Yesterday, our very own Firemedic was chastising people for calling other people names. I told him that people in glass houses ought to not throw stones Here was his reply:
I am speaking for myself here but have you seen me calling people names and making personal attacks? I don't need to because I recognize we are all people with the same desires to succeed. We just may have a current disagreement on what is the best way.
Yeah this guy is a tool. He posts all kinds of stuff on YTB and doesn't allow comments to his videos that prove what he is saying is wrong. He is like the communist governments that censor what is being said. The reason he attacks YTB is because YTB is a threat. Think about it. If a company isn't doing anything then there is no reason to attack them. Problem is that Mark doesn't know crap about YTB except for whatever bad press he can find. Look for bad press about any company and you will find it, especially if they are making waves in the travel industry.
Mark is straight up dishonest and a true scammer. He doesn't hold a candle to the founders behind YTB. He has never stepped foot through the front doors of YTB even though he is invited.
As we all know, 95% of all businesses fail in the first 5 years. Mark and his scam have not paid the dues yet. YTB has gone well past that. Mark is the one who will have egg on his face in the end unless he smartens up and joins. I mean, there are people WAY smarter than his joining YTB. I mean WAAAAYYY smarter. We are talking very credible published economists with PHDs joining!!! and just last year!!!!!.
Mark likes to point out what the average person made in YTB last year as if that is a bad thing. What he doesn't do himself is publish what the average person made with his scam last year. YTB puts it right out there for everyone to see. Why doesn't Mark? Hmmmm. YTB has nothing to hide and as a matter of fact they sought to be publicly traded for that reason!!! That's integrity.
Think about this. Ever known someone at work that talks bad about everyone around them? Do you think that person talks bad about you when you are not there? You bet they do. That's because of their own insecurity. They attack anyone perceived as a threat for their own securtiy reasons. Mark must be terrible insecure about what he is doing to attack YTB so obsessively. I mean, if his business was so great why would he need to be so negative on YTB?
Cathy Larson,
You asked about proving that Mark Ewing is dishonest. Let me start by saying that Mark is very crafty in his wording. He uses words like "seems like" and "appears". He then tries to back peddle when he says things like "but if you are in to MLM then more power to you."
Let me ask you this. Is withholding vital information honest? I would say that it is not. If you look at any of Mark's videos and look at the blogs you will find that the majority of the comments are negative towards YTB and if there are any comments in defense of YTB you will also notice that Mark always has the last word. Wonder why? That is because he blocks comments that he does not approve. If he his rebutted and proven wrong, you will never hear about on his blog. If he is wanting to get the truth out there then why would he censor replies. I believe he only wants his version of what he believes YTB is all about out there. I have to admit he is skilled at getting his videos out there. He has them on every negative site about YTB.
Mark has been invited many times to come and meet the founders of the company, tour the company, and actually experience the motive behind the company. What better way to understand the true intentions of a company than to walk through the doors? Mark won't because that does not fit his agenda.
Mark picks and chooses the information he shares. It's like saying a cop shot an elderly man. Sounds really bad only getting part of the story when in fact you find out that the elderly man was holding a gun to a child. Now I know that sounds extreme but the point I am making is that Mark will only share part of the truth. Just like his video on Royal Carribean. What he won't tell you, and he clearly knows, is that Royal Caribbean is down %34 in sales and is talking about layoffs. YTB is up %176 in travel sales since this time last year. These are facts. Mark knows this and has privy to the same information but you won't hear him talk about it. He is only interested in the negative.
Ask Mark to share what the average person made with his company last year. He won't.
What is curious is your comments that our blog here hurts us more than it helps us yet Mark is absolutely obsessive about attacking us. I use the word "us" here too because YTB is real people that really care. Mark censors comments, doesn't allow the full truth to be told, and makes all kinds of insinuations yet you feel we are the ones perhaps out of control here? Let me ask you this, if Mark is so focused on the negative of everything he can find and blog about with YTB then how can his program be so successful? How does he have the time? We have nothing against him personally but his actions have been less than honest.
Think about this. If Mark Ewing was not attacking YTB every chance he got how else would he get the amount of FREE advertising he gets? Why attack YTB and not the other companies out there? Because YTB is the biggest and most talked about. Actually it's quite creative but not exactly honorable business practices. So you see Mark using YTB to further his business. What you don't see is the founders of YTB attacking other travel business like that. They don't have the time nor the desire to practice business that way. They have higher standards than that. Mark knows there is no better way to draw attention to his opportunity than to vehemently attack the number one. And if that means telling half-truths and making blantantly false insinuations then so be it.
