Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

Go Patriots!2007-2008
NFL History

(and because Doug likes the Giants)


  1. Hey, I'm still pulling for the Titans. ;)

  2. YES!


    A very fine game indeed. What wonderful execution.

    Execution of the Patriots that is!

    Damn...sorry...I'll be a good sport about it...

    Ah hell....SUCKER! ;-P

  3. No, that would be me...I had a 4-0 square...I was 35 seconds away from cash with a comma. :-(

  4. Best part about the game is that it kept my Miami teams record still alive..there can be only ONE!

  5. Ion I also had the 4-0 square...35 seconds away from $15K...I so hate the patriots...why the hell couldnt they hold for 35 damn seconds.

  6. LOL - lisa you are full of it . . .

    $15k - yea right.


  7. I'm sorry Tom, you've mistaken me with someone who gives a rats ass what you believe. Maybe in the land you live in a $30K super bowl box doesnt exist..but here it does. My hub was splitting the box with a friend.

    But again...I don't give a shiot what you think anyway :)

  8. Let me explain it so the YTBers understand it...she needed a 4 on the Patriots side of the business...and a 0 on the travel side (you should understand that) oops, I mean Giants side. Then you figure in the matching commissions and overrides from the majority of people who didn't make anything and there's a lucky few who walked away with a bundle.
    With all the claims of big money that are being made on this blog THIS is the one that a YTBer can't believe?! ROFL

  9. I had a dollar on the game, but only because I don't gamble :)

    My brother, however, had 5K on it, and won pretty big.

  10. Never underestimate the Giants!!!

    Which reminds me...

    Someone compared the TTAs to the Patriots and YTB to being the Giants in another topic.

    I just thought I'd touch back on that a bit... LOL!!!
