Boy, just reading some of the posts over on Scam.com and I can see that YTB does not have a lock on ignorance. They even may be losing that race to TraVerus.
Talk about cocky and ignorant all rolled up into one package--I wish they woudl blabber on incessantly like YTB does and then we could take them to task a little easier and relieve a little pressure!
Here TraVerus...come here boy...
Hee hee hee. This will be good
ReplyDeletelol - don't you worry John. They'll be here. Need to maybe expand your poll to add Traversus too ;-) j/k of course :-P
ReplyDeleteLuanne, Traversus hasn't been invented yet.
TraVerus, like you John, continue to use the good name of YTB, and a method of marketing that has become a very acceptable and effective model of moving goods and services directly to the end user, to further your own agenda.
ReplyDeleteYou and your dino agents "don't feel threatened my this model?" That's not what the comments I read on your attack petition showed me.
I'd say they felt very threatened and rightfully so.
YTB paid out nearly $100 Mil in 2007 to the field and all you can say as, "yes, but how much of that was in travel sales?" I say all of it. You give the same ole, What came first, the chicken or the egg, arguement.
Sit down, open your brain for this news flash....Travel websites, set up on the net, equate to future travel sales....Do I need to write it another way? The more travel sites set up, the more travel sells.
You know it..but you continue to ignore it. And a few of your butt-buddies, if you don't mind, gleefully go along with you in blind bliss. None of it changes the facts. $91 Million paid to the field in 2007 and now going international....
Buy the way, how is your traditional agents, associations and vendors coming along on some kind of program to counter the hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraud losses to potential travelers who screwed up and gave your traditional agents their hard earned dollars in cash and checks instead of purchasing their travel directly online though a major travel store, Like YTB? Just curious.
Again, you folks need to get your own house in order before you attack other business models. I haven't seen fraud in any industry other that travel get away with these continued rip-offs.
Just my thoughts. Thanks for the forum. Happy Valentines Day All.
Please Note: Any and all comments made here are those of the writer Earl Allen Boek and as such, have not been cleared by any other company or source. EAB reserves the right, As a independant contractor and Free, for now, American, to speak the truth and deliver the facts as he sees fit.
His comments are his along and do not, or need not, reflect on the industry, his company, his business associates or any officers, employees or vendors or agents of the great YTB Company.
Earl---please get that grade school graduation certificate before you try to write on your own again...it will make it easier for us all. If that won't work, why not have your partner--Elizabeth translate for us.
ReplyDeleteI do see that you are disclaiming your posts as not being those of YTB which is good. I am also impressed as you are one of the few YTBers that will indeed have an opinion--whether it is right or wrong is debatable.
Speaking of wrong...you say that YTB paid out 100 Million to the field in 2007. WAY off the mark. Unless you are speaking literally and talking about maybe buying additional land for the Tomers (a field), you are clearly misguided.
In 2007, per Scott Tomer, there were a total of 305,033 REPS. The average income for ALL reps was $97. So it is easy to figure out how much was paid out to the reps. $97 x 305,033 = $29,588,201. Mind you, this includes all those groovy bonuses and overrides.
Now to make your claim correct, that would mean that they had to pay the RTAs $70,411,799 in travel commission--which represents 60% of the commission received by YTB. Extending that out a bit that means YTB would have had to receive about $117,400,000 in commissions.
Now here is where it gets incredulous. Are you saying that the 134,000 RTAs that were present at the end of 2007 each earned on the average for TRAVEL sales $525.46? No freaking way man. When July 2007 was the first month you ever paid $1M in commission, you can assume at best that you paid $6M for the first 6 months. $1M for the 7th month. And now since you presented these numbers you are saying that the last 5 months yielded $63.4Million in commissions payable to the RTAs?
You know, in some ways, I hope you are right. It would demonstrate that YTB is in the travel business and not the website rental business. But since no one is releasing any RTA numbers, the story will remain the same.
There has been growth. I bet you will have an RTA payment for 2007 somewhere in the $6M to maybe $10M range when all is said and done. Now if Coach is determined to make 100 new millionaires off this program, he has 90 to go if there was $10M in payout.
