Well, it is Saturday and I suspect that the RTAs and Reps are continuing to contradict themselves about Ted Lindauer. All of them have the inside track at YTB. Some insist he is working at YTB, others have spotted him in Memphis getting off a plane with Coach for a Founder's Tour event, others have seen him working in his office at the Red Carpet Day, and others say he is not working there. The guy seems to be the Elvis of YTB. But I have sent Ted an email (so far unanswered) and I did make two calls to YTB headquarters yesterday asking for him only to be directed to a generic voicemail one time, and being told that he does not work there any longer. So, maybe the folks that saw him at the various events saw an apparition, or maybe he was just picking up some personal stuff. The reality is that he is no longer employed there, no matter the insinuation on his site.
In the meantime as the YTBers were debating the status of Ted, Mark Ewing posted an outstanding comment on yesterday's blog entry. I think it is important to bring this out of the comment section and offer his opinion for everyone to see--YTB folks, suppliers, interested parties, traditional travel agents, and even any regulators that may be reading.
Blind faith and ignorance are just that: Blind and ignorant. And... Ignorance is not bliss.
The fact is, that this information came from one of YTB's own legal staff. A major insider.
It can be assumed that his legal understanding of YTB is far greater than the people on this blog.
It can also be assumed that he would not have posted the demand for resolutions letter without a lot of thought.
Regardless of his intentions, my intentions... or anyone else's intentions.... the letter states clearly that YTB is in violation of civil and criminal laws.
The direct quote is "These required purchases in each instance violate the civil and criminal provisions of multiple states' anti-pyramid laws and lottery laws, constitute deceptive trade practices under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, violate the U.S. Postal Service Lottery regulations and constitute the unlawful offer and sale of unregistered investment securities under state and federal securities laws."
Regardless of your personal beliefs, this is a very serious statement.
Remember, this is coming from an MLM attorney, who was direct council for YTB, who states that he is a very close friend to Coach Tomer, and is a shareholder in YTB International, Inc.. This is not some misguided RTA, or someone that is out to get YTB. The letter is addressed directly to the board of directors, with an immediate demand for resolution.
What everyone here needs to be concerned with, is what has happened to these issues. Why did Mr.. Lindauer post this message to the general public. Why did he take it down so fast, without clarification on the demand for resolutions? Why hasn't YTB given the proper S.E.C. required public notice of these resolutions? What is really going on here?!
Just because Ted took down his letter, does not mean that the problems just went away. GET REAL FOLKS! If anything, this raises a MAJOR RED FLAG with YTB, YTB Leadership, and YTB's legality. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
As an RTA, a YTB rep, an outsider, an insider.... You should be demanding to know what is happening with the resolutions disclosed in this document!
The fact is, that this effects current and past RTA's a lot more than it effects non ytb'ers.
Before you spend a lot of time and energy trying to put a positive spin on this.... or trying to argue this issue away.... Stop and ask yourself who and why you are trying to protect here? Aren't YOU more important than YTB?!
As an RTA, aren't you worried about yourself, and your investment in your business?
Who comes first? You....or YTB?! If you are going to represent YTB, don't you have a right and an obligation to make sure that YTB is operating legally? Your pride and loyalty in YTB should be backed by a legal business. You should be demanding that YTB takes every measure and precaution to insure that it is legal!
You shouldn't have to be trying to put a positive spin on this.
You shouldn't have to be arguing this.
That is not part of your job description. It is unfair of YTB to put this burden on you.
You paid your money on the premise that you were buying a legal business. You deserve answers.
So, for all of you RTA's on this blog, you can continue to blindly defend and protect your company.... but that is not going to change anything. It is not going to protect you from the issues that have been disclosed. Ignorance is not bliss. And covering up a crime is in itself a crime.
The fact is, that each and every you should all be angry and upset with this information. You should be demanding clarification on all these issues, as you have invested your time, money, and energy into this business. You have a right to know the facts! Make them answer to these issues...not you. You shouldn't have to feel that you need to make it right. THEY SHOULD MAKE IT RIGHT!
