Friday, February 22, 2008

More "Old News"

I know this is "old news" so please save the bandwidth and just don't say it! As many know, YTB's attorney was fired and he posted a very disturbing letter on his website. Less than two weeks later, the letter was removed and it seemed that he had made amends with YTB. But the whole thing does not sit right with me. Ted Lindauer and I exchanged emails and in one he said, "Hello John. A great blog." So I wonder what has changed?

A licensed attorney does not make those types of allegations if they were false--calling YTB's bluff in a sense. I just do not see how YTB could have corrected them all in a matter of weeks--particularly when they were dealing with several programs that YTB is currently promoting. Well, I am not the only one that noticed. Mark Ewing has posted this commentary on YouTube and I feel that Mark makes some very strong points. The biggest one is that every Rep and RTA ought to be asking questions of the leaders--not blindly following them. And the ironic thing is that Mark is IN network marketing so there is not really an agenda there.


  1. What does Mark Ewing do for a living. Check out the link below. Could Mark be jealous of his competition YTB. When people call him after watching this on you Tube he can recruit them into his company. Bad source of opinion John to use. This is a tactic used by other networkers to recruit others.

  2. So what are the odds that YTB actually DID make some changes but DIDN'T issue a press release about it? I think we know...

  3. This does not appear to be a MLM company. Seems like he is "teaching" you how to solicit affinity groups for destinations and then travel along with them using the TC spots offered.

    I am sure he gets some leads from YouTube, but not sure it is significant.

    And regardless of his business or motive, it does not negate the issues outlined in the video. It could be the CEO of TraverUs or GTI--direct competitors and it still does not negate the issues.

    Stop deflecting!

  4. Everyone can buy Mark Ewings E-book. Hurry while supplies last he will show you how to travel and get paid. Check link below:

  5. The point is not if Mark can sell a book. The point is that YTBs attorney threw down some heavy accusations and mysteriously recanted. I think we can all agree that ALL of the issues have not been resolved. They involved the federal government, the US Postal Service and numerous state entities. The wheels of progress do not move that fast.

  6. When things turn out well for YTB, it certainly befuddles the John Freneyes and Mark Ewings of the world.

    Ted does indeed have Parkinsons, but he was sure alive and well when he flew into Memphis a couple of weeks ago with Coach.

    Sounds like crack reporting similar to yesterday's NY Times.

  7. WHAT has turned out well? WHAT changes were made to resolve the issues and accusations that YTB's attorney brought up?

    Sounds like crack smoking similar to many posts here.

  8. LB---so what is the good news? That these accusations are no longer on Ted's site?

    Are you hinting that Ted's alleged Parkinson's Disease caused him to write the letter, send it to the Board and the executives, create a web site, post it, and then take it all back?

  9. Why would one suppose that a lawyer would 'make up' allegations for an intended lawsuit? I think that YTB paid Ted a considerable amount to withdraw the suit and forget about the wrongdoings. I also think coach is keeping hum on a short rein so it doesn't happen again.

  10. He is back working with YTB. Anyone, healthy or not, can have a lapse in judgement. I'm sure he realized, from a legal standpoint, his accusations held little water.

    I personally do not trust lawyers and what they will do. Particularly lawyers that have a burr up their butt and egos are involved. Posting something on a website like that was stupid on his part.

    Complain all you want . . . Ted has his old office back and is happy to be back working at YTB.

  11. you have his extension? Funny, I just called YTB HQ 618-655-9477 and by pressing 8 you can get a company directory and there is no listing for a Ted Lindauer.

    When I got an operator, I asked for Thayer Lindauer's office, there was a long pause and I was put into a generic voicemail.

  12. For giggles, I called the number again and got a different person. Call the main number and press zero.

    ME: Hello,I could not find it in the company directory, but can you connect me to Ted Lindauer and give me his extension?
    Operator: Uhm, no, he is no longer employed here.

    LB--better yet give me YOUR phone number so I can make sure YTB can call you to get this straight.

  13. For giggles, I called the number again and got a different person. Call the main number and press zero.

    ME: Hello,I could not find it in the company directory, but can you connect me to Ted Lindauer and give me his extension?
    Operator: Uhm, no, he is no longer employed here.

