Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Blah Blah Blah From A YTB Supporter

Round two from Bob Cushman from Endless Journey Drivel Travel.
As you are probably aware, many network marketing companies have tried to do what YTB is actually doing, and none have succeeded.  Our travel sales are proof of our success and impact.  YTB didn’t cause the paradigm shift, the internet did.  All we did was recognize an opportunity to capitalize on the consumer fulfilling their travel needs on the internet instead of calling a travel agent.  The only thing Barry Dillar (Expedia) got wrong was the power of word of mouth vs. advertizing.  Simple as that.  What YTB has done is take that model and put the relationship back into the transaction.

Sure it was disheartening to see the California AG filed a lawsuit, (key word ‘accusing’ ) but YTB wasn’t surprised it happened…they were only surprised it took them so long.  Who do you think put pressure on the AG to do so?  It will be amicably settled, just like the one before it and the one previously filed in Florida and the one in Rhode Island.   Just like Art Williams took on the entire insurance industry, as Primerica Financial Services and refused to give in to those who vigorously opposed them…YTB too will ultimately prevail.  If you were to read Art Williams’ latest book, “Coach, the A.L. Williams Story…you would see the parallels.

Sure sales are down…as they are across the entire economy and just like other companies; YTB has taken appropriate measures to compensate.  I served our great country for 22 yrs, and have learned the meaning of loyalty, commitment and the values that determine a great leader.  What I believe is not important; I look to a person’s actions which reveal true intention.  Yes, there are those like yourself who believe YTB is a cult and/or some illegal pyramid scheme.  Professional Network marketers are a rare entrepreneurial breed, and the ones who have chosen to build the foundation of YTB will be justly and richly rewarded.  Controversy is just part of what our CEO calls Success Tax.

I am right here; aware, informed, educated and taking action.  I will continue to build relationships with my clientele who will book with me.  I will also continue to share the YTB opportunity with others who seek a genuine home based business opportunity.  YTB isn’t for everyone…but many do want to learn how to: earn commission on their own personal travel and that of their friends, family and co-workers - save money on their travel - and take advantage of the legal tax benefits that are available to those that work their business with a clear intention to earn a profit.  Our Founders along with our legal department will continue to vigorously defend our rights to do so.

Who needs IATA or even IATAN?  RCCL "DEMOTED" Lisa Bauer for the decision to not do business with us because we did $13 Million in business with them before they made one of the biggest mistakes EVER!  In response, we sold more cruises in ONE DAY with Carnival, setting the record for the ENTIRE INDUSTRY (not just MLM) for the most cruises EVER sold by one agency in a single day. 

If I were you, I would be careful of what you say because you might have to eat your words later. 



  1. Yep. Too much Kook-aid.
    I think it's funny that the YTB camp is still trying to claim that Lisa Bauer was demoted. She was promoted. The demotion is nothing more than wishful thinking on their part.

    At the rate that vendors or dropping them I wonder how much longer they think they will be able to say "we don't need". When they don't have anything left to book but a Red Roof Inn, maybe they'll get it.

  2. So yesterday it was "I'm working towards my IATA" but today it's "who needs IATA or IATAN"? What a paradigm shift. But to answer the question, maybe YTB does, because without it, they're operating with a major handicap.

    Rather than parroting the company line, Bob, why don't you think for yourself and do a little research?

  3. "Who do you think put pressure on the AG to do so?"

    YTB had 18 months to get into compliance and refused.

    "Professional Network marketers are a rare entrepreneurial breed,"

    ie Dreamers and nut jobs.

    "YTB isn’t for everyone…but many do want to learn how to: earn commission on their own personal travel and that of their friends, family and co-workers - save money on their travel - and take advantage of the legal tax benefits that are available to those that work their business with a clear intention to earn a profit."

    Sigh. Here we go again with the save money on travel. YTB is NOT the lowest price option for on line travel. And, the tax benefits are questionable at best. As to the clear intention to earn a profit...LOL! Clear intentions don't pay bills. It has been documented the majority don't make any money.

