Maybe I am reading a bit between the lines here but I am wondering if there is not some bad blood between Reps and RTAs?
In another forum, (scam.com) a Rep was discussing his travel perks and someone posted the following:
"The issue is that if you are working the recruiting side, why are you taking perks for the travel people"
Now, I am not in YTB, but if I was, and if I was interested in selling travel like some of the RTAs are..I would seriously resent this implication.
Is it a problem for rogue reps ruining the business for the RTAs? Similar to rogue RTAs ruining the business for the Traditional Travel Agents?
As I think about this, look at EAB and all of his incessant babbling--he was not selling travel but was high on the perks. Look at the guy that may have invented Dr. Seligman--perks. Look at the director who gave me a "bad" presentation. All in the name of recruitment. All for the downline. It seems that in order to keep the recruit pipeline open, promises are made regardless if they can be kept!
So, YTB RTAs, is this a divisive issue? Are the Rep tactics hurting your business and reputation as you try to make a buck? Is YTB corporate condoning this and allowing non-qualified people to obtain the credentials? Could this be a reason for the loss of IATAN accreditation? The ability to sell Royal Caribbean?
There ARE many in YTB that are serious about selling travel. It seem to me that the pimping out of credentials--even the internal ones would actually hurt an RTA business.
Inquiring minds want to know!
Will be interesting to see the responses on this. See a regular agency only gives credentials (IATAN) cards to agents that actually produce the minimum requirement. We don't give the janitor a IATAN card simply because he works for us. Why would a REP deserve a card if they are not actually booking travel?
ReplyDeleteSo, YTB RTAs, is this a divisive issue?
ReplyDeleteNO. No resentment to be found for the olescorekeeper.
Are the Rep tactics hurting your business and reputation as you try to make a buck?
Is YTB corporate condoning this and allowing non-qualified people to obtain the credentials?
Ask them.
Could this be a reason for the loss of IATAN accreditation?
The ability to sell Royal Caribbean?
Next topic please.
Oooh someone must have hit a nerve...they are silent!
ReplyDeleteREPs do not receive credentials or I.D. cards. only RTAs are qualified for them. To say that a REP is receiving perks and benefits is just a lie, because they can't.
ReplyDeleteIn ref: to
"Now, I am not in YTB, but if I was, and if I was interested in selling travel like some of the RTAs are..I would seriously resent this implication.
Is it a problem for rogue reps ruining the business for the RTAs? Similar to rogue RTAs ruining the business for the Traditional Travel Agents?
A better word for me is "frustrating".
To answer your question it isn't a problem and there is no bad blood between the two. It is a little frustating to me knowing YTB has made multi-millionaires out of Reps who either don't know how to call a vendor to place a booking or don't want to get involved in that part of the travel business.
When I was a new YTB RTA 2 years ago, I discovered just because someone is a YTB Director doesn't mean that you can consider that person to call for questions about "how to" on travel sales.
I was told by one of the directors from Dallas and this is somewhat a trend among directors, "I don't get involved in booking travel except to pointing people to my website." Most directors haven't been much help when it comes to answering questions about successful techniques on booking travel direct with the vendors. I figured out if it is to be (booking travel) it's going to be up to me.
So, Rod, you are saying that your upline kinda leaves you high and dry, eh?
ReplyDeleteTell me again why you are with YTB?
What I discovered is not many have a desire to be a "traditionalist" in the travel industry. They just want to be a "pointer" to the YTB website.
ReplyDeleteMany times I have felt high and dry.
I stay in YTB because I am happy with YTB. I have support from the home office and travel vendors offer travel training. It's frustrating that the majority of Reps don't want to be more experienced as a traditionalist. I happy, but if there is one thing I would change in YTB, it would be getting directors excited about booking travel with the vendors.
Doug said that reps need to attend the CRTA training to get their override on travel sales, cars, and associations.
ReplyDeleteHe also said there was no cost to do so..which would piss me off if I was an RTA that paid $500 and $50 a month AND $149 to attend and someone that paid ZERO is now receiving the benefit for nothing.
But once the CRTA training is done--YTB issues a credential card.
Anonymous--take it up with someone at YTB. You folks keep contradicting yourself.
ReplyDeleteDoug said and Lindauer's letter substantiated that in order to receive the power team over rides and other bonuses on many products (travel, cars, associations) you must attend a CRTA program.
The RTAs pay for it but Doug says the Reps can "audit" it and not pay. So this likely would piss off the RTAs. Let the reps not pay so they can make more off their downline without selling travel. Hmmmm
And also, when CRTA training is completed, YTB issues a CRTA card. Before Jan 1 they used to give it when you bought the agency in the box. But now they give it after the CRTA training and some miniscule level of sales.
So, as a Rep, I can pay nothing. Recruit 6 people. Attend a CRTA class and earn money off these people that are paying something. But myself a vacation for $1500 and PRESTO!
No contradiction John as here is where you are wrong. YOU CAN NOT sell travel as a rep, therefore you can not generate the 1500 in comissions. PERIOD.