    LB--better yet give me YOUR phone number so I can make sure YTB can call you to get this straight.

  14. Here is a reason for Ted to say the things he did. MONEY!!!! Attorneys love it too!!! Ted is not stupid. He wanted what he thought he deserved. This is the way the world works.

  15. LB..did you call? ANyone else? Can anyone else confirm what I posted? After all I would hate to be called a "liar"

  16. John said, "Ted Lindauer and I exchanged emails and in one he said, "Hello John. A great blog." So I wonder what has changed?"

    Hello John, since you and Ted are/were such good buddies, why don't you email him and ask him directly?

  17. We are not good buddies, but I do have an email into him. I do not expect a return email as he knows who I am and about this blog. I don't have enough money to untie the gag order!

  18. John said, "I think we can all agree that ALL of the issues have not been resolved. The wheels of progress do not move that fast."

    I think we can all agree, since the wheels of progress do not move that fast, that any issues that exsist are being addressed. So what's the worry John? You words clearly indicate you think issues are being resolved at some sort of rate, speed, or whatever.

    You worry way too much about these things Johnny. I certainly hope YTB is paying you some sort of retainer for all of your concerns and advice. You sure have invested a lot of your valuable time trying to get to the bottom of things. Send Coach the bill. Don't work for FREE! ;>)


  19. John said, "The point is that YTBs attorney threw down some heavy accusations and mysteriously recanted"

    Would you WANT to do business with an attorney who says all kinds of disparaging things and then changes his mind. Ooops, my bad I didn't mean it let's kiss and make up. The guy sounds like a sleaze IMO. You RTA's need to take a long hard look at the slime running things....

  20. No, John . . . and I'm not going to call. I saw Ted with Coach at Memphis and one of my Reps saw him in a conference room on Feb 12 at YTB Headquarters during Red Carpet Days.

    He may not have his old office back, but he's back with YTB. He had been an independent consultant to various MLM companies prior to coming full-time with YTB. Probably back on a retainer basis. He certainly has health problems, so I'm not surprised that his hours are limited.

    Attending YTB meetings incognito and calling the Home Office without identifying yourself . . . this really has become an obsession for you, John! What's next? Standing outside the YTB Headquarters with protest signs?
    Give Cindy Sheehan a call. Maybe she has some advice for you on how to protest in Code Pink style!

  21. Hes no longer employed there? Hmm, well then where is he employed? I'd call to verify, but I'd just be called a liar too. Any YTBers wanna try it?

  22. IB said, "this really has become an obsession for you, John!"

    Obsession, obsession, obsession...oh, here it is....

    1. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
    2. An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone.

    Yep, that be our boy!


  23. olescorekeeper~Some may say you have a personality disorder and are easily manipulated. Not to mention just plain ignorant of the facts. Then again YTB preys on stupid people like you.

    Keep drinking that kool aid!

  24. Hey Pot,
    There's lots to read on the internet but we're ALL HERE everyday. ---Kettle

  25. Now THAT'S Funny!

    Here's more mud in your eye! have Ted's e-mail. Write HIM and ask.

    I don't know why you want to bother us with something the he told the rest of us point blank:

    "My concerns have been addressed and I am satisfied that everything which must be done is being done and done well."

    Mark did say that this document was "very carefully crafted", and looking it over again, I would have to agree.

    "Reps" are required to take CRTA Training?

    YTB’s required to be licensed in all 50 states in order to sell and deliver a Car in Illinois?

    YTB’s required to be licensed to sell a package through LVI when LVI already sells this same package to companies like Bank of America, Sprint, Dell, and AT&T?

    YTB’s required to licensed insurer of Medical Benefits when Medical Benefits are not provided by YTB but Blue Cross Blue Shield?

    It was nothing more than a smear campaign and Ted didn't have a chance to begin with.

  26. WHat is a smear campaign. And people say that I am concerned--yes I am. It is shocking that the YTB folks are not.

    A respected MLM attorney (now of course it depends on what day of the week it is if YTB folk call him respected or a loon) puts out some allegations and then all of a sudden recants it. He alleged that YTB was operating in the industry illegally in many facets.