    Who writes this stuff anyway? Do they have someone in Wood River do it? Because I can't imagine the average person in YTB is capable of writing such garbage.

    "If I were you, I would be careful of what you say because you might have to eat your words later."

    And, if I were you I would be looking for another income stream.

  4. Ya what did happen to " I am working on my IATA" Bob? Yesterday you were working on it,but today it doesn't matter.

    Anybody want to bet on how long it takes for this guy to start claiming he's making $10,000 per month?

  5. What's with the 'Our CEO' bit? Does every RTA actually think they 'work' for YTB? Aren't they supposed to be 'independent' business owners (or whatever is acceptable to call themselves this week?) Are the TSO's hoping the Labor Dept takes a closer look as well? That sure wouldn't help with the personal tax deductions would it? Make up your mind Bob et all. Who works for who at YTB?

  6. Real Travel Pro, you ask about who writes this stuff, and question if they have someone in Wood River doing it. I don't think it's someone in Wood River, but it definetly has to be someone somewhere that works for a PR firm, and this Bob Cushman person is doing nothing more than parroting what ytb sends out to their sheep. If you read what all the ytber's have to say, it's all basically the same thing. They all use the same exact words and phrases. A perfect example of this is the phrase "paradigm shift". How often have we seen this exact phrase in the numerous rants from various ytbers? I mean honestly, does that sound like a phrase that is used in everyday normal conversation over a cup of coffee, or does it sound like something that comes out of an advertising agency? Another example is the use of Barry Dillar and Expedia. Does anyone honestly think that the average person even knows who Barry Dillar is, let alone connect him to Expedia?

    Another thing that caught my attention in Mr. Cushman's diatribe is where he speaks of someone in ytb earning commission on their own travel, and that of their friends, family and CO-WORKERS. I have always heard that once you joined ytb, you can "fire your boss" and work for yourself. Well, doesn't that mean that you have NO co-workers? And if you have no co-workers, how can you earn commission on their travel? I realize that this may be a nit-picky detail, but it is a detail that ytb has put out there to try and recruit people into their scheme. What it says to me is that if you're in ytb and still have co-workers, then you aren't making enough money from ytb to "fire your boss", ergo not making enough money to live on........and that blows their entire theory out of the water.

    I also have to echo the amazement of previous commentors that Mr. Cushman states in one sentence that he is working towards his IATAN credentials, and then in a few sentences later he states "who needs IATA or even IATAN". For one thing, which is it Mr. Cushman? And for the other, do you realize that IATA and IATAN are one and the same?

    I'm also amazed that ytb and all those that still believe still see the move of Lisa Bauer as a demotion. How does one explain going from heading a department that has approximately 1000 people to heading a department with 5000+ employees a demotion? I'd truly love to hear the explanation of that.

    Another thing that Mr. Cushman needs to get straight is the ONE DAY that he crows about......what "you" sold, Mr. Cushman, were nothing more than something akin to gift certificates for a cruise. Not all of the "sales" that you and ytb keep cheering about were booked berths, the things that truly count as sales. The certificates are not counted as "sales" until they're actually used, and in case you didn't realize this, those certificates can be redeemed via Carnival directly or any travel agency.

    In closing, to Mr. Cushman, I will repeat back to him his closing sentence. Be careful of what you say because you might have to eat your words later.

  7. "Another thing that caught my attention in Mr. Cushman's diatribe"

    Funny you accuse someone of a "diatribe" and repeating the same old things, Ainsworth, when your post is the longest, thus far, of the same old rantings too. LOL!

    "If you read what all the ytber's have to say, it's all basically the same thing."

    As is what the Drive-By TTA's have to say.

  8. Fireman - do you work for YTB? Is Coach your CEO? Does YTb make all your business decisions for you? Can you think independently of YTB or is your whole being ruled by them?

  9. Ah firemedic. He makes my day with his inane comments. I see he is still blindly following Coach and the crew. Bahhhhhhhhhh!

