Princess Cruise Lines (nor Cunard) would comment on YTB and any awards they may or may not have won. However, I assume this is an accurate description. Certainly with 138,000 sales reps they ought to be a top seller for almost EVERY vendor. But I am sure if you break it down to production per agent, it is not nearly as impressive.
Carnival's Pinnacle Award. YTB has used this award as a sales tool for many years and I believe they got the words confused. You see, at every recruiting seminar I have attended, every power point presentation says "YTB has won the Pinnacle Award for the last three years". What I guess they really meant was "YTB won the Pinnacle Award three years ago." It was funny, but when questioned about the Pinnacle Award, Vicki Freed (who was with Carnival at the time) stated that she only remembered them getting it one year, not three. Of course the YTB Reps and RTAs denied this and insisted that it was three years in a row. They even insisted they won it again this year even after the winners were announced!
Apple Vacations Platinum Agency. First off, according to the Apple Vacations site, they are not a platimun agency but a Golden Apple Agency, but this could be an oversight as well. Yes, it is an award, but it is not that difficult to achieve. For Platinum, your agency needs to send a minimum of 1000 passengers per year with Apple Vacations. With YTB, that equates to .01 passenger per RTA. Not overly impressive on the individual level.
How many Carnival, Princess and Apple Vacations were their own travel? I bet most of them. Selling to themselves and getting the commission and credit.
ReplyDeleteThe carnival a thon last night said we won the Pinnacle award three times. It was a RECORD night for YTB and Caranival.
ReplyDelete"How many Carnival, Princess and Apple Vacations were their own travel? I bet most of them. Selling to themselves and getting the commission and credit."
ReplyDeleteYes, part of the travel that was sold is from our own personal travel also. That is part of the business model. We build a large force of consumers AND customers.
Firemedic that is a large force of people rebating commissions and finding a way to beat the system. Please do not confuse the two. Many vendors frown on that and some of them have stopped doing business with you because of that.
ReplyDeleteCarnival and Apple (among others) apparently have no problem with it, and to be honest, I am not sure why they just don't cut their pricing by 16% and just offer it to the public.
YTB brings minimal revenue to the suppliers (yes they bring sales) and really just cheapens their product.
John there are thousands of companies out there that give MLM companies with large sale forces discounts/rebates. That's just part of the business model and it has proven very powerful over the years whether or not it's understood or appreciated by naysayers. I understand that you don't like it in the travel business now since you see it as "cheapening" the product. We disagree as do our suppliers.
ReplyDelete"Carnival and Apple (among others) apparently have no problem with it, and to be honest, I am not sure why they just don't cut their pricing by 16% and just offer it to the public."
That's seems simple enough to answer. Because Carnival and Apple don't sell the product themselves. They rely on the outside salespeople to get the word out and to educate those would-be customers.
"YTB brings minimal revenue to the suppliers (yes they bring sales) and really just cheapens their product."
Well, sorry you feel that way. I know how you attack any and everybody, that in any way shape or form supports YTB, but if we are bringing minimal revenue to suppliers then I would guess that would be the same for the 25th, 24th, 23rd...... sellers on TW power list.
"Many vendors frown on that and some of them have stopped doing business with you because of that."
No, "Many" is wrong. Only a couple that I know of have quit doing business and the others we never did business with in the first place.
Firemedic...once again, thank you for demonstrating the complete ignorance of travel. It only furthers the points I have been making for a LONG time.
ReplyDeleteI find it amusing that you are so upset that I "attack any and everybody, that in any way shape or form supports YTB" like that is something that is wrong, but when the shoe is on the other foot, you have no problem with it. How disingenuous.
You attack anything that is NOT YTB--you did it here in this response and you also do it on your blog where you are waging your own war against Traverus. Or did you forget about that!
FM Said: "That's seems simple enough to answer. Because Carnival and Apple don't sell the product themselves. They rely on the outside salespeople to get the word out and to educate those would-be customers."