    I am sorry that I have some respect for the industry. I came in it to work and earn a living. Not to suck whatever money and perks I could with the intent of moving on to the next unsuspecting industry. YTB has made a mockery of this and yes I am concerned.

    Doug--I have sent an email to Ted asking him and as expected there was no reply. But also my pockets are not as deep as Coach's so I cannot "un buy" his silence.

    LB is full of crap. First he or she says Ted is employed and when I check his or her facts it is all spun around. Well, Ted does not have an office in YTB as she said. Ted does not have a phone in YTB. And according to YTB he is NOT EMPLOYED WITH YTB.

    Attending a meeting incognito---nope at the first one I signed in like everyone else. At the revival (Founders Day) there was no sign in just a guy at the door asking if I was an RTA or a guest. I called YTB--they did not ask who was calling, she asked how she could direct my call.

    What is so underhanded about that? And even if it was underhanded, it still does not negate the fact that Ted is not affiliated with YTB any longer despite the "paid advertisement" on his website!

  27. Here are the facts: Ted was with Coach at the Memphis meeting. He flew in with Coach. I was there. Ted was at the Home Office during Red Carpet Days on the 21st and that came from one of my RTAs who is a close friend.

    One way or another, he is on board with YTB. Doug may be on to something. YTB's attorneys may have threatened to sue his ass from here to wherever and Ted knew his arguments did not hold up.

    This coming from Mark Ewing is no surprise. He is like the "scam" ilk reporting information, but just trying to sell their own deal.

  28. I called, John - got the same response. The operator said there is no one by that name employed with YTB HQ.

    Then again, I apparently lied when I called the YTB agent who booked with us and got her voicemail promising "travel for free" blah blah blah and then posted it here.

  29. So you were at the gate to meet old Coach and Ted. Did you use your CRTA card to get past the TSA?

    One of your RTAs saw Ted at Red Carpet Day on the 21st--did you see him?

    So why is YTB lying to people about Ted not working there? Please clear this all up and tell the receptionists where Ted's office is and his extension. Make sure they are aware that he is indeed employed there. And make sure you tell them that you know this because you are an independent marketing representative with them.

    Is Mark sells his book that is fine. It does not change the letter. Because Ted took the letter down does not change it. Because YTB may have paid him off does not change it.

    If YTB addressed the issues, let's see the proof. Either show me a legal opinion that says Ted was wrong, or something that indicates YTB is addressing the issues he felt were wrong.. There are only two ways to go with the letter--it is either right or wrong.

  30. John said, "A respected MLM attorney"

    Isn't that an oxymoron?

    ox·y·mo·ron (ŏk'sē-môr'ŏn', -mōr'-) Pronunciation Key
    n. pl. ox·y·mo·ra (-môr'ə, -mōr'ə) or ox·y·mo·rons
    A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.

  31. came back as undeliverable.

  32. Well then the storm must be effecting the emails because LB saw him with Coach and KNOWS he is employed there and someone else saw him at Red Carpet Days so you are obviously a LIAR LIAR.

  33. Is Ted kind of like the YTB Elvis?

  34. Maybe Ted is hanging out with Phil Piccolo in the YTB Phantom Zone...

  35. Did I get #100....I feel like I am on Perez Hilton!

    Ted and Phil...interesting because I am hearing that Phil Piccolo was also fired by YTB as well. Wonder what you need to do to have YTB kick you out of a free position. You KNOW that is a good story!

  36. A good story that we probably won't hear,,,I'm still waiting for the big news from last week's USA Today,,,

  37. John, Picture this....Phil being lauded on the birthday cruise and just a few short weeks later shipped out in a tug. Kind of like Ted in reverse. Wonder how much THIS golden handshake cost the RTAs?

  38. John said:
    WHat is a smear campaign. And people say that I am concerned--yes I am. It is shocking that the YTB folks are not.

    To put it loosely John, a smear campaign is posting unsubstantiated claims on the internet in a negative light without having the proper documentation to back it up. I know you don’t trust us YTB’ers as far as you can spit your mud. I’m going to repeat what is stated on

    “My concerns have been addressed and I am satisfied that everything which must be done is being done and done well.”

