The last time we joined Lady Liberty, she had just completed her $30,000 analysis that indicated that this donation from YTB to the City of Hammond, IL would cost the city millions just to erect. Realizing that they may have received the short end of the torch, the City placed Lady Liberty for sale on eBay.
Unfortunately, there were no bidders to the minimum bid of $150,000. So now it looks like Hammond needs to figure out the best way to dispose of her--some have indicated that disposal might exceed $100,000. Maybe they can try Craigslist. Or maybe YTB can call Carnival Cruise Lines and see if they want to be the first with a Foam Fake Statue of Liberty at sea. Just a thought!
It seems that YTB has been able to pull a fast on on the City of Hammond, just like it did the 138,000 RTAs that bought into their scheme!
To recap, the statue was built by a company owned by a pair of Tomers and a Sorensen. The publicly traded YTB cut a check to the privately held company for $6 million (or maybe it was $8 million) for the statue--according to television reports this did not include shipping. But shipping may have been free since UPS was sponsoring the convention. But anyhow, not knowing what to do with the hunk of foam, YTB donated it to the City of Hammond and likely took a healthy tax deduction because this was a tribute to fallen heroes. Now the city has paid $30,000 for an engineer to tell them that in essence it is a piece of foam and is in no way suitable for public outdoor display.
Good one sure got them!
My apologies as well John.
ReplyDeleteI didn't expect to be posting on blogs anytime soon, but...
I can't resist commenting on this topic.
Before everyone makes this out to be another lemon/egg in the face of YTB, perhaps that the destiny of the Lady Liberty Replica is not going to be donated and will have to remain right where she should be on the property of YTB headquarters standing tall for Life, Liberty, and Travel for all.
This could be God's way of saying to Coach, I want YTB to keep that statue.
Here's what I believe:
And we know that all things (even bad) work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
God is able to turn lemons into lemonade.
If anyone ever had any doubts that Rod is nuts, his post above just confirmed it.
ReplyDeleteRod-the statue will likely go to a landfill. Or if it goes anywhere, back to Beryl Martin. If you recall, at some point the donor shifted from YTB to Beryl Martin. This happened right after it caught some eco-flack.
ReplyDeleteBut more likely than not, it will be cut up and disposed of as a hazardous material and the city of Hammond will foot the bill.
I mean honestly, doe ANYONE want a foam lifesize Statue of Liberty?
It would have been better if the yayhoos at YTB would have donated the money to our troops or fire/police officers.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of money.
I'm using my common sense --
ReplyDeleteIf nobody will take the donation, then YTB ought to do the upgrade to the statue if needed as was reported by the engineering study last year.
The statue reflects the theme of YTB so it would be appropriate for YTB to keep it rather than trashing it.
I'm not a statue spokesperson, but that's what makes sense to me.
I can't believe there wasn't a deal made pre-construction of the statue with someone so that the owners knew where the statue was going to be permanently anchored. Assuming that build it and they will come was taking a big risk par with the rest of the average investors of 2008.
ReplyDeleteBut, if no one is willing to receive the statue as a donation, then the owners should anchor it at the home office. That would take care of the controversy that they built it for the sake of getting a tax write-off after using it for the convention purposes only and it would also add an appropriate monument representing the company.
ReplyDeleteDid you think to verify if the statue on e-bay was the one in question?
I don't think it is.
Do you even know where the statue is today?
Well NuttyRod, since YTB won't be around much longer, if they took it back and stuck it atop their old Kmart building, then it would become Wood River's problem. What happened to the plane they made from foam for the 2007 convention?
ReplyDeleteA simple solution would be to arm a bunch of people with BernzOmatics and melt the piece of junk to a puddle then sell the metal to a recycler. As for your opinion, I thought "Coach" told you that you couldn't have one. So much for you following the rules.
I don't think YTB has the $$$ for shipping it, the $$$ to upgrade it, the balls to admit it was a huge and expensive mistake. If the fake lady liberty ends up in the land fill does that mean YTB belongs in the trash too?
ReplyDeleteIt was a typical act first, think later action that makes YTB look really stupid.
Uh many fake lady libertys are there in Hammond? Anywhere? Not to worry - it's YTBs big baby for sure.
ReplyDeleteRod---there are very few 150' tall SOL's and I am taking the newspaper's word on the fate of the statue. I do know that B-M donated it to Hammond and apparently Hammond put it on E-Bay. Now unless Hammond is dealing with a black market currency of 150' foam statues, I have to assume it is YTB's.
ReplyDeleteNow, as for YTB paying for the erection of the statue. At the end of September they had access to $600K. Things have not been looking to good since then--seen the recent Coach's Corner and bonus listing? So, where are they coming up with the $1M+ to stabilize the island and then the additional funds to make the foam able to be mounted and withstand the weather?
Maybe one of those 10,000 millionaires that Coach has made might step up tot he plate. Maybe Candy or Doug will fork over some of the millions they have earned to do the right thing.
Where's the statue today folks?
ReplyDelete"It would have been better if the yayhoos at YTB would have donated the money to our troops or fire/police officers."
ReplyDeleteAnd the money you spent the last time you ate out would have been better spent on troops,fire,police. Or maybe you could have gotten a cheaper car and donated the rest. Or maybe you could downsize your house.