ReplyDeleteApparently you are unaware that anyone can call the Cruise lines direct and book their own trips with them. You can also get discounts from them, upgrades and specials. They have extremely well trained, personable, educated, knowledgeable personnel who do this day and night and provide excellent customer service and followup. They will easily spend 30 minutes or more (as long as it takes) on the phone with you explaining everything in detail. In fact, the cruise lines book a huge amount of thier own ships themselves.
Again you are clueless.
FM--even last night, YTB could not handle client inquiries and had to rely on the Carnival people to field questions. Kim and Ann said so on the webinar.
ReplyDeleteSo, now I have to ask, is it a good business decision for CCL to spend all that money to fly up the "set" and their people to Wood River because YTB is unable to sell the product on their own? And then give them 16% on top.
You guys do have a sweetheart deal. Money for nothing--chicks for free!
FM said: "They rely on the outside salespeople to get the word out and to educate those would-be customers."
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have never seen the very expensive commericials that the Cruise lines run on tv all year long and on radio nor have visited their beautiful websites, complete with videos. You have never seen their literature that they will send to a customer at no charge either. They do this themselves without outside sales people. When you call them, they will happily educate you on anything to do with their cruises, right down to every detail and answer immediately any questions that you have. lol
In fact, the Carnival Representatives (Ann and Shellie) mentioned several times that they "had plenty of their own Cruise Specialists on hand that they brought in to handle customers calls and questions." Obviously they did not trust that the YTB custormer reps would be able to do that. They even brought in an enormous amount of "dressing" in the way of P.O.P. (posters, banners, wall scenes, standees etc.), to YTB.
ReplyDeleteShelly is not with Carnival. Shelly is the longest employee of YTB and the EVP of Suppliers.
ReplyDeletePoor Shelly LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah poor Shelly. Another person that doesn't want to work and get paid to do it. Soon she will be without a job and then what?
ReplyDeleteAnd she sure is a looker eh?
"Yeah poor Shelly. Another person that doesn't want to work and get paid to do it. Soon she will be without a job and then what?
ReplyDeleteAnd she sure is a looker eh?"
And this is why your numbers are down John. Your posters and cohorts are taking on your cult of arrogance.
Hey I am not my brother's keeper (how's that for a religious reference?).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the concern on my numbers but they are actually up and very good. With 89,706 unique visitors in the last year and 20% new visitors each month and an average time on the sire of over 5 minutes, I am happy. My message is being read.
"I am happy"
ReplyDeleteBet just about any psychologist that read your blog would disagree.
Well thanks for your opinion. I am glad that you are so familiar with psychologists.
ReplyDelete"Bet just about any psychologist that read your blog would disagree."
ReplyDeleteAnd, any psychologist would tell you that YTB indoctrinates people into a cult.....
EXACTLY!! Actually anyone reading this blog once they take their emotions out of it will see the light. And figure out that YTB ain't so great after all. LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't they get tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired of having to defend defend defend, deflect deflect deflect for their company daily??? Geeeez...they need to get a CLUE...
"Well thanks for your opinion. I am glad that you are so familiar with psychologists."
ReplyDeleteSince I have a psychology degree I am.
Dr. Seligman---welcome!
ReplyDeleteUh oh that person sounds like that YESUR 'psycho' on Fitting. lol
ReplyDeleteAnd I think that's unprofessional that a 'licensed psychologist' would come on here and say this. Geez. You KNOW that's a YTBer, they have no professionalism and will use anything, including their 'credentials' to attack a blogger. lol
ReplyDeleteNever said I was a licensed psychologist. And you should not be so arrogant to talk about professionalism.
ReplyDeleteOh, then you took psych 101 in college. LMAO Yeah that makes you qualified to diagnose someone over the internet that you really know little about and have never met!!! Hi YESUR!!!!
ReplyDelete"And you should not be so arrogant to talk about professionalism."