    Now I know John and the rest of “The Gang” also want proof and I’ll be happy to provide just a little documentation for everyone in an attempt to show that John's allegations of Coach paying off Ted are also unsubstantiated. (I don’t have the time to waste with all the allegations and this doom and gloom party we’re having here.)

    I can however kill two birds with one simple document.

    Here is the document from our Cars program, which specifically states a number of things.

    Your Power Team Leader will receive a 10% override ($50) as long as they have attended a CRTA training. (The $149 fee to become a certified RTA is not required to qualify for this override.)

    John’s known that anyone can “audit” this course for free for some time. (I invited him.)

    Please also note that any customers are handle by the Home Office not the RTA concerning the Cars Program. The Cars Program has not launched Nationally and it may be because we still have not acquired the proper licensing. (I honestly don't know.) We can worry about the Licensing in one of John's posts when he brings up this "old news" question AGAIN when we go National with the program.

    Ted's a seasoned Lawyer for goodness sake, if he had a case, especially with these types of allegations, he would have moved forward. Instead he drops them, we move into Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Guam, American Somoa, and The Virgin Islands after the allegations first came to light.

    But no, John thinks Coach paid him off. (Of course.)

    Now the question I have for you John, and I will ask Mark the same question.

    Does this documentation satisfy your concerns enough to remove the mud from the wall? Or at least state the your “concerns” have been also been met?

    PS to the YTB’ers.

    Ted never said he would be “working at YTB”. Here is what he did say.

    “Coach and I have decided to work together to continue building YTB together. We have renewed our collaboration to build YTB. There is much to do. My concerns have been addressed and I am satisfied that everything which must be done is being done and done well. Coach and I have resolved to communicate with each other more often and more effectively in the future and, especially on my part, to be patient as the coordination of the many aspects necessary to continue YTB’s growth and success are put in place.”

    Please DO NOT misconstrue that as “he has moved back into an office at YTB”. :-P

  39. YTB folk are not by any means concerned, because all is well between YTB ant Ted. The posts on Ted's website were removed for a reason. That reason is that YTB is being compliant.

    Also, it was mentioned that ALl RTAs were required to take the CRTA training and pay for it???

    WRONG! This is and always has been an option... as in OPTIONAL... NOT REQUIRED! What art of that meaning don't you understand?

    Yes John, this is very old news... so old that it is long gone and buried as far as YTB and Ted... and all in YTB are concerned.

    As Olescorekeeper said, you are obsessed!

  40. Boy, this has been enlightening! Sounds like bantering back and forth from the ladies on "The View".

  41. a smear campaign is posting unsubstantiated claims on the internet in a negative light without having the proper documentation to back it up.

    These campaigns work both ways,'re the one who posted that Piccolo was gone from YTB and that you thought you had an idea about what was going to be in USA Today.

  42. So to be "legal" to sell cars with YTB you need to attend a Certified Referring Travel Agent course? Is that a new law that car dealers must be RTAs in Illinois?

    Doug, you are correct, Ted is a seasoned attorney and he would not have posted those documents if he did not think they had merit.

    Because there is a message on Ted's site saying he is happy, does not negate the existence of the letters.

    And to be honest, the vehemence with which the YTB folks are tap dancing on this issue makes me curious. Doug says he is not working at YTB. LB swears he is.Another RTA saw him at Red Carpet days. HQ says he is no longer employed with YTB. His email at YTB bounces and Proud says something about being long gone and buried.

    Is Ted dead? What have you done? YFB...Your Funeral Biz?

  43. Shhh John, that might be the new MLM that one of the YTBers was working on,,,I don't think it's called YFB, though...maybe YFN,,Y the F Not

  44. Hey were's SCAM when you need a ticker report? The YTB stock is down to 97 cents. Oh..what am I to do? This is terrible, I lost 3 cents per share on my 1000 shares.
    Oh no, that's $30. No beer and pizza tonight! Well..maybe we can still do the beer if I stay domestic. lol!

    I think I'm obsessing.

    Make it a great weekend all!

  45. Totally missed the mark John…

    Two points made by Ted.

    1. We were not compliant because we “required” a $149 fee to get CRTA Trained.

    Documentation I provided clearly states that it is NOT required in order receive the override.(Documentation posted and dated BEFORE Ted put up his web site on January 10th.)

