Last week, I took a few minutes and sent them all an email to see how they were doing. Not one was returned. Now that is not surprising at all to me. But was interesting is that the majority of the most ardent supporters of YTB no longer have travel websites. You see, true to the mantra, they included the RTA website address on all their emails to me so I can follow these things. But I have to question why someone that says he is making $30,000 a month decides to throw it all away? Why is it that a man who was an "internet pioneer" and running businesses in many states, threw it all away? Why does someone that can thank YTB for their Cocaine White Bently and Mercedes G-500 just throw it all away? Why are some of the lower level directors who seemed to have it all throwing it all away?
Why is it that the websites of the 42 business cards I have picked up over the last year from various bulletin boards in restaurants and supermarkets all lead to a dead site? Now mind you, the recruiting site is still active, but the travel sites are all dead.
Well, I think we all know the answer don't we. Even the devout know. Deep down inside they know that they have been taken for a fool. No one wants to believe it. There is always one more shot at the golden ring. Well, here's the secret, there is no golden ring.
"I took a few minutes and sent them all an email to see how they were doing."
ReplyDeleteAll of them? Really?
And ALL the Booking Engines were down?
DUH? The few folks that were making 30K a month are not making that now. Thank GOD and YTB they had to opportunity to make it when they did.
ReplyDeleteNothing lasts forever. Not even you and your Blog, Dear John will last forever. Enjoy your FOLLY and Ridicule while you can.
The lower level directors to whom you refer are not throwing it all away. Maybe the economy is not affecting you like the rest of the country, but it is affecting a lot of people, even YTB'ers.
If you knew as much about YTB as you claim to, then you know, that once a director, always a director is NOT a fact. Directors must not only maintain current enrollment, but must add to continue being directors at their current level. But thats MARKETING.... what does that have to do with TRAVEL? All you DWELL on is the MARKETING of YTB.
Do you have a PLAN to help the YTB'ers who are falling on hard times due to the economy?
I would love to hear it. When was the last time you made 30K a month booking travel?
I don't believe you have a solution to the issues at hand. So you talk about people and things of which you have only pieces of knowledge. Your kinda like a school teacher. "Those WHO CAN, DO and those WHO CAN'T TEACH. I am not sure what to think about you dear John, Your not much a teacher either...
In this economy (thanks to the CLINTON administration) not all RTA's can afford to keep their websites turned on. Not all YTB'ers are making 30K a month as you claim. Only a few ever make it to that level. And those are the MARKETING people. Really John, how many travel agents with ANY company are making 30K a month in commissions?
Network Marketing PROVES that there are GOLDEN RINGS out there for anybody who is willing to work. But NOTHING lasts FOREVER. There are plenty of people in CONVENTIONAL Business models who have achieved 30K a month and now have nothing to show for it... WHY? Were they mislead to believe that once you reach 30K a month you are set for life. No, Markets change,economies change, and no one stays at the top forever.
Your Obsessive Compulsion with YTB is your WEAKNESS and will also be your downfall.
Your still in our Prayers. As long as you're alive, there is room for FORGIVENESS for all the HATRED and ANGER you so seem to love stirring up.
Merry Christmas!
Good grief, what drivel... And your point is?
ReplyDelete"DUH? The few folks that were making 30K a month are not making that now."
ReplyDeleteThe folks NEVER made that amount to begin with. Look at the SEC filings.
"Do you have a PLAN to help the YTB'ers who are falling on hard times due to the economy?"
Maybe they can ask Congress for a bailout.
"In this economy (thanks to the CLINTON administration) not all RTA's can afford to keep their websites turned on."
Tired old argument.
"how many travel agents with ANY company are making 30K a month in commissions?"
Lots of us.
Lots of us????
ReplyDeleteSo "lots" of travel agents make over 300k annually? Amazing considering the average income for a travel agent nationwide is 35k. SO, are we to assume that there must be "lots" also making nothing to keep that average going.
Is the travel agent business model failed? After all if some people aren't making money then it must be right?
I think his POINT is: Why be so negative? Can't we find something POSITIVE to BLOG about?