You, as RTA's are ignorant and stupid if you turn a blind eye to this.
It should really piss you off that this issue has just been swept under the rug. You should demand that YTB's board of directors should account for each and every issue brought forth in this demand for resolution letter. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS. Your businesses are on the line here!
This is not about RTA's vs.. Traditional Travel Agents. This is about YTB's legality.
You should demand that YTB fixes all of these issues. to insure that your business is going to be strong in the future. Doesn't that make sense? (Unfortunately, logic may be to much to ask for here on this blog.)
I really question the ethics of someone that continues to promote and sell a business after information like this has surfaced concerning the legality of the business.
If I were in YTB (which I am not) I would make damn sure that these issues were corrected to the satisfaction of the law, before I would involve anyone else in the business. I would be worried about my risk of being sued, or worst, charged with a crime. I would be concerned for the well being of others...and my own well being.
Remember, ignorance is not bliss.
WARNING: As an RTA, you might want to seek out legal council before you continue to promote and sell YTB. You may want to find out the legal implications selling a business with the disclosed issues. You need to find out what are your legal responsibilities here. Can you be held personally accountable and responsible for these issues when you sell this to someone else? Can you personally be sued or charged with a crime? Are you putting your future, and your family's future in harms way?
Like I said, like it or not, this is very serious.
Intersting that you don't post Doug's documentation about these claims of criminal and civil allegations being false?
ReplyDeleteTalk about being blind!!!
Or is it just sleazy?
Doug posted no such thing. Please show it to me. He posted a FAQ sheet sent to RTAs about the car program that did address that they did not need to purchase the CRTA credential.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly enough the document he supplied was dated AFTER YTB received the letter from Lindauer, so to me that looks like they got caught and made the change.
ReplyDeleteI don’t have time to go over ALL the allegations. I have however addressed and documented the most serious allegation addressed by Mark. The violation of civil and criminal law Ted addresses, which both you and Mark are speaking of specifically address the “required purchase of CRTA Training”.
The document I provided which you have read, and commented on, specifically states that NO CRTA Training purchase is required in order to receive the overrides and commissions. This same document will be provided to any Attorney General, the FTC, the SEC, or any other Government Agency who is “concerned” about this as you are.
Regardless of weather or not you think Ted caught YTB in anything, this issue has been addressed, (possibly as you state "corrected") and YTB is free to move on without further fear of being in violation of the law in this particular matter.
I also remind you that Ted posted this document on the internet AFTER this issue was resolved. Your keen eye brought this document to light on January 11th the day after it was posted on Ted’s site.
While both you and Mark are correct that this is a very serious allegation, neither of you seem to accept that this issue has been resolved adequately.
If you wish to continue to sling mud or pin your hopes that YTB will be shut down by Government Agencies based on this now resolved allegation and claim, be my guest.
Who cares if the ytb reps/rta's don't?
ReplyDeleteIt's old news . . .
The infractions were minor.
If the Feds think there is any substance - then in two or three years something will be done.
Again - who cares?
"If you must hate - hate the game and not the players"
Brand New Financial Services MLM Coming Soon!
"Partnership For Prosperity"
John and Mark just can't stand the idea of healthy competition, and can't stand watching YTB continue to thrive. They don't want present or future RTAs to be successful because they think that will cut into their piece of the pie. They put YTB under a microscope and nit-pick about anything they can form a sentence around. Where do they find the time?
ReplyDeleteJohn, give it a rest. this is a dead subject. Oh, I get it. You can't find any more dirt. Try scraping some out from under your fingernails... LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteWe told you that the CRTA is NOT mandatory. It is an OPTION!
Yeah, John went to some meetings. He was the hired driver, and had to wait outside... LOL!!!
Poor John. So misguided... so misinformed.
Doug and proud are correct. It has been since day 1 of YTB that the CRTA training and payment of the $149.95 was not a requirement. It has been a recommendation though. Maybe you're confused over the meaning of the two terms?
