Friday, October 3, 2008

Recruit, Recruit, Recruit, Recruit

And this one is apparently sanctioned by YTB! Count the number of times the word "travel" is used in this 6.5 minute video for



  1. John,
    You are being disingenious again. That is a video SPECIFICALLY about recruiting. Remember YTB has 2 and recruiting. I have a bank account with wachovia but also have stocks and mutual funds with wachovia securities. Guess what....on all the literature in my brokers office there is nothing about a savings or checking account. Not one mention. Yet wachovia is a bank, isn't it?

  2. God, gag me. I think I threw up in my mouth just a little watching this thing. I loved (not) the following quotes:

    At the 3:13 mark..."The beauty of this thing is, this thing goes through infinity. Everytime a new person comes into the business....$50 on every single person, whether you bring them in or not, $50 through infinity."

    Then, the following from coach, which are MOST telling (yes, Josh, there may be 2 sides to ytb, but ytb is supposed to be about selling travel (it is a travel company, is it not?), or at least thats what you all like to say when confronted with the recruiting crap that you like to pull):

    At the 3:27 mark: "The lifeblood of your business is a new prospect, a new recruit! Somebody who's wanting to build! People who go out and buy leads and make cold calls and do all kinds of....DUMB! DUMB! (and firemedic had an issue when I called coach a name, yet here coach is calling other people dumb) STOP! And here you got, every time I bring a new person into my powerteam and help them get to their power team, I have 6 people screaming help me, I want to get to my power team! (Probably because that's the only way to make any money, is to fleece others into joining!)

    And the ABSOLUTE MOST telling, right from coach's mouth, at the 4:53 mark: The WHOLE business is you geting to your power team (notice that even though he heads up a supposed travel company, according to him the WHOLE business is recruiting!?!?) and teaching your people to get to their power team (again, not selling travel, but recruiting, and helping others to recruit). Math works. I get 1 person to do it, there's 6 behing screaming help me...I ge those 6 to do it, that's 36...WOW! Once I'm up to about 200, and I get them to do it, that's 600!

    So there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, right from the horses mouth. From one of the head people at a "travel" company. The WHOLE business is nothing more than getting to your power team. How do you get to your power team? By RECRUITING! What a scam, and what a scam artist that coach is. This is truly a video that needs to be sent to the authorities.

  3. Josh--you might have a point if YTB was really two separate companies but we all know they are not as is evidenced by the fact that a Rep (one separate company) can earn override travel commissions (the other separate company) by merely recruiting enough people and not selling one stitch of travel.

    Not to mention the other facts, that very few make ANY money in either program and the few that do make money do so only on the Rep/Recruiting side.

  4. What the heck does wachovia have to do with anything?

    YTB=Master of Deflection.

  5. Actually he is FOS because Wachovia does indeed cross market. In my local branch there is a FA that always calls me and wants to "advise me" and the branch is full of their investment information.

    My broker with the CAP program does not sell retail banking products but is knowledgeable of them and when I need to get an answer he has the right number. But when I do get my brokerage statement from Wachovia, it most certainly does indeed cross sell to their retail products.

    ANd that is perfectly legal--they are not a pyramid scheme!

  6. AT-it is called an analogy.

  7. Josh, you're not going to have anything with Wachovia for too much longer!

    I also notice that Josh is the only ytber to make any comment, and that comment really had nothing to do with the subject at hand. Wonder why that is. Where is FireMedic, Mix, Seriously and the rest of the motley crew?

  8. Mix er Larry has been outed and is laying low.

    Firemedic got caught with his pants down.

    Seriously aka Denyse is over tormenting Travel Weekly trying to convince them she is a REAL travel agent. LOL!

  9. Janice,
    My comment had specifically to do with the subject. I stated that the reason there was no talk of travel was because it was a recruiting video. Also, John conveniently mentioned in the post that it was for and it wasn't and he knows it. I didn't deflect. I responded to the post with my comment about the video and then tried to provide extra clarification with an analogy.

    As far as Wachovia, I am not worried.:)

  10. Josh--I have to ask...are you really THAT ill informed.

    Yes, I said it was for and apparently you say it is for something else. Why don't you educate us all and tell us what you think old Coach was pimping? It certainly was not AL Williams, it wasn't the Lisa Marie tours and fuel additives, it is not Traverus or World Ventures. So what is that video promoting?