YTB sold more travel in one month last month than all the other network pretenders out there combined! They grew over 176% since this same time last year. They are up from the 35th largest to the 26th now and had the largest rate of increase over all travel agencies. These are facts as quoted in Travel Weekly of which Mark subscribes. He knows this but you won't hear him talk about any of the positive. Now let me ask you...is that someone you want to be in business with? Honestly? There is a law out there , and I do mean LAW, that states that for every action there is an equally opposite reaction. Biblically speaking it's called sowing and reaping. If Mark thinks he will not sow what he reaps then he will most likely be in for a surprise. The founders of YTB know this. They are morally driven people. They also understand that with great success comes great resistance. They are not afraid of it. All great companies do.
Check out a video by TruthandTravel on youtube called "YTB Bad Press".
What Mark and others like him don't take into account is the moral intentions of the founders and people of YTB. Mark and others like him only make YTB stronger. The more resistance they get, the closer to becoming the number one travel agency they become.
And since you are apparently in the know, can you please provide contact information for the "published economists with PhDs" that have joined. I assume you are talking about Dr. Seligman--the phantom RTA!
YTB sought to be publicly traded because they were ethical? Do you even know how YTB came to be publicly traded? It was not because they sought it. They acquired a public company, so there was no investigation or scrutiny by the SEC. However, I might point out that it was shortly AFTER YTB took over that the SEC did investigate and delist them for irregular and inconsistent accounting practices. That is usually a FACT left out of the Red Carpet Day presentations.
However, I am glad you have taken the position you have about moderation on blogs. It is a shame when someone's opinion is so one sided and they get tired of defending a false premise that the only option is to delete comments that do not agree with him and ultimately just prevent anyone from commenting at all. As you said, these types of bloggers are just like the Communist Governments.
And as an aside to Doug Bauknight...are you gonna let this Firemedic guy call you a commie?
PS: Welcome to the my own little version of Coach's Corner. We call it the Dumbasses Den--please meet your denmates, Earl Allen Boek, Proud To Be YTB, Doug Bauknight, YTB & Travel A Great Mix, CruisinMan, Metre Wishom, lbtravel, and of course olescorekeeper!
Well, it does appear as if the pot is calling the kettle black. I can't wait for the answer to this one. At least when I called someone a name, and was called on it, I was man enough to admit to it!
ReplyDeleteAlso, to Firemedic, glad you liked my EMT comparisson. Yes, of course, as I said, that scenerio would never come to pass, because of all the governmental regulation regarding EMT's but as I also stated, the same principle is what is taking place with ytb and travel. That was the point I was trying to get across. Think about it, discuss, and I'll be back next week. I'm off for a short jaunt to a casino mecca, one of the perks of being a REAL TRAVEL AGENT. The ability to make short trips on occasion at little cost!
"We have nothing against him personally but his actions have been less than honest."
ReplyDeleteWho is WE firemedic? Are you talking WE as in Coach and the gang? Or, WE as in you have an imaginary friend.
And, firemedic said:
"Mark has been invited many times to come and meet the founders of the company, tour the company, and actually experience the motive behind the company."
How would you know this firemedic if you are an average YTB Rep/RTA? Sounds to me like you are either a corporate mole or another rogue YTB'r speaking for Corporate? Which is it?
Yes, I agree he is like the pot calling the kettle black. Whining here we call him names yet he dishes it out to others who disagree with him and YTB....
If you look at the dates of the post where I call Mark a "scammer" and a "too" you will see that it was earlier this Spring. Since then I have had a paradigm shift in that although I disagree with you I don't need to attack you personally. I can't disagree with your ideas but I don't need to attack you personally.
ReplyDeleteI am flattered though that today's blog is about me!!!!!
As far as Mark meeting the founders, he has been invited, according to a reply from home office earlier this year if recieved.
But still, I am flattered that I am todays blog topic!!!!
Does everyone that blogs on here get to have their own day? Or just the "dumbass den".
You had your Epiphany between July 28, 2008 and yesterday at 7pm?
ReplyDeleteWow, talk about a bizarre sense of timing.
But what do you know about Seligman?
By the way John, do please count how many times I directly call Mark or anyone else here a name. I only count it twice when I called him a "true scammer" and a "tool". And as a I pointed out that was in May. The rest of I them I don't see any name calling. I you do find them I will admit to them and a apologize right here.
ReplyDeleteDeflect deflect deflect. The guys was caught and now likelyl he will slink under his rock again.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Bob, I will let you know in the next month. My teammate is meeting with him next month. He lives in Cheyenne.
ReplyDeletecommunist government
doesn't know crap
scam (again)
dishonest (an allusion)
part of the truth
doesn't allow the truth
not honorable
telling half truths
false accusations
You keep mentioning telling the truth and half truths as being critical. You mentioned PhDs and published Economists---I want to know more about this "TRUTH" since you are now alluding that you tell the truth.
You also make a lot of assumptions as well....Mark is a subscriber to TW? Are you a fireman or his mailman? You make the assumption that RCCL had to lay off people because of YTB--what a crock. You feel that the only way he will know the "truth" is if he smartens up and joins.
