. I have never NOT gotten one.
Ergo- the bonus's are for recruiting. Back to square one for ATIMP.
ReplyDeleteps the numbers published by YTB show that you are in a very small minority IF what you say is true.
"Ergo- the bonus's are for recruiting. Back to square one for ATIMP."
ReplyDeleteSorry, that past post was mine - Denyse.
That bonus is NOT for recruiting. It is for the sale of travel. And I AM in a small minority. That's why I appreciate being dealt with individually and NOT painted with a broad brush stroke. I love travel, I seek to learn travel everyday and I book travel EVERYDAY.
As long as you paint the picture with YTB you ARE tainted by their dirty brush. And as not about recruiting - would YTB have paid you (if they really did) if you had not recruited those people? I make 10% on everything my ICs sell and I can tell you they sell alot more than 50,000 in 12 months. Sorry Denyse - its recruiting that you love....travel is a hobby.
ReplyDeleteTo get those bonuses on what your downline books in travel, you need to recruit a downline. Therefore recruiting is required. When comparing JUST the travel component, excluding the need to recruit in order to make money, YTB's offer is anemic compared to other host agency options out there today.
OK, as you all wish. It will be as you stated anyway, no matter what I say. However, I have responded to the question.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
"if you had not recruited those people? I make 10% on everything my ICs sell and I can tell you they sell alot more than 50,000 in 12 months."
ReplyDeleteHow did you get those ICs?
He recruited them, perhaps? How immoral!
ReplyDeleteBoom! My point exactly. THEY can recruit ICs (albeit the agency is not MLM) but I can't recruit an IC.
"He recruited them, perhaps? How immoral!"
ReplyDeleteThey were not recruited. Again, you people have no clue as to how travel agents work.
The difference being agencies HIRE people, check backgrounds, make sure they have knowledge, get them PROPER TRAINING, before allowing them to sell anything. That is not recruiting anyone who has $499 to pay. And if they do not produce, they are kicked to the curb, they do not hold numbers to make themselves look bigger then they actually are.
ReplyDeleteOK, I asked a perfectly legitimate question and you have avoided it. How surprising.
ReplyDeleteHow did ICs come to work under you? (I'll rephrase it).
I have a subagent that works for me. I don't take anything from any commission she brings in. Why does she "work" for me? Because she wanted to get into the travel industry, had no experience, I agreed to mentor her, allow her to book with my host, through me.
ReplyDeleteBOOM, there's your answer, Denyse and anonymous.
I've had some people who wanted to get into the travel industry as well, had no experience, I agreed to mentor them as well and allow them to book with my host. I didn't recruit them, per se, just as you didn't. Is there a real difference??
ReplyDeleteThank you Janice. But I still didn't get a response from AT.
My ICs actually came to me and asked if I would host them. We are on a 90/10 split and they pay (if they want) 40.00 a month for Amadeus. I do all the quality control on airline tickets to avoid any debit memos. They usually book via their own CLIA to maximize commission but any time they need IATA or ARC I am here for them.
ReplyDelete"The difference being agencies HIRE people, check backgrounds, make sure they have knowledge, get them PROPER TRAINING, before allowing them to sell anything. That is not recruiting anyone who has $499 to pay. And if they do not produce, they are kicked to the curb, they do not hold numbers to make themselves look bigger then they actually are."
ReplyDeleteNot much of a difference to me. Your ICs are HIRED, mine are recruited. And actually, HIRING involves recruiting. Just ask any HR department.
HIRING usually means someone else controls your activities.
IF you make any commissions, sadly Janice doesn't but AT does, that's no different than my commissions.
p.s. I don't train or mentor anymore. We are far too busy.
ReplyDelete"My ICs actually came to me and asked if I would host them. We are on a 90/10 split and they pay (if they want) 40.00 a month for Amadeus. I do all the quality control on airline tickets to avoid any debit memos. They usually book via their own CLIA to maximize commission but any time they need IATA or ARC I am here for them."
