The real queen has a competitor. While the real Royal family is wealthy beyond imagination, it seems that The Travel Queen is right on her tail with YTB.
Now I know that YTB has rules about disclosing income, but apparently there is an exception for travel "royalty". Come to think of it, there seems to be exceptions for many in YTB. I guess it just depends on who you
Well, take a look at the Travel Queen. She earned OVER $375,000 last year and you too can email or call the Queen for more information.
I wonder....do they have any palaces in Memphis? Maybe Graceland is up for sale!
Well if you give someone enough rope eventually they'll hang themselves.
ReplyDeletePart of the reason that YTB is in trouble is because of the false earnings claims. You'd think she would know better!
Is that the same Regina you called out as a liar a while back? If so you better watch out, Doug will be mad again.
ReplyDeleteCome on. If that is true, she needs to be a level 2 director according to the YTB's Income Disclosure. So whose disclosure is right? Who is lying? YTB? Or The Travel Queen? Or both?
Doug's not mad...just laughing at you....
ReplyDeleteYou kids look foolish by assuming it’s TravelQueen.
The post never said TravelQueen made $375k, only a 39 year old Memphian. Look at the Income Disclosure Statement kids and look up the earnings for Level 2 Directors. Then figure out which Level 2 Director lives in Memphis.
Documented, perfectly legit, and it would benefit those who know how to comprehend what is actually written instead of attacking and condemning over something they know very little about.
Get a life, and get a clue.
Doogie--I know you probably have not graduated to the reading class at Best Buy--I am sure you are selling lot's of televisions this time of year. But the post says:
ReplyDeleteTHIS 39 year Old Memphian. It does not say A 39 year old Memphian.
And if you follow the links they all point to that liar Regina Osei--her picture, her blog, her recruiting site. You know what--there is not even a link to her RTA site!!
Maybe there is more money in it for her lying to people that she made $375,000 a year than selling travel.
Maybe this is the new method of recruiting that YTB allows. Don't lie outright but go ahead and deceive--that is perfect after all thats the way Coach and the offspring suckered you all into the deal.
Actually anon, doug is right. ON that link, she is referring to someone. She never says SHE is the one who made it. Som perhaps you have the reading comp issue. Perhaps she is under that director and is utilizing his/her success for her recruiting in her area. I don't know the motivation but if you take the emotion out of it it is pretty fair english.
ReplyDeleteI followed the links through the post as well and it leads straight to Regina. So are we to assume Doug that she is not claiming that she made $375,000 but she is talking about someone else?? That's kind of a stretch don't you think?
ReplyDeletePerhaps but the intent was to mislead don;t you think?
ReplyDeleteDiscover how this 39 year old Memphian made over $375,000 LAST YEAR from a homebased business, and WHY we are willing to REVEAL the strategies.
Maybe it should have been written a bit more truthfully. After all she did claim to be a minister and all that crap.
Discover how this 39 year old Memphian (not me, I have not made more than a few hundred dollars for my sizeable investment, but I have helped make this elusive Memphian wealthy) made over $375,000 LAST YEAR (well, I am not sure of the amount because in YTB no one is EVER allowed to discuss earnings, so we just guessed and took a random number that sounded like it might entice you to join) from a homebased business, and WHY we (well, it is not my strategies, it is this elusive Memphians, but we--my husband and I who have not made much of this have been selected to share the wealth secrets to you) are willing to REVEAL the strategies.
Regina's ad implies that it is SHE that earned the 375,000 (isn't that how much Denyse said she made too). Sorry Doug, you old spinner you!
ReplyDeleteHer ad doesn't imply that. You INFERRED that.
ReplyDeleteSo inference is cool and to be assumed to be factual?
ReplyDeleteThis is good news to me on this blog.....I can write a whole lot that will allow you all to infer quite a bit. And according to your logic, it is legitimate.
Just let me know!
Maybe Doug is right. After all, from her photo I would guess that she is probably pushing 50 rather than 39.
ReplyDeleteI re-read it. It says "discover how THIS 39 year old made $375,000". Her bio also claims that she is from Memphis and 39 years old. So Doug, could you please explain what about her ad refers to another person? Are we supposed to believe that she is from Memphis and 39, but isn't claiming that she is the one that made $375,000? I think you're grasping at straws.
ReplyDeleteI emailed Regina to find out if it's her or some unnamed YTBite who's earning all this money. Can hardly wait for her speedy reply! BTW, I NEVER infer. It's against my religion.
ReplyDeleteSoooo Dougie's point is that its obvious that she isn't representing herself as the successful Rep... She is just selling the sectrets used by someone else she has no relationship with.
ReplyDeleteDon't you think she needs a disclaimer that her program has no affilliation to the person who actually was successful?
Can you imagine going to a seminar to learn about Donald Trumps real-estate secrets only to learn that Donald Trump had nothing to do with the seminar, and the people holding the seminar were not even part of Donald's business?
Basically you are accusing The Trave Queen of false advertising... Thats your best defense...
Send it to the AG, see how he feels about it. Maybe he will read it the proper way, since we all are obviously not.
