The author was taking a shot at Joystar (I am no fan either) and some of the shots were amusing. For instance, he noted the following:
- He had covered the "exploits" of the Joystar CEO and his previous MLM. (Well, given that the author is in a MLM himself, dissing MLM does not seem right, but what about the Coach? Exploits? Lisa Marie...gas additives...AL Williams....come on)
- Joystar failed to pay commissions to agents. (This does indeed suck. But YTB just released a document that allows them to do the same thing.)
- Joystar laid off 14% of it's corporate staff. (Again, this sucks, but YTB also laid off staff. And when we commentexd on that, it was hailed as a good thing in a bad economy. But I guess it is not a good thing for Joystar.)
- Joystar did not renew SOTs and lost their CLIA accreditation and earned it back. (Well we all know that losing a CLIA accreditation is pretty bad--especiall when you don;t have IATAN to fall back on. Joystar did lose it temporarily. Unlike YTB who lost the IATAN accreditation, appealed the termination, and lost that. I shudder to think what might happen if CLIA wised up and closed the loophole and gave them the boot--back to the RTA caard for them.)
- Joystar is being sued by IHG Hotel Group for $163,000. (That amount is less than a month's new recruits to YTB. But last time I checked (and this may indeed change) but Joystar was not being sued by the Attorney General of California for $25 million nor did they have two separate class action suits filed against them in excess of $100 million.)
To the author I say it is really time to take off the blinders. Preferrably before sending in that next payment of $49.95. Do you honestly not see the trouble looming on the horizon?
After reading this blog for the last 3 months. I myself see that the giant Styrofoam is just like the Titanic ship...sinking fast. I called yesterday and did the right thing. I jumped into the lifeboat and swam to safety. No more 49.95. One less thing to pay...
ReplyDeleteCant afford $49.95 a month???
ReplyDeleteYou're not ready to own a travel website.
If your still paying the $49.95 a month, then you was not working the business anyway.
LOSER's QUIT... You quit because you are not capable of running a simple Travel Website...
That spells LOSER!
Dont listen to what the ALL KNOWING JOHN has SPOKEN... It's the end of the year and NONE of his predictions have panned out yet...
He's getting Desperate...
Anon...you aren't helping YTB.
ReplyDeleteRemember that undoing the 49.95 per month means that you would work the REP side of the business. Frankly, 50 bucks per month to run ANY business is peanuts. It obviously doesn't work for many people regardless of whose fault it is. I worked the REP side first when I joined so I would never worry about the 49.95. I paid it 3 times and haven't since Jan 07. But, I enjoy both sides of the business. I still am saddened by John's crusade to take away my family's side income. But, so be it.
Happy new Year to all
Sorry Richard but according to the YTB brainwashedd Anon, anyone who DOESN'T join YTB is a loser, anyone that fails (over thousands) are losers, if you don't use the YTB website you're a loser, if you don't bow down to Coach you're a loser, if you don't read pro YTBs blogs/videos etc...you're a loser, if you don't choose Coach as your Saviour you're a loser, if you don't screw people out of $500 you're a loser, if you don't invest in stock you're a loser...and because you are one of the smart ones that don't want to sink with the rest of the minions you are a LOSER!!
ReplyDeleteI say Richard, welcome to the logical side of the world. You broke free and that poor poor YTBer still thinks they are going to rule the world and that if the millions of people in the world aren't using a YTB product we are all losers...Desparate is Coach n crew's middle NAME.
Josh you say that now, but you will thank the ones in the light later.
ReplyDeleteYTBers are stubborn. It will take something bad to happen for them to see what's been in front of them all this time. Whether they like us or not, the fact is they can't say we NEVER tried to help them, even if it was harsh. The truth HURTS and it may take some longer than others to get it. The rest? Denial til the end.
ReplyDeleteWhat were my predictions? I seem to recall asking a $24million dollar question on August 4th that panned out pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI seem to recall saying IATAN would never take yo back, that seemed to be the case.
I seem to recall saying the lawsuits woudl hurt recruiting and it seems you have lost 40,000 (well 40,001) in the last 4 months.
