Burt Saunders, one of the few "independent" Board members of YTB has resigned his Board seat. But don't feel too sorry, YTB has hired him as a legal consultant for $12,000 per month. Burt's legal expertise is in land use and healthcare. I guess this is just what YTB needs after they have sold all the land and buildings and have an Attorney General breathing down their neck.
I am not sure why Burt woudl choose to work for peanuts, when he could be making $30,000 per month if he just became a Recessionproof RTA.
But I guess $144,000 a year is better than nothing.
Well, since he lost his election, he needed a "Just Over Broke" to make ends meet while he waits for the $30K per month to start rolling in. He probably would have just sold his stock, but it's worth more as toilet paper right now.
ReplyDeleteIt's so amazing that there is a company out there that can do absolutely nothing right....at all. Every time someone at YTB sneezes, John calls spins it as some kind of bad. Is that the way your exwife felt too John?
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing how, once again, YTB has chosen NOT to hire someone who has experience in the travel industry...
ReplyDeleteAnn Your a HOOT... Ever think about a job at HOOTERS? You people hear make me LAUGH!
ReplyDeleteThis is better than the daily funnies.
Don't yall know you cant just start making 30K month over night... It takes a couple of weeks.
HOOT HOOT, and Ann I am looking forward to tipping you a dollar at HOOTERS!
Isn't it amazing how YTB deflects and attacks John's personal life?
ReplyDeleteYTB has done a few things right. Unfortunately they are far an few inbetween. Can you name a few?
ReplyDeleteIf they sneezed, they probably woudl not have covered theirnose.
But why eliminate one of thelast independent firectors and make him an insider now--especially one without experience int he areas thay they need
Given YTB's current stock dump and land/jet sale where are they getting the $$$ to pay him?
ReplyDelete"Isn't it amazing how YTB deflects and attacks John's personal life?"
ReplyDeleteThis blog is a picture of John's personal life.
Well, I'd be worried if I were John. Remember he just got spanked for attempting to redirect folks to thefactsaboutytb.NET.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope Saunders doesn't think he lost the his bid for The House because of what John posted here about his involvement in a "Pyramid Scheme". I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that paddle.
Could get VERY interesting, and I'm sure the fine folks will flood the home office on what a bad boy John has been in promoting the myths, lies, and rumors about YTB.
What a shame...another enemy, and this one's a real keeper. ;-P
What, a has been politician that lost a race is a threat? Come on. And it wasn't this blog that broke that story, but his home town news paper in Florida.
ReplyDeleteWould you ask your gyno to do brain surgery? Probably not. It would have made a lot more sense to hire an attorney that specializes in pyramid schemes. The former defense attorney for Amway resigned her post as director of the FTC last year. Why didn't they call her?
ReplyDelete"Well, I'd be worried if I were John. Remember he just got spanked for attempting to redirect folks to thefactsaboutytb.NET. "
ReplyDeleteRight. Like they are going after John when they A) Have no money and B) Are in the midst of 2 class action, 1 federal law suit and an Attorney General suit. Not going to happen. They have bigger fish to fry.
Furthermore, I did not see YTB trademarked anywhere. For that matter the Yorkshire Tourist Board could go after them for using YTB when they had it longer....
"I sure hope Saunders doesn't think he lost the his bid for The House because of what John posted here about his involvement in a "Pyramid Scheme". I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that paddle."
ReplyDeleteSaunders lost his bid because YTB is a pyramid scheme and the CA AG suit and because he is a weasel.
"Furthermore, I did not see YTB trademarked anywhere. For that matter the Yorkshire Tourist Board could go after them for using YTB when they had it longer...."
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be the head cashier at Wal-Mart to figure out what YTB John is talking about. When John is hacking on YTB, it's pretty clear he doesn't mean the Yorkshire Tourist Board. I hope John redirects the domain back to here. I would bet YTB has plenty of money to sue John. John can't even pay his bills now let alone defend himself against trademark infringement. Please John, redirect it back to here!!!!!!
"I would bet YTB has plenty of money to sue John. John can't even pay his bills now let alone defend himself against trademark infringement."
ReplyDeleteYou don't get it do you? YTB has no money. The stock is worthless. They are selling assets including the jet and land to pay for the lawsuits they are defending themselves against. It's all over the place they are about to file Chapter 7.
And, you think they are going after John? You are seriously deluded pal.