ReplyDeleteA requirement is something that is mandatory. It is something that must be done.
A recommendation is just a suggestion, an option.
Although the $149 CRTA training is optional, the 10% PowerTeam Travel overrides is not available until you have completed CRTA training unless something has changed that I am not aware of.
ReplyDeleteToday's posting is the best example yet of John Freneye posting a major "story" on his blog with hopes of traction . . . even though it carrys no weight. Sling out the BS and hope it will stick.
ReplyDeleteAnd we are supposed believe that Mark Ewing is an expert? What, because he is a former major league baseball player? Maybe someone could make an unsubstantiated release that Mark Ewing was rumored to have taken HGH during his career . . . only to say that his trainer is now satisfied that he did not. What part would get the most traction?
It is obvious as to John Freneye's tactics. It fits the template of today's mainstream press. And Doug, I'm serious about this guy. He is no friend. He wants nothing more than to shut down your livelihood and any other YTB RTA that has worked hard to build a successful organization.
As I said previously, he is an activist. He started the infamous TA Petition. All of the attention has gotten to his head and we now see his huge ego on display.
MLM and TRAVEL: A Bad Mix . . . A NY Times Publication.
Again, the key word here is OPTIONAL!!!
ReplyDeleteDo you honestly believe that they are going to hand you a 10% override for nothing? If you want it, you take up on the option.
YTB Travel offers an additional program that will take your travel business to the next level by becoming
a Certified RTA. This optional portion of our program opens up additional income opportunities
and provides you with world-class training taught by YTB’s top leaders at locations across the US.
If you are also a yourTravelBiz.com rep, becoming a Certified RTA and working with your PowerTeam
can create substantial income for you. You’ll learn how to build a significant travel business
using email addresses, travel blasts and other available tools. As a Certified RTA, you’ll receive:
• A 10% override of gross commission received by YTB Travel for all commissionable travel sold
by your PowerTeam Reps who are RTAs.
• A $500 Bonus when any of your PowerTeam Reps who are RTAs earn $1,000 in travel commissions
in their first 12 months in business.
• A $5,000 Bonus when any of your PowerTeam Reps who are RTAs earn $5,000 in travel commissions
in their first 12 months in business.
This bolded info has been taken from my back office. It has been there ever since the day i started YTB... and yes, before Mr. Lindauer left. It clearly states that this is totally an option. It means that a person doesn't have to become ceritfied if they don't want to. It is, however, recommended.
Mark is not a ball player to my knowledge...where did you get that from?
ReplyDeleteDoug was talking about the CRTA being required for the CAR program. Read the posts before you comment on them
From Ted Lindauer:
A. Compliance with State and, Federal Marketing Laws and Requlations. (The matters described in this Section A have been learned from the public websites of the various YTB International, Inc. subsidiaries in use on December 15, 2007).
1. YTB Reps are required to purchase CRTA Training in order to participate in multilevel commissions in several sales programs including, but not
limited to, commissions on the sale of travel, commissions in the Car Referral Program and commissions on the purchase of travel by members and affiliates of non-profit RTAs.
The CRTA training and Association Training is optional but it is mandatory in order to participate in multi-level commissions on the sale of travel, commissions in the car referral program and commissions on the purchase of travel by members and affiliates of non-profit RTAs.
What YTB says is if you don't get the optional CRTA and Association Trainings you can't earn Power Team overrides until you do.
There it is in Rod's reply... and still, it is an OPTION! If you do not have certification, then YTBCars will not be avilable on your website. You will not be able to get into the affiliations market. You will not receive the 10% override. Again, it's an OPTION!!! You can choose to or not to complete the CRTA.
ReplyDeleteAll it's doing is laying down the rules for each catagory... much like having a high GPA to even be accepted into Harvard.
Absolutely nothing illegal about it John.
Actually, let me rephrase that. What is meant by the car referral program is that if a RTA did take up o the cTRA program, then that CRTA can get into the car referral and affiliation programs (through other courses they qualify for).