ReplyDeleteEither way its mis-leading if shes referring to someone else, and most likely a blatant lie if shes not. I'll wait for her to come and tell us otherwise.
I believe its called deceptive business practices...
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is the TRUTH about YTB!
ReplyDeleteQuite a bit of assuming going on here today. Nothing new I guess.
ReplyDeleteFirst we assume that the 39 year old is Regina.
We also assume that the post is specifically about YTB.
Then we assume that the 39 year old is a Level 2 Director.
And we also assume, (although understandable) that the poster this morning was me. (It was not.)
The only reason we are arguing about all this is so we can prove that one side is right and the other side is wrong. (On both sides of the fence, I might add.)
I realize that there are those that need to make this simple advertisement “misleading”. And I welcome anyone who wants to, to report this piece to whomever they like. How you can pin this on YTB and not any Home Based Business won’t cut it, legally that is without YTB being mentioned in the add specifically.
Personally, I think it’s a brilliant piece of marketing. Nobody really knows who this 39 year old is, or who the company really is. For most who read this, it adds mystery, and most would want to know just who this 39 year old is. Thanks to John who claims its Regina and YTB, we can now add the controversy needed to give this advertisement life.
More than likely, because John has now highlighted this post for people to find, there will be a number of people who will want to find out just who is right. I will agree with my alter ego from this morning, that what they will most likely find is a very articulate, smart, extremely entertaining and funny Level 3 Director who would get a big kick out of all the worry and speculation.
PS – If you’re going to use my name and link, please use some class. Personally, telling someone to get a clue and a life is rude and argumentative. Not my style and I apologize for the outburst. ;-P
But Doug - if it is not Regina then why does her picture come up when 'travelqueen' is clicked. And why do the links take us to her YTB 'articles' ?. Very odd. You'd better warn her that she has been attacked by the pod people.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought - are all these millionaire YTBites going to pony up and help coach pay his legal fees?
ReplyDeleteDoug welcome back. I thought you couldn't stand it over here and weren't going to participate any longer. How's life at Best Buy these days? I am thinking of buying a big screen do you know when the next big sale is???
ReplyDeleteAs to Regina's blog only an idiot or YTB deflector would see that it is not here. LOL!
Doug if you read Regina's bio it states that she is the 39 year old Memphis resident.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why on earth you are trying to spin this as though she is talking about anyone but herself. If her ad claims that "this 39 year old memphis resident made $375,000" and then you click through the ad to her bio and she is the 39 year old Memphis resident, who the heck else could she possibily be talking about?? And you're calling that a "brilliant piece of marketing"?? Looks like a "brilliant pile of bullshit" instead.
Memphis apparently is the capital of 39 year old people making $375,000 a year trying to tell you the secrets to their wealth by filtering it through Regina's email/biography/blog/profile. Didn't you know that?
ReplyDeleteAh, I see now. Thanks for clarifying that John.
ReplyDeleteIf I were 39, gosh darn it, I'd move to Memphis and set up shop!
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:29-32 NKJV)"
ReplyDeleteYeah - what Rod said!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit! I knew this blog was popular, but I had no idea Jesus was reading too!
ReplyDeleteThe Illinois Gov. was arrested today.
Wonder if the Illinois AG is next?
Then.. the Cali AG?
EWWWW! the PYRAMID of Corruption is collapsing.
John won't have anything to BLOG about...
His REASON for existence will cease.
What BLOG will all of JOHN's misguided followers start reading after JOHN realizes he has no reason to continue on?
Stay tuned.. this could get interesting...
I'm already on the edge of my seat...
This BLOG appears to be saturated with RUMORS and LIES so, what better place to start more?
Wow.....one would have to actually KNOW Regina and her ways to see what was implied.
ReplyDeleteThis claim was about HER.
If not....ask her who the person is who earned that amount.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"The Illinois Gov. was arrested today.
Wonder if the Illinois AG is next?
Then.. the Cali AG?"
And the above has what exactly to do with the Department of Justice of the State of Illinois and the AG? It is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool tiny YTBER, than to open it and remove all doubt. lol
"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 5:22
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Rod, knock the Bible crap off already, you moron!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHoly shit! I knew this blog was popular, but I had no idea Jesus was reading too!
Actually, that would be St. Paul. Those are his words.
What a relief!!! I thought I had missed the Second Coming!
ReplyDeleteThe Anonymous posts from the New American Standard Bible is not from Rod. I use the Old King James Bible.
ReplyDeleteThis video may help clear the air a little bit, however, everyone is intitled to their own opinion.
Sorry about the link try this one: http://www.whatbusinesstodo.com/index.php?page=videos§ion=view&vid_id=100166
ReplyDeleteRod said...
ReplyDeleteThe Anonymous posts from the New American Standard Bible is not from Rod. I use the Old King James Bible.