You YTBers are nothing but balless wonders. You hide, deflect, and slander people. You pretend to know something about the law when you know nothing. You pretend to be from YTB legal. You are nothing but childish phonies, throwing out bullshit and attacking posters and the truth about YTB. You are a desperate lot who will do and say anything to deflect away from what YTB is, change the subject of the blog, and just how much deep crap they are in and what they have done to people. Your veiled worthless threats are just that....worthless. You need to watch yourselves, because you are opening yourselves up to a slander suit and I think YTB would be very interested in knowing that you are pretending to be their "legal department", threatening posters and acusing the wrong poster of posting porn, and trademark infringement and more. If you don't think your ISP adresses cannot be tracked and your location, think again, because they can. I have the software available to me that can do it, and your info can be easily obtained through a court subpoena which is easier to obtain than you think. You need to clean up your own crap before you start crap with others on here. Can you afford a lawsuit? I know I can afford to pursue one.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous since you bought up John's financial status and his bill paying ability why don't you check on your friend Doug Bauknight and ask him about his?
ReplyDelete"You YTBers are nothing but balless wonders. You hide, deflect, and slander people. You pretend to know something about the law when you know nothing. You pretend to be from YTB legal. You are nothing but childish phonies, throwing out bullshit and attacking posters and the truth about YTB."
ReplyDeleteAs John would put it, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
"Your veiled worthless threats are just that....worthless."
ReplyDeleteAs are yours. Feel free to pursue your suit there!
As Joan Rivers might say..."Oh grow up!" All of you!
ReplyDeleteThink I'm gonna go to HOOTERS.
ReplyDeleteCAN'T rationalize
ReplyDeleteThese YTBers just keep proving how childish and unprofessional they are daily. Their behavior is too cult-like also. They can rationalize if Barney broke it down. lol
ReplyDelete"These YTBers just keep proving how childish and unprofessional they are daily."
ReplyDeleteOnce again the pot calling the kettle black.
Can people start using another phrase besides the damn kettle and pot? LOL it's getting old. The others used it and now the YTBers are throwing it out anytime they can get a comment in now. They are stripping the meaning of it. LOL
ReplyDeleteAnyway I don't see how any smart YTBer can stay with that company. They've had more changes than a newborn baby's diapers in the last couple of months. And they call that stability??
I got my six plus more, so it does not cost me anything to stay. Why would I leave, They pay me... TRAVEL COMMISSIONS... I work this business and I book TRAVEL.
ReplyDeleteI'm not out anything, It's been all profit for over 2 years now.
It would be DUMB, DUMB, DUMB to leave when it does not cost me anything to stay. I'll stay til the end...
YTB is not for QUITTERS...REHAB is for QUITTERS.
"I got my six plus more, so it does not cost me anything to stay. Why would I leave, They pay me... TRAVEL COMMISSIONS... I work this business and I book TRAVEL.
ReplyDeleteI'm not out anything, It's been all profit for over 2 years now.
It would be DUMB, DUMB, DUMB to leave when it does not cost me anything to stay. I'll stay til the end...
YTB is not for QUITTERS...REHAB is for QUITTERS."
Sure you do.
And, what are you going to do when the suppliers start kicking you to the curb one by one?
"And, what are you going to do when the suppliers start kicking you to the curb one by one?"
ReplyDeleteKinda SLOW AINT YA?
I said "I'll stay til the end..."
You can't read can you?
A bunch of HOOTS... That's what you all are.
ReplyDeleteHOOTER's is not 4 QUITTERS either, my friend.
You buying the next round at HOOTER'S with your commission check...
I'll give ur check to see LISA's HOOTS!
HOOT! HOOT! You guys are HOOTS!
ReplyDeleteI hope that's not your real name. If you are Melvin you are tarnishing your own reputation by posting these absurd comments. No one wants to work with an unprofessional whatever-you-are like you. Not an insult but the truth. Look at all of your comments. Can you post something of substance MELVIN?
And YTB poster who is staying til the end. What will you say when you are waiting for your last 6 figure commission check and funds are frozen, they file bankruptcy or the trips you booked are no longer valid b/c the company went down? Will you have that dumbfounded look on your face? I'd pay to see it. Stay til the end..you go on ahrad and do that. No one will feel sorry for you but your reflection.
ReplyDeleteI said "I'll stay til the end..."
You can't read can you?"
That's what they said as the Titanic was slowly sinking into the ocean.
What a fool you are.
"waiting for your last 6 figure commission check "
ReplyDeleteI never said I got a check like that...
You dont read very well do you...