ReplyDeleteThis is the SEASON for spreading CHEER, not Doom & Gloom. All this NEGATIVITY does is stir up anger and resentment. Let's BLOG about something POSITIVE and RAISE our Spirits up!
Merry Christmas and a PROSPEROUS New Year!
To further the math, for every ONE agent making 300k annually there must be 9 making ZERO to account for the average of around 30k. So if lots are making 300,000 annually then there are 9 times LOTS making not just a little but ZERO!!!
ReplyDeleteSo, either you are completely full of you know what or the travel agent model is completely flawed.
Or we are just using the same math that you YTBers do considering you all make $30K a month in travel yet the SEC reports state otherwise. Hmmm...pot kettle is calling.
ReplyDeleteTravel Lisa,
ReplyDeleteWho here says we "all" make 30k a month. There have been and still are people in YTB making that much and YES there are many making nothing and many have dropped out. You can look at the income disclosure statement (which is only the REP side by the way)
I suppose the problem on both sides here is in using absolutes to make a point. I find it hard to believe that John brought in 42 business cards over the past year and ALL of them now are inactive. I am sure that there are some as laws of averages would attest.
I have never heard any YTBer claim to make $30K monthly in TRAVEL. I have heard a few YTBer's claim to have made that and more through Marketing. But then again, those were not claims that they did that EVERY MONTH. As an INVESTOR, I have made $30K in one month. But its not consistently done every month. Why is this even an issue?
ReplyDelete"All this NEGATIVITY does is stir up anger and resentment.
You hit the nail on the head... People thrive on DRAMA... and tend to create DRAMA if none is available.
That's Funny,
ReplyDeleteJohn and his DRAMA QUEENS thrive on the DRAMA.
Ha Ha! That's a good one.
Is there no Drama in helping to DISCOVER a SOLUTION?
This BLOG's Funny...
Josh--if the only marketing these people are doing is on coffee shop, bar, and supermarket bulletin boards, why are you surprised that they are no longer in YTB? Obviously they felt it was a great program--they paid for it. Most likely they were misled about the expectations and the perks and money.
ReplyDeleteWould you join a club, let's say the Death Prevention Club, where they told you that by belonging you could prevent your own death? It only costs $500 to join and $49.99 a month to keep you alive. Oh, but almost 90% of the people in the program die.
Are you rushing to pull out your wallet? Maybe YTB needs to be more clear on the reality and forego what they wodl like to portray.
Aw Doug, are your feelings hurt because I didn't email you? Well, you were never one of the ones like Proud To Be YTB that claimed he was making $30K a month. You did not let me know that YTB bought you $500K worth of cars like Metre Wisham. No, I picked the people that claimed unrealistic success and guess what no response and no RTA sites.
ReplyDeleteAs to the economy hurting the RTAs. That is IMPOSSIBLE. Coach has a DVD for sale on how to recessionproof your income with YTB. It is available in your back office and you can read about it here .
On a personal level, I may have made $35K one month. But the difference is that I am not claiming to make millions like YTB is. It is interesting that you bring up the average annual earnings of agents at $35K. Why is it that the average YTB agent earns less than $100 annually? Why is it that YTB seemingly attracts the lowest common denominator when it comes to performance of travel sales?
And someone asked about why I focus on the Rep side. Well, there are no sides. Both "companies" are so tightly woven together that the line between them is blurred. YTB International is the company.
John, There is no Blurred Line. When you Joined YTB, You Choose only to be a REP. IT DID NOT COST YOU A SINGLE PENNY to be a REP with YTB. You had two other options at the time YOU Personally Joined... You could be an RTA and purchase a website or you could choose to become both a REP and an RTA. Not everyone in YTB is a REP. There are plenty who opted only for the TRAVEL WEBSITE.
ReplyDeleteYet you continue to DWELL on the REPS of YTB.
You did not see that BLURRED line when you Personally signed up to be a REP.
There is NO BLURRED LINE. You may need to get your glasses adjusted if things are appearing BLURRY to you.
Good Day and GOD Bless you ALL!
"On a personal level, I may have made $35K one month."
ReplyDeleteIf you actually made that much in one month John, you should pay your bills.
