Becky Brown, an agent with YTB Travel Agency, said she has not seen business decline with the economy, and she doesn't expect it will anytime soon.
"The travel business has done well," Brown, who said she's booked more trips in the last six weeks than she did in all of 2008, said. "It's cheap to travel right now."
However, considering the average sales levels of RTAs, selling more travel then you did last year is not a difficult thing to do. And is she employed with YTB? I think that is another violation!
Lame John. When I saw this article the other day I wondered if you would tattle.
ReplyDeletefiremedic-it's lame when someone is passing themselves off as a travel agent when they in fact are not. I don't think so. It's lame that you keep coming here and spouting your daily dose of inane drivel.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it lame, FireMedic? Becky Brown is in direct violation of her (and your) agreement with ytb by granting this interview to the local news paper (sections 3.9 and 3.22). And why is it "tattling" to report on it? ytb specfically request that anyone in violation be reported.
ReplyDeleteAnd you, being a travel store owner, knowing of this blatent violation, if you did not report it of your own accord, you are also in violation of the agreement (section 5.3). Did you report it, thereby being a "tattletale" yourself, or did you just ignore it, blatently violating your agreement with ytb?
Will Ms. Brown feel any repercussions from ytb for her blatent violations? Probably not, just as it appears no one does. If ytb is not going to enforce their own policies and procedures, what was the point of issuing this 49 page document, if not as a reactionary response to the CA lawsuit, as if to say "look, we're doing what we can, but these people are just running amok".
Blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah. Again, showing your maturity and ability to debate the issue in a mature, adult manner.
ReplyDeleteCompliance issues aside (and she is in violation) what bothers me is this person calling herself a travel agent. She is not. If I were a TTA that supports this newspaper with my advertising dollars I would be furious to say the least and be looking to spend my advertising dollars elsewhere.
firemedic said...
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah.
Jan 26, 2009 10:04:00 AM
What's the matter, FireMedic? No cognizant, dispassionate, logical response to the truth that has slapped you in the face? Or is it that you are like most ytbers, in that you just "can't handle the truth"?
First did Becky refer to HERSELF as a travel agent? NO. The article said she was an AGENT with YTB. It never said specifically TRAVEL AGENT. Is she not and agent? DO we know that she isn't an RTA? A referring travel agent is still an AGENT of the company.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the policy states that she is not allowed to comment on the company, its products or services.
She spoke specifically about the travel industry as a whole. She simply stated that she hasn't seen business decline and doesn't expect it to. She said "the travel business has done well" "its cheap to travel right now"
Show me where she spoke to the media about the company or its products and services.
It also states that YTB would have the final say. Technically she could ask for permission to say what she said and could have been given approval according to the policy. Do we know that she didn't even though she doesn't need to because she didn't speak specifically about the company, or its products or services.
But Josh as you say, if she is a AGENT, not a TA....then why is SHE commenting about the industry of travel at all? Once again you back peddle.
ReplyDeleteYou are splitting hairs Josh.
ReplyDeleteHere is what it says"
"Becky Brown, an agent with YTB Travel Agency,"
YTB is NOT a travel agency. Never will be. And, she is not representative of the travel industry.
Travel Pro, that is YOUR OPINION.
ReplyDeleteYTB travel network is a travel agency. Period. You may not like it but that is the fact.
Becky, an Agent with YTB IS a representative fo the industry. Again, you may not like that. She likely isn't the best person to quote but she is still a representative on the industry.
SCAM, i didn't back peddle. So, some small local newspaper calls someone who is involved with YTB, for whatever reason, and that is the part that we don't know. She makes a comment. She doesn't have to be traditional travel agent to comment on the industry. She wasn't quoted as an expert, was she? She has a travel website, may even book directly with vendors and she was commenting on trends in her business. He business is IN THE TRAVEL INDSUTRY. It doesn't matter your opinion of whether or not she should be, she IS. SHE didn't mislead, heck the paper didn't even mislead. She could have been just a frequent traveller who is on a plane twice a week and could have commented on how the planes are more full or less full than they used to be. In that case she would also be a VALID representative on the industry.
What is left out is in that article, she is quoted and mentioned on those two lines. The article was much bigger and she wasn't the main focus. Just an additional insight from someone INVOLVED IN THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY.
As to YTB being a travel agency, a joke. CA AG differs.
ReplyDeleteI doubt if the real travel agents who spend money on advertising with that paper are going to be very happy she is quoted.