While I am not a big fan of Joystar, and very glad that their agents wised up and moved on for the better, I find it amusing that the "other" blogger felt the need to point out their problems. Should you not be pointing out the very problems that exist in your own house before talking about another? Alverson's ship has already sank, and the agents were the same..stubborn to think that their company could be so sleazy, but he's hanging on to the tip of the Titantic like Kate & Leo hoping to survive. Wake up and jump ship before you get sucked under already.
ReplyDeleteJosh said, "I still am saddened by John's crusade to take away my family's side income."
ReplyDeleteMy husband referees kids basketball/baseball games to make additional money for our family. He doesn't rely on working for a scam outfit with a bunch of known hucksters. Nor do I have to worry about him trying to scam and recruit friends and family for an MLM. I am not embarrassed by him. My friends/family don't make snide comments about him being in an MLM nor do they try to avoid him.
I am saddened that you are gambling your family's future on a lost cause.
I am saddened that you have to supplement your family income by being involved with a scam.
I am saddened your greed has got the best of you.
And, I am saddened you just don't get it Josh...
Josh, You know very well that you don't need YTB to supplement your income selling travel.
ReplyDeleteYTB membership is a liability, not an asset.
As I was perusing the internet this morning, as is my usual routine, I came across the above mentioned blog author's newest entry dated yesterday, and I found one amusing, and telling, sentence. That sentence is, and I quote, "I have nothing really ready to post. I have a few ideas, but it’s all on paper, and really needed to set this blog and my business aside in it’s current form, and spend some time dreaming and planning where I want both to be by the end of 2009."
ReplyDeleteNow, granted, the author does state that he had been away with his family for the holidays, but to say that you have nothing ready to post?!? This is the same person, who previously stated that to have an effective blog, at least according to him (in his list of blogging tips that he lifted from someone else, and published on his blog of 12/8/2008), one must "Write one new blog post per day minimum." One must also wonder if any of the ideas he has on paper are "pillar" articles, articles that will have practical tips to teach his audience something, or are they just more bashing articles, which seem to be de rigueur with him of late?
I also wonder why he feels the need to set his blog aside? Is it because he has received word from Wood River that he needs to have a lower profile, in accordance with their newest policies and procedures (Of course, we all know that they're being selective onto whom those policies are being enforced against.)? Or because that he realizes that people are beginning to realize that the garbage that he is spewing forth strictly that, garbage?
Set his business aside? Hmmmmm, interesting. If his "business" is a thriving, growing concern, in these economic times is this a prudent decision? You would think that now would be the time to give it all you have, and leave your dreaming to late nights when you're all snuggled in your bed. Or perhaps the business isn't as thriving as the blog author would lead us to believe, and his late nights are spent fraught with worry over where your next recruit is going to come from, and planning the wardrobe for the next civil court appearance.
As for planning on where the blog author will be by the end of 2009, I have my own thought on that. He will be in the same place that all the other ytbers will be, and that is back in the real world of the 9-5 job, in an office, dreaming of how he will rebuild the trust of those he helped to cheat out of their hard earned dollars by recruiting them into ytb.
Ainsworth has been spending the holidays watching reruns of Columbo.
ReplyDeleteQuite the detective.
I love this place... "If your still paying the $49.95 a month, then you was not working the business anyway."
ReplyDeleteUmmm YTB requires that you have 6 paying members under you in order to re-imburse you for your site. Including yourself that would be 7 people.
In a perfect distribution, the highest possible number of RTAs that could have a free site would be 1 out of 7 or about 14%.
Therfore, at the very least 86% of all RTAs are paying for their site.
Realistically the number has to be over 90% of RTAs are apparently "not working the business anyway"
The second funny part is that they call an affiliate web site a "business". Did you know that Travelocity gives away FREE affilliate web sites? In fact, there are dozens of companies that will let you be a free affiliate... Look at Amazon.com.
An affiliate web site is not a "Business"....
As for all the quitters, - YTB membership is dropping fast. Tens of thousands of members are bailing out each quarter after paying their $500 for their first month....
I have read numbers are down from just under 140,000 RTAs to about 90,000 RTAs...
Thats an awful lot of people that failed....
Yeah all 50,000 of them are losers...geez...are they kidding me?
ReplyDeleteWhat other business has that much attrition??
And let's not get into their crappy 'residual' income.
