If you are going to rescind Joystar's appointment for not following your rules and regulations, what about YTB? In your agreement it specifically states that the Reps and RTAs are not allowed to use the CLIA logo. (A curious requirement in and of itself)
On Page21/Slide 61 of the CRTA Training Manual (which is still in effect for a few more days) it specifically states:
Your Responsibility
DO NOT use CLIA to enroll RTAs
CLIA membership if for travel agents only
CLIA is not a discount card or travel club
CLIA's name or logo can not be used:
In any ads
On any website
Conduct yourself professionally
When introducing yourself as a CLIA member
Upon completion of your RTA Certification
Print the CLIA Application from the Downloas section of your back office.
Comeplete form and submit to YTB for processing
DO NOT use CLIA to enroll RTAs
CLIA membership if for travel agents only
CLIA is not a discount card or travel club
CLIA's name or logo can not be used:
In any ads
On any website
Conduct yourself professionally
When introducing yourself as a CLIA member
Upon completion of your RTA Certification
Print the CLIA Application from the Downloas section of your back office.
Comeplete form and submit to YTB for processing
So, why is this allowed when Joystar gets the boot? Royal Caribbean saw that they were using their ship image and had it removed, now I wonder if CLIA needs to take a look.
To be truthful, this is the first website or ad that I have seen the actual logo, but CLIA is used as a recruiting lure in practically every aspect of YTB.
NOTE: The author of the blog in question has been posting and removing posts at a blinding speed. She was using a RCCL image illegally, the CLIA logo illegally and both have been pulled. But the blog is an interesting read in any event. A recent post says that by joining YTB, I can get a $4000 tax refund on my 2008 taxes!
Boy, she really has her knickers in a twist over you! Too bad her credibility tanks with her lack of writing skills.
ReplyDeleteYAWN! My mom is with the IRS, my hubby is a cop, I know who you are. Yawn!
ReplyDeleteHer blog doesn't just say her husband is a cop. It says he's THE cop. OOOH. That sounds scarry.
ReplyDeleteYesterday she claimed that by joining YTB you could take $4000 off your taxes, which is completely false. This is just another SLEAZY recruiting tactic by someone who is probably in the 80% of those making Zero money with YTB.
Her entire blog is about recruiting by any means possible. I hope that CLIA is paying attention. She is a prime example of why our industry needs regulation. I can't imagine what a consumer would think if she presented herself as a travel agent. She couldn't be any more unprofessional, or more of an embarassment to the travel industry.
I sent a copy of her blog to the FTC. It is filled with false earnings claims. I don't think her husband, THE cop, is going to be able to save her butt once the FTC gets ahold of her.
Hey Traveling Moms! Why not post this on your blog! It's from the FTC website.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes an advertisement deceptive?
According to the FTC's Deception Policy Statement, an ad is deceptive if it contains a statement - or omits information - that:
Is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances; and
Is "material" - that is, important to a consumer's decision to buy or use the product.
So things like claiming you can take $4000 off on your taxes by joing YTB by the end of the year would fall into that category. Or claiming that just by joining you can quit your job and retire are also false advertising.
Why is she complaining about how many times her blog has been "hit", or how many times a particular person looks at it? I thought that was the whole point of having a public blog, to have it looked at and read! She seems to be another person involved with ytb, along with firemedic, that is afflicted with paranoia. She talks about being stalked, but she knows John's last name and where he lives. Now THAT sounds like stalking! I mean, John and I are buds and I don't even know his address.
ReplyDeleteI just love how now it's her friend who is the FBI agent, when she told me that it was her that worked for the FBI. Boy, Traveling Mom really needs to keep her lies straight.
She also says in the blog that if someone wants to correct her spelling and grammar, please show her a teaching certificate or "be quite" (I think she means "quiet", though the 2 words mean vastly different things!). Well, Mom, where shall I send a copy of mine?
Another blog that is quite the riot this morning is that of firemedic, where he talks about personal attacks. To read his blog, he is the victim of many, many personal attacks, whereas he has launched very few, and the few that he has lobbed, he has humbly and sincerely apologized for. He says that a personal attack can tell alot about the person launching it, and that they must be seeing in themselves what they are saying to the other person. He has even questioned me about that. I have responded to him twice on his blog that no, I don't see myself like that, I am just a blunt and outspoken person, and that'show I am, take it or leave it, and if you choose to leave it, I really don't care because I have lived quite comfortably without you for 45 years and can do it again. The second response to him was this morning, after he refused to publish the one I sent last night. He thinks that by not publishing my response, it makes me look bad because I cannot or will not respond to him. He just doesn't realize that there are other venues to respond to him, and all it does is to make him look like a hypocrite, not unlike Doug who refuses to have comments on his blog.
Do you feel picked on Ainsworth? Ainsworth, you don't need me to make you look bad. Just make another "well spoken" and "articulate" video!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that YTB allows that blog to stay live. It makes those promises that YTB will deliever much more than is reality. I know people will say anything, promise anything, to get a down line but this seems just too much. Too bad she's not in California.