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify how these ICs automatically show up on your doorsteps and ASK to be mentored by you, exactly how does that happen?
They have been in the industry with other hosts
ReplyDeleteand are looking either for a better deal or more independence. Some were store fronts, some have worked for suppliers. My name gets around.
My IC's approached me asking if I had any openings in my agency. I have a 20 point list of qualifications that they must meet before even being considered; they need to pass a criminal and credit background check; they need to take training and pass testing before they are allowed to sell.
ReplyDeleteI get approximately 40 people per year asking to be IC's, 2-5 per year enter the program, usually 1-2 stick with it long enough to become a part of the team.
"Just to clarify how these ICs automatically show up on your doorsteps and ASK to be mentored by you, exactly how does that happen?"
ReplyDeleteMy agency is very well known in its niche, many think it is an easy and fun thing to do - and they think they are an expert after visiting a destination 1 or 2 times.
When they see how detailed it can get, most have second thoughts.
I thank you all for the comments. The bottom line is some type of marketing has gone forth for those people to "show up on your doorsteps". My name gets around as well and people are always responding to emails that I forward with travel specials. They want additional information on earning a second income in these days and times. Do I not give them the information they request? Of course not.
ReplyDeleteI don't work much differently than you. There are slight modifications in the HIRING or MARKETING processes, however, the end results are the same.
I get it though, I'M much different because of the host with which I choose to work. At this point, that will not change. I also get that I will always be TAINTED as far you all are concerned. That's cool. As long as I have the success I have in this industry and still get paid, I'm ok with that.
Unless any of you will pay my bills, it really doesn't matter. And not just have suggestions on where else I can go.
My last comment, I still love you all!!
ReplyDeleteYup - you couldn't make it without the recruiting. Thanks for making that clear. Actually, that's the only statement you have made that I DO believe. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteAnd actually, I make MORE money from the travel side of my business than I do from the marketing side. I love talking with people, but I don't like recruiting. So, actually I really COULD make without the recruiting. THAT IS CLEAR.
ReplyDeleteAnd I could show you all proof that I make more in travel than in recruiting. But what would the purpose be?? There is no one here who will go out and tell others that there IS a person in YTB who is there for the travel and to help others dreams come true by booking their dream vacation. Because I am still with YTB. So be it.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you make more money selling travel then why are you continuing to stay with a company that as you put it is tainted? Don't you want to be respected?
ReplyDeleteI don't get it.
NO, clarification again - I didn't say the company was tainted. You all said I was tainted. And I am WELL RESPECTED in the circles in which I travel. In my professional (previous), professional (current - without the TTAs), church and political arenas, I am respected. Not only for all that I do within those arenas and the community, but for the travel as well. That's good enough for me.
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of things I don't get but I don't spend my time worrying about things I can't change.
"1. There is no monthly fee once there are a certain number of people in your organization. I have never paid that monthly fee as I had that number in 2 weeks. To be specific, it's reimbursed monthly."
ReplyDeleteFirst point listed is an opportunity that your other company provides. I specifically asked not to bring up the other company. In fact all the YTB members keep reminding us that they are two separate companies. Yet, here is another example of of how they are tied at the hip.
It simply proves my point that without the bonuses for recruiting, there is no reason to have such horrible arrangement for selling travel.
Oppps....my bad Steve!! You did ask that, didn't you??
ReplyDeleteThere are still other factors involved and I did mention one of them.
"There are still other factors involved and I did mention one of them."
ReplyDeleteWhich again, had nothing to do with the RTA business. It is being paid to do training for RTAs which is not part of the RTA business.
What are the factors that make selling travel as an RTA more attractive than having a host agency with an 80/20 split and no fees?
I think I explained that in detail. I'm extremely happy. That's all that matters.
ReplyDeleteAnd the training IS IN how to book travel. It IS for the RTA business. I mentor just like any other person here who says they have an IC and mentor them.