  10. How did he go to earning his IATAN to not needing them in 1 day? Did he just realize that he will never achieve that goal for as long has he remains with YTB?

    I agree that they all have the same scripted schpiel. Its whats fed to them and they eat it up. Instead of doing hard core research on the industry and the company you choose to associate with. The AG didn't just up and decide that morning to slap a suit on YTB, it tried to work with them for 18 no avail. And as of the beginning of the month, the courts seem to agree there is a case.

    How about the fact that YTB is obviously not selling enough travel that they now have to hawk other products not associated to the industry at all on their sites? Why is this?
    I don't see Expedia doing that.

    Firemedic..I know you love to defend the company, but honestly do you think that statements like the ones above are good for YTB? The fact that his man had no clue IATAN was revoked over a year ago. Or that spouting that Ms. Bauer was demoted is a smart thing when in fact we all know thats not the case. Even if she was..she'd still be making more then 99.9% of YTBers make in a year.

  11. Mr. Cushman can you please tell me what aisle the toilet paper is in?

    Lisa is right. If YTB were really selling travel, then why did they need to add all the other crap? It's because CLIA is getting ready to give them the boot. So, Mr.Cushman I hope you are also working towards your barista skills. You're going to need them.

  12. FireMedic, I'm sorry that I'm not the automaton that you are, and don't regurgitate the same thing that ytbers do, that is written by someone else. I'm sorry that you find fault in the fact that I, unlike you, have, and am allowed to have, individual thought, and am able to express those thoughts in a straightforward, dispassionate, and cognitive way. I'm sorry that I, unlike you, don't need someone else thinking for me, and telling me what I can or cannot say either verbally or in the written form and where or where not I may say it.

    But, FireMedic, since you seem to think you are so much better and know so much more, can you please explain to us just how Lisa Bauer's move from VP of Sales, with a staff of approximately 1000 to VP of Hotel Operations, with a staff of 5000+ is a demotion? Can you explain how overseeing a smaller staff to a larger staff and, to be frank, more crucial, department a demotion? Or is this demotion story just something the folks in Wood River concocted to make themselves feel better?

  13. I tell ya, they'll go Agent 19 100% and drop the whole booking travel direct thing....

  14. "FireMedic, I'm sorry that I'm not the automaton that you are, and don't regurgitate the same thing that ytbers do, that is written by someone else. I'm sorry that you find fault in the fact that I, unlike you, have, and am allowed to have, individual thought, and am able to express those thoughts in a straightforward, dispassionate, and cognitive way. I'm sorry that I, unlike you, don't need someone else thinking for me, and telling me what I can or cannot say either verbally or in the written form and where or where not I may say it."

    LOL! You really are full of yourself. Dispassionate? LOL! Kind of like your ridding the world of the MLM's? You don't regurgitate the same old things? LOL! How many times has the Drive-By TTA's said that YTBr's can't "think for themselves"? The arrogance it deep!

    So Lisa went from VP of Sales to VP of making sure the bed sheets are changed (and naturally would need more employees to change the sheets so the number of employees seems trivial). Demotion, lateral move, promotion. I don't know. I don't really care.

  15. See, FireMedic, C-Rad old boy, that's where you have me all wrong. I'm not out to rid the world of all MLM's. I'm only out to rid the world of the ones that are scams, and the ones that do an injustice to the "industry" they're supposed to be in, and make promises they can't keep. Hence my crusade against ytb.

    Did you ever stop and think that the TTA's say the "same old things" is because all you ytbers keep saying the same old things.....the stuff that is written by some ad agency far removed from both Wood River and the travel industry? Maybe if you were allowed by the higher-ups in Wood River to have an original thought, you'd understand that. Maybe if ytbers were allowed to speak their minds, we wouldn't have to keep pointing out all the same idiocracy in what you keep spouting out. And just who are you calling a "drive by TTA"? I've been in the industry since 1992. How long have you been in?

    In regards to Ms. Bauer, your response shows just how ignorant you are of the cruise industry, and what the "Hotel" division encompasses. It also shows that you can't answer a simple, straight and to the point question put to you, either because you don't know or Wood River hasn't given you an answer. I'm guessing it's both.