ReplyDeleteWhat this means is that after qualifying and completing the courses, an RTA... and even a REP who takes the courses can go out to auto dealers and market the YTB cars to them. They will then be able to affiliate themselves with YTB.
Whether an RA is or isn'r CRTA, he or she will have the YTBCars on their website to sell cars.
not all RTAs or REPs have to do the affiliations programs. It's optional!
My comment shows that you can not receive 10% travel commissions override from your power team unless you have been certfied a CRTA. My comment further shows that you can not receive 10% travel commissions override from your YTB Associations enrolled in your Power Team unless you have and been Association Specialist Certified. These are two separate certifications and each cost the RTA $149.00.
ReplyDeleteAs I said earlier, I am not aware of any changes in these policies.
"Well, it is Saturday and I suspect that the RTAs and Reps are continuing to contradict themselves about Ted Lindauer. All of them have the inside track at YTB. Some insist he is working at YTB, others have spotted him in Memphis"
ReplyDeleteWho cares? Is it all that important? You must be getting awfully desperate for some bad news about YTB. Besides, what relationship Ted has with YTB is really none of your business. Why don't you be a good gum shoe and find something that sticks to the wall next time. Your posts are getting more ridiculous every day Mr. Failed Columnist! Your quite the yawn John.
Who the hell is Mark Earwig?
ReplyDeleteI just remembered on March 1, 2008 there will be no commission overrides to the Power Team enrolled Non-Profit Associations. YTB overhauled the Non-profit program which starts March 1, 2008. So this takes care of 1 of Ted Lindauer's concerns.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the 10% travel commissions override to the Power Team leader only if he has attended and paid for the $149 CRTA training? This is still mandatory if the Power Team leader wants to receive overrides, right?
The reason that traditional travel agents are irritated by mlms is because of the lack of manditory training their "travel agents" recieve. Having a bunch of untrained "agents" who don't know jack about travel has done nothing but devalue agents everywhere.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever noticed that the people that work the Estee Lauder counter don't pick on the Mary Kay ladies? Ever heard the people at rubbermaid talking trash about the tupperware lady? No. And ya know why? Because even though they are with different companies, they have training. Ask the Mary Kay lady what lip gloss is right for you, and you can bet she can help you find it. Ask a YTBer where to take a honeymoon and they'll point you to a computer. If I asked the Mary Kay lady what kind of lipgloss I needed and she handed me a bag and told me to figure it out for myself she would loose the sale for sure.
People are loyal to other people and products. If you think that you could build a loyal customer base that offers years of repeat business by selling websites you're out of your cottin pickin mind. In the long run, YTB may be able to make it in the website selling business, but will never survive in the travel business until they raise their standards. You can pick on "old hens" like John, Lisa, and myself, but I promise you that we have more loyal clients, a higher average sale, and higher customer satisfaction than YTB.
YTB currently has over 100,000 inactive agents. Ask yourself why that is. Ask yourself why we are still here, despite your rantings that traditional agents are a thing of the past.
I think we should be the ones asking what your Plan B is, not the other way around.
Travel Temptress
Rod, We are basically saying the same thing here.
ReplyDeletewhat i am trying to explain to John here who has absolutely no clue as to what an affiliation program is...
- Yes, you have to pay to become RTA Certifies... although taking the class is free.
- Yes, by paying for your CRTA, you will receive an additional 10% override in your Power Team.
- Yes, You have to pay for the affiliation courses in order to market to affiliations for them to becoma part of YTB.
- Yes, ALL options are OPTIONAL!!!
An RTA is not required to take the CRTA and pay for it, but if they want to qualify for the other things, it is recommended. If an RTA doesn't want any of the qualifications... including the 10% override, it's that RTAs option.
Basic lamens terms:
If you want this, then you must do this.
If you don't want this, you don't have to do this.
If John doesn't understand now... he never will.