Ok Josh, my wording was bad and I will apologize for that. Not ALL YTB people claim to make $30K per month, but I've seen a lot come and go on here with unrealistic numbers. Do I make that much in travel, no and I won't lie about it. I make in the high 70's salary and then bonus overrides for leisure sales (I'm corporate). Depends on what region you are an agent. However, I've not seen any of us claiming to make millions in travel personally. What the YTB people I've seen neglect to tell people is you make more money being a rep, and much less selling travel.
ReplyDeleteThere are always people in just about every profession out there that claim to be more than what they are. There was a guy that got hired on to my shift that claimed to have been a firefighter for 15 years yet he was 25. I will bet there are people where you work right now (maybe even you) that claim and act to be more than they really are. When anyone, especially those in YTB, make claims of getting rich quick or making more than they really do, it's bad for everyone. Especially when you have those out there (John) that vulture around looking for those people so he can make examples of them as to how the WHOLE company is making those claims. Point is, YTB is not exclusive to those few individuals that make exuberant claims. can sure pick em!
ReplyDeleteLet me see, you joined YTB that promised riches and have none.
You joined a fire department that knowingly hired a firefighter that lied about his experience.
Just so I know to avoid it, can you let me know the jurisdiction? I mean now that you disclosed that the fire department has no vetting policies (like YTB) how are we to believe you are even a fireman. Maybe you just got one of those cool party hats a long time ago and have been pretending.
WOW! Now we are getting somewhere.
ReplyDeleteThis BLOG has nothing to do with YTB or TRAVEL at ALL. It appears to be a personal vendetta against a HANDFUL of REPS that have disappointed John.
Talk about SKEWED Numbers...
These HANDFUL of REPS making outrageous claims are NOT representative of the AVERAGE YTB Rep or RTA.
How many of the 200,000+ Rep's have made these Claims?
How many of the 100,000+ RTA's have made these claims?
I have been in YTB for 2 years now. I have never even tried to recruit anyone. I have booked dozens of cruises for my church and other friends. I have 2 business clients who book air and hotel and car rentals thru my site.
I am not getting rich by no means, but the extra money from the commissions more than offsets the $50 monthly fee.
I am told that if I were to recruit 6, that my $50 fee would be reimbursed to me. That would be nice, but I signed up to sell travel, and that's what I do. Friends and Family and Business associates book thru my site, and I get 70% of the commission. Plain and simple.
Anybody can do that...
"There are always people in just about every profession out there that claim to be more than what they are. "
And, there are those like firemedic claiming to be a fireman when they aren't.
Let me get this straight your fire dept. hired some guy who lied about his experience??? You are so full of crap firemedic. I showed this to family members who are on a LARGE city fire dept. and they laughed. They do background checks you idiot and verifications. They don't hire people who lie about experience on a city fire dept. See, this just proves you don't know what the hell you are talking about. The above poster is correct. No way are you in ANY Fire Dept. with all the dumb, idiotic statements you make.
ReplyDeleteFor those keeping track we have on here posting this morning from YTB:
ReplyDeleteDoug, aka Travel Pro (LOL) more like MLM Pro. The hen pecked stay at home Dad who is making so much money with YTB he had to take a second job at Best Buy. Guess YTB can't support his tanning bed habit.
Anonymous aka YesUR, the nutcase stalked from who is in serious need of meds/intervention and should be in jail for stalking and harrassment.
Denyse/Gail/Regina-The God fearing, bible toting trio who are so religious. God Bless You. Problem is they are also hypocrites. Don't you girls know lying is a big no-no in any religion? So, is scamming people out of their money for your down line.
Josh, Mr. Weinie himself. Another hen pecked man. He is in YTB so his high maintenance wifey can have spa days and basically sit on her butt and do nothing all day.
Lastly, firemedic. The fireman imposter and wannabe who is so gullible it is amusing. If Coach told him to jump off a cliff he would.
BackGround Checks.... HAH! Maybe in BIG CITIES...
ReplyDeleteOur town hired a registered sex offender and didnt know it until the local paper told them about it. They fired him, but hes still a paid volunteer... go figure. Background Checks... RIGHT!
And your wasting your BOSSES time and bandwidth to post this?