    Inquiring minds want to know?

  11. John,
    Happy to admit I was wrong. When you said I was thinking you said YTB travel network which you did not say. I apologize. But, with that said, I continue to stress that that video was SPECIFICALLY for recruiting on the marketing side of the business.

  12. Got caught with my pants down? lol. Whatever there sport. Good to see I was missed.

    Josh is right in that the video is the Rep (marketing) side of the business. You know, the side of the business that you can't do in your traditional way. The side that you all rant and rave about but will not go away! Yeah, they did the same thing with A.L. Williams.

    Josh said "As far as Wachovia, I am not worried.:)" As for YTB, Diddo;)

    John said "Josh--you might have a point if YTB was really two separate companies but we all know they are not as is evidenced by the fact that a Rep (one separate company) can earn override travel commissions (the other separate company) by merely recruiting enough people and not selling one stitch of travel."

    That John is where you will be wrong. You will label it "reactive" though.

  13. Fireman--let me lay it out for you again and I will type slow so you can keep up.

    If I sign up as a Rep (no money) and recruit 6 RTAs that pay the $449 and $50 a month. I now have a Power Team.

    When the RTAs sell travel, they earn 60% of the commission YTB earns on the transaction. Because I am a Power Team Leader, I get a 10% override on their travel commissions.

    So, let's say that the six sell $1000 of travel and the commission if 15%. That is $150 to YTB. From that, 60% goes to the RTAs or a total of $90. But because I am a PTL I earn 10% of the commission or $15. So from the $150, YTB pays out $90 (RTA) and $15 (PTL) and retains $45 for themselves.

    I do not rent a site and I am not an RTA. However, I did go to Fist Class/CRTA training because that is also a requirement to get the override.

    But as a Rep I sell no travel, yet I do earn money and commission on travel sales from those I recruit. So what is my incentive? It obviously has to be to recruit recruit recruit.

    There is no incentive to sell travel.

  14. First of all, FireMedic, what does "diddo" mean? I tried looking it up in 2 different dictionaries, and neither one of them had that word. Could you possibly mean "ditto", which when used as an adverb means used to agree with something that has just been said? You try to be so glib and witty, but all you do is show your ignorance.

    Now, back to the subject at hand. Go up and read my post from this morning, paying special attention to the paragraph that begins with "And the ABSOLUTE MOST telling...". Coach himself says that the WHOLE business is about getting others to join, ie recruiting others. He says NOTHING about the selling of travel, which is what ytb is supposed to be in business to do, is it not?

    Again, when the facts are planted square in your faces, Josh and FireMedic, you try to steer the conversation off into another direction and not address what is being said by the HEAD OF THE COMPANY. Why is that? As AT said, you got caught with your pants down, and have no real response.

  15. Ainsworth,
    With all due respect, Coach mentions the Whole business when referring to the REP opportunity. IN every YTB presentation it starts with the statement that YTB is 2 BUSINESSES. The travel business and the marketing business...
    He doesn't say the recruiting is the WHOLE company. Big difference. And, unfortunately you and many others will never get it. You are set in your ways, and you are entitled to be. I have no problem with it. Go right ahead and enjoy the status quo in your industry. That is your prerogative.

  16. Sure they have a statement but they don't live it. They are not separate companies they are intimately interlaced with one another.

    And honestly the company is NOT about travel at all, it is about $449.95 and $49.95 a month--period!

  17. Josh, we have to take coach at face value. He said WHOLE business, not PART or HALF of your business is about recruiting. Go look at the definition of the words.

    Where are the videos on how to make money selling travel? Why are all the videos about making all this money always about the recruiting side of the company?

  18. Ainsworth, I think you come on here and post videos to make yourself feel like you really are someone. What you don't get is how you are being perceived by even your posse. I know you don't care how YTB'rs feel but your own posse? I say it again, have you noticed that John has not defended you when it was said that your video is being compared to the dumb videos put out there by some YTB reps?

    John, read this again real slow...."That John is where you will be wrong. You will label it "reactive" though."

    John, you don't know what you think you know. Your example you posted looked great but again, you don't know what you think you know. In time you will see.