Stock closed at .20 today....
ReplyDeleteIf YTB closed at 0.20 today then they are way ahead of Travelstar/Joystar which closed at 0.002 today.
ReplyDeleteI just want to hear a collective FLUSH and have them all gone for 2009. One more day to get rid of the ... the.... you know..the stuff you flush.
I'd like to say Happy New Year to all of you here. Let's take ONE day and be kind. :)
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the best!
Since the YTB crowd loves to quote the Bible, I'd like to offer the following to Doug with reference to his Joystar blog entry:
ReplyDeletefrom the New American Version, Matthew 7:5
“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Please note that I have nothing good to say about Joystar either. I wouldn't want people to think I was defending them.
"I'd like to say Happy New Year to all of you here. Let's take ONE day and be kind. :)"
ReplyDeleteSo Denyse still on the YTB fence I see. That talk of you joining another host was just that talk. BS. You still don't want to give up the cash cow down line. I don't want to hear the song and dance about owing anyone either. When you quit YTB for good let us know. Theb we will take you seriously and not shun you.
Anon, it really doesn't affect my life one or another if you take me seriously or shun me. I'm sorry...it just doesn't.
ReplyDeleteAs I have said before, I am NOW with another host. It was NOT just talk. Whether you choose to believe that - again makes no difference. I don't think you'll be signing my paychecks.
And again whether you choose to or not, have a happy new year!
It looks like Denyse went with Cruises & Tours Unlimited as her host agency. So Denyse, did you totally give up everything involving YTB?
ReplyDeleteShe is still posting on the Wahm Forum under the YTB thread, so I guess not! lol
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteShe is still posting on the Wahm Forum under the YTB thread, so I guess not! lol
LOL - last post 12/26/08?????? And even if I did, is that a problem? My friends/colleagues don't stop being my friends/colleagues because I move on. I've gained some friends for life.
And come to think of it, PLENTY people have posted under that thread and have NEVER been with the company. So, that doesn't even make sense. You just want to complain about something, right? One of YOUR colleagues stated where I went. So, what have you got to say now?
ReplyDeleteMost of the posting on the Wham site is by you Denyse and by your YTB buddy Gail. Face it. You made friends for life on there? ROTFL! Then why aren't you emailing eachother instead of posting on there? Why aren't you talking by phone?
ReplyDeletePosted: 24/December/2008 at 4:36pm
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Pastor Brewer said on Christmas eve: "Gail & Denyse Give me a call even on Christmas Day I would love to share some things you both can do to still grow you business through the power of the internet without violating your companies policy." This was after a discussion about YTB's new policies
You responded on Christmas eve with "You can email me PastorBrewer."
Hmmmm makes one wonder doesn't it?
As to plenty of people posting on there who are not with YTB that's rich. Some people have posted to ask about YTB and then there was the poor lady trying to get help about the trip she booked with YTB, but that's about it. And all the people who were not with YTB and were anti YTB who tried to post were all eventually banned weren't they?
What I have to say is you may have switched horses put I think your are still riding the YTB downline honey pie!
That's why she has not and will not answer NMH's question isn't it?
ReplyDelete"As I have said before, I am NOW with another host. It was NOT just talk."
ReplyDeleteThen why are you still posting and promoting YTB on the wahm board?
PS You have to have 18 months experience with a real travel agency to study for your CTA.
eddie said...
ReplyDelete" YTB membership is a liability, not an asset."
If it dont cost me anything how is it a liability?
When I get commission checks, how is that not an asset?
You people are CLUELESS...
You are getting your misinformation from this blog and Quoting it as GOSPEL. You are confusing ALL KNOWING JOHN, with John the GOSPEL.
Anon--you ask how it is a liability if it "don't cost you anything".
ReplyDeleteI think that question could be tabled for a few months and then ask the 100+ representatives in California who are soon to be named and enjoined i the YTB suit by the Attorney General.
Another example of YTB being a liability would be people like Denyse. From what little I have read, it sounds like she actually wants to train and learn the travel industry..... And I suspect that anyone that learns that she is/was a YTB member for so long will take her a little less seriously....
ReplyDeleteIts basically a glaring smudge on your resume...