ReplyDeleteFM--ok we get it you don't like Ainsworth's video.
ReplyDeleteBut please do not talk about "well spoken" and "articulate" when your own blog features items such as this:
First personal attacks are that of attacking the of someone.
Hmmmmmm. (That actually still convicts me).
my experience of you is...
I did out of my frustration and imperfectness and I chose to apologize for it.
firemedic do you REALLY think you have any credence on here after you exposed yourself as the fake John and threatened to turn us all into the FBI? Shoo! Scram! Vamoose! Or, I am calling the FBI and telling them you are impersonating a professional firefighter....
ReplyDeleteFire, not in the slightest. Do you? You're the one always screaming that you and ytb are the victim! As I just replied over on your blog, there must be some truth to what we're saying, otherwise you and yours wouldn't pay us the least bit of attention. Think about it. There are blogs out there talking about how bad Expedia, Orbitz, Microsoft (since you people LOVE to compare yourselves to MS), etc., yet you don't see "employees" of those companies starting blogs to talk about how you and your company are just misunderstood.
ReplyDeleteJohn, I truly don't care if anyone likes my video or not. It serves its purpose. I know that the production value is low. I have a bad camera, and it was done on the fly. Fire just really doesn't like it because I proved that I am more of a man than he is, because I put my face out there to state my opinion, while he hides behind his keyboard.
AT, no, Fire has no credibility here, or anywhere. As I said, he hides behind his keyboard to say things. Until he puts his face or name out there, he will always be an ant in a land of giants. He made it even worse when he was caught impersonating John. He's hoping that we'll forget about that, but he forgets that something along the same lines was the downfall of his buddy Mix.
You all notice how on Fire's blog today, he says that comments should remain on topic, however when he came here, the only comment he could make was not about the topic of the day, but directed at me, and it was a dig at that. And he wants to talk of integrity and character.
If I have to act like you Ainsworth, to be a "giant"...LOL!....I choose to remain an "ant"!
ReplyDeleteYou really do think you are all that don't you Ainsworth. Just keep making videos.
John, those were typos, just like you make and have changed.
No, fire, I'm not "all that". I am just a person making my way in the world, honestly, unlike ytb, coach, scott, kim, you and others like you.
ReplyDeleteNow, fire, why don't you take your own advice and stick to the subject? What do you have to say about the mentioned website that is violating the rules and regulations of ytb?
"Now, fire, why don't you take your own advice and stick to the subject? What do you have to say about the mentioned website that is violating the rules and regulations of ytb?"
ReplyDeleteI have stated my opinion about it.
You have? Really? Where? Certainly not in this column of comments. The only thing you have done in 3 posts is to attack me and say nothing about the topic at hand. Or do you just think you stated your opinion because you are posting all over the web, and have difficulty keeping track of what you say where. Speaking of which, when are you going to post my response to your last comment over on your blog?
ReplyDeletePost 1: firemedic said...
Do you feel picked on Ainsworth? Ainsworth, you don't need me to make you look bad. Just make another "well spoken" and "articulate" video!
Oct 17, 2008 11:21:00 AM
Post 2: firemedic said...
If I have to act like you Ainsworth, to be a "giant"...LOL!....I choose to remain an "ant"!
You really do think you are all that don't you Ainsworth. Just keep making videos.
John, those were typos, just like you make and have changed.
Oct 17, 2008 12:23:00 PM
Post 3: firemedic said...
"Now, fire, why don't you take your own advice and stick to the subject? What do you have to say about the mentioned website that is violating the rules and regulations of ytb?"
I have stated my opinion about it.
Oct 17, 2008 2:19:00 PM
What I want to know is when the FBI will be serving us all with a warrant for hacking into firemedic's account?
ReplyDeleteAinsworth, I made my comment on Oct 9, 2008 8:49:00 PM .
ReplyDeleteHey AT - Is Ainsworth more of a man than you too since you won't put your face and personal info out there?
Well, fire, since you don't seem to have a calandar, today is October 17. You and all your cohorts make so many changes to things that any comments you may have made previously are irrelevant to today's topic. You'll notice that I, and others that feel the same as I do, haven't really needed to change our stance on anything.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it today you can't heed your own advice, and refrain from making comments other than those that refer to the topic of the day? Since this is such an egregious and blatent flaunting of the ytb policies that was made, and you are one to never do such a thing, one would think that you would be against it, and jump at the chance to condemn it.
And why are you jumping on AT? There you go again, saying one thing and doing another. Just so you know, AT is a woman, and she does put her name and face out there. I and several others know her quite well, and she is quite a person! I would personally trust AT with my life, which is more than I can say for some people that frequent this blog.
The above blog in question is just crazy to read. She changes it at the blink of an eye. Now instead of being a stalker, John is a nuisance and will "see". She's removed alot of BS she had posted, but there is still plenty to go around on her site. I'm quite shocked YTB hasn't shut her down yet, then again..they obviously don't care that shes spouting complete mis-information.