ReplyDeleteIMHO is just trying to justify that YTB is the only host that will have her and she needs to pay them 40% of her earnings to keep them happy. She recruits for them, she sells for them. So much for being 'independent'. But, many (112,000) people are in the same leaky boat and Coach is very grateful. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteAs for the interview with Kim...funny that my question was chosen first. Policing the Reps/RTA's seems to be a very large problem that no-one can (or wants to) control. They only fix the problem after its been brought to their attention (or draws attention like Travelling Mom). Why is it ok for some to have blogs spouting mis-information, and not others? Why can these people not be simply told either stop/don't do it or your fired no refunds, plain and simple. Wouldn't that fix it? Instead they chose to ignore most of it because they are still getting paid right.
ReplyDeleteAnother one of his comments that irked me a just a little was the fact he kept stating that YTB is not in competition with us, and with that I agree. However, you also have the countless masses running around telling everyone they are going to put us all out of business, and be the ONLY seller of travel in the future. Funny..I know. Do you think this gains the respect of your peers? Do you all expect us to embrace you with open arms after stupid comments like that? Especially coming from the mouths of psedo-agents on your side who dont know where Canada is or what an NCF is?
"And the training IS IN how to book travel. It IS for the RTA business. I mentor just like any other person here who says they have an IC and mentor them."
ReplyDeleteI don't dispute that. Only that it is the YTB members that insist upon declaring that there are two totally independent businesses. I am honoring that request and focusing purely on the RTA company with my question.
I do not recall seeing that training was something that an RTA was expected to do. Perhaps receive training, but not give training. And certainly not to get overrides from giving training. Therefore that must be part of the REP business, or even some other separate venture.
Since the RTA business and the REP business are not related, I am trying to show an honest comparison of the RTA business-only, to that of host agency ICs. I have yet to see any reason for not going the host agency route. Despite your claiming to have given some reasons, the only ones I have seen are related either to the REP business or some other venture. The reasons never have anything to do with purely the RTA opportunity.
Which, once again, proves my point, that without the REP side of the business and the lucrative bonuses for recruiting people, independent of the travel they might sell, there is no reason why one would want to be an RTA if they were serious about selling travel and knew of the better opportunities.
"And the training IS IN how to book travel. It IS for the RTA business. I mentor just like any other person here who says they have an IC and mentor them."
ReplyDeleteWho trained you? What was their background?
Denyse - Didn't you say that you made over $100,000 in YTB per year? And you're going to tell me that you did that by only selling travel? I'm more than just a little suspicious of that remark. Very suspicious.
ReplyDeleteI call b.s. on that one as well Denyse. You would have had to have sold well over a million in travel to make that much, and, if you are capable of doing so, then giving up $40,000 to Coach to help pay for the fancy plane makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I fail to see how being in YTB is a solid business decision. If you are serious about a career in travel, you have to get away from YTB.
"IMHO is just trying to justify that YTB is the only host that will have her and she needs to pay them 40% of her earnings to keep them happy. She recruits for them, she sells for them. So much for being 'independent'. But, many (112,000) people are in the same leaky boat and Coach is very grateful. Keep up the good work!"
ReplyDeleteEddie, remind me again why I need to justify anything to you?? Do you sign my paychecks?
In My Humble Opinion....... said...
ReplyDeleteAnd I could show you all proof that I make more in travel than in recruiting. But what would the purpose be?? There is no one here who will go out and tell others that there IS a person in YTB who is there for the travel and to help others dreams come true by booking their dream vacation. Because I am still with YTB. So be it.
This is a bold faced lie. There have been several people that have said that if it could be proven that a decent "salary" could be made doing nothing but selling travel via ytb could be proven, that they would come here and publicly state so. I think the latest was Ainsworth when he challenged anyone in ytb to meet him in front of the Orange County Convention Center during the ASTA tradeshow last month in Orlando. From what I understand, no one showed up.
My question is.....how are you going to prove it? From what has been said on this blog and elsewhere, all payments from ytb, either for travel commissions or rep payments, come all in one check, and are not seperated out, and that at the end of the year, you only get one 1099 from the company.
