Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Facts Half-Truths About YTB--Part 4

Today, let's take a look at the fourth tab on the new YTB site called www.TheFactsAboutYTB.com :

This is one of the shortest pages on the site (if not the shortest) and there is probably a reason for this. YTB seems to be a bit short on values themselves.

Coach is pictured with his saying, “If it ain’t true, don’t say it and if it ain’t right, don’t do it.” It is a nice PR piece, but I would like to present the following:
  • Funneling millions to Beryl Martin(a company that is owned by the Founders) for all marketing materials and convention props aka. statue of liberty is right in Tomer's eyes.
  • Convincing people to buy a website to sell travel which can be obtained for free from Travelocity is right in Tomer's eyes.
  • Purchasing a plane and millions of dollars in property at above market prices from Board members and then selling it at a loss a year later is right in Tomer's eyes.
  • Creating a comp plan where 80% of the RTA's make $0 and less than one half of one percent are making a livable wage is right in Tomer's eyes.
  • Even though less that one half of one percent(163 out of 300000+) makes any money, marketing the "opportunity" as a way to make millions is right in Tomer's eyes.
  • Making questionable loans to Directors and then having to write them off at the expense of shareholders is right in Tomer's eyes.
  • Meridian Bank loan deals that contributed to the Bank being taken over by the State and Feds is right in Tomer's eyes.
They discuss the compensation plan, but this plan is nothing special. Sure it is unique to YTB as anyone's plan is unique to their company. However the deception lies in that they market it as unable to be changed. Well, the program has been changed numerous times--sometimes for the better, and sometimes (like most recently) for the worse.



  1. The compensation plan is being changed right now again. The Directors are not happy

  2. Not ONE of the above points you make John have any teeth at all. Nothing but spun opinion and ignorance.

  3. So those 7 points he made, in your eyes are all ok and top notch best business practices? Is that what they teach you in YTB U?

  4. I was a Director. Coach is not who he appears on the service to be. I have seen the light and soon everyone else will too. Everyone should run from this guy. Do some real research and stop having faith in a man who says one thing and does another.

  5. I love how the anon's in here and on other sites refuse to acknowledge anything. Obviously there are many ways to look at the above points, but any reasonable person would say that every point there is troubling at the least.

  6. You was a director and you can't even spell "surface"? John, your cohorts are funny!

  7. Every one of John's points are laced with spin and mistruths.

  8. Please point out the spin and mistruth point by point

  9. They can't point out any spin or mistruth, just like they can't prove that they make any money selling travel (cause they don't). They can just make baseless accusations.

  10. Director's do not need to know how to spell. It was not a requirement to get to a Director position. By the way, I used to think John was scum of the earth. The problem with it all is that he is right. You will soon learn as well how right he is. Like I said, do some research for yourself. Start with Coach dumping his own stock at the expense of many. I lost $20,000 and still loved the man for a year after. I was wrong and all you have to do is do some research. Try it sometime rather than calling others out on their spelling abilities.

  11. Hey director...send me an email please jwf21403 at gmail

  12. How can you say YTB is short on values? I do believe the Coach, Scott and Kim triad shows a great interest in the value of a dollar in their pockets. They value the people that put those dollars there. Non contributers have no value. There is tremendous value in 'me first'.
    God bless you and may you be valuable to YTB.

  13. If you had a car lot and you needed to lease cars for your other business will you not lease them from yourself? If you don't than you are a fool.