ReplyDeleteAnd YOU should not be so arrogant to make a 'diagnosis' b/c you have a degree in psychology. Esepcially since you are in a round about way saying you are not licensed either????
You are one funny cookie.
Now the topic of discussion. John keep telling everyone the truth. I was with YTB too, and sooner or later the whole truth will be known...since the other YTBers are in such denial.
I am still trying to figure out what John's blog numbers have to do with a damn thing in regards to YTB, which is the subject of the posts? Yesur of course can never stay on the point of any post, can never debate anything or defend YTB, all she can do is deflect, attack, harass John and go off on some tangent that has nothing to do with what is being put forth in the title post. But then, that is the case for most of the YTB sheeple on here isn't it? Never address the message, just slam the messenger. Really lame and weak behavior; makes them look pretty ineffective and just proves what is being said even more. If you have no defense, then just have a tantrum and make crap up and attack posters personally. Yeppers, that works. lol
ReplyDeleteYou people have the nerve to come on here and accuse YTB affiliates as attacking, deflecting, and harrassing, but that is exactly the same things you are doing!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!! What a bunch of self absorbed people!!!!!!!!!!! You love to call people you don't know names too! What a bunch of pompous asses! And I agree with Anon about the writer of this blog. Anyone that spends his holiday weekend writing bout YTB over and over can't be as happy as they claim.
ReplyDeletePompous asses? Self absorbed people? The blog writer is not happy? But you never call people names, right??
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I know YTB put the Internet and Travel together. I also know that Earl was a pioneer in the Internet. I know there are online classes. Maybe during one of them, they could show you how to write something in advance and publish it at a later date. I know, amazing technology, and I am sure you are still stuck on the notion that everything must be done in the here and now, but really, it's not the case!
This just goes to show the mentality and intelligence level of those involved in this MLM/Pyramid scam. They have no concept that any blog subject can be written weeks in advance or at any prior date and time of the Host's choosing and posted later on any date at the discretion of the Host of that blog. No wonder they all believe anything that Tomer tells them and that they will all be millionaires and that all the lawsuits against YTB are meaningless. Sheeeesh!
ReplyDeleteyeah i wonder why john started this blog back in 2006 with a single post with the director rings.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"yeah i wonder why john started this blog back in 2006 with a single post with the director rings."
Actually, that is the SECOND post after John started his Blog. What's your point???? lol
You all are funny....the blog was started October 27, 2007. Here is a link to the first post.
ReplyDeleteThe other two were put there out of site for convenience, but it does go to show that the dates when something appears indeed are not necessarily the dates they were created!
"This just goes to show the mentality and intelligence level of those involved in this MLM/Pyramid scam."
ReplyDeleteYup! IF they had any intelligence they wouldn't be with YTB in the first place. And, if they were mentally healthy they wouldn't be with YTB either....
"By the way, I know YTB put the Internet and Travel together. I also know that Earl was a pioneer in the Internet. I know there are online classes. Maybe during one of them, they could show you how to write something in advance and publish it at a later date. I know, amazing technology, and I am sure you are still stuck on the notion that everything must be done in the here and now, but really, it's not the case!"
ReplyDeleteSo John, most of your daily entries are slated to post early in the morning. But on Thanksgiving weekend you had three posts with varying different times and some on the same exact day. And one of them actually came from the Sunday morning paper and you actually even stated it came from that mornings paper. Oh, but you already knew that it was coming out that day didn't you? Not buying it. Looked like a depressing weekend for you and the only thing you could think of that makes you happy is talking about YTB. Sad.
You usually take the weekends off too John, but for some depressing reason you thought everyone would be depressed enough too to read your blog on the weekend they should be spending with their families being thankful. Don't give us this line that you had already had them slated to post later. I know how this stuff works. I too have a blog for my family events and I know how to post date them.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"You usually take the weekends off too John...."
Hey Anon - You want to run this into the ground some more? Once was enough.
