Last year, YTB kicked up the training a notch by hiring Marc Mancini to private brand his travel curriculum. Marc is one of the brightest people I have ever met and certainly knows his stuff. He is respected in the industry and YTB could not have chosen a better person and organization for their training programs.
Some have said Marc has lost credibility by "selling out". Perhaps, but business is business and modifying his curriculum for 140,000+ "agents" is probably a very profitable and shrewd business move on his part.
However, I am not sure YTB is getting the bag for their buck! I was reading a recap of the first course in the Mancini curriculum and it appears that while the training is being offered, very few are taking advantage of it (or very few are being able to pass it).
I have said for a long time (and still do) that YTB is not engaged in the sale of travel as a primary business. Travel is a means to "legitimize" and perhaps legalize the recruiting end of the program so it falls outside of the pyramid laws. I think this recent blurb from the YTB Travel Compass supports that:
For completing Course 1 of the YTB E Campus within 60 days of launch 5 lucky winners won a free cruise for two. Congratulations to :Wow, 5 out of 140,000! Now I am sure that there were many more that are taking MORE than 60 days to complete the course, but this course was released in November and considering it is all online, 60 days is plenty. I wonder how many actually took the time to enroll--and paid the fee. My guess--not many.
Randy Mabry of Albemarle, NC
Marsha Garrard of Sherrills Ford, NC
Luz Paez of Moreno Valley, CA
Carma Hilliard of Loveland, CO
Cindy Reyes of Corona, CA
Will be interesting to see the results of the second class and the third which was just announced this week.
ReplyDeleteAre you for real?????
YTB entered everyone in a drawing for a free cruise for participating and the company was giving away 5 trips to randomly selected people.
The number of winners is not a product of how many people took the course. Now, with that said, I don't know how many did, but if all 140,000 took the course within 60 days, there still would have been 5 winners. Geez! Your arguments have become looser than Heidi Fliess.
So, you stated that you are sure that there are many more taking more than 60 days....now are you "sure" or were you just using figure of speech again?
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't know what the total numbers are but in my power team of 45 RTA, 22 have taken the course. 10 of which took it right away. And, all 22 plus 4 new RTA are taking course 2
ReplyDeleteSo less than half of your power team is interested in furthering their travel knowledge? Not bad, a lot more that I could have guessed. But oh, wait, there is a free cruise involved there....that explains it.
ReplyDeleteWell, truth is, the 22 are all my RTA in my power team who are working the business. The other ones simply buy their own travel from themselves so no need for them to educate. In fact, of the remaining 23 only 3 went on to get their credential cards. I discourage the travel perks to those who don't work it. And, I didn't know about the free cruise until a few weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteI would seriously like to know the number that enrolled. If it was substantial, I am sure there would have been a press release or at least some bragging--but there was not.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone get a number on that?
Anonymous who posted right above this--right there is exactly what one of the key issues is. I appreciate you don't emphasize the perks, but you clearly say that others are buying their own travel (rebating) and no need for training. Well, if they are buying their own travel, they have a website and it is available to others and they are likely marketing it lightly (at least) to their friends and family. Untrained!
ReplyDeleteIf someone has a website and tells a friend or family memeber to check it out and compare to travelocity, really, why do they need to be trained. I have recommended restaurants to friends and they go, and I don't have formal culinary training. I have suggested clothing stores, movies, travel destinations (before I was an RTA) all with no formal training in that area.
I will agree with you that those RTA with no training should not be trying to service the customer or even trying to answer travel related questions. but, truth is there is no harm to you or and other TTA if a customer who had been going to expedia for their travels goes to their next door neighbors website.
but you are not "just" recommending they go to ttravelocity. you are telling them to go to YOUR site and buy from you and at that point YOU are a retailer and have no trainig and are just hioping for the best if somethign goes wrong. what happen if somethign goes wrong and they sue? it is your ass on the line.
ReplyDeleteJohn...is the graphic on this post a screen shot from the YTB Financial Class Gleaning 101?
ReplyDelete"Well, truth is, the 22 are all my RTA in my power team who are working the business. The other ones simply buy their own travel from themselves so no need for them to educate."
ReplyDeleteAnd you wonder why we are so ticked off. When all these people are only in it for themselves and the perks. You just confirmed it! Don't try to deny it either.
These are people who were not your customers. They were expedia, travelocity customers. Now, they buy from themselves. How does that threaten you????
ReplyDeleteMLMers please note: The TTAs are NOT threatened by you. We are ticked off at the way you have come into the industry and prostituted it!
ReplyDeleteYTB is about recruiting and bucking whatever system they can buck--anti pyramid laws, IRS tax deductions, discounted travel rates, industry perks, rebating. If there is a loophole, YTB will find it and exploit it!
An Insider Who Knows! said...
ReplyDelete"MLMers please note: The TTAs are NOT threatened by you. We are ticked off at the way you have come into the industry and prostituted it!"
Your words betray you Insider. If you go through all the posts since last October you will find very similar words of insecurity from within oneself. Here are just a few.
"I'm not...