Heck, my 12 year old has better comprehension that you.
Most of my checks are in the 300 to 500 dollar range. I have 1 7000 dollar check, but that was for a group cruise for the church. Why wouldnt I stay to the end... it's not costing me anything. This is part time for me and i will enjoy the extra income while it lasts. When it's over, I'll find something else...
"That's what they said as the Titanic was slowly sinking into the ocean. "
If this was my only source of income, then your comments might hold some validity.
But this is by no means my only source of income. You tell em MELVIN... They are all HOOTS! and LOSERS!
The one thing I haven't noticed a comment on is that i think Burt is only working for YTB 20 hours a week... so his 144,000 is for part time work....
ReplyDeleteI assume he was hired to be able to lobby on YTB's behalf with so many government groups coming down on YTB.... It sort of makes sense.
Does anyone else notice that YTBers will never talk about the issues? All they try to do is deflect. Their mantra is deny deny deny - deflect deflect deflect. If this blog was all lies, halftruths etc, you think they would have at least a LITTLE ammunition to back up those claims, but they don't. The best they can do is talk about John. If they really had _any_ defense don't you think they would use it?
ReplyDeleteObvious that anonymous above is eihter Densyse Turner/Gail or Regina. Same MO as the 3 musketeers. They don't need no stinkin money because they have another job. Tell me Gail/Regina/Denyse whichever one of the tripletts you are how do you live with yourself conning and scamming people???? The only reason you are in YTB is to get every last drop of blood and money out of your down line. There isn't any way in heck you are making the kind of commission you claim. You all claim to be such good, God fearing Christian women. It's all over all of your blogs yet you scam people and are involved with a scam company. Does it not bother you in the least? What kind of Christian takes advantage of people? I really want to know what kind of Christian you are that praises God and takes money from a down line knowing full well the implications of it. And, does your religion allow you to thwart the 10 Commandments? What kind of monster and hypocrite are you? AND, what kind of Christian are you? Obviously, not a very good one. All window dressing. Using religion to further a cause. Shame on you! I hope you rot in hell...
ReplyDeleteAll the YTBers have to post is the same old repetitive b.s., lies, deflection, stalking and harassing posters, posting porn which they blame others for and "hooting". That is their claim to fame. Says much about what kind of "business" YTB really is and what they attract for professional members doesn't it? Talk about bottom of the barrel.
ReplyDeleteNone of them have proof of anything positive about this scam and they never will, no real defense, nada. It's interesting to watch them continually denegrade and make total fools of themselves and prove just what they and YTB really are on a daily basis. They are too half-witted to see the damage they are doing to themselves and to YTB with their continued childish, inane rants and pranks and that they are clearly showing that they the collective intelligence and credibility of mushrooms. I love it!!! Keep it up!! Their behavior is better evidence than anything John can post about YTB at this point.
"that they the collective", meant to say: that they have the collective... I am just laughing my ass off at their ridiculous behavior so much, it's hard to type. lmao
ReplyDeleteTwo YTBers locked the keys in their car at the last YTB convention and were trying to open the door with a coat hanger. The first YTBer complained that he "was having trouble getting the door unlocked." The second YTBer responed: "Well, you better hurry up, it's starting to rain and top is down!"
ReplyDeleteYou all tell JOKES too.. That's a HOOT!
ReplyDelete"get every last drop of blood and money out of your down line."
Now thats NOT a HOOT! That's HARSH!.
What kinda money we talking about here...getting from the downline?
get every last drop of blood and money out of your down line...
ReplyDeleteWhat u talking bout?
I only made 2 bucks a month off my downline.
I didnt sign up up no 'po people... they can afford to pay me 2 bucks a month.
You couldnt afford it... that why u gotta talk trash and BLASPHEMY!
Are you going to start trashing AT&T also.
I make commissions from them TOO.
What about DIRECTV... I get referal fees from them. and GODADDY and MOZY and GOTOMYPC...
I have several affiliates I get monthly checks from.
Ur broke butt is still getting a W2.
REAL MONEY comes from a 10-99.
What u got against making commissions and referal fee's. Other than u to DUMB to figger it out...
How many people selling AT&T products for comissions lost money? How many direct tv sales people lost money?
ReplyDeleteDo they have to pay $450 to sign up and $50 a month?
Does direct TV or AT&T rely on their own sales reps for almost all of their income?
YTB is all about recruiting... Other than those annoying laws, YTB doesn't really need to sell travel... Almost all of the money is passed around based on recruiting....