I'm wondering if Carnival's stock will soar to new highs on Monday after the "record setting" Sail-a-Thon? Maybe YTB's stock will even recover from it's current 32 cents.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"So John, most of your daily entries are slated to post early in the morning....blah blah blah."
Is this all you have to say??? That's it??? AGAIN????? How long are you going to keep harping on this inane, pointless, trivial crap????? This has nothing to do with what is being dicussed here.
It's funny that you have nothing at all to say about any of the subjects posted on this blog, nor do you even try to defend YTB even one tiny bit. You just fixate and obsess about John and try to defame him in some way, which by the way, isn't working too well for you. You are just making yourself look like the total inept ass that you are.
If you don't have the brain cells to actually discuss the subject matter in the posts, at least quit embarrassing yourself and YTB any further! Great representative for YTB you are! ROTFL
My clients wouldn't be caught dead on a Carnival cruise. Carnival is for white trash and YTB booking themselves......
ReplyDelete"My clients wouldn't be caught dead on a Carnival cruise. Carnival is for white trash and YTB booking themselves......"
ReplyDeleteElitests at their best!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that you have nothing at all to say about any of the subjects posted on this blog, nor do you even try to defend YTB even one tiny bit. You just fixate and obsess about John and try to defame him in some way, which by the way, isn't working too well for you. You are just making yourself look like the total inept ass that you are."
It's not that we don't have any defense. It's that John's entries are boring and used. He does the same things over and over and quite frankly, we don't care. There is really no sense is defending it because it won't matter since you already have your narrow mind made up. In the end, you will still be bitching and YTB will still be around. Keep following you Lord St. John. He will lead you right to where he is. Broke and depressed!
Anonymous said "we don't care. There is really no sense is defending it because it won't matter since you already have your narrow mind made up. In the end, you will still be bitching and YTB will still be around. Keep following you Lord St. John. He will lead you right to where he is. Broke and depressed!"
ReplyDeleteCripes, your comments are so desperate, lame and fraught with childishness, I hardly know where to start. If this blog is so boring for you, then why do you bother comming here and reading it? Nobody is holding a gun to your head to make you read it are they? The rest of us do not find it boring at all. You obviously care enough about what John and others have to say contrary to your own statement dear, because you post here 24/7. LMAO! life???? Nothing to do this weekend?? Pot calling kettle black again??? Sad and lonely are we???
How do you have a clue of anyone's financial situation in life? Ouija board? Crystal ball??? ROTFL!! You don't. That is just one of the dumbest YTB member statements that I have read on here and there have been hundreds of them, but I really take the cake on vacuousness on here. As to anyone's emotional state you are ignorant as to that subject as well and you know nothing about anyone's personal life on here. You are just making yourself come across as a total and complete idiot frankly.
John is not leading anyone anywhere, nor does he have any influenece on anyone's financial well being nor on their "happiness" either. Are you really this stupid or just this juvenile? Pick one or both. lol
If you have any defense to what is posted here then state it. Obviously you don't have the intelligence to come up with anything besides trying to make weak little slams against John. Yesur, your broken record is showing again hun. Change the tune already. You have already posted the same b.s. on the Scam forum. Snore.
Anonymous said..."My clients wouldn't be caught dead on a Carnival cruise. Carnival is for white trash and YTB booking themselves......"
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty much true. You can always tell the YTBers at the boarding gate. They're the ones with the Walmart bags full of cans of beanie weenies, off-brand Fritos, and a few six packs of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Look at all the people coming to John's rescue! That's comical.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Look at all the people coming to John's rescue! That's comical."
Jealous??? ROTFL!!!!
"My clients wouldn't be caught dead on a Carnival cruise. Carnival is for white trash and YTB booking themselves......"
ReplyDeleteElitests at their best!"
Nope, not Elitist. My clients don't like the fat beer belly, grapefruit in their bras, wet t shirt mentality prevelant on Carnival......
I actually have quite a few clients that love Carnival - but they don't go for the hurricane season bargain basement itineraries that a typical YTBer would like to promote because of price.