ReplyDeleteAgain, get your facts correct.
Get your facts correct. $1500 is SALES not commission. Check with Proud as to the difference between the two.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you have a downline of 6, you have a power team and your RTA site is free so yes, as soon as you get 6 people, you are able to self purchase the required $1500 and attend a CRTA class for free and then get the card.
I meant sales. Thanks for the correction as you can't go back and edit after you hit submit so I should have proof read it. and NO you can not sell ANY travel as a REP. you do not have the ability to do so unless you are an RTA.
ReplyDeleteMost REPS would at that point have made the money necessary to become RTA, and if that is the case then that is a different story. I myself have put people in as REPS because they didn't have enough money to start, they went out and signed up 8 people (that is our goal to make the 500 ) and then they become RTA.
There are two contradictions: one is to what Doug is saying and the other to what John is saying.
ReplyDeleteJohn, no one sells travel in YTB unless you are a RTA, period.
Doug, I see no disclaimer in my YTB toolbox that says I can earn Power Team overrides unless I pay $149.
I cut Certified RTA Training policy out of my administrative online office:
You first must be an RTA. Then, you simply register in your Back Office grid or click the RTA
Certification link on your Travel Portal. You will select from the list of locations and dates provided for the RTA Certification Seminar that best fits your schedule. The classes are one-day events held at various locations throughout the US and are available to all YTB RTAs in good standing with the company. The initial cost of the certification is $149. The goal of YTB Travel is to provide world-class training and personalized materials worth far more than the $149 fee that it costs to become a Certified RTA. Proven YTB leaders, appointed by the company, conduct these one-day seminars. Attending one of these training sessions and being certified by the YTB trainers qualifies you as a YTB Certified RTA. You will then be qualified for the overrides and bonuses from YTB Travel as described in this document and as outlined below:
• In order to receive bonuses and commission overrides from the team of Reps you have built as a
yourTravelBiz.com Rep, you must be an active Certified RTA at the time the bonuses and commission
overrides are paid.
• Travel Commissions are considered earned after the clients have traveled and YTB Travel has received commissions due from that travel.
• Travel Commissions are paid on the 25th of the month following the completion of travel and receipt of commissions by YTB Travel.
• Travel Commissions from prepaid vacation certificates are considered earned when the certificate is purchased. The commissions on prepaid certificates are paid on the 25th of the month following the month in which the sale of the certificate occurred.
The confusion is with respect to the YTB cars program. You will earn the power team override if an RTA sells a car even if the power team leader is not a CRTA. Regular travel overrides would have to be from a CRTA.
ReplyDeleteAnd, it continues to amuse me how JOhn simply throws lie after lie and then when proven wrong, simply tries a new one. And his little camp of cronies simply just follow and wag. Lets be intellectually honest if you wish but the lies are a sad testament to your lack of credibility, John.
That still doesn't get a REP credential cards or perks!
ReplyDeleteNo, it doesn't and that is how JOhn is way off...AGAIN
ReplyDeleteSo, I guess JOhn will be silent until his next lie tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteBig surprise that it would piss you off, John. Who knew? Doesn’t take much for you and the rest of the gang lately.
The $149.00 fee only applies to overrides, not credentials. (CLIA in this case.) There is also testing and additional fees from CLIA as well, after you make the minimum booking requirements of course.
If you want the credentials, you still pay $149, which most people want, so they will continue to pay.
. Proven YTB leaders, appointed by the company, conduct these one-day seminars
ReplyDeleteLOL too funny. Like there even exisits one of those in YTB
OK then explain the process to me step by step.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to put it in a document and email it that is fine and I will post it for the world to see. john at jvegroup.net
Hey Doug,
ReplyDeleteSo what is this great news coming out in USA Today? The month is almost over.
Doug--I am crying uncle here. You have turned this all around and admittedly I am confused.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Reps could get CRTA certified to earn their overrides for free. Today it costs $149. Rod's cut and paste seems to support this so which is it?
We are not talking CLIA and you brought that into the mix. We are discussing the YTB credential card the CRTA one.
Are you charging RTAs $149 for a CLIA card too?
Who cares!?? The piece of paper you spend 149.00 on is worthless to you. But, it does mean something to Coach...yeah that's right!
ReplyDeleteDo you guys sit up at night figuring out how to get more money into Coaches pockets?
ReplyDeleteI never said there was any news coming in USA Today. I was trying to find out what was rumored by others, but since it hasn’t appeared as yet, it’s just that “a rumor”.
You have to have a basic understanding of Anti-pyramid laws. The reason why the Rep position is “free” is because you can’t “pay to play” so to speak when recruiting people and paying on multiple levels. We pay nothing for becoming Reps, and YTB pays nothing for recruiting Reps. When a product is placed into the mix, such as a booking engine, or Travel Services, everyone is playing on the same level playing field. No pyramid, and no laws are broken.
Ted said, based on Anti-pyramid laws, that making it a requirement to pay $149 to qualify for overrides, violates the law. (Which is correct)
So, technically, anyone can take the course for free, and qualify for the overrides for Power Team, Car, yadda yadda yadda.