That really shows how much you know...
ReplyDeleteI havnt paid my $50 a month in over 2 years...
WHAT PART OF IT DONT COST ME ANYTHING, do you not UNDERSTAND. I got my 6 people... I DONT PAY $50.
AT&T and DIRECTV rely heavily on referrals...
That's why they offer them...
Yes I signed a 2 year contract and got a phone from AT&T before they would pay me for a referral.
Directv was the same way...
YTB-your travel biz is all about recruiting.
ReplyDeleteYTB TRAVEL has nada to do with recruiting...
It is ALL about TRAVEL.
You should know that by now... shame on you.
My downline checks come from YTB.
My Travel Commission checks come from YTB TRAVEL.
2 different companies. 2 different paychecks.
I make more money on Travel commissions thatn I do my downline. It's only $2 a month per downline member. ANd it only takes 6 in your downline to make the $50 monthly go away.
And you still dont understand it...
Oscar drove his new Mercedes to his neighbor's house to show it off. He parked it outside, knocked on the door and she let him in. Then she proceeded to try and recruit him into her new wonderful money making opportunity called YTB.
ReplyDeleteOscar excused himself and headed for the bathroom wondering how the heck he was going to escape the neighbor's house without having to listen to any more of her begging him to join YTB. He tried to convince her that only a total moron would join such a scam. But she wouldn't listen.
Five minutes later, the neighbor started banging on the bathroom door and yelling:" Oscar! Oscar! I just saw someone driving off with your new Mercedes!"
"Dear God! Did you try to stop him?"
"No," she said, "I did better than that! I got the license plate number!"
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhat u talking bout?
I only made 2 bucks a month off my downline.
I didnt sign up up no 'po people... they can afford to pay me 2 bucks a month.
You couldnt afford it... that why u gotta talk trash and BLASPHEMY!
Ur broke butt is still getting a W2.
REAL MONEY comes from a 10-99.
What u got against making commissions and referal fee's. Other than u to DUMB to figger it out..."
I take it you have not made enough money in all your commission checks as of yet, to take a course in the English Language or even get your GED????
$450 to join and $50 a month???
ReplyDeleteIt's FREE to join YTB... there is no MONTHLY FEE.
Ask JOHN, He joined as REP for FREE.
The $450 is only if you want a travel website.
It's FREE is all you want to do is recruit.
Why pay for a website when you can recruit for FREE... Didnt you say that ALL the MONEY in YTB was from RECRUITING...
I agreee with Melvin Palmer... You're a bunch of HOOTS! and Ignorant HOOTS at that.
You know it ALL dont ya? HOOTS! That's what you are...IGNORANT HOOTS!
Anonymous said: "My downline checks come from YTB.
ReplyDeleteMy Travel Commission checks come from YTB TRAVEL.
2 different companies. 2 different paychecks."
Uh, no. If one goes down, and it will, the other one will too. Why? Because they're both the same company with the same officers, management, and HQ. What part of that don't you understand?
Anonymous said...
I hope that's not your real name. If you are Melvin you are tarnishing your own reputation by posting these absurd comments."
No, Melvin Palmer is an obnoxious (just like most YTBers) attorney on Boston Legal. His signature phrase is, "You're a hoot! That's what you are, a hoot!" Seems that the YTB Melvin Palmer has taken this to the max. You're a hoot, Melvin. That's what you are, a hoot!" Now can we stop?
I'll excuse your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteThey are not the same officers or management.
The HQ is however the same.
But 2 totally separate companies.
John made sure of that... Thanks John for showing us our original faults and helping us to divide the company into 2 separate entities.
if one goes down, and it will, the other one will too.
When General Motors Fails, Chevy dealers will hurt as much as Buick dealers, even though their checks come from 2 seperate companies.
They are under different management also, but have same HQ. HMMM! your theory is Flawed...
and your point is???
I have recovered my initial investment several times over.
What am I losing?
OMG you friggin YTBers are delusional. Please do not tell me you recruit people with pending LAWSUITS.
ReplyDeleteLet's try this and see if you YTBers can answer without going OFF topic.
How do you feel about the lawsuits?
Does it not bother you that a lot of these changes only came down after you were served with lawsuit papers?
How do you feel about selling everything under the sun (real estate, lawn servces, laundry services on the way lol). Do you think that make YOUR TRAVEL BIZ professional selling things that have nothing to do with travel?
How do you feel about being charged extra fees for training that should be free AFTER you pay $500?