ReplyDeleteWhat a LOSER? Stealing from his COMPANY...
"And your wasting your BOSSES time and bandwidth to post this?
ReplyDeleteWhat a LOSER? Stealing from his COMPANY...
Since I am retired I am not stealing from anyone you twit. Taken your meds today YES U LOSER? Does the warden know you are on the internet again stalking people? LOL!
ReplyDeleteJohn's DAD should know better. John needs to find you a better Nursing Home that has more activities to keep you out of trouble on the internet...
1) The definition of crazy is doing something over and over, expecting different results.
ReplyDeleteYou come to a blog titled "MLM & Travel - a Bad Mix" somehow expecting the author of the blog to post something other than his opinion that MLM's have no business being anywhere near the travel industry. Hmm. Don't like the opinion? Don't come here!
2) I find it very hypocritical that there are people out there who seriously joined YTB as a REP - don't pay the monthly fee to have a travel website - but exist only to recruit other people into the YTB fold. If you believed in YTB so much - and believed, as you claim, that YTB is a travel company - why aren't you putting your money where your mouth is?
3) One of the main issues the TTA have had an issue with with the MLM's are the outrageous claims. Yes, many TTA's make a decent living - but we've known from the start how much real income could be had from the sale of travel - and we know for a fact that the claims made are not real - especially since you only recieve 60% of the commission.
4) Again - quit believing only what YTB tells you. Many (if not most) of the TTA's you will encounter are home based agents. They own their own businesses - thus there is no "boss" they are stealing time from. YTB didn't create the home based agent business model - they just use it to further their scam.
Personal attacks again I see. Why does it always resort to this? Why is behaving like a 5 year old instead of talking about the subject at hand always a problem? If you cannot comment on the above topic, why bother coming here. Discussing people's ages, whos in a retirement home, whos not paying their personal bills is not the topic. Grow the hell up already
ReplyDeleteJust to set matters straight - there are quite a few TTAs who do make upwards of $30k a month - these people are mostly in NYC and LA and work for/with Agencies affiliated with the three big luxuty consortia (Virtuoso, Ensemle, and Signature). Having said that, there are many, many TTAs that earn between $4k and $6k a month in commissions before bonuses. These are people working with very good marketing programs and who have developed a great book of business (loyal clientele). Their clientele is loyal because of the SERVICE they have received and many of them came to these TTAs after having a very negative experience working with dotCom.
ReplyDeleteReal CTA in MD
Your out of touch with reality...
ReplyDelete1) John Invited me.
2) I SELL travel thru YTB and have never recruited.
3) I have never heard these outrageous claims you speak of... and I make 70% not 60%
4) I believe my own results. I was not scammed.
As I stated earlier, I am not getting rich but I do enjoy the additional monthly income from the commissions.
Good Day!
1) Well I have been invited to many things - but if I don't like the atmosphere - I don't return. The point was - once here - don't expect some miracle YTB healing on Johns part. When you click the url - you know what will be waiting for you.
ReplyDelete2) Then I'm not speaking "to you" - but it does address many many of your counterparts - the subject of which is todays blog entry (I know "on topic" - a concept foreign to many here)
3) Just because you haven't heard them doesn't mean they aren't there - just visit any Craigs List or type YTB into YouTube. The commission change from 60% to 70% has only been around a month or two.
4) If it works for you to work with a company that is under investigation by several states for being illegal and that many respected industry organizations have deemed not a legitimate business (restricting your ability to sell travel - can you say IATA & RCCL?) - then no amount of blog postings will change your personal ethics.
Off todays subject but Regina confirmed to me via email that the 39 year old Memphis rsident making (claiming to ) 375,000 is her. Thank you, Ms Osai.
ReplyDeleteSo Eddie...are you saying OLE Doogie was wrong once again? What a suprise...he's no Travel Pro...more like a Travel Chump. And Regina is a LIAR! Shame.
ReplyDeleteYes, mistaken, but it was pretty obvious to all here just what the come on was and who it referred to.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"The few folks that were making 30K a month are not making that now. Thank GOD and YTB they had to opportunity to make it when they did.
Nothing lasts forever.