What about the HUGE majority of people that earned NOTHING in YTB last year? What about the hundred thousand + RTAs that actually lost money wiht YTB last year? Apparently they "smartened up and joined". If that is your definition of being smart....well, yo may just go right to the head of the class in the DD!
I don't want a team mate meeting him next month. What about now. Is he at the convention? Why not meet him there. If he exists why not have him speak--after all he went to Harvard, Oxford and was Barry DillAr's right hand man.
ReplyDeleteFireman---what little credibility you ever had just evaporated with that comment. Yo have spouted for a few months on that blog about Seligman and even commented on him here yesterday so ultimately you don't know squat! You are now going to rely on your "teammate" to tell you something. Let me guess, your "team mate" is your upline...right. Maybe he has something to gain from you believing this crap? Maybe like commission off of the money you pay each month?
"As far as Mark meeting the founders, he has been invited, according to a reply from home office earlier this year if recieved."
ReplyDeleteAnd, how would you know this? Do you read Mark's mail or email? I doubt if Mark and you are friends after what you said about him and that he would share this information. If you are reading his mail without his permission that is in violation of privacy laws. So, how do you know that? Are you personally in corporate offices and seen the invitation?
AT good point...Fireman, have your team mate check into that next month as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe you are wrong John. My teammate is my upline and a personal friend he has spoken directly with Bob according to him . I asked him about it last night. He is going to Cheyenne next month and will meet with him personally with him My friend is also a pastor and I trust him. I certainly don't expect you too. If you have waited this long you can certainly wait another month.
ReplyDeleteAgain I ask you John, show me in the list above direct name calling that I haven't already pointed out and admitted too. Is this all you have? Saying somone IS something is what I label as name calling. Saying they tell half-truths and such is not name calling.
John why don't you prove that Bob Seligman is not true? Why is it that the burden of proof only lies on YTB and you are the one that is trying to disprove him?
ReplyDeleteAT - I guess you could be right. I can only go by the email I received from the home office (and of course we know they can't be trusted).
Seriously John, as far a Bob goes you are the prosecutor, prove your case. I mean something more than a something with Phillip Morris that may or may not be him. That doesn't hold up in court.
ReplyDeleteFirst off I did not invent Seligman. He is invented by YTB.
ReplyDeleteWhat I disproved was most of the claims made by YTB about this fictional character. Harvard, Fox, Screen Writes Guild, GE, Oxford, etc.
What I proved is that there are a few people that may indeed be him--the PM guy for one and also a guy posting on a defuinct Massachusetts boarding school reunion site.
The fact that your friend is a pastor is neither hear nor there. ANYONE can be a pastor. It is not even as complicated as being a travel agent.
Are you saying that if a pastor says it---it must be true?
John you have PROVED nothing yet you are the prosecutor. Just because you didn't find what you needed where you looked doesn't mean it's not there. Show us solid proof. You can't do it and you are the prosecutor. You have the burden here.
ReplyDeleteAs far as my friend being a pastor, I have spent a lot of time with him prior to YTB and I have never known him to lie to me or anyone else. Just like some of your friends have been with you. Just like you could not prove to me one of your friends is or is not honest since YOU were the one that has the experience with him/her.
"What I proved is that there are a few people that may indeed be him--the PM guy for one and also a guy posting on a defuinct Massachusetts boarding school reunion site."
ReplyDelete"what I proved.....may indeed be". That would be objected to in court and sustained.
Why would the home office send you an email about inviting Mark? You are only a lowly man on the totem pole. I seriously doubt if you have that much in with the home office. With what 133,000 of you you are probably just a blip on their radar screen.
ReplyDeleteAs far as what your Pastor told you it was in this morning's paper about a Pastor committing fraud. Pastor's do go astray. I seriously question someone's morals and ethics getting involved with a sleazy outfit like YTB in the first place.
John said "First off I did not invent Seligman. He is invented by YTB."
ReplyDeleteSo this means that you should have proof that YTB invented this man. Prove it as though you would have to prove it in court John. Again, you are the prosecutor here.
Hey John, become a minister on-line. Dozens of sites let you do it for a fee.
Whatever AT. What does the Pastor in this mornings paper have to do with my friend? Even if that is the case that does not mean that all pastors act this way. Just like it does not mean that all TTA's are honest.
ReplyDeleteAs far as getting the email from the home office I had inquired directly to the home office about it and they emailed me back.
Hey let's all become TTA's with YNT:
ReplyDeleteYNT subscribers:
• Tax Benefits — Travel deductions and expenses
• You decide when you work
• Basically no experience needed
firemedic-You are not even funny. As far as the tax deductions and no experience that's your bag. Speaking of jobs don't you have one? You sure have a lot of time on your hands. Slow day at the fire station? I know alot of fireman and they don't have time to post on blogs all day. Or is the Spiritual Coaching Business slow too?