I'll tell you what doesn't matter...go ahead and send Coach another $149 but most RTAs aren't selling any travel and they're not going to sell any cars, either.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Ted Lindauer's concerns that in order for you to receive overrides you must pay a fee?
I just remembered on March 1, 2008 there will be no commission overrides to the Power Team enrolled Non-Profit Associations. YTB overhauled the Non-profit program which starts March 1, 2008. So this takes care of 1 of Ted Lindauer's concerns.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the 10% travel commissions override to the Power Team leader only if he has attended and paid for the $149 CRTA training? This is still mandatory if the Power Team leader wants to receive overrides, right?
So, what about the Bill of Rights where they could not change the compensation plan? I guess that is now wallpaper in the YTB bathroom?
Also, Proud, is the gist of the car program for RTAs to go to their local car dealer and try to sign them up to sell cars via YTB? Or is it to sell cars to all of the clients that book travel through your website?
LOL too funny----you YTB folks don't know which way is up...Rod says you have to pay to play, then he says you don't. Proud does not realize they are talking about YTB cars, anonimous people are calling others names
ReplyDeleteJust too funny! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat I thought I said is YTB revamped the YTB Association Program. The new program restructured the commission structure of the Association Program only. Tentatively scheduled for March 1, 2008, no longer will Power Team Leaders get the 10% override on Travel Commissions. That was one of Ted Lindauer's concerns.
Tom, as far as I know at YTB RTAs are still required to pay a training fee in order to qualify for the 10% travel commissions overrides in the Power Team. This is one of Ted's concerns that I haven't heard has been changed.
I find it amazing that people (RTA's on this blog) are so quick to discount this document by YTB's own attorney.
ReplyDeleteThis is Redneck law at it's best:
Howdy, my name is Earl. I'm on the farm.
Here's my point. And this is all factual!
We RTA's see no need to have an attorney, and we understand why YTB got ride of theirs! After all, everything is ok now....right?!
Coach made it all better, and that Ted Lindauer feller is a complete idiot! he doesn't know shit from shine-ola. He can't stand the fact that YTB is going to start selling MLM advice through their unlicensed RTA's!!! (Make a note to call Coach on Monday.... add this to the list: Flowers, Cars, Insurance, Websites, Legal Advice... and maybe even some travel!)
Yep, my upline is soooo much smarter than that Ted fella.
Who needs a damn law degree when you have experts like TravelPro, and LBtravel out there. Hell, all YTB needed was to post a statement to a website. Why didn't ole Ted think of that? Hell! After all, that fixed everything! And it was sooo easy too!
It took care of every issue that ass-wipe of an attorney could come up with, and then some. I hear that RTA's don't have to pay taxes anymore! It is all deductable now! Thanks to Coach! He set the IRS straight! Ted would probably have a cow, but that's just Ted. Crazy Ted. Poor Ted. What was he think'en?!
That little statement thing, it took care of everything for the past three years too, because we made it one of them "Retro-Statements". And we made sure to use the key word "Optional" everywhere we could. It's even in the part where we say that if there is a license required, that the laws are only "Optional" for RTA's and YTB. It even says "Optional" in the commission part! Overrides are even "Optional".
As far as I'm concerned, this here is a dead issue. I repeat DEAD ISSUE! Why? Cause I says so! And Coach, he say so too!
We gonna take all the money that used to be spent on that no good MLM attorney, and we go'en put that into the car bonus! Yeah! And we also go'en to pay ole Phil Piccolo to have another cruise, cuz he's one of us now! I like Phil. He's a stand up guy. Ted could learn a thing or two from Phil.
Yes sir, it's all good now! And if the Government doesn't like it.... F@ck'em! That's right! Cause Coach will set them straight.
We all legal, and good ta go. That's the ticket. Ya'all got your panties in a knot over NOTHEN! We don't need an Attorney. We don't need IATA. We don't need Royal Carribean. We don't need insurance licenses. We don't need Auto dealer licenses. We don't need to pay taxes. And we sure as hell don't need to sell travel! That just takes away from our recruit'en time.