Josh, here is the problem with your argument. Ms. Brown was identified as "an agent with ytb travel agency", therefore she was speaking on behalf of ytb, regardless if she self identified or not. Why did she not self identify simply as "a local travel agent"? Whether Ms. Brown identified herself as an "agent" or not, section 3.9 of the policies and procedures manual explicitly prohibits a travel store owner from speaking to the media. It states, and I quote "All inquiries by any type of media must be immediately referred to ytb public relations department, without comment by the travel site owner."
ReplyDeleteYou go on to ask whether or not we know if she got permission. From my personal dealing with the office in Wood River, I find it highly unlikely that she took the time to ask for permission to respond to the newspaper. Wood River takes an inordinate amount of time to do anything, and newspapers are under a deadline, and generally don't have time to wait for permission for someone to speak, along with the fact that ytb, and again I quote "In the event that ytb does grant permission for the use of such media, ytb has final authority on every stage of the productino process with full rights to all recordings". I highly doubt that a newspaper is going to 1)wait on Wood River to review, and 2)give them all rights to anything. Chances are more than likely she decided to speak now without permission, and ask for forgiveness later. A common thread amongst ytb.
You also state "her BUSINESS is in the travel industry". According to section 3.21, neither Ms. Brown, you, nor anyone involved with ytb has a business. So, according to this section, she cannot speak as someone IN THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY. So, you're right in the aspect that it doesn't matter my opinion. The opinion and stated policies and procedures of ytb trump all here, since we're talking about someone involved with ytb.
What it all boils down to is that Ms. Brown spoke to a newspaper, a full 5 weeks after the policies and procedures were put into place, and by doing so, apparently violated those policies and procedures. But, as we all know, ytb doesn't care if their policies and procedures are being followed, as evidenced by certain blogs still being published, and by your and others continued participation on this blog.
Ainsworth, seems you can't read. First the policy does state about "all inquriries..." but the sentence before says folks can't speak to media about YTB, the company, or its' products and services."
ReplyDeleteWith respect to eht BUSINESS. The policy doesn't say it isn't a business, it says you can't say you are selling a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.
It is still home-based business regardless of the IC designation. And frankly, even if it wasn't a BUSINESS, she still works in the industry thus qualifying her to at least be able to comment on it.
You also do not know when the interview took place. The paper was doing a story on local businesses and how the economy has impacted them. I can tell you in my dealing with newspapers that if the story isn't top news, that it could take weeks if not months to put something even simple together.
"she still works in the industry thus qualifying her to at least be able to comment on it."
ReplyDeleteAnyone who sells perfumes, flowers, cars, tents, meat and all the other crap YTB is hawking is not in the travel industry nor does she have professional designation to be a spokesperson for the travel industy.
Josh she says she sold more in the last 6 weeks than all 2008. So obviously she is dealing with a current article and not something months old. And if you know anything about newspapers, very little is old news unless it is a series or a lifestyle thing. But certainly an article on the economy MUST be current.
ReplyDeleteYTB is clear that it does not want it's representatives speaking to the media. Spin it however you want.
And to be honest she should have identified herself as an Independent Referring Travel Agent with YTB or as an Independent Referring Affiliate with YTB. NOT a travel agent. YTB has yet to confer that designation on anyone!
Where does it say that she referred to herself as anything. I have be mislabeled at least a dozen times in the last 2 months alone in local newspapers. They call me for a comment, ask me who i work for, and call me a dozen different things.
ReplyDeleteWhere is it clear that YTB doesn't want it reps speaking to the media about ANYTHING?
Oh, you can speak to the media, but with PERMISSION. That is clearly spelled out in section 3.9:
Travel Site Owners must not attempt to respond to media inquiries regarding YTBTN, its
products or services, or their independent business. All inquiries by any type of media
must be immediately referred to YTBTN’S Public Relations Department, without comment
by the Travel Site Owner. This policy is designed to ensure accurate and consistent
information is provided to the public as well as a proper public image. Travel Site Owners
must not utilize radio or television media for the advertising, distribution or promotion of
YTBTN products or the Travel Site Owner opportunity without the express written
consent of YTBTN. In the event that YTBTN does grant permission for the use of such
media, YTBTN has final authority on every stage of the production process with full rights
to all recordings.
Along with this, they have all kinds of other restrictions where people connected with ytb can speak and/or express opinions. Why would anyone affiliate with a company like that, who is going to stifle their freedom of speech?
Well she was not advertising on TV or radio, so I guess she was talking to the media. And I do believe she discussed her "independent business' and YTB.