Oh really?
There is much use of these words which, I believe, are descriptive, not of the industry, but of the few TTA's that are on this blog.
The words above are those used by a person who feels very insecure about themselves and therefore the need to lay blame for their feelings at someone else's doorstep.
Fortunately, professional help is available.
Seems like OleScorekeeper needs to get a job. Unless the website is just generating the dough for him!
ReplyDeleteNow that's FUNNY John!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of jobs, did you know you and the olescorekeeper both work for YTB? Yes sir-ree-Bob. There is a difference however. I get paid. But you, my friend, work for FREE in ways you will never understand. ;>)
Bet you don't get paid much, Ole!
ReplyDeleteJohn - were you at the ASTA meeting in DC last night? (Sorry don't know where else to post this puppy.) I hear there was a very spirited discussion about Agency Licensure and it looks like ASTA may start lobbying State legislatures for it.... The problem has apparently been that some of the states currently requiring this are unable to police it because of the proliferation of Card Mills - there are too many people to check up on and not enough funding..... so some of these states are looking at rolling back their laws - but I do think ASTA is going to go in there are Representatives of TAs fighting FOR licensure.... should be interesting....
ReplyDeleteCTA in MD
ReplyDeleteI'm quite sure the words you described above had the word NOT in front of them on most if not all of the occasions. Taking words out of context to prove a point.? You all assume we are jealous of the MLM scheme...but we aren't. I would much prefer a guaranteed paycheck every week plus bonus comm for whatever else I choose to book on my own time. Not scrambling to point people to a faceless website, or soliciting my friends/family/neighbors to the "travel pyramid that claims to be the be all end all". I sleep better at night knowing that I don't have to hope and pray for a booking come tomorrow or that the company I work for will be around to feed my kids.
The fact that you all claim to love YTB as much as you do, but do not seem the slightest bit annoyed at some of the shenanigans they throw out astounds me. Hiring of scam artists, fake Dr credentials, getting tossed by IATAN/RCCL, being told your fly free program was "new and exclusive"..etc etc. None of this bothers you? If it were me, it would make me think twice about the people I worked for.
If I were jealous of YTB I'd could easily rectify that by joining...as could we all. Bet you'd love my gross sales in your downline! Ha, not a chance.
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa said...
I'm quite sure the words you described above had the word NOT in front of them on most if not all of the occasions. Taking words out of context to prove a point.?"
Sometimes you will find the words were preceded by the word "We". This adds a degree of comfort assuring oneself, in dealing with their fears, that they are not alone. They "point" I was making is that those words betray the person who uses them. I believe there are deeper underlaying reasons why some of you chose these words.
"You all assume we are jealous of the MLM scheme...but we aren't."
No, I didn't assume that. There probably are only a few in your ranks that are truly jealous, angry, scared, afraid, threatened, ect.
"I would much prefer a guaranteed paycheck every week plus bonus comm for whatever else I choose to book on my own time."
Of course you would. Your personality style is that of a stable, reliable person and not of a risk taker that you find building businesses like Donald or Oprah.
"Not scrambling to point people to a faceless website, or soliciting my friends/family/neighbors to the "travel pyramid that claims to be the be all end all"."
"Faceless website"? I think your talking about Expedia.
"I sleep better at night knowing that I don't have to hope and pray for a booking come tomorrow or that the company I work for will be around to feed my kids."
You see Lisa, your business hat is not on. You basically are an order taker and not a business builder. Order takers like to play it safe so they can "sleep better". And, that's OK. As for your company being around, I'm sure it will be too. After all, you did say you are receiving "a guaranteed paycheck every week." Guaranteed! Nice!
"Hiring of scam artists, fake Dr credentials, getting tossed by IATAN/RCCL, being told your fly free program was "new and exclusive"..etc etc. None of this bothers you?"
Do rouge scramming traditional travel agents bother you? It seriously continues to give a black eye to your traditional industry. But should you quit or go somewhere else? Believe me Lisa, whether it be YTB, Microsoft or Dell, they have all had their challenges and will continue to face others along the way. This is true of any company that deals with people. It's been said that 80% of ANY company's internal issues come from 20% of their employees. It's the law of the universe. Good company's work through this. Bad ones don't and then fail.
I don't understand - they are PAYING for on-line training?! Isn't that ridiculous? Why doesn't YTB pony up on that?!
ReplyDeleteAgain, the Consortia provide exactly this (though much more advanced) sort of training on-line and Webinars to their members FREE!
This is as stunning as YTB harging their members for brochures! Jeez, the Vendors keep sending them to us constantly (no charge) so that in most cases we're throwing out 505 of them (and 100% of Carnival's)!
olescorekeeper-I think you are the one that feels threatened, is insecure and in need of some serious psychological help.
ReplyDeleteBTW-Let's compare W2's from last year. Bet everyone on this board made more than you did. And we are jealous? Yea, right. Jealous of a bunch of losers like yourself who have nothing better to do than defend a sleazy operation like YTB.