  19. Oh shit--now they are speaking in unknown tongues!

  20. FireMedic, the only people doing any comparing are ytbers. I know how my "posse" (there you go again, using words to try to be witty and glib) feel about me by what is and has been said to me via e-mail and the comments link on YouTube.

    So, Fire, again, why aren't you responding to the subject at hand, instead of trying to deflect the conversation off into another direction? Why does coach say the WHOLE business is about recruiting? I'll give you the same advice I gave Josh, go look up the definition of the word "whole" before you say the same scripted thing he has, that this video is about recruiting, and that ytb is actually 2 businesses. If that were true, wouldn't coach say that HALF or PART of your business is about recruiting? That's what a normal person would say, but instead, he makes it a point to say the WHOLE business is about recruiting. And if it truly is 2 different businesses, where are the videos about making money on the sale of travel, and how to go about doing that? Why are all the videos put out by ytbers that are about the making of the "big" money always all about recruiting? Why can't you answer these questions? Why must you do a Palin on them?

  21. Why must you do a Palin on them?
    OK Ainsworth--now you're pissin' me off!

  22. In what respect,, John?

  23. John, if you're voting McCain/Palin you are truly missing your calling of a bitter democratic smear merchant.

    Yeah, I could have guessed who Ainworth was voting for.

  24. Actually, FireMedic, your psychic abilities, like everything else about you, are sorely lacking. I don't like either presidential candidate, and chances are likely I will be opting for a 3rd party.

    But, again, you're trying to deflect off of the subject. Why is that? Here, let me refresh your memory....

    Why does coach say the WHOLE business is about recruiting? I'll give you the same advice I gave Josh, go look up the definition of the word "whole" before you say the same scripted thing he has, that this video is about recruiting, and that ytb is actually 2 businesses. If that were true, wouldn't coach say that HALF or PART of your business is about recruiting? That's what a normal person would say, but instead, he makes it a point to say the WHOLE business is about recruiting. And if it truly is 2 different businesses, where are the videos about making money on the sale of travel, and how to go about doing that? Why are all the videos put out by ytbers that are about the making of the "big" money always all about recruiting? Why can't you answer these questions?

  25. Okay Ainsworth I will type slow for you and answer your question but I can just about guarantee you won't be satisfied. The whole "Rep/marketing" side of the business is what he is talking about. And he didn't use the word "recruiting". He said it was about helping people to get to their power team. Again, the marketing side. Something you don't like because you either can't or don't want to. But since you chose not to for whatever reason, it has to be bad because all the ways you have done and will do business, is the right and only way. You don't like the fact we can build a network of travel stores/sites and quite frankly we don't care that you don't like it. There are people (traditional diners) out there that didn't like McDonald's franchising in the beginning and sued them too. We don't care that you don't like it Ainsworth! Just keep selling travel the way you do and be happy! We are not going away! Sorry kiddo.

  26. Scripted answer from Wood River. Fire, did you look up the definition of "whole"? Do you even own a dictionary? Have you even taken the time to look into the reading comprehension courses in your area?

    That video does not distinguish between the marketing side of the business and the selling of travel side of the business. Nowhere. So, when coach talks about the WHOLE business being about building a power team (how else do you build a power team beside RECRUITING others to join?) it appears as if that's all ytb does.

    Again, I will ask.....if ytb is truly 2 businesses, where are the videos about selling travel? Where are the videos about how you can make money selling travel? I'll tell you where they are. They don't exist, because in reality, ytb doesn't care if anyone sells travel. All they care about is the "marketing/recruiting" side of it, so those are the only videos out there.

  27. "That video does not distinguish between the marketing side of the business and the selling of travel side of the business. Nowhere."

    Ainsworth, that video you saw is only part of an hour long video. Now, do you need a dictionary to look up the word "hour".
    Again, I will ask.....if ytb is truly 2 businesses, where are the videos about selling travel? Where are the videos about how you can make money selling travel? I'll tell you where they are. They don't exist, because in reality, ytb doesn't care if anyone sells travel. All they care about is the "marketing/recruiting" side of it, so those are the only videos out there."

    LOL! There is truly no bounds to your advertising ignorance. Especially when you made your video. You have it all figured out yet you know nothing about YTB. #1 let me remind you that YOU deserve no proof for anything there Ainsworth. #2 become an RTA and you can have all the videos and training you want, made by Mancini himself. Just because you don't find it on YouTube does not mean it doesn't exist. The world is a lot bigger than YouTube, this site,, and your house. But keep posting, we appreciate it.