    2. We need to have licenses in order to sell cars in all states that require licensing.

    We only sell cars in the state of Illinois.

  46. Please Note:

    Apparently I linked to the wrong documentation that states the YTB does not require a $149 fee to qualify for overrides.

    I realize it’s very difficult to stay on topic here, but I want to attempt to get back on the topic at hand.

    Ted made the following allegation.

    1. YTB Reps are required to purchase CRTA Training in order to participate in Multi-Level Commissions in several sales programs but not limited to commissions on the sale of travel, Commissions in the Car Referral Program, etc etc.

    Apparently that is incorrect as found in this document. YTBCars FAQ

    Your Power Team Leader will receive a 10% override ($50) as long as they have attended a CRTA training. (The $149 fee to become a certified RTA is not required to qualify for this override.)

    I know that John wants to perpetuate that Coach paid Ted off…but Ted was shown that the changes he wanted are clearly documented.

    Therefore he dropped his case.

    I do however want to thank both John and Mark for increasing the number of complaints to the FTC. However, complaints will only remain complaints when YTB can document that the complaints don’t have any merit based on this documentation. ;-P

  47. I said that this news was long gone and buried... not TED! I can't believe John misread this... or maybe I can... LOL!!! After all, it is John.

    John is still playing "TWISTER".

    Right hand on red, John. left foot on yellow.

  48. Sarcasm 101 Proud...Sarcasm.

  49. Sure it was John... LOL!!!

  50. OK, it is a given that I am not your biggest fan. I am not a big fan of YTB either. But I also don't think for a minute that you killed Ted.

    The fact that you think I am serious is hilarious and perhaps good material for a future post down the line.

    DO you even read the comments or just write whatever zips across that small brain.

    Here is the original comment I made and it is clear that it was said in jest and pure sarcasm. I am sorry for the disability you apparently suffer. Perhaps your doctor can prescribe something.

    ....His email at YTB bounces and Proud says something about being long gone and buried.

    Is Ted dead? What have you done? YFB...Your Funeral Biz?

  51. Proud,

    Can your and Mr. Douggie, try to spin stuff around more than you do? Nope you can't. I'm glad Douggie MD, is opening his mouth, he is proving day in and day out that hes just as bad as any YTBer out there. I don't want to hear about how kind he is. I have seen him insult people just as badly as anyone else. Not only that he CAN'T read numbers, that has been proven multiple times as well. You YTBers need a class on mathmatics!

  52. It is Friday night and the best time to release bad news to avoid the news cycle. Here are the facts:

    1) I did see Ted Lindauer at Memphis . . . alive and well.
    2) My good friend (RTA) did see Ted at Wood River last week during Red Carpet Days.
    3) I assumed that Ted being at Wood River meant he was back working at Headquarters. He is not, according to reports today.

    Since it is Friday and quiet on the anti-MLM news cycle, I will quietly admit my mistake.

    LBTRAVEL (Sex: Male)

  53. LB---

    When you were in Memphis did you see Elvis too? Jim Morrison? Hendrix?

  54. Sarcasm 102 John... LOL!!! Back at you!

    Ah, look! Scam is back!!!

    Scam, this topic has already been proven to be a bunch of false info provided to John in his quest against YTB.

  55. Travelpro: Thanks for YOUR unsubstantiated guess as to what happened that made the lawyer do an's as good as anybody's...but if it were that simple it's hard to believe it wasn't pointed out to him before it came to his sending the letter.

  56. I personally know Metre Wishom and I do know she drives 2 beautiful Mercedes that she had before YTB. I know she has the goal to get a Cocaine White Bentley. She is also a GREAT leader and I have learned a lot from her on the travel side as well as the Corporate side of this business. She has been out of touch due to the death of her don't know when she will get her Bentley, haven't heard. By the way she and her husband had money before YTB like LOT's of people in this business. I think people are successful because of the circle of influencial of people they are around. Ya know money hangs with money, and most people with money are always looking to save a buck. I just want to be like them someday.

  57. Proud,

    Why do you assume I went anywhere? Oh wait YTBers assume alot. Just because I don't hang here and post ever 10 seconds like you, doesn't mean I'm not reading. Never make assumptions that you can't back up. But then again we are talking about you.

