Friday, January 2, 2009

Tomer and Madoff: A Common Thread

With the recent arrest of Bernie Madoff, it is hard not to notice the similarities between Madoff's ponzi scheme and YTB. Apparently this did not go unnoticed by others either as is evidenced in a recent press release calling for more stringent enforcement by the SEC and the FTC against pyramid schemes.

The release states that with the current economy, the proliferation of these schemes will only increase and the end game will be more money lost by more consumers who can ill afford to lose it.

Some excerpts:
  • The Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme is the tip of a far wider pattern of pyramids and Ponzis. In a letter to the chairmen of the FTC and SEC, PSA charges that the lapse of FTC and SEC regulation has led to an epidemic of pyramid frauds, and it demands renewed regulation.
  • Eight "direct selling" companies that operate as endless chain recruitment schemes are now listed on major stock exchanges or on the over-the counter markets. The aggregate capitalization of these eight schemes is approximately $5 billion. One of these, Your Travel, is currently prosecuted by the California Attorney General who called it "a gigantic pyramid scheme." The other publicly trade companies using the pyramid model operate with impunity.
  • The basic fraud of a pyramid or Ponzi can be revealed only upon closer examination of the operations. Reliance upon complaints or blatant financial irregularities as cause for government action leaves the public exposed and allows the schemes to operate unfettered. Normal market mechanisms such as word of mouth warnings from consumers that were harmed or obvious indicators such as bankruptcies or police records of promoters do not apply in the white collar and well disguised world of pyramids. Until his first indictment, the infamous Charles Ponzi never missed a payment to investors in his namesake fraud of the 1920's and, therefore, did not generate "complaints."
A letter has been sent to both the FTC and the SEC calling for greater enforcement and can be found by clicking here.



  1. The most amazing thing about all this is that a lot of good, intellegent people get sucked into pyramid schemes. And now with the economic troubles people are much more likely to be desperate and get sucked in. The mlms all promise easy money and salvationm but the success stories are few and far between.

    Up until a few months ago the chairman of the FTC was a former Amway defense attorney. So it's little wonder these schemes ran rapid. Hopefully the recent events, combined with new leadership, will put an end to this madness!

  2. kholmes said...
    "And now with the economic troubles people are much more likely to be desperate and get sucked in."

    If that is so, then why is recruiting down?
    This BLOG is so full of CONTRADICTIONS.

    If you read the past few weeks POSTS, you will see that the ECONOMY is what is putting an END to your SO CALLED MADNESS.

    Why does the Calif AG need to do it?
    He's kinda busy right now... SUING MICROSOFT for XBOX problems, SUING George BUSH Administration for breaking promises, SUING the EPA for Violations... Countrywide, the Repeal Of Proposition 8... The Auto Companies and YTB...The Former Gov. MOONBEAM is quite busy with all the LAWSUITS he bringing against all these groups.
    So again, make up your mind on what kind of damage you think YTB is inflicting on the general populous.
    Are they taking enough of your business (TTA) to hurt you financially? Then Gov MOONBEAM will make your wishes come true.
    Or, are they barely struggling, selling off every asset to stay afloat? Let the economy decide. Why spend tax payers money to finish off what the economy and lack of recruiting will do by itself.
    OR??? are you just really scared that they be booking some travel and making money at it?
    Makes you think???

  3. If they were making any money,the stock would not be consistently at $0.25 - closed out the year at $0.19. As I and so many TTAs have said over and over, I'm not afraid of them taking my business, I'm concerned about them making all TAs look bad.

    Real CTA in MD

  4. Why let YTB writhe in misery when the lawsuits, the economy, the downturn in the economy and over all poor performance can together strike a fatal blow? Isn't that just more humane? And, it gives Daddy Bucks, Baby Bucks and the Fat Man time to hide some cash for your next MLM adventure. I'm sure you'll sign right up with another 500.00/49.95.

  5. Anonymous said..
    "I'm concerned about them making all TAs look bad."

    How's that... TA are right down there with Real Estate Agents. They make commissions and don't do any real work to earn it.

    Your so called REAL TA have had an image problem long before YTB came into existence.
    Why do you think there has been such a move to the Internet so people can book their own travel? People are sick and tired of paying somebody else to something they can do themselves. You have a lot more to worry about than YTB. I guess bashing the little guy makes you feel big and important...
    How about going after Barry Diller?
    You aint got the GUTS...
    He's the REAL THREAT TO TA's... not YTB

  6. Spoken like a guy who CLEARLY doesn't have a freaking clue what it takes to be a travel agent.

  7. Anonymous said...Spoken like a guy who CLEARLY doesn't have a freaking clue what it takes to be a travel agent.

    You can say that again. And again. Regarding YTB taking any of our business, now that's a real laugh. A buck commission on average for an entire year isn't what I would say is taking our business.