Actually I would like to say that someone who moves from YTB to a legitimate Host does not have a "smudge" on her resume. It shows that she has some sense afterall. Congratulations! Now sell some travel instead of some travel sites!
ReplyDeleteAgreed, I applaude her for finally moving to a legitimate host and for hopefully seeing the writing on the wall.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThat's why she has not and will not answer NMH's question isn't it?
If you read the WAHM board so much, you'll see NMH's question was answered there.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMost of the posting on the Wham site is by you Denyse and by your YTB buddy Gail. Face it. You made friends for life on there? ROTFL! Then why aren't you emailing eachother instead of posting on there? Why aren't you talking by phone?
What I have to say is you may have switched horses put I think your are still riding the YTB downline honey pie!
We became friends BEFORE WAHM. We do speak by email and phone.
I am not riding any of YTB's downline because I don't have one - nor was that ever my focus or expertise. But you know that because I've said it numerous times.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"As I have said before, I am NOW with another host. It was NOT just talk."
Then why are you still posting and promoting YTB on the wahm board?
PS You have to have 18 months experience with a real travel agency to study for your CTA.
Prove where I've promoted YTB since 12/24. I haven't. I HAVE posted on WAHM, but its been in either the General Travel or Traditional Travel folders.
And that doesn't seem to be true. They seem to take anyone who can pay $275.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnother example of YTB being a liability would be people like Denyse. From what little I have read, it sounds like she actually wants to train and learn the travel industry..... And I suspect that anyone that learns that she is/was a YTB member for so long will take her a little less seriously....
Its basically a glaring smudge on your resume...
Unfortunately, I can't agree with that either. I have gone to a traditional host AND have been offered to be trained by an Independent Agent. They BOTH know about YTB and fine with it. Both take me seriously, which is more than I can say for you all here.
"And that doesn't seem to be true. They seem to take anyone who can pay $275."
ReplyDeleteDenyse your comprehension astounds me.
From the Travel Institute website.
To earn the CTA, travel professionals must:
* Pass the CTA test.
* Possess 18 months of full-time industry experience.
* Commit to annual certification maintenance to retain their certification.
The CTA program can be completed in 3 to 6 months however, candidates are allowed 12 months to complete and take the test. The program may be completed through self-study or at a Travel Institute Licensed School and testing is available online.
Denyse, you may have others fooled on here about your claim to be legit but you don't have me fooled one bit. You know nothing about this industry nor do you read.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Lisa and Anon!!! I appreciate the encouragement and not the discouragement. It seems things are NO different for the move than before the move.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I have read and CAN read and comprehend. I also know a person from an MLM who has enrolled into the Travel Institute program. She DOES NOT have 18 months FULL TIME experience with a "REAL" travel agency. And it does not say "REAL" does it. It says travel industry.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know she was accepted because they took her money AND sent the study materials.
This sounds so much like "my friend" Miss Kitty.
This is sorta like the movie boiler room. Young naive people see all these slogans like "Travel like an insider" and hear about all the money everyone is supposedly making by being a travel agent with YTB.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie - Seth David sees a guy with a ferrari and falls for the hype and signs up to be a broker with a slimey firm called J.T. Marlin.
Almost no one in the travel industry respects YTB, and in Boiler Room - no one respected J.T. Marlin.
I have no doubt that if a small travel agency was looking to hire a travel agent, they would not look kindly at a resume with YTB on it.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that if a small travel agency was looking to hire a travel agent, they would not look kindly at a resume with YTB on it.
Well thankfully there are people in this world who are the EXACT opposite.
There are many people in YTB who became a part of the company because they wanted to book travel. It makes no sense to not allow that person to do that if they choose another host. One's past does not always determine his future. ;-)
Sorry Denyse, but I don't and won't read WAHM. So are you totally disolved from YTB or not? If not, I'm sure you will be soon after reading their new rules and regulations.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, a simple "yes" or "no" will do. Thanks.
Ummmm "think the EXACT opposite"
ReplyDeleteYou think working for a company that has no respect in the industry will be looked apon favorably?
No one is saying past YTBers would not be allowed to work in the travel industry or being a member determines an exact outcome, but if you are a member of one of the least respected companies in an industry, and you go to apply at another company, people are not going to look favorably at your past experiences...