The lower level directors to whom you refer are not throwing it all away. Maybe the economy is not affecting you like the rest of the country, but it is affecting a lot of people, even YTB'ers."
Actually what has happened is three fold and has nothing whatsoever to do with the economy: The Old Fart has milked YTB dry, mis-managed his "business", taken huge payouts and perks for himself and those at the top of the Pyramid, pissed away money like a drunken whore and the Secondly, Pyramid itself is begining to collapse which is inevitable.
Pyramid schemes focus on the exchange of money and recruitment. At the heart of each pyramid scheme there is typically a representation that new participants can recoup their original investments by inducing two or more prospects to make the same investment.
For each person you bring in you are promised future monetary rewards or bonuses based on your advancement up the structure. Over time, the hierarchy of participants resembles a pyramid as newer, larger layers of participants join the established structure at the bottom.
The marketing of a product or service, if done at all, is only of secondary importance in an attempt to evade prosecution or to provide a corporate substance. Often there is no real infrastructure behind the scenes and the people who start these schemes have no experience at all in the industry/business that they are promoting, but often have much experience in running a Pyramid scheme. The "sale" of merchandise, newsletters, training materials or services is used as a front for transactions which occur in the greatest quanity among and between the operation's distributors/members, rather than the general public.
Therefore, your earning potential depends primarily on how many people you sign up, not how much merchandise or a service is sold.
For each person you bring into such a company, you receive, or are promised, future monetary rewards or bonuses based on the number of people below you (commonly referred to as a "downline") which ( and this is the key factor in pyramid schemes ) are unrelated to the sale of the product to consumers. The real profit is earned, not by the sale of the product, but by the sale of new distributorships.
At some point, the supply of potential investors is exhausted, leading to the inevitable collapse of the pyramid. The sale of the actual product often fails because it is overpriced or no real market exists for it.
Once the number of actual product buyers diminishes new recruits will focus primarily on recruiting others into the system without any realistic expectation that they can profit from retailing alone.
This lack of actual retail sales may be hard to determine as many pyramid schemes will claim that their product/service is selling like hot cakes. However, on closer examination, the sales occur mostly between people inside the pyramid structure or to new recruits joining the structure, not to consumers out in the general public. The largest amount of any Pyramid's income is from fees, memberships costs and other related materials sold and marketed to it's members.
Pyramid schemes are inherently injurious to consumers because as a mathematical certainty, they are doomed to collapse. As in the case of chain letters that require a payment, only the people at the very top make any money.
The only way anybody can make money through a pyramid scheme or chain letter is if participants in levels below them are defrauded into giving money based upon a rapidly diminishing promise of eventually getting something in return.
Eventually they must break down because the pool of possible recruits becomes exhausted and recruitment stops. Those at the bottom of the pyramid, the vast majority of the participants, lose money because there is no one below them.
The diminishing odds of making money with a pyramid scheme make it a losing proposition because each time a new level rises to the top, a new level must be added to the bottom, each one at least twice as large as the one before.
Pyramid schemes are based on simple mathematics: many losers pay a few winners. A nine-level pyramid, which is built when each participant gets six "friends" to join, would involve over ten million people!
Thirdly, YTB has now attracted the attention of two State's Justice Departments and is involved in two Civil Suits. They have also lost IATA, suppliers and garnered the loss of respect from the majority of the Industry that they are trying to participate in to peddle their scam. The bad press/news and P.R. of this company is impossible to turn around at this point.
"Personal attacks again I see. Why does it always resort to this? Why is behaving like a 5 year old instead of talking about the subject at hand always a problem? If you cannot comment on the above topic, why bother coming here. Discussing people's ages, whos in a retirement home, whos not paying their personal bills is not the topic. Grow the hell up already"
ReplyDeleteAmen Lisa.
For the record, what someone tells a hiring board and what they tell their shift mates can be two different things. I could care less when the people attack me on here and say I'm not doing what I am getting paid for every two weeks. I do work for a large fire department and I really don't care that you "showed this" to some other firefighter and they laughed.
What's also funny is how people that really know nothing about the MLM business model try to act as though they do.