  28. If you want to bash YTB join the company first then if you don't do well then bash them. Don't talk about a company you neither have joined or went to any training classes they offer. Now if you was a real man or woman who knows you would join and see for yourself then you can have some honest journalism. You are like the critic that never seen the movie but heard someone else say it was a bad movie.

  29. FireIdiot...that video is out there as it is for the world to see. People take it for what it is. The fact still remains that the old fart states that "your WHOLE business...". You can spin it any way you want. He said what he said.

    I may deserve no proof, Fire, but when you and your co-horts keep making claims on something, at some point you're going to have to pony up some type of evidence. That's the way of the world. And keep in mind, "Mancini himself" is not the end all, be all of the travel world. I would put up the instructors I had in travel school against him any day of the week. At least they had integrity. Besides, the videos that "Mancini himself" made must not be all that important, or all that great, if you guys can't feature them out in the world, since they are about travel.

    (Non)traveling moms, you would be taken way more seriously if you had any type of grasp of the usage of the English language. Your ignorance of both language usage and of me and others here know no bounds. You don't know whether I am a part of ytb or not, nor whether I have taken any of their training classes. How do you know that I haven't joined, just used a different name to do so? How do you know whether or not I have attended the so called training classes, just gave a different name when I attended? Think about it.

  30. Travelin moms---I DID join the company and to be honest was making more money at $2 a day from my google ads on this blog than with YTB.

    I have attended CTRA training, numerous hotel presentations and a Founders Day presentation by Scott Tomer himself.

    What else should I attend that will enlighten me? Might I suggest a Hooked on Phonics class for you to clean up your writing a bit?

  31. Firemedic---AInswroth has a point...what is it that Coach says...if it ain't true don't say it.

    Well he did say "The whole business is you getting to your power team and teaching your people to get to their power team.

  32. Well, we know that ytbers have a way of lying, either intentionally or because they're just too stupid or lazy to find out the truth. Go look at Dougies blog for today, where he says to put in the words American Express Travel and Lawsuit into a search engine. He says that you will get 286,000 returns, which is FALSE. If you follow the link that he gives, you will get 281,000, and all of those returns 1) aren't all about lawsuits, but some of them are yellow pages ads or informational pages about the company or 2) have nothing to do with American Express TRAVEL, but are relating to the American Express CHARGE CARD or FINANCIAL SERVICES.

    God forbid he impart that little bit of very important information, because it doesn't further his agenda, or his downline.

    Sounds like the old fart needs to change his saying to "if it ain't the truth, but you think you can get away with it, go for it".

  33. Doug Bauknight on says:

    ...."We realize that our critics have tried and convicted YTB already. Fortunately, it’s not up to them; that’s what the legal process is for. If you do a Google search on “lawsuit” you will find 89,600 links for Amway, 147,000 links for Mary Kay, and 59,600 links for Nu Skin, all still in business, and in good standing with the DSA.

    Would you stop using your computer because there are 432,000 links for Microsoft? Stop shopping because there are 3,640,000 links for WalMart? Stop eating because there are 1,160,000 links for McDonalds?

    Maybe we should stop cruising because you found 185,000 links for Royal Caribbean? Stop using online booking engines because there are 216,000 links for Expedia? Or stop using traditional agencies with 286,000 links for American Express Travel?

    Want to take a stab at how many links there are for YTB? Try 23,700 links which are all lower than any of the above mentioned companies." ....

    I have to agree Ainsworth. I looked at the above mentioned blog, and I found great disparity in the figures that Doug states, and what is found when you actually follow his links. Let's look at this, shall we:

    Amway--Doug says-89,600 Reality-88,200 (1400 Less)

    Mary Kay--Doug says-147,000 Reality-146,000 (1000 Less)

    Nu Skin--Doug says-56,600 Reality-57,300 (2300 Less)

    Microsoft--Doug says-432,000 Reality-430,000 (2000 Less)

    WalMart--Doug says-3,640,000 Reality-3,570,000 (70,000 Less)

    McDonalds--Doug says-1,160,000 Reality-1,150,000 (10,000 Less)

    Royal Caribbean--Doug Says-185,000 Reality-180,000 (5000 Less)

    Expedia--Doug says-216,000 Reality-213,000 (3000 Less)

    YTB--Doug says-23,700 Reality-23,700

    Wow, it seems the only one that Doug got correct was YTB. 8 out of the 9 examples he gave are incorrect, and he expects people to take him seriously? C'mon, Doug. Have some journalistic integrity and verify your information, or at least have a comment section on your blog so that it can be refuted with the real facts.