  16. For those that are interested what the "Hotel Department" encompasses on a cruise ship, see below. Lisa was promoted from sales for RCCL to being in charge of the Hotel Department overseeing 21 ships.

    [b[Hotel Department
    If you've ever vacationed or stayed in a hotel for business, then you are familiar with many of the jobs that fall under the hotel department. This department is the largest and most diverse on the ship, and is run by the hotel manager. The divisions and hierarchy of the department mirror those in a hotel.

    Let's start with the most obvious--the cabins or staterooms on a ship. Responsibility for the cabins fall under the steward division, which is similar to the housekeeping department in a hotel. This division is responsible for making passengers comfortable while they are in their rooms, and includes the care of the cabins, room and messenger service, and laundry pick up and delivery. Positions in the steward division include the cabin stewards/stewardesses who clean and do daily maintenance of the cabins and general housekeeping.

    A clean ship is important to all cruisers. There is also a separate division that does the general cleaning and maintenance of the common areas around the ship. I shutter when I think of all of those windows that need washing, brass that needs polishing, and areas that need painting! The laundry on a ship must run almost continually. Bed linens, towels, tablecloths, and some crew uniforms must be laundered daily.

    Cruise ships pride themselves in their ability to provide a memorable dining experience to hundreds (or even a couple of thousand) of passengers and staff each day. It's not always easy to "run to the store" if the ship has forgotten something, either! The food and beverage division is responsible for all of the dining rooms, bars, the galleys (kitchens), clean up and provisions. There is a food and beverage manager who runs this department.

    The dining room manager, or maitre d', takes care of seating arrangements, service, and oversees the wait staff for the dining room. Under the maitre d' are the head waiters, and each of them is responsible for several waiters and busboys. Even though waiters and busboys are considered entry level positions, many cruise ships prefer those with previous experience from a restaurant or hotel dining room. Depending on the size of the ship, there may be several bars, and the service of drinks is a popular job on board. Bar tenders and wine stewards must usually have prior experience.

    The executive chef is responsible for the ship's cuisine. There are dozens of jobs in the galley (kitchen), many of which require extensive prior restaurant or cruise ship experience. The galley is usually divided into the hot galley and cold galley. The hot galley positions include all types of cooking--vegetables, fish, soup, and grill. The cold galley positions include baking, pastry, and buffets.

    With all of this food preparation and dining, there has to be a team responsible for cleaning up after the passengers and cooks. A cleaning crew (utility division) washes all of the dishes and tableware (including the pots and pans), changes the table cloths, vacuums the floors, and cleans the windows and bar areas.

    The provision division is responsible for procuring, storing, and issuing all of the ship's food and beverage requirements. The provision master and his staff orders the supplies and takes the weekly inventory of the ship's stores. As someone who keeps a running "grocery list" on her refrigerator for a family of only two , I can only marvel at the thousands of pounds of provisions that a ship would need each week for the thousands on board!

    The cruise staff also fall into the hotel department. They are responsible for all of the activities and entertainment on board and ashore. The cruise director is in charge of the cruise staff. The size of this staff, like all of the other departments, is dependent on the size of the ship. Entertainers such as singers, dancers, and musicians are needed on ships along with shore excursion leaders/coordinators, dive masters, and lecturers. Most of the cruise staff have a lot of interaction with the passengers, and must be able to focus on providing a "good time" for the cruisers. This "good time" attitude means that cruise staff have to be almost like cheerleaders--up beat, happy, and courteous to everyone. Some might think that the entertainers would have less hours to work than many of the other hotel staff. This normally is not true, because the entertainers often serve as hosts and hostesses during the day, or help with other areas of the hotel operations.