ReplyDeleteI googled Mr Seligman every way I could think of, and nothing, nothing comes up. I googled myself and there is info on me and I am not a phd, never went to Harvard or Oxford or worked for Barry Diller.
ReplyDeletePerhaps if you could let me know the years he went to/spoke at/graduated from Oxford or Harvard I could find him that way.
I can't believe we're going thru this AGAIN.
Yea Eddie it's the same song and dance with them. Deflect, repeat, deflect, repeat. And start all over.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to assume that YNT is another MLM, never heard of them. Don't think an ACTUAL travel agent add would look anywhere like the above. Actually, the one I'm reading in TW right now says
ReplyDeleteTravel Consultant - Candidate is a professional with excellent customer service skills. Detail orientated with at least 3 years exp on Sabre and other software.
Montrose - seeking leisure/commercial agents, offering salary/benefits/and incentives for QUALIFIED candidates. GDS experience welcome.
LIBERTY - seeking extremely motivated sales professionals. Only qualified candidates possesing exceptional sales and customer service skills will be considered. Salary, plus comm/bonuses/med/den/vis, 401k, travel perks & more.
Don't have a problem with touting the perks if they are looking for QUALIFIED agents.
John---look how firemedic's tone has changed. I think he was caught and now is trying to weasel out of it.
ReplyDeleteSeligman exists...and my friend knows him
Ewing has been invited...someone else told me
Did you get an invite to drink the cool aid john?
Prove that Bob was invented. Your are the prosecutor. Don't give us this "I googled him" like that means anything.
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa, as far as I know YNT is a TTA.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think that everyone who joins YTB is dishonest or deliberate scammers.
ReplyDeleteI do think most get caught up in the "dream" and when someone questions it, they get defensive (because no one wants to come off as foolish) and they find themselves defending it vehemently. Usually the most vocal defenders of something like this are the people who had a little nagging voice telling them to question this before they joined as well - but they ignored it and got caught up and went for the dream anyway.
Then they seek validation - if they can get others to join in - that will PROVE they are not a fool. So they jump on the recruiting bandwagon. Then even if it is later found out that it was a scam - they can point to the 10 or 20 other people and commisserate about all of them being duped - "and we're all smart people!"
Firemedic--you are getting defensive. YTB tossed out Seligman. If you wantto put this in legal terms, we have proven with a preponderance of evidence that he does indeed not exist with the qualifications as presented.
ReplyDeleteThey convict people without bodies all the time!
But if you and YTB wants to save soem face, why not put it all to rest and produce the info that will verify it.
If I told you that I an a Rhodes Scholar and once ran for President, was the Governor of California for a period of time, built Fox News from scratch, served in WWI honorably and later helped Churchill with his war plans and just got back from tea with the Queen and am meeting tomorrow with Iran to diffuse the nuke situation before heading off to Beijing to personally light the torch at the Olympiad.....I guess you have to assume that is all true?
Your turn prosecutor. Please prove that what I just said is incorrect!
I've had my day firemedic :-/
ReplyDeleteJohn, I am not saying that anything you just said was not true and making it the topic of the day of my anti-YTB blog. Therefore I am not prosecuting you. You still have proved nothing. YTB tossed him out? Really?
ReplyDeleteHere is what I am quickly learning from this site. I don't believe this site has any true intentions of doing anything positive for the travel industry. The travel industry is changing John and his followers don't like it. They believe things should always be done the way it has been done in the past because if it is not then they would have to change with it. (Glad the fire service is not done the same way as in the past or more firefighters would die than in the years past). Fact is that the travel industry is and has changed and YTB is definitely taking part in it and will continue to do so.
This seems simply to be a whining ground and a place to get validation for school-yard bullies. I don't believe God himself could stand in front of them to prove his existence without them blogging about how false he is. The people that come here to defend YTB only give you reason to carry-on with your whining. I am not personally attacking you here, only pointing out actions.
I came here with the intent of trying to figure out what it was that was concerning the TTA's and I have learned a lot. But what I also learned that the TTA's (at least in this blog) seemed to never be satisfied. It is an obsession to them. Their opinions about YTB will always be just that, opinions. They CHOOSE to look at the world of travel with YTB, a true player, through victim glasses. They are the victims here and it's not their fault. Seems that the only way can exist is to resist.
So in five years who will be where? My guess is that they will still be here griping and YTB will be just that much bigger.
Now, let's see how much fuel this is for them!
"The travel industry is changing John and his followers don't like it. They believe things should always be done the way it has been done in the past because if it is not then they would have to change with it."