"However, you also have the countless masses running around telling everyone they are going to put us all out of business, and be the ONLY seller of travel in the future. Funny..I know. Do you think this gains the respect of your peers? Do you all expect us to embrace you with open arms after stupid comments like that? Especially coming from the mouths of psedo-agents on your side who dont know where Canada is or what an NCF is?"
ReplyDeleteLisa, I totally agree with you. I've never said YTB will put all TTAs out of business. And I'm not one of the countless masses. I do know where Canada (and many other places) are and I know what an NCF is.
"Denyse - Didn't you say that you made over $100,000 in YTB per year? And you're going to tell me that you did that by only selling travel? I'm more than just a little suspicious of that remark. Very suspicious."
ReplyDeleteYes I did, however, that is total income. The majority, however, IS from travel.
"Who trained you? What was their background?"
ReplyDeleteI only train in what I know. I am currently working on my ACC, Princess Commodore level, have several destination certificates and our e-campus training. To train on the travel website takes no training.
"This is a bold faced lie. There have been several people that have said that if it could be proven that a decent "salary" could be made doing nothing but selling travel via ytb could be proven, that they would come here and publicly state so. I think the latest was Ainsworth when he challenged anyone in ytb to meet him in front of the Orange County Convention Center during the ASTA tradeshow last month in Orlando. From what I understand, no one showed up.
ReplyDeleteMy question is.....how are you going to prove it? From what has been said on this blog and elsewhere, all payments from ytb, either for travel commissions or rep payments, come all in one check, and are not seperated out, and that at the end of the year, you only get one 1099 from the company."
Janice, saying ANYTHING here will make no difference at all. What I mean when I say that is to GO OUT and tell others. Just like there are signatures on a petition....tell them. Say it in travel events. Say it in editorials of the Travel Weekly. Etc etc etc. You know - so EVERYONE knows. NOT just here.
YOU sign your paychecks IMHO. Remember, you DO NOT WORK for YTB, they WORK (or not) for you. You pay them a hefty amount to do so. that's a pity for sure.
ReplyDeleteI think it's a scream that 85% of RTAs fail (thanks Kim Sorenson) and all of them make 100,000 a year!
ReplyDeleteMaybe someday IMHO, maybe someday....
And, if you only get one 1099 - it's not 2 businesses. I'm sure the AG has that down.
ReplyDeleteBack to work...this has been fun.
eddie said...
ReplyDeleteAnd, if you only get one 1099 - it's not 2 businesses. I'm sure the AG has that down.
If he does Janice said it, not I. It has been fun.
Hmmmmmmm, got an e-mail that my name was being bantered about, and I see that it is.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify.......I did put forth a challenge to any member of ytb to meet me in front of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando on September 8, at noon, if they could prove to me that a livable "wage" could be made doing nothing but selling travel through ytb. I qualified that by saying that "livable wage" meant a minimum of $75,000 per year. I also stated that if this was proven to me, I would proclaim it to the world. And, as Janice stated, no one showed up. The 2 main excuses I got were that I didn't deserve to have anything proven to me, and that travel commission payments and rep payments were not seperated out on checks, so there was really no way to prove it.
Firemedic, if you're reading this, I was at the appointed place at the appointed time, and sure enough, you didn't come through!
I also see that there is some question about who works for who, if you're in ytb. Stay tuned on that front, as there may be a blog post by yours truly speaking on just that subject sometime soon.
Now that that is settled, I am going out for a nice dinner and an evening of bar hopping down Bourbon Street celebrating. Everyone have a happy, happy!
Ainsworth said...
ReplyDeleteAnd, as Janice stated, no one showed up. The 2 main excuses I got were that I didn't deserve to have anything proven to me, and that travel commission payments and rep payments were not seperated out on checks, so there was really no way to prove it.
I am very sorry I missed it, because I would have. Please accept my apologies because I was caring for an ill mother who has since passed.
It is true, however, that the 1099 combines the two. That may change also. But I could still basically prove it by showing my complete downline and proving that the amount could not have possibly come from them.