I'm go'en go sell me some travel agent discounts now. So I gotta go. LBtravel and TravelPro will take good care of ya. They is smarter than attorney's they are. They'll keep ya'all in line.
Adios Suckers!
And then again, there is a requirement to pay $149 to participate in the present and the upcoming restructured YTB Association Program. No pay no play in either Association Program.
ReplyDeleteI did not write that - we have an impostor.
Let me spell it out loud and clear for the last time...
ReplyDeleteIt is not mandatory for RTAs to be certified, but they are recommended to be if they want the 10% override and to be able to set up association groups with YTB. i cannot take the associatin training unless I am certified first. i cannot invite an auto maker to join YTB or invite a non-profit organization to join YTB until I am properly trained on the association process. these are the parameters. By law, it is the right way to go about doing it.
Many of you have been questioned as to the validity of our business and have stated that you have come across the "pyramid" accusation.
ReplyDeleteWell this may help to clear up any concern that any one may have in regards to the way this industry is governed. The fact that we are a proud member of the DSA organization and recognized as one of only two travel company's to meet these high standards of approval and scrutiny says a lot for your future.
That coupled with the core values that our founders of YTB have emulated and breathed into the company itself should make you not only proud, but excited as to what lies ahead. This BUSINESS is for real.
About DSA
The Direct Selling Association (DSA) is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. More than 200 companies are members of the association, including many well-known brand names.
The Association's mission is 'To protect, serve and promote the effectiveness of member companies and the independent business people they represent. To ensure that the marketing by member companies of products and/or the direct sales opportunity is conducted with the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers.'
The cornerstone of the Association's commitment to ethical business practices and consumer service is its Code of Ethics. Every member company pledges to abide by the Code's standards and procedures as a condition of admission and continuing membership in the Association.
Code of Ethics
The cornerstone of the Direct Selling Association's (DSA) commitment to ethical business practices and consumer service is its Code of Ethics. Every member company pledges to abide by the code's standards and procedures as a condition of admission and continuing membership in DSA.
The DSA Code of Ethics speaks to both the consumer and the seller. It ensures that member companies will make no statements or promises that might mislead either consumers or prospective sales people. Pyramid schemes are illegal and companies operating pyramids are not permitted to be members of the DSA.
The DSA Code of Ethics is enforced by an independent code administrator who is not connected with any member company. The code administrator will do everything possible to resolve any complaints to the satisfaction of everyone involved, and has the power to decide on remedies. All member companies have agreed to honor the administrator's decisions.
Direct Selling Company Membership Directory Search Results
The following 2 DSA member(s) match(es) your search criteria. Click on the company name for more information.
Company Products/Services Contact Info
Travel Reaction
1315 Kingsway Road
Brandon, FL 33510-2515
Travel 813-681-5155
Fax: 813-651-4424
YTB International, Inc.
1901 East Edwardsville Road
Wood River, IL 62095-2268
Travel 618-655-9477
Fax: 618-659-9591
Back to Member Search | Back to DSA Home
For more detailed information contact www.DSA.org .Ytb is a proud member of this organization.
A Travel Agency sells travel. The percentage of Ytb revenue from actual travel sales is very VERY very small. The major bulk of the money that Ytb takes in comes from one poor sucker sellin another poor sucker a sham. Look at the bulk of the so-called "travel agents" who bought this sham, and all you see are poor suckers.
ReplyDeleteProud...the conversation is about cars..not associations. Please get with the conversation.
ReplyDeleteAnonymus with the DSA info--I have to say that it seems YTB is used to offering these defenses to it's business practices if they have a prepared statement like that. But specifically to the DSA deal-
THe DSA does not GOVERN or REGULATE. The DSA collects dues and lobbies on behalf of the members. It is an ASSOCIATION.
THeir mission is falling a bit short..."To protect, serve and promote the effectiveness of member companies and the independent business people they represent. To ensure that the marketing by member companies of products and/or the direct sales opportunity is conducted with the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers"...