ReplyDeletefiremedic-You know nothing about the travel industry nor do you read the trades. The pendelum is swinging back to agents and not booking through an on-line site. When AA had canceled flights a couple of months back who rebooked their clients? When Aloha went belly up who accommodated their clients? ATA? During hurricane Wilma who made sure their clients made it home ok? Travel Agents thats who. Not on-line sites. And, certainly NOT YTB or the rest of you. People want service. Something you and the rest of the RTA's will never, ever come close to doing. As to not changing our business practices TTA's have embraced technology, blogs, black berries, on-line engines, iphones you name we have it. And, we book and use the internet every day. So, don't give me this song and dance we haven't changed because that is not true. Ten to one I have more high tech gadgets and web stuff than you will ever dream of.
Typical YTB argument we don't change. That is BULL!!!!! We embrace change. Typical deflection.
Oh, and to Seligman even his proclaimed alma maters don't have him listed.
Ta Ta. I have to go hand deliver Mr. & Mrs. Smith's customized, unique European Itinerary to Mr. Smith's office up town. Something YTB can't do.
Firemedic...you really need to read this blog and not just show up and jump in the deep end.
ReplyDeleteAgents are the most flexible and adaptable to change. More so than the fire service, so that is not holding water.
YTB and other MLMs are indeed changing things but it is not for the good and there are very few people outside of MLM that will disagree with that.
Change is not always good. I have stated over and over what I feel MLM is doing wrong, yet they continue on. I literally just heard that YTB is upset about the new CLIA requirements and are now looking to TRUE to provide some sort of "credential" that they can hawk. So, there you go, once again if they had any intent on travel, the CLIA is not an issue. But they are more concerned with having a "card" to sell.
Take the weekend and read the blog. I do think that YTB has a place in the industry. My position is that it is not in it's current form. And apparently the Tomer's believe that as well since they are looking at franchising--to quote Kim or Scott it was a move so they can be more legitimate in the eyes of consumers and to become a more respected agency.
If that is the intent, this blog and discussion may be coming to a close. But based on past actions, I still retain my doubts. I see this as a way to grab some money and maybe "trick" the industry into acceptance.
Firemedic....do you know who was the first industry to have a computer and CRT on their desk?
ReplyDeleteVinyl records still have a few people making them too and some people still like them. Doesn't mean the we are trending back to the vinyl records. People booking their own stuff is just the trend. Hopefully you don't need further proof of that.
ReplyDeleteYour service I do believe will always have a customer base. It just won't be as big as it once was since you don't NEED a travel agent to do it. There lot's and lot's of people that like doing it themselves just like I do. I now get part of the commission and I don't have to host the site nor have a building and huge overhead to do it.
So no matter how much you resist online sites (referring travel agencies...Expedia, Orbitz, YTB) they will continue to exist. That is the trend and you don't control it. You can either learn to work with it in a positive way or you can resist it and it will keep being the trend anyway.
"I don't have to host the site nor have a building and huge overhead to do it. "
ReplyDeleteLOL. You really don't know anything about today's TTA. The majority of us don't have a storefront, many of us work from our homes and have very little overhead - and we don't resist online sites - many of us have our own that bring us plenty of business.
At least 3 articles with results of surveys were released in the last year showing that the trend of travelers is to use the service of a TTA and not an internet booking site.
Are you kidding? When have you ever heard us on this blog complain about Expedia, Orbitz or the like. Never. The difference is they are not MLM, they are true travel sellers. I EVEN USE THEM myself, so I'd be part of that mix of countless people who prefer to book themselves. You people never take any of that into account. If the fare is less, then I'm going to get my client the best fare by any reasonable means. WE USE THE INTERNET, we use GDS's, we use what we can to service the client. Can you say the same? No.!
ReplyDeleteEveryone said the onlines were going to be the end all for the TTA's, but last I checked at least 2 majors were still kicking the onlines butts on the lists. I've gotten countless clients from them because the customer service and reporting is what they want. Power to Joe Blow who wants to book his rountrip Newark to Miami online to save $25 instead of booking with his agent. I have no issues with that. But when Joe Blows flight is cancelled and hes in a line at the airport 200 people deep and the hold time for the airlines is 2 hours and there is no customer service person to call only the vendor number they've been referred to. Thats a problem..what would you do?
One thing I learned in the fire service, unlike this blog, no matter what someone says about me, I will still put down my meal and risk myself for them. On May 15 of this year I pulled a person literally burning alive from a car. She died and it rocked my world and messed me up for a couple of weeks but what I also learned was that the reason I did it was because I do care about people or I would have hung it up that night. I came here to learn what the fuss was all about and I have learned some legitimate fears the TTA's have.
ReplyDeleteYou are not my enemies. No matter what is said about me on this site, it has no bearing on what or who I am. I will continue to grow with YTB and YTB will continue to be a thorn in many competitors side.
Joe, tell me how I can build a long-term residual income as a TTA without building a team.
