Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Well The Truth Comes Out

Looks like old Coach is trying to pull a fast one on the troops. The Saturday Evening Post hoax was nothing more than pumping his own ego. Here is the cover of the real edition. Don't believe me? Go to your local bookstore!

The depths of this guy's ego knows no bounds!

And here is his version:



  1. I just posted this on the below thread. Douggie put a spin on this one, you bold face liar. You have been duped!!!

  2. Well, this coach character has one thing: colossal balls!

  3. I can only imagine the amount of money he made off selling this rag to the zombies in YTB. I bet there were people praying in the aisles when he produced this. People are really gullibe. Thats why they join YTB in the first place.

  4. What is interesting, you can buy the real thing for $2.50 and the fake one for $4.00

  5. So buying the "special edition" costs you almost twice as much. SCAM!!

  6. Is ANYTHING this company does not a fraud or a scam or a hoax? Seriously.

  7. Pie on ole Douggies face. But but YTB execs would NOT lie to him..must have been a misunderstanding. It must be those dirty TTA with the AGs in their pockets. IT MUST BE THAT EVIL COACH JOHN!!

    "One last thing before I pack the laptop up. When I told everyone to check the newsstands and bookstores; that meant getting off the computer and actually getting your lazy butts to a bookstore to see who is on the front cover of “The Saturday Evening Post” this month. I know it's hard to stay away from the keyboard to spin stuff out here on the Internet."

  8. So they get off their lazy butts, go to the bookstore and all they will find is Meredith?
    I am surprised that Doug didn't know this was a paid promotional piece. Did not coach tell his most valued players? Did Coach not think this would come out? wonder how many bought it at 4.00 and if it is still available.

  9. This was a special edition which Coach paid for that was available at the conference. Since he probably paid about $40,000 to have it made, he is trying to make his money back by charging the members $4.00 each.

  10. Sad really. Duping your own people into believing the magazine was in fact real and not a paid endorsement. Charging them nearly double what the magazine was even worth.

    Yes, that screams great leader to me.

  11. I wonder why didn't hear any news about the great Dr. Seligman being at the convention. You'd think this "popular" figure would have attended.

    About as real as the Ray Charles that was there.

  12. Boy - the troops are really quiet this morning. Are you just coming to the realization how badly you've all been duped?

  13. Why the big silence on Doug's blog? Don't you think he'd at least take down the challenge to hit your area newsstand and pick up a copy of the SEP? I find it curious that radio silence is all we're hearing from the usual mouthpieces for YTB while the RATS just continue to scurry around as if all is well.

    Kind of creepy.

  14. "This was a special edition which Coach paid for that was available at the conference. Since he probably paid about $40,000 to have it made, he is trying to make his money back by charging the members $4.00 each."

    Kate-Doubt he paid that. There are a ton of fake magazine cover sites on the internet. Point, click and upload your picture. Knowing Coach he did this himself or one of his minions.


  15. >There are a ton of fake magazine cover sites on the internet. Point, click and upload your picture. Knowing Coach he did this himself or one of his minions.

    Oh now this is brilliant! And Coach had enough time to print up a few thousand of them, obviously in advance ... and WITH the same cover text as the real magazine AND a hundred or more pages of content identical to the real magazine.

    Let's get real now .......

    Wait! He must have had Jesus help him do it. Yeah, that's it! Hooray for Coach, our god and saviour!

  16. Of course Coach didn't do it himself you idiot. He had one of his Kool Aid drinking followers or his secretary or marketing people do it. Geezz. What a sleaze ball. Making himself out to be larger than he really is. I bet he wears lift in his shoes too....

  17. To the WTAs (whining travel agents)-

    Anybody forget to mention the ARTICLE about Coach Tomer in the Saturday Evening Post?

    Or was that "fictional", too?

    Yes, WTAs.

    There is a real article in the Saturday Evening Post . . . a REAL one.

    All about Coach Lloyd Tomer.


    And was the publisher of the Saturday Evening Post who, on stage, presented a special engraved edition of the Saturday Evening Post to Coach . . . was he an imposter?

    Yes, WTAs.

    Anyone who is fortunate enough to have an article written about them in the Saturday Evening Post gets to have an special edition printed with their picture on it.

    Happens quite frequently.

    And no surprise to us.

    I guess just a surprise to the clueless WTAs.

    Yes, it does cost additional because it is a special reprint.

    Quite interesting how the WTAs, and their ring-leader John himself, failed to mention the great article in the Saturday Evening Post.

    Yes, the article that is in ALL of the copies of the magazine on the newsstands.

    Spin, spin.

    Saturday Evening Post and Coach Tomer: A Great Mix!

    As they say . . .


  18. hey Mixed up, article is a fake too. What a loser.

  19. Mix--the Post did not write the article it was submitted by YTB and paid for. The cover does happen but not frequently and if you call you will see they are regretting it.

    Spin spin spin

    But like everything, this too will shake out in the end!

  20. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1189/is_4_280

    Scroll about halfway down to see the article.
    I wasn't at the convention so I can't speak to what mix saw, but the article is there.

  21. I remember seeing that story before sometime in the last year - would be interesting to find the original and see if it was close to this one. Would support the contention that this was an article submitted by YTB or Coach himself.

    Didn't someone point out that there was no "by" line as well? Don't know many legit journalists that would stand for that.

  22. The SEP does not accept money for articles, WTAs (Whining Travel Agents).

    Get over it.

    The article is in EVERY SEP on the newsstands.

    Here's a tissue for your tears.

  23. Mix, stop changing the topic as you and your crowd always does. The original boast was that Coach was on the COVER of every SEP. Please see Doug's blog for the challenge to get off the net and see for yourself post. Yes, there is an article in the magazine about coach but the magazines with his cover were only sold and convention and shortly through the YTB store. Spin this how you want it but the cover was a special edition.

  24. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20061020/news_1n20brown.html

  25. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20061020/news_1n20brown.html

  26. Not sure why the whole address won't post but looks like Jerry Brown is getting sued also. You reap what you sow.

  27. Firemedic---do you even read what you post. First, that was October 2006. THAT was a political lawsuit where the GOP was trying to prevent Jerry Brown from becoming AG.

    It was filed 3 weeks before the election on behalf of the losing Republican opponent.

  28. Seems you are right John.

  29. But I did notice that California and Illinois are working together on several cases together and they are suing lots of people. Election year.

  30. Please...he was elected in 2006 for a 4 year term. It is not an election year for him.

    Lisa Madigan was elected to her first term in 2002 and re-elected in 2006 for another 4 year term so she is not running for anything either.

  31. Well I purchased this book at the conferance and I open up the book and look at the top of the pages and it says July/August. So I am sure it was all paid for by Team YTB.....