But what is interesting is that with a total payout of $39M for both businesses, it still dwarfs the income generated from the RTAs that earn nothing. Remember you have about 120K paying $50 a month for nada! So just on the fees from the deadwood, that is $72M and does not even include the $37M they took in for the initial rental fee. So, the RTAs in 2007 paid in $109M and are likely to receive $10M in return. Can you explain why this is such a good deal again?
Earl--really nice try. In 5th grade, they likely will review basic math for you--so all hope is not lost just yet. Out of curiosity, how the hell did you figure out how to write that initial check?
And I am sending my Valentine's wishes to you too!
But I did
Ok so I took a day off..I still feel lousy. Ummm Earl, I think the TTA "fraud" you are asking about was covered in the other post..might want to catch up. And you keep referring it to the "TTA's problem", however, since you are now in this industry..wouldnt it be also your problem?
ReplyDeleteWe cannot police what other agents who do not work for the same company as us do. If someone within my company was committing fraud then yes I would report it and hope that my company would make good. But how am I going to police Joe Bob's travel down the street? If they get caught committing fraud..then they will get their due process. I cannot control what other people do..wow to have that power would be cool..but unfortunately I'm not superwoman. Just as you cannot control what other YTB agents do..but it should be up to Coach to control the masses, after all its his good name and his company. I would think that CWT headquarters would do the same if their agents were embarrassing them.
As for the butt-buddy comment...there you go..resorting to name calling? Why? Are you frustrated or just homophobic.?
EAB--I meant to address your "threatened" comment. Absolutely not. We welcome serious players--just not players. Competition is good, but when you come into the picture spouting off like you invented the world (I know I know you ARE an internet pioneer) and making a mockery of the time effort and professionalism people have spent lives to build, we do have a problem.
ReplyDeleteWe are NOT threatened by you---we are EMBARRASSED by you.
Look at the post a while back about Signature. There, a small group of agents (1800) sold three times the travel that YTB claims they will sell in 2008 with 250,000 agents. Really does not seem like you are too threatening to me.
Earl wrote, "Do I need to write it another way? The more travel sites set up, the more travel sells."
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the total amount of travel sold is not determined by the number of travel websites. It is determined by how much people want to travel, how the economy is doing (can they afford to travel?), and other factors. That total amount of travel sales is then divided up between direct sales by vendors, sales by traditional travel agents, and sales by travel websites. Additional traditional agents or additional websites does nothing more than dilute the amount that any one of those can sell. Setting up additional sites does not appreciably increase the total amount of travel sales. Any sales made by those additional sites took sales away from some other site, agent, or vendor. There may be some minor increase due to people being slightly more able to afford to travel because they get part of the commission back. However, I think most economists that study the issue would tell you that increase is negligible.
ReplyDeleteUse of the term "butt buddies" is exactly the reason why TTAs are so embarrassed by YTBers. Seriously... how old are you?
You're beating a dead horse with this travel agent fraud thing Earl. There are bad apples in every profession, even priests. If there were a criminal operating under my company name I would address it. YTB is doing little to clean up the mess in their own yard.
I don't know if you were aware of this or not, but the internet has been around for years. TTA's use the internet for sales and marketing and yes, even for booking travel.
YTB is not, nor will it ever be a source of competition for us. As long as YTB continues to recruit and maintain zero training standards were at no risk of having you take away business from us.
Travel Temptress
YTB's 'good name'. That's an oxymoron. Earl, may I suggest you try selling one of the numerous juices offered via MLM. Sure, it's more expensive than kool-aid, but it may be healthier.
ReplyDeleteI'd be very interested if you could let me know your gross travel sales for 2007. Not travel websites, but actual travel sales. I'm going to venture a guess at under 1000.00 and over 100.00.
TravelLisa said..."Ok so I took a day off..I still feel lousy."
1. infested with lice
olescorekeeper is thinking maybe you didn't mean it that way. Hope you feel better. :>)
Lisa...I'm sorry to do this at your expense...
ReplyDeleteBut THAT was funny!
(I hope you feel better too.)
lol ok so i feel like crap is that better. I can barely see the damn screen my eyes are all blurry. Pardon my spelling/typing for the day.