"Eventually they must break down because the pool of possible recruits becomes exhausted and recruitment stops. Those at the bottom of the pyramid, the vast majority of the participants, lose money because there is no one below them"
ReplyDeleteCase in point. This is ignorance at it's best. If this is the case then how come Mary Kay, Amway (with over 3 million distributors), Avon just to name a few, are still around and still growing? And on top of that the "people at the top" have changed several times in each of those businesses. In an actual pyramid, the person below me would never be able to make more money than I. None of the companies quoted above, as well as YTB, fit that.
When it comes to the critics on here talking about MLM, it truly is the blind leading the blind.
FM, no one is more blind or uneducated than you are. There is a difference between an MLM and a Pyramid scheme. Some MLMs are just MLMs and some are a combo of an MLM and a Pyramid like YTB. They use the guise of an MLM for their marketing purposes, but are structured soley on a Pyramid. Educate yourself sometimes on this. YTB is nothing but an endless chain of recruiting to keep itself afloat, selling a product (travel) to it's own members along with fees, memberships, training materials, etc., making false promises/claims and it is a true Pyramid scam. They make their real money on recruiting and selling to their own members; not to the public at large and not in selling a service or a product to the public. This is where the vast majority of their income has always been and always will be, til their demise and this is what makes them a true Pyramid scam.
ReplyDeleteThat model is unraveling right in front of your eyes. Take off your blindfold. Read and try to comprehend YTB's history and all of their SEC filings. But then, if you actually did that, you would have to admit the truth, which you never will. When YTB is shut down, you will blame everything and everyone except the Old Fart. You are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic son while clinging to the rails and singing Nearer My God To Thee. He will not save you nor YTB.
FM to add further have you ever once read what the demi-Gods of MLM have to say about YTB, such as Rod Cook and Len Clements and many others, who are considered the GodFathers and revered experts on MLMs?? Have you ever wondered why they have spoken and written many articles condeming YTB and calling it a Pyramid scam and pointing out why it is? But then I suppose you think they know nothing about the subject either. You obviously know more than the Justice Department as well as IATA and ASTA then too.
ReplyDeleteYall crack me up!
ReplyDeleteI haven't laughed this hard in months...
This site is a HOOT! That's what it is a HOOT!
All these people with the name calling... Their HOOTS too, that what they are Real HOOTS!
What an intelligent retort
ReplyDeleteWell, what can you expect from the typical YTBER?? It's most likely Iris from Scam. NM used "hoot" to describe her last evening after another one of her inane posts and she just posted on Scam a few moments ago. It's like following a trail of dog droppings really. Messy, but obvious. lol
ReplyDeleteIris aka Wilting Flower just posted this on Scam:
ReplyDelete"Another day of garbage, you guys are a hoot!"
Here is what NM said last evening:
"She's such a hoot. That's what she is, a hoot.
Apparently she has Rainman syndrome.
Let me the first to predict that YTB files either Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 by the end of March 2009 if not sooner.
ReplyDeleteToday's SEC filing shows that their second attempt to sell the plane fell through, and they are back to selling to the first buyer, with an expected closing on Friday. We'll see if that happens and gives YTB a quick $1 Million that allows them to pay their bills through the end of the month.
And unfortunately we have no ignore feature...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteFor those keeping track we have on here posting this morning from YTB:
Denyse/Gail/Regina-The God fearing, bible toting trio who are so religious. God Bless You. Problem is they are also hypocrites. Don't you girls know lying is a big no-no in any religion? So, is scamming people out of their money for your down line.
Unfortunately, I have no idea who I'm speaking with, but DENYSE has not posted here today AT ALL until now. You can leave me out of the equation. When I post comments, I let it be known that it is I speaking. Only one day when I couldn't sign in, I posted anonymously however, I stated it was I. PLEASE leave my name out of this conversation.
And Eddie, I think you should bring forth that email from Regina as proof. She has said it was NOT her. In fact, she's not even 39 years old.
I really want to know Denyse what religion you belong to where lying and conning/scamming people is acceptable and allowed???? Hmmmmm?
ReplyDeleteAs to Regina, Kate Holmes called it yesterday she looks closer to 50 not 39. Another lie.