Have you ever taken a moment to ask the hard questions to your upline leaders (who will tell you what you want to hear to keep their checks)
How do you feel about not being able to have an IATAN card no matter how much travel you sell?
What IF CLIA decides to terminate their relationship? These are all valid questions whether it's music to your ears or not. How about that darned Bill of Rights that has been changed a many times?
Can someone that is mature, logical-thinking, hasn't drank a lot of the kool aid, come in and answer these pesky questions without the drama PLEASE?
Look at who THEIR leaders are. They can't do it professionally by any means. I would dare them but then they would mistake THAT for calling the kettle black or something.
ReplyDelete"I have 1 7000 dollar check, but that was for a group cruise"
ReplyDeleteNot buying it. Math doesn't add up on this one....
"I make more money on Travel commissions thatn I do my downline. It's only $2 a month per downline member. ANd it only takes 6 in your downline to make the $50 monthly go away.
ReplyDeleteAnd you still dont understand it...
HA! Not buying it. SEC filings show different. Then again you YTB all lie. Hey isn't that against the 10 commandments too?
"Can someone that is mature, logical-thinking, hasn't drank a lot of the kool aid, come in and answer these pesky questions without the drama PLEASE?"
ReplyDeleteYou are expecting a miracle and it isn't going to happen. There isn't 1 person in YTB that hasn't drank a lot of Kool Aid. They can't answer the questions because they are all delusional.
Coach is great! God bless YTB! God Bless me! God bless my recruiting. God has made YTB special. YTB saved me from foreclosure. YTB enabled me to travel like a travel professional. God bless them! ROTLMAO!
How do you feel about the lawsuits?
ReplyDeleteShould I fell anything?
Does it not bother you that a lot of these changes only came down after you were served with lawsuit papers?
Shows that we are willing to make changes to be compliant.
How do you feel about selling everything under the sun (real estate, lawn servces, laundry services on the way lol). Do you think that make YOUR TRAVEL BIZ professional selling things that have nothing to do with travel?
That don't deserve a response.
How do you feel about being charged extra fees for training that should be free AFTER you pay $500? Why do you think it should be FREE?
I have to pay for my Microsoft and Cisco. My wife has to pay for CEU's to keep her nursing license...nothing is FREE... If it was, you'd get exactly what you paid for.
Have you ever taken a moment to ask the hard questions to your upline leaders (who will tell you what you want to hear to keep their checks)
I have no reason to talk to my upline... should I?
How do you feel about not being able to have an IATAN card no matter how much travel you sell?
Not having that card has not affected my ability to make money selling travel. Who needs a discount card?
What IF CLIA decides to terminate their relationship? Then I guess I won't be taking any more of their classes, will I?
These are all valid questions whether it's music to your ears or not. How about that darned Bill of Rights that has been changed a many times?
All things change... It's part of LIFE.
Look at how many times the US Constitution has been changed... 27 times in 200+ years
Can someone that is mature, logical-thinking, hasn't drank a lot of the kool aid, come in and answer these pesky questions without the drama PLEASE?
Answers without DRAMA...
"Can someone that is mature, logical-thinking, hasn't drank a lot of the kool aid, come in and answer these pesky questions without the drama PLEASE?
ReplyDeleteAnswers without DRAMA..."
Good luck with that. You are wasting your time and effort because you won't get an answer without the drama or with it.
BRAVO! I was wonder how long it would take to figure out. HOOT! HOOT!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like every question was answered without DRAMA ,my friend. I'll give you a HOOT anyways! HOOT!
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHow do you feel about the lawsuits?
Should I fell anything?"
Since no one in YTB has any morals, conscience, values, character, professionalism or ethics - then I guess not. Thanks for reinforcing that! lol
I am amused by your surreptitious attempts to incite drama.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the chuckle you have provided for me today.
Melvin Palmer said...
ReplyDelete"BRAVO! I was wonder how long it would take to figure out. HOOT! HOOT!
It looks like every question was answered without DRAMA ,my friend. I'll give you a HOOT anyways! HOOT!"
Nothing was really answered.
Perhaps you can answer a question....how old are you????....about 10 years old???? Is this the limit of your intelligence with the lame, boring "hooting" stuff? That's all you have to say???? Does someone have to hold the keyboard for you and prop you up to post??
Are you posting from YTB headquarters then? That's about the acuity and aptitude I would expect from there.
Perhaps you can answer a question....how old are you????....about 10 years old???? Is this the limit of your intelligence with the lame, boring "hooting" stuff? That's all you have to say???? Does someone have to hold the keyboard for you and prop you up to post??