ReplyDeleteEwww...no lice goin on here. I'd shave my damn head and be lookin like Britney..no thanks
ok so i had to check..and i wasn't wrong...so blah.! Ha..I hate being wrong .. sorry OCD.
ReplyDeleteSpellcheck: lousy
Thesaurus: No synonyms found.
Dictionary: lousy, grod, cruddy, lousily, lousiness
Remarkably bad; of poor quality, dirty, or underhanded.
Infested with lice.
I have the flu...defintely not lice. :)
Lisa, I hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteEarl, this topic was set up for TraVerus to come in and defend themselves. It's not a YTB topic. Notice that I did not come in here to comment on it. Thanks to you, it too has been turned back into a YTB discussion. There's a time and a place for YTB info to be shared with our TTA friends, but this is thw wrong topic.
Wow...got a GOOD laugh at that EAB disclaimer!
ReplyDeleteHey Earl did your girlfriend leave you? I noticed you changed email addresses? She get fed up with you also? Or was it just some imaginary person to begin with? By the looks of you I would say the second would be the most truthful.
YTB SCAM, I mean John. Thanks for your comments, amusing as always.
ReplyDeleteGuess I just don't have the respect, or time, you have for the written word. I always feel you get my point, none-the-less.
No new women in my life, Virginia is doing well, thank you. Forgive the BB comment, just this bad habit of writing what I think and not wanting to mislead anyone.
The figure came from Coach Tomer from last Sat call. It is $91 Mil.
All your numbers don't change that number.
When people own their own travel websites and send friends and others to them I believe, in many cases, they help create travel that would not have otherwise happened. No hard numbers to back this up, just personal observations.
Not calling Coach a liar, but he really needs to figure out what numbers he wants to put out there!
ReplyDeleteBased off the numbers he and Scott were distributing, there is no way in hell that you distributed anywhere close to $100M to the field.
EAB--maybe you misheard.
John, with all the bonuses we achieve on top of our weekly pay... what makes you think that close to $100M wasn't distributed to the field?
ReplyDeleteYou surely still don't understand how the pay plan works at all... and you went to both a meeting and a conference???
Proud--all I can go off of is the spreadsheet distributed by your founder on his tour that showed the TOTAL income that included bonuses for the rep side of the business and it is nowhere near $100M.
ReplyDeleteNow if he has some different numbers for the SEC and a different set for the press release and a different set for the TW list, I don't know.
You have ZERO credibility. You have shown that you are incapable of reading or comprehending even basic concepts.
Again, I thought this was about TraVerus???
ReplyDeleteThank you again Earl for opening the can of worms back onto YTB.
Is there anyone from TraVerus in the house... or did you all leave the company when you heard that you were using Travelocity's numbers??? You would think that a travel agency that used to be B&M would have their own numbers... wouldn't you???
And to think that some of you TraVerus sent me mail trying to get me to switch.
Hello TraVerus... Hello???
I've got far more credibility than you do John.
ReplyDeleteJohn you have proven that you are incapable of understanding anything... even if it's spelled out for you.
I have zero credibility? Is that why what i say is also repeated by Doug, olescorekeeper, cruisin_man and the anonymous YTBers.
Keep clawing at your desk John, and soon you won't have a desk left... LOL!
LOL too funny!
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of Doug---you are hanging with an inept crowd; but I suspect you already know that.
But then again, maybe not...you had a tough time determining the difference between commissions and sales.
And seriously, why not just not visit anymore if this blog upsets you so much?
Actually, for the most part, I find this blog in this blog quite amusing John.
ReplyDeleteI'm hanging with an inept crowd? John, you hang with a crowd that knows absolutely nothing about YTB except for what is fed to you. You try to twist fact around, and get caught in a lie.
If you read that topic... way back when. You will see that I started it out by referring it as sales, but somewhere inadvertantly started stating it as commissions. It was probably the night I arrived back home from a long trip. Nonetheless, I did correct myself. Now you still try to use that against me, because basically, that's all you've got.
How sad. John can't find anything new, so he's kicking up old dirt.
ReplyDeleteThe anti-YTB is running out of steam.
Aparently so. Not only is John scratching and clawing, he's also chasing his own tail... LOL!!!