    The last division of the hotel department is the administrative section. This group is responsible for all of the ship's "paper work"--the mail, accounting, and daily newsletters. The medical staff also falls into the administrative group. The chief purser heads up the accounting, printing, and payroll sections, and the ship's doctor or principal medical officer is over the medical staff onboard. For those of you who were fans of the TV show "The Love Boat", it is important to note that the purser staff are not all like the character of Gopher on that show. (I never saw Gopher do ANYTHING!) The purser staff maintain all of the ship's documents and the passenger manifests and clearance papers. They also keep the safe, safety deposit boxes, and the passengers' bills and accounts. The information desk on many ship's is often manned by someone from the purser's office.

    Many of the other jobs that might fall into the Hotel Department are often concessionaires. These independent subcontractors lease space on a ship and then pay the cruise line a percentage of their profits. Concessionaires often operate the photography studio, gift and clothing shops, spas, and casinos. Some cruise lines use concessionaires to provide staff for most of the hotel operations on the ship, with a cruise line employee as the overall manager. Other cruise lines use concessionaires for the entire food and beverage operation. If you think you want a job in one of these areas, you may need to purchase a book that will provide a list of concessionaires, like "How to Get a Job with a Cruise Line", or sign up with a service that deals with concessionaires like cruise job

  17. Yup and Lisa just oversees changing sheets. ROTLMAO at the ignorance of the sheep.

  18. "How does one explain going from heading a department that has approximately 1000 people to heading a department with 5000+ employees a demotion? I'd truly love to hear the explanation of that."
    More people to manage = more work. No reward here.
    Rewards of Promotion = LESS WORK.
    DUH? I'm not even BLONE and figured that one out!

  19. Travel--

    I am glad you are not "blone". But thank you for proving the assumption that YTB truly does indeed seek out the lowest common denominator. I believe your $50 payment to Coach is due now!

  20. Travel....your response proves that you've never held a job where you have had a promotion. A promotion gives one more responsibility and an increase in pay, which is what Ms. Bauer got when she was named VP of Hotel Operations.

    To quote the immortal words of Mr. Cushman, "be careful of what you say because you might have to eat your words later".

  21. "And just who are you calling a "drive by TTA"? I've been in the industry since 1992. How long have you been in?"

    Being a "Drive-By TTA" has nothing to do with how long you've been in the industry. I wouldn't expect you to know where the term "Drive-By" was coined being the liberal you are. The term was coined by Rush Limbaugh in response to the media. He calls them the "Drive-By Media" when in response to how they report their liberal biases. They see a group on people, jump into the middle of them, tell a bunch of lies and misinformation, then drive off to spread the next lie. It just seemed fitting to the group of TTA's on this site but I certainly couldn't call you media. Therefore I coined the phrase the "drive-by TTA's". Just as irresponsible as the media and just as bitter. :)

  22. You are using Rush Limbaugh as an icon of truth? Things are worse than I thought! He's a damn druggie for heavens sake! I am so sorry Fireman.

  23. "Therefore I coined the phrase the "drive-by TTA's". Just as irresponsible as the media and just as bitter. :)"

    Firemedic, I have had enough of your crap. We the drive by TTA's as you like to call us are NOT the ones scamming people. We are not the ones working for a company with questionable ethics and being sued by the CA AG's office and investigated by other AG offices.

    You and your cohorts in YTB are the irresponsible ones because you KNOW FULL WELL that YTB is a scam. Yet you keep recruiting to line your pockets so you can act like the big shots you will never be.

    We are not the ones that are bitter. Just sick of your endless deflection and defense of a company who quite frankly stinks.

  24. Real Travel Pro is tired of MY crap!!! Guess who's tired of yours? Give you one guess!

    Eddie, You don't hold a candle to Rush. Just like you don't hold a candle to Coach.

  25. Firemedic..this blog is really not written for YTBites. It is written to inform people that have NOT drank the kool-aid about why MLM and travel is a bad mix. We have put forth much documentation and proof and offered plenty of material for people to make their own decision. Beyond that, we have no control. They can believe it or not.

    You say you are tired of our "crap". Well, as has been suggested many times, then don't come here. If you are tired of Big Macs you don't go to McDonalds.