ReplyDeleteAnd Travelocity, Expedia....pays millions to advertise in the tradtional ways. YTB does the same selling of travel without the advertising budget going to the media. Instead it goes to the field. Hard to understand I guess that it can work that way but MLM has been around for 50 and is very effective advertising.
ReplyDeleteProvide excellent customer service to your travel clients, and if you do it right, many come back again and again and again, and refer their friends to you, and so on and so on.
ReplyDeleteMy business has doubled and even tripled from year to year based on being an excellent travel agent.
Many of the commissions I make from a single trip are in the tens of thousands of dollars.
I'll take that year after year anytime over the residual dollars trickling in from my downline that I need to spent valuable time on recruiting and hand holding.
ReplyDeleteI'm a TTA, have been for 18 years now. I have to agree with you. You stated earlier that people do not NEED a travel agent to do it. However, they do NEED a travel agent to do it RIGHT and with the service they deserve.
The YTB claim of changing the online travel booking trend is like Al Gore claiming to have invented the internet.
ReplyDeleteOrbitz, Travelocity and Priceline have been around for eons and have spent a considerable amount of money building up trust and credibility. I ask you honestly, why in the world would the general public, having run across your site (most of which hawk the recruiting aspect more than travel from what I've seen) book with your no-name site than with one of the big boys with percieved "deep pockets" in case something went wrong?
The logic just doesn't make sense.
Well, firemedic you are a hero. I congratulate you for that. Did you by chance get any psychological counseling for that? That is an ongoing thing. Sounds to me like in your quest to find yourself you stumbled into the wrong thing..You have it all wrong and the fact that you will not listen to reason is worriesome.
ReplyDeleteLittle Bird,
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't make sense to you because you don't understand the concept of networking. If you want to understand the concept of it then do own research but it works. You did however ask why would someone not go to a different site? Because they are MY friends and family. And that is what is done. We build a team of people who's friends and family book from our sites that what have booked from those other sites. They understand that we get the commission instead of Travelocity, Expedia....
It creates a loyal customer base amongst those that won't use a TTA. You see, the people booking online are not using you anyway. People don't just "run across" our sites. We refer them to it otherwise we have to advertise it like the others and strangers won't loyally use it. As we also use our own product more and more, the more we talk about it and the more we can drive people to our sites that won't use the TTA. We are working on that customer base as we continue to grow into to more service areas also.
AT - yes I did. And as far as stumbling into the wrong thing, I did not stumble. I deliberately walked into it after doing my own research. I also knew beforehand what was being said. Because I disagree with you doesn't mean I am wrong. It just means I disagree. Your reason is just that, Yours. We look at it through a different shade of glasses. I came to this site in order to understand the shade you look at it through and I am learning a lot.
ReplyDeleteI have booked all my cruises and airline tickets in the past two years and they ALL came out right. I did not NEED a TTA. Now that is not downplaying the role of the TTA for those that WANT their service. People used to NEED the TTA. Not anymore. Perhaps the trend will head back to the service the TTA provides but I doubt from this point on that the consumer will ever NEED that service again with the invent of the internet. They will simply choose it or not. The customer now has choices on the level of service provided. YTB's biggest customer base seems to be the one's that will book themselves anyway but still look for someone to guide them. We may not have all the answers but we do now how to get them.
"We build a team of people who's friends and family book from our sites that what have booked from those other sites. They understand that we get the commission instead of Travelocity, Expedia...."
ReplyDeleteYou know - my friends and family travel a LOT - but if I had to live on the commissions from just them I would starve. Especially since many of those types of trips are simple air tickets (that you get $1 for - or I guess.10 if it's in your downline). Oh and they do refer me to their friends and family - teehee - MY downline but I get to keep 100% of the commissions.
Fireman - Is your home phone number posted on your website? If it is then let me know so I can 'refer' a couple of just about to be fired clients. They can call YOU at 10pm every night and ask YOU about passport requirements for cruises to the Caribbean. I know you'll take good care of them and not mind saying the same thing over and over and over... I'll even release the booking to you!
ReplyDeleteI also have some missionaries with amex cards looking for LOS LON on BA.
Great for you Little Bird. That is how you choose to book. And your freinds and family will continue to book with you as will mine. Plus, the company is going to reward me for my team building on top of that. I am happy doing what I am doing, you are happy doing what you are doing. You don't like the way I am doing it because it's not the way you do it. I don't care how you do it. You can continue to reap 100% of your freinds and family and I will take the smaller % of many. Like JP Getty said "I would rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 people than have 100% of my own". That what we are doing. We are selling travel too but we just aren't doing it all ourselves.
ReplyDeleteAnd the only way to do all this is to be a TTA? Is that the only time they call?