"Yes I did, however, that is total income. The majority, however, IS from travel."
ReplyDeleteSo Denyse you are telling us you sold $1 million in travel? That is what you would need to get the $100,000 figure.
ONCE AGAIN, AT, it was NOT $100,000 JUST FROM TRAVEL. And you all say we're dense.
ReplyDeleteI said the MAJORITY of that figure was from travel. $75,000 was from travel.
And also remember, I get TRAVEL overrides.
ReplyDeleteBut if your 1099 combines both the rep and the travel income, how can you seperate it out, and show what is just from the sale of travel? If the checks you receive from ytb combine the two, how can you seperate it out and show what is just from the sale of travel? Also, travel overrides from your downline don't count, as that is not travel that you sold, and without the recruiting, you wouldn't be getting those overrides!
ReplyDeleteI will state here and now, for all to hear.....if anyone in ytb can prove to me that they can make a livable income, and I'll use Ainsworth's amount, a minimum of $75,000 per year from nothing but the sale of travel, absolutly no rep commissions, nothing from the rep side, and absolutly no travel overrides, nothing but what you yourself has sold in travel....I personally will proclaim it here, in a letter to the editors of TW and TT and at any and all trade shows that I attend.
ReplyDeleteJust a reminder that $1M is no where near what she woudl need to sell to net out $100K. To make $100K someone in YTB needs to sell $1.65M in travel.
ReplyDeleteThe average commission across all travel types is 10%.
$1,650,000 X 10% = $165,000 total commission to YTB
$165,000 X 60% = $99,000 to the RTA.
So, why are you accepting $100K when you could have $165K. If you are saying it is because of the recruiting, I doubt it because at that level you woudl be a director.
OK< so if $75K was from travel that means she is producing $1.25M a year
ReplyDeleteI would be willing to accept $25K as a reasonable amount!
ReplyDeleteThat would make vendors sit up and notice wouldn't it? But, it's not Denyse's Travel it's YTB who gets the kudos. That just seems SO right. I wonder which other 100 YTBers can make that claim?
ReplyDeleteJanice said...
ReplyDeleteBut if your 1099 combines both the rep and the travel income, how can you seperate it out, and show what is just from the sale of travel?"
OMG!! I said I would also provide a list of my organization. You will only be able to get estimates of the figures, however, you will know that from MY organization there would be no way I could earn more than $25,000.
Travel overrides are no more than the commissions that you (oh sorry, not you) other TTAs get on what their ICs earn.
Its NOT because of the recruiting John. I became a part of this company way before I knew of other travel companies and what they paid. I came to love this company. THAT IS WHY I STAY!
ReplyDeleteeddie said...
ReplyDeleteThat would make vendors sit up and notice wouldn't it? But, it's not Denyse's Travel it's YTB who gets the kudos. That just seems SO right. I wonder which other 100 YTBers can make that claim?
Can't tell you and don't care. I have to enough to keep up with in my own business.
In My Humble Opinion....... said...
ReplyDeleteJanice said...
But if your 1099 combines both the rep and the travel income, how can you seperate it out, and show what is just from the sale of travel?"
OMG!! I said I would also provide a list of my organization. You will only be able to get estimates of the figures, however, you will know that from MY organization there would be no way I could earn more than $25,000.
Travel overrides are no more than the commissions that you (oh sorry, not you) other TTAs get on what their ICs earn.
You heard, or read it, here folks! IMHO just stated that, despite previous statements to the contrary, that within her organization, there is no way she could earn more than $25,000 selling travel. Now I understand why no one showed up in Orlando to show Ainsworth that a livable amount of money could be made through ytb doing nothing more than selling travel. They can't, because you can't. You have to have the recruiting and the overrides to make anything livable!
Janice said...
ReplyDeleteYou heard, or read it, here folks! IMHO just stated that, despite previous statements to the contrary, that within her organization, there is no way she could earn more than $25,000 selling travel. Now I understand why no one showed up in Orlando to show Ainsworth that a livable amount of money could be made through ytb doing nothing more than selling travel. They can't, because you can't. You have to have the recruiting and the overrides to make anything livable!