    It has been said that we are helping YTB to grow by pointing out all the bad things they do. Well that is sort of a demented point of view but hey, why should anything less be expected. But what do YOU feel you are doing for YTB? Are you helping their cause?

    You are lucky that you can maintain your anti-Traverus blog because you keep relatively anonymous and do not include links to your RTA site (if you even have one), so YTB probably does not know how to reprimand you. I say relatively anonymous, because that is exactly what it is.

  26. Well John, it is very evident and has been for quite some time that your blog is NOT about MLM's and travel. It's about YTB. The fact that people have had the audacity to stand up to your spin and lies has only pissed you off even more. You have been made to look like a fool several times yourself. And when you get a dose of your own medicine you don't like it. I know full well that I don't have to come here and a lot of times I don't bother commenting on most of the crap because I realize it's just you and the other Drive-By's "drivel". But as long as you spin your crap, I too will probably be around. If you don't like it.....block me. I haven't had to post really anything lately on the Traverus site because they haven't been saying anything. That's what I was hoping for. What's funny though is how the Drive-Bys are all over the people that blog and jump up and down pointing fingers like little tattle-tale school girls when they find a blog.

    What's sad is that your purpose in life (slander people you don't know) says way more about you than you seem to want to even admit. But what comes around goes around. Also known as reaping what you sow (the Christian version since you claim to be one).

  27. Fireman--sorry that you are unable to comprehend...not much I can do about that. Take it up with your kindergarten teacher.

    Have you looked around, TraverUs us doing PLENTY of soliciting and bashing YTB. But I suspect that you only want to hear what you want to hear and nothing else.

    There has been no slander on this blog in the posts or comments I have made. Care to point them out for me?

    I have been wrong a few times, and you know what, I man up and admit it. I do not see that on the other side too much. On the YTB side, when proven wrong, they either ignore it, delete it, or refuse to allow anyone to comment on it. I will toss back at you, produce some credible evidence that Dr. Seligman exists and that Candi Mae has won all sorts of "industry awards".

    As for pointing fingers...why are you surprised. This blog is against MLMs. And if you prefer it to not mention YTB, take that up with Wood River because they are the ones putting forth all of the "ammunition" to fuel it. But when YTB comes out and says "we are now prohibiting our TSOs from utilizing the internet to market their business other than our sites", you might think they'd have the balls to at least make an attempt to enforce it. And no, it is not just me that is pointing it out. WHAM has a notice on the YTB thread that per YTB policy, the thread is closed.

    If Google allowed me to block you, believe me I would. The value you bring to this blog does not exist other than to take bandwidth.

    YOU are the one that is embarrassing YTB and I am sure that if they knew who you were, they would attempt to quiet you as they have TravelingMom. But you do not even have the courage to identify yourself to your own "people". I woudl call you spineless, but I think I may just stick with testicularly challenged.

  28. "I have been wrong a few times, and you know what, I man up and admit it."

    Or just change the post so that if no one got the screen shot there is no evidence on what was said. (i.e. CLIA). Or you just plain ignore it when you are caught.

    "If Google allowed me to block you, believe me I would. The value you bring to this blog does not exist other than to take bandwidth."

    Oh, come on John. You said you don't block anyone because everyone should be heard, right? You even allow people to post porn since you are so much about free speech! But I understand you not wanting anyone to debate the Almighty You. You just want to spread your spin and not be questioned.

    "As for pointing fingers...why are you surprised. This blog is against MLMs."

    And once again I suggest this blog is not about "MLM's" (notice the plural). It's about YTB and your obsession with them. You don't have to be the head cashier at Wal-Mart to figure that one out.

    "YOU are the one that is embarrassing YTB and I am sure that if they knew who you were, they would attempt to quiet you as they have TravelingMom. But you do not even have the courage to identify yourself to your own "people". I woudl call you spineless, but I think I may just stick with testicularly challenged."

    And from what I have heard you too are an embarasment to the industry you so claim to love. Not putting my real name out there is not any different than many of your posters. Are they too "spineless"? Or is it just the ones on the YTB side?