If you would like any of the features associated with being CRTA certified, you must still pay the $149. CLIA qualification is just one example, and everyone is on the same level playing field in this regard.
What Rod posted mentioned nothing about “having to pay” in order to receive this override, simply that it was a benefit of the overall CRTA Certification.
ReplyDeleteYou first must be an RTA. Then, you simply register in your Back Office grid or click the RTA
Certification link on your Travel Portal. You will select from the list of locations and dates provided for the RTA Certification Seminar that best fits your schedule. The classes are one-day events held at various locations throughout the US and are available to all YTB RTAs in good standing with the company. The initial cost of the certification is $149. The goal of YTB Travel is to provide world-class training and personalized materials worth far more than the $149 fee that it costs to become a Certified RTA. Proven YTB leaders, appointed by the company, conduct these one-day seminars. Attending one of these training sessions and being certified by the YTB trainers qualifies you as a YTB Certified RTA. You will then be qualified for the overrides and bonuses from YTB Travel as described in this document and as outlined below:
• In order to receive bonuses and commission overrides from the team of Reps you have built as a
yourTravelBiz.com Rep, you must be an active Certified RTA at the time the bonuses and commission
overrides are paid.
Well if this verbiage is right, it looks like if you want overrides, you have to be a CRTA and that costs you $149. What am I missing or is this not the right information
"The goal of YTB Travel is to provide world-class training and personalized materials worth far more than the $149 fee that it costs to become a Certified RTA."
ReplyDeleteNotice the goal isn't to qualify you for overrides?
You can be an active Certified RTA without paying the $149, what qualifies you is "attending".
I'm at these trainings at least once a month with new team members. (I also provide some cool music on the laptop with my DJ software.)
And no, I don't pay $149 each time. (Once it's paid, it's paid.) I've also had my $149 reimbursed years ago when I had 3 other personals who were also certified.
I assume you are not paying multiple times and I knew about the refunding if you have your downline attend. But at one point, you did pay correct?
ReplyDeleteIs it possible for ANYONE in either the REP or RTA side to become a CRTA without paying the $149 at least initially?
Can I attend the CRTA training?
ReplyDeleteDoug said, "You can be an active Certified RTA without paying the $149, what qualifies you is "attending".
ReplyDeleteThis is where I am confused. I have 10 people total in my downline genealogy. Six of the ten people have no letter designation beside their name. Those six people are REPs only. Four people in my downline genealogy have the letter "R" designation to the right of their name. The letter "R" signifies those 4 people are RTAs. Three of the four total RTAs also have the letter "C" designation to the right of the "R" designation signifying those three RTAs are Certified and have paid $149 for the CRTA class.
Doug, the 3 RTAs in my genealogy did not get the "C" designation signifying certified until they paid $149.
No pay no "C" designation as far as I know.
Ann, anyone can attend a CRTA meeting.
RTA Certification (CRTA) offers you the tools you need to maximize the income and benefits of your YTB businesses – taught by company founders and leaders – you will learn from the best! Required for CLIA eligibility.
RTAs and guests may audit RTA Certifications at no charge. RTAs may pay the course fee ($149.00) at a later date if they desire the Certification credit.
Here's the current schedule:
Well, should I stay or should I go... There is a training in later March I could probably make. What do all the pros and cons think? Think I can be appropriately impartial?
ReplyDeleteAnn--I have not been to a CRTA training, but I say go if you can! I know if I go, whatever my impression is, it will be wrong, so another point of view would be good.
ReplyDelete"Is it possible for ANYONE in either the REP or RTA side to become a CRTA without paying the $149 at least initially?"
ReplyDeleteAccording to the home office (apparentlly if you 'forget' your ID number they still answer general questions), they are waiving the 149 because of the new requirements for the credential cards. Also, the 149 only qulaified you for the bonus match (500 on 1000 and 5000 on 5000) of someone in your team. To get CLIA you had to simply attend, as well as for the override.
REPS could attend the events, but could not pay and could not receive travel overrides (since they don't have a travel website) and could not receive the card.
Doug, unless yuou pay the $149, you will not be an ACTIVE CRTA.
ReplyDeleteTaking the CRTA training is not mandatory. It is optional. Paying for it is optional. Yes, it's a ONE TIME fee, and YES you can get it REIMBURSED.
On all the other aspects, Doug is correct.
Once again, John is proven wrong, and I didn't even have to be here to do so... LOL!!!
So Proud, can I attend a CRTA training in your area? I know Doug is too far. Rod is too far.
ReplyDeleteAlthough.... Only John has actually said "Yes, go!"
I would have to know who to contact to sign up, since it only says to check the back office for that info....
As a YTB RTA, my clients are glad I am able to offer them travel information as well as book travel reservations. They always like the options of either I booking their reservations or they can do it online when I provide them with the link. Those people that think they will earn profits within the first year are sadly mistaken. It take time to built your travel clientele as with any business.