  8. Then why dont you go after Barry Diller instead of beating a dead horse...

    I know exactly what it takes to be a travel agent... and none of you are worth paying commission to. Just like Real Estate agents...
    Just like Car Salesmen...
    Worthless... I am GLAD the INTERNET is taking your jobs away from you. Now maybe you will have to WORK for a a LIVING instead of grasping for the crumbs left by the REAL working People.

  9. If Travel Agents and Car Salesmen are so obsolete and not worth anyone paying commission to, why is it that YTB is a "travel company" that also sells cars?

    Again, no issues with Barry Diller and Expedia. Nor Travelocity or Orbitz. You see they provide a level of service to the client. And yes they earn commission. But their service likely is not as robust as that of a TTA...and they charge accordingly. So sometimes they indeed may be lower priced than a TTA.

    Now YTB on the other hand, offer even less service (and I am being kind--just call the supplier) and their pricing is higher. So how is this such a great opportunity?

    Now you toss in the fact that they have taken it upon themselves to be the certifier of travel agents and for $500 and $50 a month they send 138,000 people out in the world saying they are travel agents when likely they are unable to find the local bus stop. Some of them even are ripping off the consumers they are pretending for.

    And we are picking on YTB for the reasons that have been stated here ad nauseum, but I am not sure Wood River woudl go along with your assessment that we are picking on the "little guys". YTB is planning to be the biggest travel company in the world. Don't believe me? Just attend any recruiting meeting--they will let you know!

  10. Your posts are getting ad nauseum john. This is your second post referencing matoff. Running out of originality John. Word of advice: Pay your bills and get a life. If you do that in the reverse order perhaps that can happen.

  11. ad nauseam or argument from repetition or argumentum ad infinitum is an argument made repeatedly (possibly by different people) until nobody cares to discuss it anymore.

    Why do you even have this BLOG John?
    You even stated it is ad nauseum...

    You THRIVE on DRAMA. They make medicine for that... or even THERAPY might help.

  12. John thrives on drama since this is one of his main sources of income now from ads. He HAS to create as much drama as he can since he can't pay his bills as it is. He needs this site now since his travel business is not what he hoped it would be otherwise he wouldn't need this site.

  13. To anonymous above: call it drama if you want, whether you like it or not I say that John is telling it like it is and he is being very effective with his blog.

    I sent a similar letter out as well. Now more than ever is the time to push these agencies to do the correct thing and clear the system off these wonderful "opportunities" that do nothing but destroy peoples lives.

  14. I know exactly what it takes to be a travel agent... and none of you are worth paying commission to. Just like Real Estate agents...
    Just like Car Salesmen...
    Worthless... I am GLAD the INTERNET is taking your jobs away from you. Now maybe you will have to WORK for a a LIVING instead of grasping for the crumbs left by the REAL working People.

    ANother YTBer with a loose screw! First of all, Internet is NOT taking over...idiot, TTAs use the internet or did Jesus Coach tell you otherwise?

    And from what I recall awhile back, one of YOUR YTB leaders also taunted taking over Barry Diller. So which side are you on?

    And I don't care how many car sites are online, your YTB cars are meant for YOU to buy, not your consumer...and even if they did come across your site, THEY WILL STILL go IN PERSON to a car DEALERSHIP to speak with a CAR DEALER, NOT an uninformed, inexperienced 'travel agent' about cars. That one was a good one.

    Second of all what normal person, goes online and buys a house with a couple of clicks??? You truly are an idiot.
    Either you are new to YTB and already brainwashed, or broke and brainwashed.

    I can't believe this idiot said that TTAs don't do any work. Well when you compare the service ofa TTA and YOU, I bet the TTA does more. You just refer people to your cookie cutter site. That over 100k has too. Geez.

  15. All the other ANONs that are whining here YET AGAIN,

    So if you don't like John or his blog, go hang out on other gazillion blogs..just not your own or you'll be in violation!

  16. "just not your own or you'll be in violation!"

    in violation of what?

  17. I have to ask... what services do a TTA provide that a person cannot do for themselves over the internet?
    I only used an agent once and I did all the work showing her where I wanted to go and what excursions I wanted booked. Yet I had to pay her a fee to do this...

    Ever since then, I use the internet and do it all myself... 1 Cruise booked thru TTA...
    7 booked myself.
    Hell, I could become a TTA!

  18. "I can't believe this idiot said that TTAs don't do any work. Well when you compare the service ofa TTA and YOU, I bet the TTA does more. You just refer people to your cookie cutter site. That over 100k has too."

    IDIOT! He thinks I am YTB because I dont think TTA as worth paying any commission to.

    "So if you don't like John or his blog, go hang out on other gazillion blogs.."

    IDIOT! I love John's BLOG... thats why I read it. You ASS-U-ME that I am YTB since I read this BLOG. I just happen to like drama.
    This is more entertaining that soaps on TV.
    I hear more RUMORs here than I do from the little ole church ladies .

    This is entrainment at its best!
    Kepp up the good work John,
    and ALL you WHINING LOSERS, keep posting,