ReplyDeleteThanks Mark, that is the nicest I have heard you talk Ever. Wondered how long it would take you to get on here.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do see you doing is telling half-truths and then spinning it. Easy to do and no more honest than what you are claiming YTB of doing. Just like John. I mean, look at the travel weekly interview that John left out all the actual responses and put in his own.
I was wrong for calling you a "tool" and I apologize. That is light though compared to what I have seen you call people on those blogs Mark.
Mark, everyone is invited to the home office. Everyone. You never have disclosed what the average person makes that buys your program. You continually point it out on your blog but you never answer the question yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou're asking him to make public earnings claims??? What a joke.
ReplyDeleteYes I am. YTB has an earning disclosure. Mark make a point of it when he is "recruiting" people to his business but I have yet to see or hear about his. I know he has been asked several times but it has never put out there. I doubt it is much different.
ReplyDeleteIs Mark a TTA?
firemedic.....I really applaud you for standing up to this crew. But no matter what you say or do, they will still feel the same way. You are wasting precious time that you could be using to save a life, book a group cruise or train a business partner. Go do it!
ReplyDeleteBecause I hope you also know that we were advised to stay away from this blog. You don't want legal actions taken. ;-)
ReplyDeleteSince you seem to know sooo much about the travel industry. What is it that you think is changing that TTA's are resistant to???
No Fireman, I get a couple of day time call to the office as well. It's called 'full service'. You are right, even PIAs don't deserve no service so I won't fire them. I think I have them sold on a 'round the world' for next year. I'll just change my home phone number!
ReplyDeleteI agree.
Or better yet: http://ytbteamtravel.ning.com
ReplyDeleteSee you there!
If you email me, I'll share something with you. Meet me on WAHM.com
ReplyDeleteBeing warned to stay away from a blog.
I've heard it all.
Big Brother IS watching.
Congratultions, John. Somebody is scared!
I guess it's too hot here for fireman as well.
ReplyDelete"Because I hope you also know that we were advised to stay away from this blog. You don't want legal actions taken. ;-)"
ReplyDeleteWTH? They have threatened legal action if you post here? And, you people stay with them? They can't dictate to you what you can or can't do. So, get a good attorney and counter sue for the jet and all the other money they blow. Unbelievable.
Once again, commenting on wrong info. They have not threatened US. They have threatened OTHERS if they continue with these negative comments. We wouldn't want that to happen.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny - this is from a TTA:
ReplyDeleteWould You Like To:
1. Travel for free?
2. Make money while you are traveling (for free)?
3. Meet new and interesting people?
4. Take three, four, five free vacations or more a year?
5. Travel with small groups of people to exciting destinations around the world?
6. Develop life-long, sincere friendships?
7. Be upgraded to First or Business Class when you fly?
8. Stay in Deluxe hotels and resorts wherever you go?
9. Have private guided tours of any city (the choice is yours) in the world?
· 10. Have a circle of friends that want to travel with you?
· 11. Be a social travel leader to grateful friends and followers?
· 12. Most importantly, have control of your own time and destiny?
And who doesn't and not supposed to advertise "travel perks"?? This is NOT YTB!!!
That's not what you posted.
ReplyDelete"Because I hope you also know that we were advised to stay away from this blog. You don't want legal actions taken. ;-)"
You people can't tell the truth if your feet were held on hot coals. Lie, deflect, spin. I bet you don't even know what the truth is anymore.
As to YTB telling you you can't post here if you are that gullible, naive, what not to belong to a company that tells you what you can and can't say and where you can post you really need some help.
I bet the ACLU would have a field day with this one.
WOW, sue me for the wrong choice of words. We wouldn't want any legal actions taken on anyone here for posting negative info.
ReplyDeleteYTB HAS NOT told us not to post. It is, however, a waste of time to do so.
Here I was thinking that fireman and josh were ytb headed in the right direction and they go away and leave us ATIMP. A crying shame I tell you. Just who has threatened whom with retribution for negative posts? WHAM? May I suggest you visit scam.com where YTB is always on the front page.
ReplyDeleteWas that 'ad' you posted someone looking for an agent or a downline ATIMP?
After this day in the world of a storefront agent I'd like a private tour to the nearest bar. Anyone care to join me?
What legal action could be taken against anyone here? Statements made with an honest belief in their truth on a matter of public interest are defenses to a defamation claim, even if such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could honestly entertain such an opinion, the statement is protected.
ReplyDeleteThat ad was from a home-based TTA looking other agents.
ReplyDelete"YTB HAS NOT told us not to post. It is, however, a waste of time to do so."
ReplyDeleteHoney, that IS NOT what you said. Do you think we are stupid? Now, you are back pedaling and saying NO I never said that. As to your comment about this blog being a waste of time don't let the door hit you in your rear end sweetie. No one is holding a gun to your head...
And This is My Point.......... said...
ReplyDeleteOnce again, commenting on wrong info. They have not threatened US. They have threatened OTHERS if they continue with these negative comments. We wouldn't want that to happen.