  58. Excuse me but iontop, but unsubstantiated means “unsupported by other evidence”.

    Travelpro provided a specific document as to why Ted’s claim that fees are required in order to get paid is wrong. How is that a guess?

    If Ted is wrong about a claim, how can his case move forward?

  59. Blind faith and ignorance are just that: Blind and ignorant. And... Ignorance is not bliss.

    The fact is, that this information came from one of YTB's own legal staff. A major insider.

    It can be assumed that his legal understanding of YTB is far greater than the people on this blog.

    It can also be assumed that he would not have posted the demand for resolutions letter without a lot of thought.

    Regardless of his intentions, my intentions... or anyone else's intentions.... the letter states clearly that YTB is in violation of civil and criminal laws.

    The direct quote is "These required purchases in each instance violate the civil and criminal provisions of multiple states' anti-pyramid laws and lottery laws, constitute deceptive trade practices under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, violate the U.S. Postal Service Lottery regulations and constitute the unlawful offer and sale of unregistered investment securities under state and federal securities laws."

    Regardless of your personal beliefs, this is a very serious statement.

    Remember, this is coming from an MLM attorney, who was direct council for YTB, who states that he is a very close friend to Coach Tomer, and is a shareholder in YTB International, Inc.. This is not some misguided RTA, or someone that is out to get YTB. The letter is addressed directly to the board of directors, with an immediate demand for resolution.

    What everyone here needs to be concerned with, is what has happened to these issues. Why did Mr.. Lindauer post this message to the general public. Why did he take it down so fast, without clarification on the demand for resolutions? Why hasn't YTB given the proper S.E.C. required public notice of these resolutions? What is really going on here?!

    Just because Ted took down his letter, does not mean that the problems just went away. GET REAL FOLKS! If anything, this raises a MAJOR RED FLAG with YTB, YTB Leadership, and YTB's legality. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!

    As an RTA, a YTB rep, an outsider, an insider.... You should be demanding to know what is happening with the resolutions disclosed in this document!

    The fact is, that this effects current and past RTA's a lot more than it effects non ytb'ers.

    Before you spend a lot of time and energy trying to put a positive spin on this.... or trying to argue this issue away.... Stop and ask yourself who and why you are trying to protect here? Aren't YOU more important than YTB?!

    As an RTA, aren't you worried about yourself, and your investment in your business?

    Who comes first? You....or YTB?! If you are going to represent YTB, don't you have a right and an obligation to make sure that YTB is operating legally? Your pride and loyalty in YTB should be backed by a legal business. You should be demanding that YTB takes every measure and precaution to insure that it is legal!

    You shouldn't have to be trying to put a positive spin on this.

    You shouldn't have to be arguing this.

    That is not part of your job description. It is unfair of YTB to put this burden on you.

    You paid your money on the premise that you were buying a legal business. You deserve answers.

    So, for all of you RTA's on this blog, you can continue to blindly defend and protect your company.... but that is not going to change anything. It is not going to protect you from the issues that have been disclosed. Ignorance is not bliss. And covering up a crime is in itself a crime.

    The fact is, that each and every you should all be angry and upset with this information. You should be demanding clarification on all these issues, as you have invested your time, money, and energy into this business. You have a right to know the facts! Make them answer to these issues...not you. You shouldn't have to feel that you need to make it right. THEY SHOULD MAKE IT RIGHT!

    You, as RTA's are ignorant and stupid if you turn a blind eye to this.

    It should really piss you off that this issue has just been swept under the rug. You should demand that YTB's board of directors should account for each and every issue brought forth in this demand for resolution letter. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS. Your businesses are on the line here!

    This is not about RTA's vs.. Traditional Travel Agents. This is about YTB's legality.

    You should demand that YTB fixes all of these issues. to insure that your business is going to be strong in the future. Doesn't that make sense? (Unfortunately, logic may be to much to ask for here on this blog.)

    I really question the ethics of someone that continues to promote and sell a business after information like this has surfaced concerning the legality of the business.

    If I were in YTB (which I am not) I would make damn sure that these issues were corrected to the satisfaction of the law, before I would involve anyone else in the business. I would be worried about my risk of being sued, or worst, charged with a crime. I would be concerned for the well being of others...and my own well being.