Now Janice you know that is an outright lie. For the last time, I have said:
My earnings for 12 months was just over $100,000.
I also said that I would provide proof of my organization where you would be able to determine that FROM THE MARKETING SIDE OF THE BUSINESS, THERE WOULD NO WAY WITH 100 PEOPLE IN MY ORGANIZATION THAT I COULD EARN MORE THAN $25,000 FROM MARKETING.
That would leave the remainder of $75,000 FROM THE SALE OF TRAVEL.
I know you all don't like my company, but please don't blatantly lie about it!!!!
I'll take that mistake as you just being unfamiliar with the business model and company.
ReplyDeleteDenyse - I'm saying "bullshit" to you selling that much travel. There is no way you're doing that. If you actually did, then you would be on every YTB list and "Coach" would have a halo on your head. I don't see any of that. Care to prove it? Put your money where your foot is. BTW, since when did YTB start paying out overrides?
ReplyDeleteUm, IMHO, no lie. We're talking about travel commissions here, and this is what you posted:
ReplyDeleteOMG!! I said I would also provide a list of my organization. You will only be able to get estimates of the figures, however, you will know that from MY organization there would be no way I could earn more than $25,000.
Go back and reread it for yourself if you don't believe me. No where in there do you state anything about the marketing side, until you were called out.
YES, it was for marketing - that's what we were talking about. I said I made $75,000 in travel. So, showing an organization PROVES MARKETING INCOME.
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot - you don't know what having an organization means.
And No Moron Here - in case you don't know, I do not respond to anyone who curses at me.
ReplyDeleteWell shit, I guess that covers that!
ReplyDeleteBTW Denyse - Don't think that your responses have gone unnoticed or dismissed. I'm one of those that remembers everything people say. When I've asked ANY YTBer to verify anything, they never do. They haven't yet anyway. I'll be waiting till I'm in Hell and hopefully not sitting right next to "Coach."
ReplyDeleteIn My Humble Opinion....... said...
ReplyDeleteYES, it was for marketing - that's what we were talking about. I said I made $75,000 in travel. So, showing an organization PROVES MARKETING INCOME.
Sorry I missed this. No, we were talking about commissions and your downline is NOT included in travel commissions. You can always deflect some way.
IMHO, I'll apologise for NMH since I know he won't. But he has a point. If you are producing so much in travel, why does YTB not make more of you? More of Candi May? YTB is supposed to be a TRAVEL company, and yet all one hears about are the Directors - and Directors don't become Directors by selling travel.
ReplyDeleteAnd FYI, I am on record for saying that there ARE YTBers who produce. But like the others, I do not understand why someone who produces and has little interest in the REP side, wouldn't go to a better host.
I was, and always have been talking about travel commissions. Go back and reread what I wrote in my challenge. NOTHING BUT TRAVEL COMMISSIONS. I said to prove that a decent wage could be made in travel commissions. You came back saying that in your organization, I would see that there would be no way that you could earn more than 25,000. I'm with NMH, and am calling BS. You put something out there that you didn't mean to, and got caught in it. You typed the truth, and it was too late to take it back, so all of a sudden the conversation was about marketing.
ReplyDeleteI can never get the hang of this place!
ReplyDeleteI have to call shenanigans too. I read it as being a travel commission thing. Sorry.
You're right, Ann, I'm not going to apoligize because we're all adults and I personally think that if someone is that sensitive, they've never watched TV, read a book, or have been to a current movie. That being said, I still want my answers and IMHO has never provided them much like no one in YTB has. It's always another way around the issue just as this one is. Receiving payment from her downline (pimping) is not travel commissions earned. There just is no other way to look at it. She claims she books lots of travel and I've heard that line many times before yet the figures YTB releases proves otherwise right along with the figures I receive from my employer daily. In the past week, I am showing that YTB has 8 bookings with our company out of 100,000 plus RTAs. Pathetic!