  34. Doug have a comment section on his blog. ROTFL. Right. He did have one. Problem was he didn't like being called out on his mistakes nor did he like what was posted. Doug is a little dictator. His way or the highway. No compromise nothing. He is so brain washed it isn't even funny....

  35. "Doug have a comment section on his blog. ROTFL. Right. He did have one. Problem was he didn't like being called out on his mistakes nor did he like what was posted. Doug is a little dictator. His way or the highway. No compromise nothing. He is so brain washed it isn't even funny...."

    No Doug got tired of the vulgarities of the "professional" TTA's being used on his blog.

    Hey Janice, go back and reclick on the links that Doug gave and see what numbers you get right now. They change as much as airline fairs so you analysis is bunk. So as far as journalistic integrity goes you just convicted yourself.

    AT you never really have anything to offer but insults. Glad you comment though being the example of the "professional" TTA.

  36. Hey, Fire....I did, and I got the same results!

    Oh, and Fire. Another point I'm going to have to agree with Ainsworth on. Learn the definition of words before you use them, please. Fair and fare are two totally different things. If you're going to be a "travel agent", you really should know the difference. Here is a link you might want to bookmark:

  37. And Fire, why should I claim journalistic integrity? I never claimed to be a journalist like Doug does.

    Doug pulled his comment section because he got tired of all his errors being pointed out!

  38. "AT you never really have anything to offer but insults. Glad you comment though being the example of the "professional" TTA."

    Firemedic, how do you KNOW I am a TTA? You just assume. I could be a supplier, hotelier and anyone else. I know this for a fact. You play with Batman Action Figures and are not a fireman.

  39. Janice, I don't know what kind of computer you are using but here is what I am getting as I click:

    Results 1 - 10 of about 93,500 for amway lawsuit. (0.43 seconds

    Results 1 - 10 of about 147,000 for mary kay lawsuit. (0.29 seconds

    Results 1 - 10 of about 58,000 for Nu Skin lawsuit. (0.35 seconds

    Results 1 - 10 of about 347,000 for Microsoft lawsuit. (0.12 seconds

    Results 1 - 10 of about 4,010,000 for WalMart lawsuit. (0.10 seconds

    Results 1 - 10 of about 1,310,000 for McDonald's lawsuit. (0.52 seconds

    Results 1 - 10 of about 24,600 for YTB lawsuit. (0.33 seconds

    Great for you is that YTB's sites are up! Wooo Hooo! But as of the rest, most of them changed and not in your favor.

    AT - Whatever. I doubt a "supplier" would be on here acting like you. And I don't care what you think about me being a fireman or not.

  40. I think AT is actually Janice.

  41. AT - if you are here to pick apart peoples spelling then you have your work cut out for you!

  42. What's an 'airline fair'?

  43. It is when Eastern, TWA, Braniff, Trump Air, Peoples Express and Metrojet all get together and try to sell their planes!

  44. Okay, okay, okay, I meant "fair"...Gawd!

  45. oops....idiot (with no life) that's firemedic.

  46. Case in point there AT. Nothing real to offer but insults, but as usual you should get to feel good about yourself!

  47. Fire, it depends on where I am on what kind of computer I'm using. My desktop is a Dell, and my laptop is a Toshiba.

    Right now, I am typing this on my Toshiba, since I am not at home, but am again on the road, attending an educational conference being put on by one of the country's largest suppliers. Even though this conference is open to all bona fide travel agents, I doubt I'll see any ytb agents here. After all, it's all about travel, not selling websites!

    On to the next subject where we can embarass the hell out of the rta's with their lack of knowledge!

  48. "Nothing real to offer but insults, but as usual you should get to feel good about yourself!"

    I believe we proved you are as bad if not worse on this blog. And, let's not forget all your rantings and insults on the right wing blogs you post on all day.

    As to feeling good about myself, I feel just fine. At least I don't lie, cheat and con poor people out of their money for my down line like you do.