    Remember, ignorance is not bliss.

    WARNING: As an RTA, you might want to seek out legal council before you continue to promote and sell YTB. You may want to find out the legal implications selling a business with the disclosed issues. You need to find out what are your legal responsibilities here. Can you be held personally accountable and responsible for these issues when you sell this to someone else? Can you personally be sued or charged with a crime? Are you putting your future, and your family's future in harms way?

    Like I said, like it or not, this is very serious.

  60. Mark;

    Regardless of your belief, YTB has provided documentation that clearly states that any requirement to purchase CRTA Training in order to receive overrides is false. Therefore Ted should take down and dispose of any such allegation. It should also be noted that Ted’s issue was resolved BEFORE the document was even posted.

    Any anti-trust, or violation of civil or criminal laws has been addressed and resolved and documentation has been provided to state this.

    FAQ Can be found here.

    The $149 fee to become a certified RTA is not required to qualify for this override.

    I know that any "demand" in haveing you correct this information is mute, about all I can add is thank you for your “concerns”. ;-P

  61. Douggie boy. YOu need a calendar. The proof you linked to is dated January 7 2008

    Liners letter is dated January 3 2008 and was sent by UPS YTB merely REACTED to this claim.

    But this is only on e of the issues raised--it is good that they reacted, but maybe it is better to have done it legally in the first place--ya think?

    From the letter seems like Linder was telling them this all oalong and they wanted to do it their way and they canned him. when he sent the lettet their tit was in the ringer and they HAD to do somethgin.

    but go ahread prove the other allegations have been addressed

    and what about the required SEC filings that mark said needed to be filed. i am pretty sure he is right about them--all i see of late is press releases

  62. For a complete change of pace...I read the PDF on the Cars program and the contest they have is funny:

    Q. How can an RTA earn the $35,000 car prize?
    A. The first RTA to reach 100 referral sales wins $35,000 towards their choice of any new Chrysler, Dodge, or Nissan vehicle. The first sale counts as 5 sales, the second sale counts as 4
    sales, the third sale counts as 3 sales, the fourth sale counts as 2 sales, and every sale after and including the fifth sale counts as 1 sale. After RTA has made the first 5 sales, they will have
    accumulated 15 sales towards the 100 sales needed to win. RTA must reach 100 sales by the close of business August 1, 2008. YTB will tally all sales and notify the winner.

    A local car dealership--not some mega dealer, selling only one or two brands may sell 30 cars a month. A great salesperson may sell 10 per month. So, if a superstar trained in selling cars and actively working in the retail car industry can sell 80 cars in a many cars can a Referring Travel Agent sell?

    Not saying the contest is bogus or false, just the chances of winning are about as good as ---well earning a decent living with YTB.

  63. This issue won't be settled here without information from YTB or Lindauer. Since neither are hesitant to issue press releases or post to a website it does seem strange that they haven't released anything that clearly states how they've resolved the serious charges that were raised. That's why I said "unsubstantiated guess". If Travelpro is correct (and I said his guess was as good as anybody's) it seems unbelievable that there was such a simple resolution to an issue that caused such major fallout. Don't be surprised if there's more to it...I certainly wouldn't be satisfied with the "we've kissed and made up, business is great" message.

  64. I called -

    Was told "MR. L is not presently the legal counsel for ytb" as far as she knew.

    Anyway - who cares. YTB is growing everyday.


    "If you must hate - hate the game and not the players"

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  65. Scam, when it comes to assumptions, you are... wait... nevermind. John really should be crowned the "king".

    I post every 10 seconds??? I never knew I could type that fast... LOL!!! Scam, raise John's coat tails a little higher (since you're hanging on them). They're dragging on the floor.

  66. Why not make $500 Per Sale within the AUTO WARRANTY BUSINESS @

    Who can afford to travel let alone buy a new car. WAKE UP FOLKS!

  67. People are keeping the cars longer (avg.7-9 years according to the NADA) 190,000,000 car owners are out of warranty. HUGE POTENTIAL!

  68. Who can afford a $1,500 transmission repair? let alone a $3,000 engine replacement.

    Creat Peace of Mind with the Dura Lube Auto Warranty!