ReplyDeleteDenyse, let me tell you a story.
ReplyDeleteI hate the meat industry, and think what they do to the animals is horrific. I disagree with their business practices even more than I disagree with what YTB does. I haven't eaten meat for almost 13 years. And when I did eat meat, it was very limited, and only because my parents made me. I also hate needles.
If you can prove that you personally sold over a million in travel last year, I'll go to McDonalds and eat a Big Mac. And John, Ainsworth and I will both get the YTB logo tattood on our butts. In fact, I'll get my "I love YTB" tattood on my butt while I am eating the Big Mac.
This is a prime opportunity for you to finally put three very outspoken travel agents in their place. Let's see the numbers Denyse.
"My earnings for 12 months was just over $100,000.
ReplyDeleteONLY $75,000 CAME FROM TRAVEL."
So to make $75,000 you booked 1.25 million in travel in a year. Is that right? Or did you book $75,000 in travel? I don't believe you or anyone else in YTB for that matter books 1.25 million in travel in a year.
Who cares how much she sold or didn't sell. I still have not heard a single reason why someone would be an RTA versus being an IC with a host that has no fees and pays 80/20, other than for the money that can be brought in by the REP side.
ReplyDelete"And No Moron Here - in case you don't know, I do not respond to anyone who curses at me."
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight Denyse---You won't answer anyone who curses at you yet you lie about how much money you make. And, the picture on your blog looks like a hooker shot. AND, you stay in a company that is known to scam people. What does that make you? A hypocrite that's what. Morally bankrupt? Yup. See Denyse you gotta walk the talk. You can't be in a company that scams people and keep promoting them. That just isn't right. And, you can't keep lying to get a down line. That is not right either. You can't have it both ways.
AHAHAHAHA! I'm calling that BS also. I would tattoo a YTB on my arse if it was true. Denyse is such a liar. You will rot in hell. That is pathetic. If you think it all came from travel commisions, you have MAJOR issues.
ReplyDeleteHey Denyse what is the latest greatest secret news you have? You always claim to have something that is super secret. I read your board, I see your lies, and most of us laugh at you. Between you and Gail, we see everything that people complain about when it comes to YTB. Uneducated....scammers....and liars!
ReplyDeleteKit, that shot she has is what they call "Glamour Shots". People pay alot of money to make them look better than they do. Unfortunately "Glamour Shots" was a "big" thing in the early 90s. Now it's a joke, if anyone thinks someone looks like that in the "shots", they need to have their head checked.
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny! There is like three people there that try to pump each other up. Denyse, Gail and Blade. How pathetic is this.
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Topic: I'm Loving our Back office
Posted: 25/October/2008 at 1:04pm
The enhancements to the back office are awesome!! I' e been playing around with it all afternoon.
The email campaign is awesome, and the contact list is great. I can put businesses I use as well as prospects AND my customers. this is wonderful! "
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Posted: 26/October/2008 at 2:06pm
It IS great. So many different wonderful enhancements. "
Now this is funny!
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Posted: Yesterday at 2:19pm
Originally posted by bruceinvt
I love Mark Twain too. Excellent quote, Blade.
Gail, as a YTB REP it is important that I stay on top of what is happening with YTB. Especially important as a REP is expected to sell websites and recruit. How can I do this effectively without knowing whats going on with RTAs? Consequently, I took it upon myself to find an RTA generous enough to share his user name and password for his RTA site. With this information I can be far more successful in my recruiting as I am more knowledgeable about YTB. Thank you for your concern.
Bruce, can you please refrain from commenting in this folder?
You know what you're saying is pure bullcrap!! You have become a REP just to get information to throw back at us. There are no intents for you to sell anyone a website with this company....so why front???
And the person who shared their information is being used and is not smart.
Please keep your comments out of this folder because you have no concern at all for this company except to trash it.
I'll be really glad when they start deleting REPs from the system who do not produce within 6 months!!! "