ReplyDeleteI have sold more in the last six weeks than all last year seems like a discussion of her business (and possibly a recruiting pitch), and she is associating herself with YTB as a Travel Agent with YTB Travel Agency.
And you all still assume that she didn't have permission from YTB in the first place. You don't know. Just the other day Ainsworth jumped up and down when I assumed he wasn't a tax professional during tax season.
ReplyDeleteLike I said earlier, blah , blah , blah. And when I say that I am just matching the lameness of the whole entry today. In the words of the king of the Drive-By TTA's...."drivel".
A bunch of HOOTIN TattleTales! (_o_)
ReplyDeleteShe only violated the corporate policy...
You're breaking the laws of nature...
I wish we could enforce that one... but,
Unfortunately, being STUPID is not punishable.
You're lucky that I am not allergic to STUPID people.
Have a great day tattletales.(_o_)
H(o)(o)T! H(o)(o)T!
Josh said... "I have be mislabeled at least a dozen times in the last 2 months alone in local newspapers. They call me for a comment, ask me who i work for, and call me a dozen different things."
ReplyDeleteI can certainly understand that and why.
(_?_) (_?_) (_?_) IDIOTS! (_?_) (_?_) (_?_)
ReplyDeleteShe is an agent for
Yegnes, Toister, & Biran Travel Agency.
Jokes on you!
H(*)(*)T! H(*)(*)T!
Melvin - are you off your meds again?
ReplyDeleteNice try, somehow I think one of Israel's leading law firms is not really concerned with the travel economy in Texas!
ReplyDeleteGood one Melvin... 2 hoots!
ReplyDeleteBut John has learned how to GOOGLE.
A Real Travel Pro Said:
"Compliance issues aside (and she is in violation) what bothers me is this person calling herself a travel agent. She is not. If I were a TTA that supports this newspaper with my advertising dollars I would be furious to say the least and be looking to spend my advertising dollars elsewhere."
What LAW prevents anyone from calling themselves a travel agent or any other type of sales person?
She didn't refer to herself as a TTA.
(that would really have got you panties in a wad)
Definition of a travel agent:
someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers.
No master's degree needed here.
GED anybody?
Buy a website and sell a trip... call yourself a travel agent... What crimes have been committed? Who got hurt? Oh, you didn't make the sale, so she stole $$$ form your business.
That's what it boils down to. You are afraid she (YTB) will take all your business away.
Boycott a newspaper... that'll show them.
Grow up!
Anyone that hawks other wares on their website is not a professional travel agent. Anyone that works for a scam outfit like YTB is not a professional travel agent and has zero knowledge of how the travel industry work. She is not representative of the travel industry. Anyone who derives more income from recruiting than selling travel is not a travel professional.
ReplyDeleteJust because I can point and click on webmd doesn't make me a doctor. And, just because she bought a canned website that she directs people too book does not make her a professional travel agent either.
As to your growing up comment the fact that you all keep defending a company such as YTB shows your intelligence and maturity which is both at the bottom of the food chain.
Go grab yourself some grits and gas at Grits Travel another fine YTB seller and representative of the travel industry or go buy some sex toys with that all inclusive vacation from Travelingmom another stellar YTB professional agent.
You people are hilariously funny busybodies.
ReplyDeleteOne would think that Grown men and women could behave in an Adult manner. It is so entertaining to see how upset you get over the words Travel Agent. If you could only be this passionate, with the things that really matter, your lives would be so blessed and you would feel fulfilled.
But you choose to be destructive and speak only bad things. That is what you will reap my friends. Bad things... It is not too late for you to change your destructive ways. You can become PRODUCTIVE and make a change for the good. When you do this, your businesses will be BLESSED and you will feel like you have made a contribution to help the world become a better place.
If you continue on your current path, the title Travel Agent will be less respected than the title Scam Artist. Google the phrase Scam Artist and this blog along with the words
Travel Agent is right up at the top of the list.
Do you see what you are actually accomplishing here? You are responsible for the association of Scam Artist and Travel Agent. This Blog has done more harm than good to the title of Travel Agent. Keep it up and Travel Agents will be lower than Whale Sh*T.
FireMedic, Josh, et al....Ms. Brown may very well have gotten permission before being quoted, but past experience has shown that the majority of ytbers act of their own volition, without permission, thinking that they will then ask for forgiveness for their transgressions.
ReplyDeleteAnd Fire, I didn't "jump up and down", I merely questioned you about it, and then proceeded to disprove all your theories about me. Maybe you need to think before you speak anymore, lest your words come back to bite you in the ass, yet again.