Regarding the Jet sale funny thing on no one could find any info on Espectra Aviation. I am betting it is as fake as you alls earning claims.....
Well Denyse, the website had her picture and her email (it's been pulled BTW) so I guess it wasn't her after all. Like i said yesterday Ro has been attacked by the Body Snatchers. Which is probably why she is brainwashed. I wish I could remember how the movie ends so I would know that there might be hope.
ReplyDeleteI also feel religion has no place here, but I know I'll be ignored.
eddie said...
ReplyDeleteWell Denyse, the website had her picture and her email (it's been pulled BTW) so I guess it wasn't her after all.
I also feel religion has no place here, but I know I'll be ignored.
The website DID have her picture and email but that information was about a business partner there in Memphis.
And I didn't bring religion into the conversation - someone else did. I don't con/scam anyone. I provide full disclosure.
"FM to add further have you ever once read what the demi-Gods of MLM have to say about YTB, such as Rod Cook and Len Clements and many others, who are considered the GodFathers and revered experts on MLMs?? Have you ever wondered why they have spoken and written many articles condeming YTB and calling it a Pyramid scam and pointing out why it is?"
ReplyDeleteRod Cook and Len Clements are not the end all and be all or gods in MLM. There are just as many people out there with the same or more credibility as those guys that are currently with YTB or have endorsed YTB as there are that speak against YTB.
FM, would you care to name a few who ARE NOT, paid/endorsed speakers by YTB, and ARE NOT trying to sell/market leads, marketing materials/devices, downlines, books, tapes, cds etc., to YTBers?
ReplyDeleteEvery now and then, we need an Incentive to get people going back to the stores or shopping online. We want to offer you this, so you can start your Business Incentive and get back Customers.
ReplyDeleteWe want you to feel comfortable giving away our travel certificates to your Customers, so you will be able to try one yourself first, if you like. You are bypassing the certificate, which we are giving you and straight to the processing center.
You will be able to go through the same redemption process and take the same vacation your clients will take when redeeming the certificate you gave them. YES - you get to test the vacation! Go to and start the process.
So whether you want to hit the casinos in Vegas or relax on the Cancun Beaches, now you can! In addition, do not worry – No Timeshare with this offer.
To begin booking your accommodations we need to collect a processing, postage and handling fee of just $12.00. Hotel taxes, which range between $7-$12 per night, will be collected when you submit the reservation request form that you will receive from us in the mail.
Once you see what your Clients and future Customers will get, you can order your certificates at
Remember, our unlimited 3-day / 2-night travel certificates is only a onetime fee of $99.00. You will be able to print as many as you want any time you like. A great item to have whenever you need a promotional item.
You can also buy the separately for only 0.35 cents each. Our full color certificates will be imprinted with your business name for you to give to your customers to increase leads and create sales.
"And I didn't bring religion into the conversation - someone else did. I don't con/scam anyone. I provide full disclosure."
ReplyDeleteOh, so you tell your people that you recruit they won't make any money and the SEC filings show only a small percentage do? Is that what you tell them? That would be FULL DISCLOSURE Honey. To not tell them that is conning/scamming and you my dear have been caught in so many half truths. So, tell me again what religion you belong to that accepts lying/cheating/conning people on a regular basis? I am patiently waiting for your answer.
The reason you did not find a link to the travel website on the marketing site is because YTB is trying to separate the two businesses. If you use the url, but put it behind instead of their marketing site, you will find their active travel site.
ReplyDeleteNice try, but I had the URLS for both travel and marketing. Like good little YTB disciples they had the marketing site on the front of the freebie cards from Vista Print and the travel website on a sticker on the back. A few of them had a very narrow label on the front adding the travel site.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, please give me more credit than that. Remember, it was Proud to be YTB that challenged me to discover anyone's super secret YTB RTA number. She swore it was top secret and no one knew it and I had a list of them in ten minutes.
From the wahm board posted by none other than Denyse Turner.
ReplyDelete"I have a well thought out option for people who are struggling in this day and time and can't even afford the Christmas Special of $250. They will be able to earn the commissions and you will make out as well."