ReplyDeleteExactly, Lisa, and it's been known to be like this for at least a week now, if not longer. We all know ytb is reactive to things, and will shut down blogs that don't conform only after it has been called out. Until then, they leave it alone.
ReplyDeleteFireMedic and his blog are almost as bad. His comment section is moderated, and he will only post the comments that put him in a good light. Now, I understand that on one's personal blog, you don't want to be made to look the fool, but what I want to know is why he refuses to post the response I sent last night where he bashed me, and the response I sent this morning where he bashed me again? He probably thinks that if he doesn't publish them, it will make me look as if I have no defensible position, and make him look good. If he continues in this vein, maybe I'll start my own blog where I respond to him and he has no control. Hmmmmm, not a bad idea. Think I'll set that up tonight, after I get back from dinner.
So, again Fire.....what about today's topic, instead of bashing people? What is your learned opinion? What do you think Wood River should do with blogs such as the one mentioned? Please, break the mold and give us a direct answer, and don't send us off on a wild goose chase searching for something you have said in the past, that changes with the prevailing wind.
"So, again Fire.....what about today's topic, instead of bashing people? What is your learned opinion? What do you think Wood River should do with blogs such as the one mentioned? Please, break the mold and give us a direct answer, and don't send us off on a wild goose chase searching for something you have said in the past, that changes with the prevailing wind."
ReplyDeleteMy opinion. It's up to YTB legal. I would not say many of the things that are being said, nor would I use the forbidden logos either. If I did, I would expect to be terminated if I didn't comply.
Straight enough for you Ainsworth? (Not that you deserve any explanation whatsoever).
Decent answer, but you still can't follow your own suggestion, and just keep comments to the topic, can you? Always have to get some sort of slap in there.
ReplyDeleteBut, since you bring it up, why do you feel that I, nor anyone else, deserves to have any questions they may have about ytb answered? And why is it that ytb nor anyone associated with ytb can ever just give a straight forward answer to an honest, legitimate question? Actually, I know why you don't think I don't deserve an answer, and that's cool. I have already done my research, and know all there is to know, but why can't there ever be a straight answer from anyone associated with ytb? Why all the dancing around? Only those with something to hide do that.
So, firemedic when is the FBI showing up at my door? I want to make sure I have cookies baked for the Fibbies and my attorney standing next to me....
ReplyDeleteAinsworth - Nothing pleases you people. It doesn't matter what is said, you will find a way to find fault in it so really what is the use?
ReplyDelete"But, since you bring it up, why do you feel that I, nor anyone else, deserves to have any questions they may have about ytb answered?"
Ainsworth, if someone insulted someone in your family, someone you care about, on a DAILY basis, and then wanted a straight answer from you about ANYTHING, would you feel they deserved what they are demanding? Seriously?
"I have already done my research, and know all there is to know,"
LOL! You know all there is to know? LOL! Wow! So if I do my research about SCUBA diving, and learn everything I think there is to know (from behind a computer desk), and never actually get in the water, do I truly KNOW Scuba diving or do I just think I do? There is a HUGE difference in KNOWING something and knowing ABOUT something.
AT - I never said anything about FBI.
ReplyDeleteback to the topic at hand... Traveling mom yet again is posting false claims to income. 60%-70% commission. not OF the commission, but 60-70% commission. This is after she's been "out" for a while taking care of her nuisance.
ReplyDeleteWhat's even better is that she had the balls to write about YTB's "ethics and morality". I think the CA Ag would have some reasons to disagree.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nutjob!!
I've seen enough nutjobs in mlm's before but she takes the cake. She's our Dumbass Den Mother.
ReplyDeleteMy bad firemedic didn't say anything about the FBI. It was the other nut job Traveling Mom.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic did say this little tidbit:
"Hacking into my account is absolutely ridiculous. If we cannot have debate these issues without the personal attacks, the unsolicited emails, and account hacking then that shows and disregard for personal privacy and is over the line. I have filed a complaint with google and if I find out who did it the will be prosecuted."
No one hacked into your account firemedic. You screwed up because you forgot your meds again. And, you are paranoid on top of that. So, how is it going prosecuting yourself?
Mom is at it again today. First she goes off on a tangent about her "stalker", and then she is extolling the virtues of ytb. The question that I have for her is this.....if ytb is SUCH a great company, and you can make SO much money with them, why is she only a rep and not an rta? Is it because she accepts the fact that ytb really ISN'T about selling travel, but about sucking more people in, and the marketing side is where all the money is to be made?
ReplyDeleteJust an update about Joystar and CLIA. Supposedly the problem was with Joystar's banking and bonding arrangements. They claim to now be current in CA and several other states. They claim their reapplication is pending in FL and that once that is completed, they will reapply and expect to be reinstated by CLIA.
ReplyDeleteWhether any of this is true, or whether they still have financial difficulties, remains to be seen.