Isn't it amazing how some people who don't have money can always tell the ones that do how to spend/invest their money?
Besides, you are not allowed to comment on blogs anymore are you? don't get it. It is not about how they spend their money. How do you think PETA would react if a company donated to them 10,000 beaver pelts?
ReplyDeleteWhat benefit does a 150' piece of foam have to the fallen heroes? Dos it make you feel all mushy inside since you are a fireman? Maybe your station can bid on it and have it in honor of you all.
"And the money you spent the last time you ate out would have been better spent on troops,fire,police. Or maybe you could have gotten a cheaper car and donated the rest. Or maybe you could downsize your house."
ReplyDeleteOh please firemedic you can't compare a dinner out with a $6 to $8 million dollar FOAM staute that was made to honor our troops and is going to end up in a landfill.
This is the dumbest argument you have given on here to date.
If you want to stay in YTB after everything that has come out fine. But don't keep trying to justify the blunders, stupidity and excess of the Executives.
rodtravels said...
ReplyDeleteWhere's the statue today folks?
Just what I thought. No one knows.
I heard it was back in Indiana, but it's not in Hammond.
John said...
ReplyDeleteBesides, you are not allowed to comment on blogs anymore are you?
I said I was sorry.
In this instance, I felt it was easier to ask for forgivenss than ask for permission.
You do understand don't you?
ReplyDeleterodtravels said...
ReplyDeleteJohn said...
Besides, you are not allowed to comment on blogs anymore are you?
In this instance, I felt it was easier to ask for forgivenss than ask for permission.
I heard it was back in Indiana, but it's not in Hammond.
No, because why would you stay with, and defend a company that restricts what you can say, and where, and a company that you have to ask permission from to say anything?
And where did you "hear" this from? Do YOU know where it is? Do you know ANYTHING?
To answer your questions "And where did you "hear" this from? Do YOU know where it is? Do you know ANYTHING?"
ReplyDeleteI heard this from a phone call I made. My source told me the statue is in Griffith Indiana under the control of the creators. I was told that anyone can go there and see it in the warehouse where it is being stored.
Disclaimer: Don't take my word for it because my source is not a statue spokesperson either, but I beleive my source over ChrisN's.
It is doubtful this statue was advertised on e-bay for $150,000. I saw the beautiful replica and it is a beautiful hunk of art. I escorted to people off the street (snuck them through security) to show them what was going on inside the Edward Jones Dome. They were awestruck as was everyone who saw it. It's worth far more than $150K.
It's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it - and apparently it is not even worth it as a free donation!
ReplyDelete"Oh please firemedic you can't compare a dinner out with a $6 to $8 million dollar FOAM staute that was made to honor our troops and is going to end up in a landfill."
ReplyDeleteSo who gets to decide when the $8 meal or the statue money gets to be donated to something that you deem to be more noble Travel Pro? Wouldn't it be just as noble for you to give up your $8 meal? Oh, but you will jump on the bandwagon of putting down someone else for how they spend their money but you don't take the time to check the speck in your eye. Hypocritical. I don't see anyone griping about the $150 million that is being spent on Obama's inauguration when it could too be used differently.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought people named Conrad and Rod, nay, ALL people involved with YTB were prohibited from posting on internet blogs, forums, chat rooms and social networks by Section 3.5 of the Policies and Procedures that went into effect on December 15, 2008. If this is true, why are the above YTBites posting here?
ReplyDeleteThey are posting here because YTB could actually care less about compliance or enforcement unless it fits into their agenda of the moment. The policies and procedures are much like the foam statue. Handy when you need it, ignored otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI hope Rod is right about the FFL and the B&M (therefore YTB) is stuck storing it till the apes take over and inherit the earth!
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought people named Conrad and Rod, nay, ALL people involved with YTB were prohibited from posting on internet blogs, forums, chat rooms and social networks by Section 3.5 of the Policies and Procedures that went into effect on December 15, 2008. If this is true, why are the above YTBites posting here?"
ReplyDeleteYes Ainsworth that is correct.
What am I correct about, FM? The fact that ytb is and will continue to be a scam?
ReplyDelete"What am I correct about, FM? The fact that ytb is and will continue to be a scam?"
ReplyDeleteNo, that your comment as Veronica is correct. Remember that whole "writing style" you boasted about as being a sort of signature?
Um, thanks for giving me credit for something I didn't do. Yes, you're correct that writing styles are like signatures, but the only thing I see between what was posted and the way I write is the correct usage of grammar. You find it odd that other people in this world also use proper grammar when writing something? I write the way I speak, and the word "nay" is not something that I use on a regular basis. Another major difference, if you pay attention, is the capitilization of "ytb". I never capitilize it. Go back and read my previous posts. I will say this, though, FM. You, Doug and Rod sure have a lot in common. You're all amazingly bad conspiracy theorists. You're paranoid as well. I'd seek help for that, if I were you.
ReplyDelete"I will say this, thoug, FM. You, Doug and Rod sure have a lot in common. You're all amazingly bad conspiracy theorists. You're paranoid as well. I'd seek help for that, if I were you."
ReplyDeleteROTFL! That's hillariously the pot calling the kettle black! Thanks Ainsworth! I needed that!