Just developing...it is rumored that TraverUs has been issued a Cease and Desist Order by the State of California. Apparently it is in regard to their use of the CST number belonging to Travelocity.
MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry!
OK, what I want to know is, is it Traverus, TraVerus, or TraverUs? I'm so confused...
ReplyDeleteBut at least the heat is off YTB - for the moment... Anyone have anything on World Ventures? Coastal? GTT?
I don't know if you noticed, but it looks like TraVerus' CTAs can no longer book cruises from their websites. The corporate website appears to still have that capability, though.
ReplyDeleteI could be wrong Ann but I believe the proper pronunciation is.
Not that I wouldn’t get just a small taste of satisfaction from this “Real Travel Agency” being shut down, rumors don’t amount too much…I’d like to see some documentation on this. We don’t even know if the CST is Travelocity’s to be sure.
A rumor is just hearsay until we have some sort of documentation to back it up. We're still waiting with baited breath about the rumor started about Rhode Island shutting YTB down, while numbers continue to grow each and every month there.
I can verify that they no longer have booking capabilities for cruise’s and all other links for air, hotel, car, vacation packages, last minute deals, and Hot Deals are in fact nothing more than World Choice affiliate sites.
HA! A YTB person wanting documentation of something. What a joke. Whenever they are asked to provide documentation, a person from YTB can never seem to come up with anything, or we're told "it's out there, go find it yourself". Until anyone associated with YTB, in any way, shape, fashion, or form, can provide documentation of the claims of this Seligman person (or however you spell his name, you know whom I am speaking of), their asking for documentation of anything is a joke
ReplyDeleteAnyone by the name of "anonymous" calling someone asking for documentation a joke . . . IS a joke.
ReplyDelete“Anonymous” demands documentation about “Dr. Silegman”.
ReplyDeleteNot a chance for you until you have the balls to give us something more than “Anonymous” to work with for yourself.
In regards to none of us YTB’ers providing any documentation, skip to the post below, and you’ll find documentation, and you can also find a plethora of documentation on my own blog and we’re still debating Travel Sales. Been going on since June of 2007 and we still get “document it”.
When people start recognizing documentation, maybe, just maybe well start responding to more questions.
Speaking of documentation and getting back to the topic at hand before we were so rudely interrupted by the “anonymous” poster….
Did a little research on this CST in California bit…
Apparently TraVerus is using Travelocity’s California number, I just did a Google on the TraVerus CTS and both Travelocity and TraVerus come up as the same number. You will find links to both “documented” here. ;-P
TravelPro said...
ReplyDeleteApparently TraVerus is using Travelocity’s California number, I just did a Google on the TraVerus CTS and both Travelocity and TraVerus come up as the same number. You will find links to both “documented” here.
Wow....some research. John already stated that this is what was going on.
Oh, and whatsamatta Douggie? It's okay for other of your YTB friends to use anonymous to demand things, but when one of your opposition does it, it isn't alright? Bite me.
Anon, don't worry about Douggie there..just another that will spout out this and that. They STILL have provided NO DOCUMENTATION for Phil or the great Dr. As usual, when asked they change the subject. Doug is no different.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as "Balls" go Douggie...where is the information people have been asking about the great Phil and Dr for months now?
Oh I know, there is no information. You have ZERO credibility and ZERO right to demand anything until you can give us the information that was demanded of you months ago.
Looks like Dougs comment to a certain Anon struck the nerve of a certain YTBSCAM. Very similiar in posting tone and content. Could be twins? Hummmmm.
ReplyDeleteI say me and Doug get in the ring with anon and ytbscam and beat some ass in a charity MMA match . . .
ReplyDeleteLet's just get all the frustration out. JF can referee and I'll be sure to "accidentally" smack him upside the head when he leans in to make sure ytbscams eyes are actually swollen shut . . .
Bite Me?
ReplyDeleteThat’s not really fair now is it? That kind of childish behavior and/or comments and name calling are exclusively reserved for the YTB crowd.
Now we can't even have that...
A little sore about yesterday? Check this out gang…
“YTBSCAM said...