Denyse, how do you sleep at night when you are taking money from people struggling to get into YTB? I really can't believe your audacity or greed.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"And I didn't bring religion into the conversation - someone else did. I don't con/scam anyone. I provide full disclosure."
Oh, so you tell your people that you recruit they won't make any money and the SEC filings show only a small percentage do? Is that what you tell them? That would be FULL DISCLOSURE Honey. To not tell them that is conning/scamming and you my dear have been caught in so many half truths. So, tell me again what religion you belong to that accepts lying/cheating/conning people on a regular basis? I am patiently waiting for your answer.
Absolutely, I provide FULL disclosure. In fact, its mandatory that a copy of the IDS is distributed to those looking at the business. I CANNOT, however, tell them they WON'T make money because that's not necessarily true depending on THEIR EFFORT.
I haven't been caught in any lies. You all take things and twist them and come up with your own truth.
And please tell me how there is audacity in that post?? You know NOT the details. People everywhere are looking for options. I have to have audacity and greed by providing them an option to NO INCOME AT ALL???
And it's all about travel - NO RECRUITING THERE.
It'll be expedient if you provide your name. I won't talk any longer to an Anonymous.
And I'm not interested in GETTING anyone into YTB. I AM interested in providing an income option for those who need it. It's no more than any other person here does who looks for ICs.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that anyone else in business here is being sued by the Justice Department of California, is being investigated by the Justice Department of Illinois, being investigated by other State AGs or facing two enormous civil law suits or has had their IATA accreditation pulled and is running out of assets and cash. Lmao. So do you show them the California AG's lawsuit and what he has to say about YTB? Do you show them YTB's SEC filings? Do you tell them about IATA? Do you show them YTB's worthless stock? Do you explain that every magazine cover and article that is positive about YTB is a PAID advertisement, paid for by YTB??? don't. THAT dear is not full disclosure is it? It is misleading prospective members and telling them only what you and YTB chooses to tell them! You are a hypocrite, a charlaton and a phony Christian!
ReplyDelete"Absolutely, I provide FULL disclosure. In fact, its mandatory that a copy of the IDS is distributed to those looking at the business."
ReplyDeleteIn that full disclosure does it mention the CA AG suit? The 2 class action lawsuits? The federal lawsuit? Board members quiting? SEC Filings? Worthless stock? Does it also include the fact that the IL and other AG offices are investigating YTB? Does it dislcose that YTB has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB? AND, does it disclose that the majority do not make any money with YTB? IF it does not than that is NOT FULL DISCLOSURE.
Denyse while the state of the economy may be a great recruiting tool,people are being more careful that ever about where they spend their money. If ever an inexperienced YTBer were going to have a hard time selling travel the time is now. Your recruiting may go up as a result of your whole "recession proof your income" spiel, but I believe it will become increasingly harder for a novice YTBer to try to sell travel.
ReplyDeleteYou've posted again and again that you are sincere about being a "real agent", that you've joined organizations like OSSN and have gotten a lot of training. So why are you still with a company that will only hinder your career?
And, why Denyse is the thread about you leaving YTB suddenly missing from the wahm board? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that as well. Denyse what happened to you quitting YTB again? That thread no longer exists.
ReplyDeleteI saw that it was missing as well. She even asked why it was gone.lmao How ridiculous. There would have been no reason whatsoever for anyone at Wham to have pulled it. She also mentioned not being ready to disclose her new plans yet. Then she went on to sing the praises of the new YTB booking engine. Does that sound like she is leaving? Does it sound even honest? She makes a big deal of announcing she is leaving YTB (starts a whole thread on it to say bye bye) and is back asap being all gung ho YTB again. That's credible. lol
ReplyDeleteYou ever notice how all the YTBers on any blog or forum who "claim" to be Christians, are spouting the God Bless yous, that God leads me to....I go to church etc, are the biggest hypocrites, liars, and phonies??? They have no real values, morals or ethtics and should be ashamed of themselves. No decent Christian would be supporting and financing YTB for a hundred reasons, let alone dragging others into this scam of a business. Nice marketing ploy to use being a phony, pseudo Christian in order to give yourself some credibility and have people trust you. Brother!
ReplyDeleteFiremedic is in the paper