    Like I said dude, you reap what you sow.

  29. Firman--be the hero to all MLM and show me the screen shot you claim to have where I changed the post.

    I am sorry, I don't play like that, so you claim to have the goods on me changing a post (aside from appending it with Jim Smith's comments) man up and show me. You have my email address.

    Get one of those throwaway hotmail addresses and send it to me or maybe you can post it as an image to your anti Traverus blog and the world can see for themselves.

    That is unless it was just your imagination running wild!

  30. John I did not say that I had a screen shot. What I said was that there was no way to prove it unless one would have gotten it. The people that read it know what you said before you changed it after Jim ,in a sense, spanked you for what you posted about CLIA being paid off. There were lots of people that saw it, including Jim Smith.

    And I can't say I recall you ever truly "manning up" when you were wrong. Seems there was always a "yeah but" thrown in there to dumb down the fact that you were wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link the last time you manned up and admitted you were wrong without any "yeah buts" in there?

  31. Then have all the people that saw it show me. That is a complete figment of your imagination. I added Jim's comments after he contacted me because Sharack and Dale did not return phone calls before it was published. That is the ONLY change that was made. Prove it otherwise or STFU.

    I am not going to provide links, but two times stand out--Candie Mae and Regina Osei. You are a big boy mouse back and find them!

  32. "Prove it otherwise or STFU." LOL! Getting under your skin a bit John when you get called out? You changed your wording John pretty quickly from pretty much insinuating that YTB was paying off CLIA. You know it too. Call Jim Smith and ask him what he thinks of your comment and you in general.

  33. So now you personally know Jim Smith of CLIA firemedic? Just like you personally know Coach? I think you are a liar and quite frankly full of it firemedic. Not only that you have mental issues. As to my comment above about you sick of our crap I am not the one that called YTB irresponsible and hate mongers like you called TTA's. And let's not forget all the nice things you say about Traverus.

    As for this blog being about YTB that has been discussed before. YTB is the loudest, most obnoxious and arrogant. They have had their IATA number yanked and been cut off by suppliers. In addition, they are being sued by CA AG's office for being a pyramid scheme. Let's not forget anything about YTB is public thanks to the SEC filings. None of the other MLM's in travel even come close to the deceit, propaganda and lies YTB has put out. Therefore, you get the most comments.

  34. Blah, blah, blah FireMedic. You can't prove anything because there is nothing to prove. You're nothing but a big blowhard, paranoic, conspiracy theorist, and a very bad one at that. You see dastardly deeds where none exist, you see others as having multiple personalities when they don't, you see conspiracies where none exist. What is it you like to say to people? What you see in others is probably the most pertinent to yourself. I know that's not the exact wording, but that's the gist of it.

  35. firemedic said...
    "Prove it otherwise or STFU." LOL! Getting under your skin a bit John when you get called out? You changed your wording John pretty quickly from pretty much insinuating that YTB was paying off CLIA. You know it too. Call Jim Smith and ask him what he thinks of your comment and you in general.

    Fire, I think you probably got under John's skin, though I can't speak for him, because you have got to be one of the most obnoxious people walking the face of the planet, and you're like a dog with a bone. You get on one subject and just won't let it go, even when proven differently, and being polite to you gets one nowhere, and yes, people on this blog have tried to be polite to you at various times.

    If this blog has evolved into an anti-ytb blog, it's because ytb is the squeaky wheel, and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. What part of that do you not understand? It is what it is, and if you don't like it, I for one say to you TOUGH, DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE.

    Now, as far as ytb and CLIA....well, ytb is a cash cow for CLIA, and I for one personally believe that CLIA is going to do little, if anything to help put an end to the abuses of ytb. If anything, they're going to go out of their way to help ytb continue, thereby enriching themselves. If that means making sweetheard deals, then they will. Now, ask me how much I care about what CLIA and/or Jim Smith thinks of me and/or my comments, because the answer will be not at all. I don't belong to CLIA, don't plan on belonging, and I don't sell cruises.