Good bad in any profession. But you don't other professions wearing neon green shirts shouting asking me how I travel for free and blatantly recruiting people on cruise ships and tours which is a big no-no in the industry. You all are nothing but a bunch of sluts prostituting yourself for Coach and his pals. Yup! I am soooo jealous! NOT!
When will the uninformed stop calling the 80/20 thingy a law? It's no law fella. It's an equation or, if you prefer, a 'rule'. It is NOT constant and not always true. Did you learn your economics from Dr Bob? Or maybe that other fine money man - the coach? Jeez. Glad you don't work with anyone savvier than YTB.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Dr Bob, has ANY YTBer figured out who the heck he is yet? Is he still prominent on your websites? I think it's hilarious that you use a scammer who has scammed YTB to promote YTB. Good company.
Eddie said...
ReplyDelete"When will the uninformed stop calling the 80/20 thingy a law? It's no law fella. It's an equation or, if you prefer, a 'rule'. It is NOT constant and not always true."
Poor Edward, no reason to bust a gut over it. You are wrong about the 80/20 not being a law. It's the Pareto Principle that's also know as the"law of the vital few". Go do your homework before posting inaccuracies.
BTW, Eddie, can you just do one thing for me? Would you just post this for me. "Hi Mrs. Cleaver. Is Wally home?" :>)
As opposed to companies where 80% of the profits come from recruiting and only 20% from actual sales. That would be the Piccolo Principle? lol
ReplyDeleteAlso known as the Law of the Very Few (who sell enough travel to make their investment back).
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as jealous or threatened...although we're all here everyday going over every detail...most people have never even heard of YTB.
ReplyDeleteBut back to laws of business,,,these same people think it's "incredible" (but in a good way) that "only" a third of the recruits quit and walked away...
ReplyDeleteI hope they are getting a bang for their buck with Mancini....looks like they will need to sell TWO shares of that stock to get that buck!
ReplyDeleteYTB closing down again at 95 cents!
(But that is good right? Coach is running it down to a few pennies so you all can buy it and make millions as it raises again..right?)
It is worthy of note that some applications of the Pareto principle appeal to a pseudo-scientific "law of nature" to bolster non-quantifiable or non-verifiable assertions that are "painted with a broad brush". The fact that hedges such as the 90/10, 70/30, and 95/5 "rules" exist is sufficient evidence of the non-exactness of the Pareto principle.
ReplyDeleteSorry Mrs Cleaver, Just because it's called a 'law' doesn't make it one. Let's agree on 'principle' perhaps? Can Ole come out and play or is he studying the Laws of the below Averages?
The 80/20 rule has variance and is not exact. I never said it was. In network marketing, it's more like 90/10.
ReplyDeleteI'm not talking about the rogue agents in the regular TA world. I'm talking about YTB specific. If it were CWT pulling the same stunts, I'm quite sure I'd be pissed off and looking for answers. YOUR company, the one you work for, is what I'm asking.
As for me being an order taker, maybe in the travel world, yes. I prefer the corporate/training side with the paycheck weekly opposed to the vacation side. Thats my thing. As for me not being a business person, wrong. Along with doing this daily, I also own/run with my husband a communications/cabling company. I never said I wanted to be the Don or Oprah..Im happy doing what I love to do.
I respect that. Taking travel orders and pulling Cat. 5 through walls and floors.
Haven't you two gone wireless?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of 'taking orders' isn't that just what the RTA and the website are for? Happy RTA was really happy that there was no responsibility. Privates. That's taking orders. I think coach needs to be upgraded to major. The next love fest...general.
Hi Mrs Cleaver, Can Ole come out and play? Oh, he is studying law?
Please don't tell me he has Supreme Court judge in his downline?
Wireless is the way to go.
"Speaking of 'taking orders' isn't that just what the RTA and the website are for?."
ReplyDeleteRTA, No. Website, Yes. It's called leveraging your time.
ReplyDeleteYes cat 5 is used, I don't pull it, thats what employees are for. Majority is fiber optic, Cat 6, and home theater installations. I just do the books :)
TravelLisa said...
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you all claim to love YTB as much as you do, but do not seem the slightest bit annoyed at some of the shenanigans they throw out astounds me. Hiring of scam artists, fake Dr credentials, getting tossed by IATAN/RCCL, being told your fly free program was "new and exclusive"..etc etc. None of this bothers you? If it were me, it would make me think twice about the people I worked for.
Lisa, I am annoyed. I am confused. It bothers me. I am thinking twice about the people I work for.
Very glad to hear that Rod, as you should be. I know you truly want to try and work your travel side, and with no help that is frustrating. Even more so when what you are told is BS.
ReplyDeleteAlso add to that what I am not being told.
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa said...
ReplyDelete"LOL OLE
...I don't pull it, thats what employees are for...I just do the books :)"
Just wondering TL, do you juggle or cook the books? ;>)
No i don't fudge the numbers or try to "scam" on my taxes either..I'll save that for YTB :P
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa said, :P
ReplyDeleteTL are you sticking your tongue out at me, or is that a pipe your smoke'n? ;>)