And to their CODE OF ETHICS..."It ensures that member companies will make no statements or promises that might mislead either consumers or prospective sales people."...how do you explain Dr. Seligman? The exaggerated claims? The reported actions of Phil PIccolo?
It is great that they make member companies comply, but why not make the people that sign up with the member companies comply as well?
Someone should send a copy of Thayer Lindauers letter to the DSA, as these compliance issues clearly violate the DSA's code of ethics.
ReplyDeleteJohn, the YTB cars does involve ASSOCIATION! You are NOT understanding my point here!!! I have stated it over and over many times... LOUD and CLEAR!!!
ReplyDeleteA person without CTRA training CAN sell a car from his or her website and earn a commission.
It is to do this that requires the CRTA (see below):
It is not mandatory for RTAs to be certified, but they are recommended to be if they want the 10% override and to be able to set up association groups with YTB. i cannot take the associatin training unless I am certified first. i cannot invite an auto maker to join YTB or invite a non-profit organization to join YTB until I am properly trained on the association process. these are the parameters. By law, it is the right way to go about doing it.
You are so confused over this whole thing, you cannot make heads or tails of it... even if it's spelled out for you!
well, your company does not let "associations" start up their own website to earn commissions. name one Church that has their own travel website through your company?
name one auto dealer that is associated with your company...
your company does not offer this, so it's quite understandable why you don't understand!
Also states is that if someone is in their "Power Team" and does NOT complete the CRTA, then that person WILL NOT receive a 10% override on travel sales, association sales, or auto sales from someone in their downline.
YTB doesn't automatically say,"Ok, you're in your Power Team. now you can receive a 10% override and market to associations. that's NOT how it works! YTB wants to be sure that their RTAs and REPs ARE trained to do so! It IS perfectly LEGAL!
this topic is like a piece of cheap bubble gum from the machine. After chewing on it for a while, it loses its flavor.
As for the Mark Ewing excerpts, he's another MLM... from another MLM Travel company. Of course he is going to talk bad about YTB. His words hold absolutely NO VALUE! He's using those words to try to get people from YTb to join his company.
If it has lost it's flavor for you please feel free to leave.
ReplyDeleteEwing--I don't care what he does and if you value his opinion or not--what about Lindauer's opinion? IT was golden six months ago--now it is crap because you blindly follow coach
Yeah, you'd want me to leave... wouldn't you? I'm having fun pissing you off and exposing this blog as the joke that it is... LOL!!!
If you don't care what Ewing does, then why do you post his OPINIONS as GOSPEL???
I am not in an mlm business.
ReplyDeleteI live in the Colorado Rockies...I don't play baseball with the Colorado Rockies baseball team.
I obviously don't care if everyone in YTB likes me or not.
And this topic is not about my opinion or motives.
It is all about the disclosure of legal issues that were brought to the public's attention by the MLM lawyer that was the major legal council for YTB.
That is why this issue is important.
And no positive spin or attempt at mis-direction is going to change that.
Proud to be YTB,
ReplyDeleteI'm a CRTA and I'm just trying to get to the truth here. Here's Ted's paragraph in question:
1. YTB Reps are required to purchase CRTA Training in order to participate in multilevel commissions in several sales programs including, but not
limited to, commissions on the sale of travel, commissions in the Car Referral Program and commissions on the purchase of travel by members and affiliates of non-profit RTAs.
Ted is not saying all RTAS are required to take $149 CRTA training. CRTA training has always been optional.
However, I understand Ted's statement to be saying, it is a "requirement" to take the "optional" CRTA training costing $149 in order to qualify for 10% override on Power Team Travel Sales. Further I believe Ted's statement to be saying, it is a "requirement" to take the "optional" Association Division training costing $149 in order to market and participate in the Association program compensation plan.
Ted is pinning down that although these are "optional" programs, they have fee "requirements" in order to participate in the comp plans. Like Tom said, no pay, no play.
What's a Mark Earwig?