I prefer Emeril's TV Dinners: Kickin' It Up a Notch with Recipes from Emeril Live and Essence of Emeril by Emeril Lagasse
As per your request, King James,
ReplyDeleteBut I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Matthew 5:22
King James Bible
Can either one of you religious zealots explain what the hell any of this b.s. has to do with YTB or this blog? Or do you just like posting this crap to show off your manly prowess in Bible thumping? Is this some cheap thrill for both of you like comparing your size in a 10th grade locker room or something? Is this the Christian version of "you show me yours and I'll show you mine"?? ROTFL
ReplyDeleteFunny how the entire post is now gone. Hmmm...did someone remove it YTB or Regina?
ReplyDeleteWell I contacted her. She took it down because it was causing such a rucous. She said that she was not referencing herself (and that she's not 39) but she was referencing someone in Memphis (probably her director) who did earn that amount. She actually had gotten the idea from another friend who had a similar post. No harm meant but Legal suggested she remove it anyway so she did.
ReplyDeleteYou people are so hard on the TravelQueen. What are you worried about? She's no threat to you... or is she? Anyway, I think her advertising was clever as well, and I read her blog and I didn't see anywhere where she even said how old she is. She looks pretty good though. But I doubt that she's 39.
ReplyDeleteJESUS RULES! ALL YOU PEOPLE if you don't repent of your evil ways WILL DIE IN HELL! John, Katie, Lisa, and the rest of you haters... I suggest you get over your obsession with Regina AND YTB!
ReplyDelete"But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
Matthew 5:22
King James Bible
There is no obsession with Regina and if YTB legal suggested she remove it it is likely because of the deceptive advertising that the post represented.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a theme here. I believe one other time this same RTA was called out on a deceptive posting on the internet.
eddie said...
ReplyDeleteRegina's ad implies that it is SHE that earned the 375,000 (isn't that how much Denyse said she made too). Sorry Doug, you old spinner you!
Absolutely incorrect Eddie. DENYSE made no such claim. And that's what I'm talking about. I'm accused of lying but it is you all who make up your own truth. Provide in black and white where I said I made $375,000. You won't find it.
Sorry..meant to say "send us to hell". :)
ReplyDeleteJESUS RULES! ALL YOU PEOPLE if you don't repent of your evil ways WILL DIE IN HELL! John, Katie, Lisa, and the rest of you haters... I suggest you get over your obsession with Regina AND YTB!
LOL are you for real. I doubt very highly that the lord almighty is going to send us all to jail for discussing a shotty business. And enough with the religious hoo-ha already. Your starting to sound like more of a zealot cult person then a business person who can discuss a topic.
This is what I learned. The legal department asked that she remove the ad because no income claims can be made without the income statement being also displayed and also because according to them, a classified ad makes people think that ytb is a "job". although no business was mentioned, if people called to inquire, if ytb was referenced, it would be a violation of their policies... mainly because ytb does not want any business promotions via internet according to their policies. apparently, the person that regina referenced in her ad was her director, denson taylor. he is in memphis like her. so technically, the claim she made in the ad was true. it all depends on how you read and interpret it.
ReplyDeleteRight...like MOST of there ads will come down anyway because the majority are lies and hype.
ReplyDeleteYTB merely reacted to something we exposed. Nothing new. Look at the Craigslist ads we featured a few weeks ago--most gone. The YouTube videos..gone. They even made corrections to their "facts" site because of what was exposed.
ReplyDeleteThey have always and will likely continue to be a reactionary company. They will solidly walk on the wrong side of the legal/ethics line until they are caught and then they will try to wrangle out of it. What is the saying--easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission?
Yeah yeah yeah. The point is that once again you accused the innocent. Regina didn't lie... Legal was just doing its job...And John was caught with his pants down. Liar liar pants on fire John. Seems like you would start getting your facts straight before you launch out against this lady. What will it take for you and your "bots" to learn?
ReplyDeletewho are you guys going to talk about next it seems you been talking about the same thing year after year after year and ytb is still around. Nobody cares about your blog don't let it go to your head. Only your idiot friends care about what you write. And if people are stupid enough to let you tell them what to do, John doesn't pay your bills people and he is giving you advice not to get involved then,I am glad they are your broke friends. Oh I forgot to tell everyone John will pay your next mortgage payment, utilities, car because he trying to tell you what you should do for you so I guess he is paying your bills. When you wake up in the morning you say Hi John how are you doing today? Want some coffee? Since John lives in your household and pay your bills. John get a life and stop being someone elses dream catcher.
ReplyDeletejohn you write this post talking about ytb and the minute they take action to be a better company you are complaining. Don't you want the company to be better? Hmmmm
ReplyDeleteor you won't have anything to write about anymore? Hmmmm
You are a travel agent that hates YTB period no matter what they do. You hate travelocity,orbitz, cheapticket but you can't fight with the billionaires. You will hate any company that you see is a threat to you but John wake up the old days are gone so why don't you retire old man on the beach somewhere times have changed. And if it is a Trillion dollar business it is enough people to go around for everyone.
I like ytb because it is my own home based business I can great tax deductions and only have to work it part time. There is no phone calling no inventory to stock. I can take great discount trips. I love owning my own website even if I pay a monthly fee that is a business expense so who cares about it I pay that for cable and internet and cell phone bills. But the cable company is not my business and I don't get a dam thing from having it but a movie on TV.