Wow Captain Misinformation shows his face once again, and has no answers. John, you were right on the money.”
A couple hours later…John makes the correction because of my answer, realizing he “wasn’t on the money”.
Tom, your forgot…"Too funny"
In case you’ve overlooked the fact that I’m a little busy right now answering …
rel="nofollow"> a whole list of questions right now, which is entirely possible given how you seemed to have missed everything else going on around you, I’m a tad busy.
So take a number, get in line or sit down if you'd like...the Good Doctor will call you for your enema when he’s ready.
Olescore...don't worry I have never had to post under anonymous...no matter what you and your "insider" information think. Not once do I need to hide. And I haven't but once again...keep changing the subject, if it makes you feel better.
ReplyDeleteThats one thing that seperates me from you OLE...you keep posting under a nickname that might as well be anonymous, because you don't want the rest of us to see that your either EAB or TM. It's not hard to figure out.
Ok Douggie...I'm sure your busy answering all kinds of questions.....I bet there are hundreds of vendors knocking on your door just like Mr. Tomer said were knocking on YTBs. Umm yeah ok.
Asked a question and once again OLE and Doogie Howser M.D. here (yeah you can be a M.D. too...if you join YTB) ignores it or changes the subject. You guys really can't give answers that has been proven time and time again.
Maybe it's just that Douggie's hit Google count has dropped - remember he educated all of us how the rankings in Google improve based on one site referring another. If he posts links here and ya'll follow them - bang - he gets a bigger hit count!
ReplyDeleteNow children it's time for a bedtime story....
ReplyDeleteOnce uopn a time, in a land far far away called Bloggerland there lived many people of the anon family and the nonanon family. They could not get along. Luckly, Bloggerland had a wise Wizard named Eddie who didn't care for all the useless anon and nonanon name calling and side tracking and asked the discontented to please get back on the subject. Alas, no one listened to Eddie and Bloggerland fell into a miasma of the off topic disease. Happily, even in Bloggerland tomorrow is another day and the anons and nonanons may yet find a common ground. Poor Wizard Eddie went back to his cave and had a stiff vodka, and will no doubt live happily ever after till tomorrow.
I thought this topic was about Traverus??????
ReplyDeleteSome anti-YTB anonymous blogger had to go and make a comment to turn it back into a discussion about YTB.
"HA! A YTB person wanting documentation of something. What a joke. Whenever they are asked to provide documentation, a person from YTB can never seem to come up with anything, or we're told "it's out there, go find it yourself". Until anyone associated with YTB, in any way, shape, fashion, or form, can provide documentation of the claims of this Seligman person (or however you spell his name, you know whom I am speaking of), their asking for documentation of anything is a joke."
"Oh, and whatsamatta Douggie? It's okay for other of your YTB friends to use anonymous to demand things, but when one of your opposition does it, it isn't alright? Bite me."
Let's get back on topic... Traverus.
Are there any traverus people in here who would like to comment and defend your company?
Okay - back on topic - what remains is that apparently TraverUs will not be able to book for California residents nor will TraverUs members who are residents of CA be able to book anything until they get this straightened out.
ReplyDeleteSo now, do the other MLMs have CST numbers? They could be facing the same problem and had best get on the stick here...
aparently, Traverus was using another corporation's numbers (Travelocity) as their own. That's a big "No No", and for a company that claimed to be B&M before going MLM...
ReplyDeletesort of like 250,000 independednt RTA companys using a YTB IATAN number I guess
ReplyDeleteytb has their own numbers - because they have their own travel agency and have had it since inception.
ReplyDeleteWorld Ventures, Traverus and most others basically rent a code.
I have yet to actually verify the cease and desist through a government channel - so, this could just be a rumor as is most started on this blog and over at tw board.
I thought World Ventures was your mob Tom?
ReplyDeleteAh - still no "official" documentation on the alleged AG cease and desist - figures . . .
Nope not yet Tom, but I am looking for it. Notice I said that it was "rumored"...so I am digging.
ReplyDeleteTHe difference was with RI, I received an email from the state advising on the investigation. By the way which is still ongoing. Apparently YTB has them scratching their heads as to how to handle the situation.