Who are "they" and who are the "OTHERS"? If you don't want to be misunderstood than please be specific.
I believe this may be the "threat"
ReplyDeleteA couple weeks ago, YTB issued a press release announcing it was considering implementing a franchise method of operation. As a company with publicly-traded common stock, we announced this information in order to comply with reporting obligations imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Those same reporting obligations require us to limit further discussion of this issue until a final determination is made.
Keep this in mind if you hear Reps and/or RTAs attempting to sell "franchises". When someone claims to know the corporate business plans of YTB in an attempt to increase their sales or affect your behavior, remember they do not have that knowledge. Protect your business and only make or accept representations based on information released directly from YTB. Anything else may be construed as fraudulent.
And I imagine because Regina, Gail, and Denyse all were making outrageous claims about the franchises on their blogs, they may have been asked to remove the postings.
But there is no legal threat. The only thing YTB can do is terminate them. ANd then POOF there goes all that money!
Eddie and the gang,
ReplyDeleteI truly did come in here to get some perspective. Honestly. My wife and I had a discussion about it on knowing what is being said out there, good or bad, we wanted to know then evaluate it.
What I learned in here is that there are some legitimate concerns. I appreciate them and they will help me in my business as it grows and evolves. But what I also found that the character of the people in here (the anti-YTB'rs) is not the same as the ones that I currently associate with. I have actually met some TTA's that know about this site and say that although they have concerns, they by no means want to be associated with that "extremism". I don't know one single leader or otherwise that I have met face-to-face with YTB that conducts themselves like John and the others. I don't think John or the rest are bad people by any means. I just think they have their form of passion that has a set of sunglasses that doesn't allow the whole picture to come into view. I guess He could say the same about us, but that is why I came.
I got a bigger picture in here. And what I have determined outside of some legitimate concerns what that there are just some bitter, mean spirited TTA's out there that just want to bitch and moan instead of looking for a positive solution to their concerns. I mean, YTB is not going away as much as you hope for. The better solution is to take an honest approach, create positive dialogue, and use your influence to get what you want in a win/win attitude as opposed to looking for every negative thing you can find and squealing around the cauldron. There really is a better way but they have chosen to take the way that hopes for the destruction of others.
It comes down to PEOPLE, real PEOPLE, on both sides of the issue. I do not personally dislike any of anti-YTBers. I do not however wish to take on the thinking patterns displayed here. You become like those you associate with. Just like your parents told you. The thoughts and characters of the people you associate with eventually become part of you. The spirit in here is not what I wan't to take home to my family and friends. The people at YTB are not like this. At least not the ones I associate with. Actually I don't know anyone in any other area of my life that act like this.
People really do matter. At this point I will say to Mark I do apologize for saying you were a tool. I am not perfect by any means. I do not feel you always give the full truth on your video blogs and to me that is untruthful. You give part of the story and spin it in the most negative way you can find. But you are right, they are your videos. You get a lot of publicity for your business because of YTB but I feel in the end you reap what you sow. So I guess we will see. As a person I think you really are a smart guy. But marketing yourself at the blatant expense of the other is like a political campaign. Everyone can't wait for the election to be over.
I will check this blog back and forth if I have a hankering for negativity. (Don't want to get to much of a positive attitude so I know I can just come back here to bring me down several notches.) I truly feel that if you REALLY wanted to influence your cause you could find a better way but I know that won't happen until you realize you are dealing with actual people here who have the same dreams for their families as you do. That "dingleberry" just may be the person that changes you our your kid's flat tire on the side of the road someday just because you are part of the same human race. Not because you agree on everything.
You know firemedic you really need to get a life. I googled your handle and I could not believe the boards, blogs and what not you are posting on. Love these two tidbits about the statue on the environmental blogs.
ReplyDelete"Wow. Will YTB be to blame for global warming too!! I believe in taking care of the environment but Lord, you hard core, anti-human being, evironmentalists take it to the extreme. You all need your own country with all the tofu you can eat.
# firemedic227 on July 30th, 2008 11:21 pm
I bet if they made it out of sugar the envrionmentalists would throw a fit because of the pollutants put into the air in the manufacturing of beets."
You know what you are an Ass.
Hey Firemedic227,
ReplyDeleteI dare you to accept my direct challenge to you:
You prove to me where I have been dishonest about YTB, and I will correct what ever it is, and issue a formal public apology.
For your part, if you can't prove that I was dishonest, then you have to do the same. (You have to correct the statements that you have made, and issue a formal public apology.)
And...you have to tell us your real name.
This includes "half-truths"
Are you willing to live up to your claims and name calling? Or do you just talk trash?
Mark Ewing
ReplyDeleteWhy do you even bother? I bet you get the normal scripted..."call the back office" if you need to know response.