ReplyDeleteAre you posting from YTB headquarters then? That's about the acuity and aptitude I would expect from there.
Anonymous said...
I am amused by your surreptitious attempts to incite drama.
I appreciate the chuckle you have provided for me today.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI am amused by your surreptitious attempts to incite drama.
I appreciate the chuckle you have provided for me today."
Do all YTBers have Rainman syndrome????? Do they all have to repeat the same exact sentence(s) over and over again???? Is this something they are taught in their indoctrination...errr.... training???? Are their brains so soaked in Kool Aid, that they cannot have an original thought or response????
They sound like Robbie the Robot don't they???? ROTFL!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're a HOOT!
ReplyDelete"Melvin Palmer said...
ReplyDeleteYou're a HOOT!"
Hey phony Melvin....they have meds for your condition now....try some!!!
Want some of my KOOL AID you ole HOOT!
ReplyDeleteThat's what you are a KOOL AID drinking HOOT!
That Robbie the Robot is a HOOT, I tell ya!
Pass that KOOL AID back you ole HOOT!
Wow!!! Does Melvin make YTB proud as an example of one of their members??? Scarey! Are they all this nuts?
ReplyDeleteI know. It's so unbelievably unprofessional it's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteAnd no question was answered of course. Typical YTBer responses.
On a very serious note, reading a lot their responses not just here but anywhere, it so resemebles brain-wash and cultish behavior it isn't funny. It really isn't.
There is a difference in being confident in your business, but another to totally be oblivious to what's going on especially when the facts are in black and white on their own sites. It's actually pretty scary.
Should YTB go down I'm a little concerned that these people will go off the deep end. And there are like over 200k of them.lol
YEAH and how do you YTBers feel that your class actions suits were NOT dismissed??? Dismissal was DENIED!! The judge said THERE IS MERIT. All you broke liars may want to get a piece of that action, since you will probably make more on this suit....well if YTB doesn't go bankrupt first!
ReplyDeleteGail aka anonymous claims she made $7,000 commission on a group cruise. If you look at all their blogs, wahm board and all the other places they post it's always that 7000 number. They must cover that in their training..."tell everyone you make $7,000 on a group cruise for recruiting purposes." LOL!
ReplyDeleteSorry, Gail ain't buying it. Numbers don't add up is right.
Someone crossed the line with John? Even though it was public information?
ReplyDeleteAnd someone crossed the line with Doug as well. Not sure why the offenders (on both sides) could not stick to the argument/topic/discussion at hand, but they did not, and the posts were deleted, the IP addresses were reported and (per an email I just received) the ISP/Networks have been identified.
ReplyDeleteGood. I hate that kind of junk.
ReplyDeleteI hope you prosecute the person who posted your personal info, and I mean that. It's about time for some accountability and that was going way out of the ball park. If that had happened to me, I could'nt dial the phone fast enough to be calling my attorney. What you need to be concerned about is how they got your personal info to begein with. If they have your SS# THAT is a major problem,. They can do much damage with that number. If I were you, I would look into getting LifeLock. It's a very good company, they have been around a couple of years and very reasonable. You should probably check you credit reports too, to make sure they are not taking out credit with you info and in your name. You can contact the three major credit agencies and they will also put a security lock on your name, SS# etc. You will have a password that only you can access and if someone does to try and open up an accdount with your info- the lock will come up. And if they don't have the personal info (answers to a series of questions that only you would know) they will not be able to open up credit in your name. People think they can hide on the internet , but even using proxy servers it is very easy to identify who they hell they are, their IP address, their provider and where they live and eventually their name. I am sorry this happened to you John. I hope it works out okay. Just don't let this slide.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Lifelock and Creditreport.com ad. LOL
ReplyDeleteI agree that it went too far and it was on both sides. I am sure that Doug and I would agree 100% on this.
You are correct in that there is no anonymity on the Internet. Proxy servers are only good to a point. And when there is a subpoena, they are simply useless.
didn't see anything that wasn't public info that needed SS#'s. I agree that it was too far though. Just stick to the subject.
ReplyDeleteGet rid of the anonymous posting!
ReplyDeleteI was not advertsing for LifeLock at all. We use them and have for over a year and a half. And I don't even know what creditreport.com is. I have always dealt with the credit reporting agencies directly. I was simply trying to be helpful and give you the pertinent info that I know. Next time, I won't bother with any suggestions.