I'll add my congratulations to Denyse for moving to a legit host. Whether you 'anons' like it or not Denyse has joined the TTA ranks and I wish her great success.
ReplyDeleteeddie said...
ReplyDeleteI'll add my congratulations to Denyse for moving to a legit host. Whether you 'anons' like it or not Denyse has joined the TTA ranks and I wish her great success.
Thank you Eddie.
I don't understand. You all have continually tried to get people to detract from YTB. When one does so, you still harrass. Why?? What's the point??
I will continue to work my travel business into 2009. Maybe I'll meet some of you at some travel function one of these days.
Until then, have a great day.
"She DOES NOT have 18 months FULL TIME experience with a "REAL" travel agency. And it does not say "REAL" does it. It says travel industry."
ReplyDeleteShe may be able to enroll but they ask for the documentation to take the CTA test. AND, an MLM is not a real agent.
Fine, that'll be on her to prove. When I get ready to do that, I'll be able to prove that - albeit I've BOOKED for the industry the last 3 years.
ReplyDeleteYou know Denyse for months and months you have come on here and DEFENDED YTB to the death and argued and got testy to anyone who challenged you.
ReplyDeleteYou even tried to recruit some of us and when we emailed you back got nasty.
Oh, and let's not forget all of us you had either banned from the wahm board or our posts deleted because we disagreed with YTB and you.
Now, you come on here all nicey nice and want us to forgive you because you are suddenly with a legit host. Sorry, honey you burned a lot of bridges. Upset a lot of us and made us very angry with your YTB dog & pony show.
It is going to take a lot for some of us to accept and respect you.
Again, sounds like Miss Kitty. Why the cover?
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the negative feelings, but don't lie. I have NEVER tried to recruit ANYONE here. In fact, recruiting was never my focus. Anyone I recruited was strictly by using the products. I'm not an MLM'r. You may have me confused with the many people you bash.
I've also never gotten anyone banned or suspended from WAHM. If you don't have proof of what you say, you shouldn't say it. I can tell you who got people banned or suspended.
Additionally, I never asked for any forgiveness. I don't think I have anything to be forgiven for. I made the best decision I could at the time for my family. If any mistakes were made, I made them against myself and family and no one else. Maybe I should ask THEIR forgiveness, but not yours. I've come here and behaved no differently than I ever have. I'm no nicer now than any other time. And thanks to you, I'm actually going back and forth when I never do this.
So......again unless you will sign my paychecks it makes no difference whether you respect or not. And even if you WILL sign my paychecks you still don't have to respect me - just pay me if I produce.
The only correct thing you said is that I defended YTB. I'll own that. I would expect that whatever a person is involved with, they would defend it.
So you wrote all of that and only one statement was true. Waste of time because I still don't care what you say.
Not Miss Kitty.
ReplyDeleteI have an email from you and your reply when I told you what I thought of YTB.
As I stated above you have burned a lot of bridges and you still have a chip on your shoulder.
You want respect suck it up, play nice and quit the goody two shoes act.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNot Miss Kitty.
I have an email from you and your reply when I told you what I thought of YTB.
I apologize for incorrectly naming you. Still why are you hiding behind Anonymous?
Forward the email to: Rx4FunTravel@ymail.com.
You know, part of the objective of this blog and the attention the TTAs are bringing to YTB is indeed to demonstrate that MLM and travel do not mix. If Denyse has moved on from YTB I say AWESOME! That's a win for our side.
ReplyDeleteI also personally know 6 others who have done the same. And those 6 (believe me) were as adamant about YTB being the best thing in the world as Denyse ever was. To be honest, one of the deserters came up to me at a trade show and I was honestly (for a minute) afraid there might be violence because we argued so much.
And I also agree with Denyse that you will defend your ground. The TTAs are defending theirs. Why do you expect someone that invested some money into a program to not do the same?
CONGRATS DENYSE--see it really is not as dark over here as YTB led you to believe...is it?
Denyse: I assume you are not going to answer my very simple question. YTB taught you well on what to say and what not to say. I'm sure you're still going to collect (pimp) money from your downline.
ReplyDeleteJohn said...
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS DENYSE--see it really is not as dark over here as YTB led you to believe...is it?
Thank you John. Ummmm....we'll have to see about that. So far, Anonymous has given me nothing but grief! LOL
Interestingly I checked the Travel Institute website and they charge $225 to take the test. Form to fill out with all your info. 18 months experience to test.
ReplyDeleteThe modules for each course cost $40 per course and there are 8 modules.
I would love to know where she got the $275.00 fee because I did not see it on the site.
No Moron Here said...
ReplyDeleteDenyse: I assume you are not going to answer my very simple question. YTB taught you well on what to say and what not to say. I'm sure you're still going to collect (pimp) money from your downline.
NMH, I don't think there's any reason to respond to that question. I have a new host.
As far as a downline is concerned, I never pimped money. Whoever joined me in business has certainly dwindled over the last 6 months. I will say, however, that I will not allow those who wish to say to have NO support at all. I'm the only support they've known since they've been there. IF they choose to stay, I will certainly assist them with whatever their needs are.
HTH, but I'm sure you'll tear it all apart and put out misinformation.
Sorry John, but I disagree with you. To forgive someone that has knowingly scammed so many people is not easy to forgive. I do not welcome these type of leeches into the legit travel industry. And to top it off, Denyse also claims she didn't recruit but made 6 figures each year. That would amount to a hellova lot of travel sales which we know did not happen. She may have changed hosts but that does not excuse her past. When YTB goes down (and it will), should we welcome all of these weasels into our business? I don't think that's such a wise move. Besides, most will continue with other travel MLMs.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteInterestingly I checked the Travel Institute website and they charge $225 to take the test. Form to fill out with all your info. 18 months experience to test.
The modules for each course cost $40 per course and there are 8 modules.
I would love to know where she got the $275.00 fee because I did not see it on the site.
Directly from the site:
The Travel Introductory Program (TRIP) - Home-Based Version $275 ($329 value)
You didn't look well.
Oh OK, Denyse. All I can say is, "Would you like to earn 6 figures per month? Call me." Sound familiar?
ReplyDeleteDenyse, that is the basic course and test materials for the TAP test which is the basic entry level test it is NOT the CTA as you claimed in an earlier post.
ReplyDeleteTrip* Contains texbooks and TAP Test voucher for a thorough introduction to a career in travel
At least 18 months of full-time travel industry experience
* Certified Travel Associate (CTA) program
First level of certification for front-line travel professionals
I agree with NMH. And, have you looked at the host she is with now? It really doens't look that much better than YTB to be frank.
ReplyDeleteNo Moron Here said...
ReplyDeleteSorry John, but I disagree with you. To forgive someone that has knowingly scammed so many people is not easy to forgive. I do not welcome these type of leeches into the legit travel industry. And to top it off, Denyse also claims she didn't recruit but made 6 figures each year. That would amount to a hellova lot of travel sales which we know did not happen. She may have changed hosts but that does not excuse her past. When YTB goes down (and it will), should we welcome all of these weasels into our business? I don't think that's such a wise move. Besides, most will continue with other travel MLMs.
Again......I NEVER asked for forgiveness. I think that's where you're mistaken.
Secondly, I never scammed anyone. Anyone who became a part of that business did so on their own free will just as I did. It was not a scam. It was an opportunity for people to become a part of an industry in an easier fashion. Having said that...I agree that many of those individuals became a part with less than honorable goals or goals that did not include travel. But its not a scam - it was the result of the individuals' actions AFTER joining.
Thirdly, I NEVER said I made 6 figures. If I said anything I said I surpassed what my former career paid me. I only made 5 figures in that career. Not a lie.
Fourthly, again I'm glad to know you don't have to make that decision on my past. There ARE people who see that just because of my past affiliation, it does NOT affect my love of travel and my intent to work in this industry.
Fifthly, no you don't have to welcome us into your BUSINESS. I will not be joining YOUR business. I am moving in the INDUSTRY. And you have no say about that as long as there are those who ARE willing to accept us.
Finally, I'm not a weasel. I think if that company goes down (as you're sure it will), it will change how MLM and travel are combined. You may not have to worry about it.
No Moron Here said...
ReplyDeleteOh OK, Denyse. All I can say is, "Would you like to earn 6 figures per month? Call me." Sound familiar?
Yup, but I DIDN'T say I earned it. It was possible.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDenyse, that is the basic course and test materials for the TAP test which is the basic entry level test it is NOT the CTA as you claimed in an earlier post.
John, you think this is love??? LOL
I NEVER said CTA - YOU did.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI agree with NMH. And, have you looked at the host she is with now? It really doens't look that much better than YTB to be frank.
Whoa.....wow. I'm sure Steve Mencik would be glad to know that. You accept him.
The training is great. And I had a marketing consultation already. Thanks!
Never mind I thought you were with Cruises and Tours Unlimited or some crap...
ReplyDeleteDenyse said, "Yup, but I DIDN'T say I earned it. It was possible."
ReplyDeleteYou sure implied it to get people into YTB. That was YOUR GOAL. That equals scam to me. If you disagree, then fine. I really don't care because you are well aware of what YTB is all about and was about when you recruited. That speaks for itself. And yes, YTB is a SCAM and always was a SCAM.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNever mind I thought you were with Cruises and Tours Unlimited or some crap...
I am, which is exactly the same place Steve's website states.
And does it really matter if I'm learning travel, booking travel and NOT recruiting????
No Moron Here said...
ReplyDeleteDenyse said, "Yup, but I DIDN'T say I earned it. It was possible."
You sure implied it to get people into YTB. That was YOUR GOAL. That equals scam to me. If you disagree, then fine. I really don't care because you are well aware of what YTB is all about and was about when you recruited. That speaks for itself. And yes, YTB is a SCAM and always was a SCAM.
Fine. There's no need to argue about that. It provided income for me exactly when I needed it - when I wasn't able to book travel because I had to care for my mother. There's a bright lining in very cloud.
"John, you think this is love??? LOL"
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect after you bashed us for months. An open arm reception full of kisses, flowers and hugs??? I think you are asking a whole lot. JM2Cents.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"John, you think this is love??? LOL"
What do you expect after you bashed us for months. An open arm reception full of kisses, flowers and hugs??? I think you are asking a whole lot. JM2Cents.
Again, you're mistaken.
I only came on here to discuss issues. The friction came when you bashed me and I only responded to defend myself and my actions. And I don't need love - I was just asking John a question. I'm good without your love...LOL
I can see it all now.....When HuggyBear in ATL finally has no blog about YTB and how wonderful he is, YTB is long gone, and he's back to selling speakers or picking up trash along the roadsides, he'll be forgiven and welcomed into the travel community also. I guess Presidential Pardons do have a place in society. Maybe Bush will pardon Manson before he leaves office.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone tell you you were stubborn?
ReplyDeleteIf you would just let it go instead of continuing to argue and beat a dead horse you might be treated differently. Always have to have the last word don't you? That won't win you friends.
Happy New Year!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDid anyone tell you you were stubborn?
If you would just let it go instead of continuing to argue and beat a dead horse you might be treated differently. Always have to have the last word don't you? That won't win you friends.
Happy New Year!
Ditto!! LOL I was only answering questions. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Denyse said"Thirdly, I NEVER said I made 6 figures. If I said anything I said I surpassed what my former career paid me. I only made 5 figures in that career. Not a lie."
ReplyDeleteDoes this sentence actually make sense to you Denyse? You said you earned a 5 figure income at your previous job and then you state that you made more than that with YTB. Then you said you never said you made 6 figures with YTB! Well which is it then? This is one of the reasons that people have issues with you Denyse, you talk out of both sides of your mouth constantly!
That, and all the phony Christian b.s. you have spouted on here for months! No true Christian would have ever been involved in a scam like YTB and then paid them money, supported, defended them and let others be bilked by them! You still stick up for them and claim they are not a scam to this day and you will never admit that what you did was wrong either. And the comment about not forcing anyone into the business and that they entered it on their own....I think Jim Jones said the same thing when he got all those folowers to commit suicide too!
You can come here and protest all you want, but what you did and what you continue do/say is immoral, unethical and shows no conscience whatsoever!
ReplyDeleteI will be closing comments on this thread as it just morphed into a personal attack.
ReplyDeleteI do see what Denyse is saying. If I make $50,000 in Job A, and I make $60,000 in YTB, then yes, YTB allowed someone to earn more than they did in their previous job.