The spin continues and it is amusing.
It seems the YTB defense will be that the Attorney General does not understand network marketing. Perhaps the Attorney General feels that YTB does not understand the concept of the law. But Doug said that all will be well so we need to take him at his word and sleep soundly. Especially the California Directors...aka Does 1 to 100. If anyone has a direct line to Jerry Brown, please let him know that Doug has handled this and there is no reason to go forward. It is a simple misunderstanding!
To those that do not understand satire...that was an example. But Doug did make a few points that should be pointed out.
In YTB there are two separate companies. Yet the Directors (one of the companies) are the ones instructing the travel(the other company) training classes. This seems like they may not be so separate at all.
The last two days have been spent in training classes from some of our Directors that have been exceptional to say the least.He also talks about a smirk
I’ve seen more of a steely eyed smirk on most of the faces here.
Well, if anyone has met Scott Tomer, you know that look. It is nothing new and it is the same look he has when heading to the bank depositing all the RTA monthly fees.
And finally in another attempt at deflection we have this:
YTB is on the map folks and if by chance, you are not here in St. Louis today, head on over to any newsstand and book store and take a gander at who is on the front cover of the Saturday Evening Post this month.
Well, I am not sure they are "on the map" but they certainly "in the scope". It is a nice fluff piece in the Saturday Evening Post (although the link points to a Tony Bennett cover) and I can assure you that some columnist (anyone know what Dan Rather is doing these days) is getting some heat for not fact checking as well as he should have. What an embarrassment for the Saturday Evening Post to print a piece like that and have Coach be the target of the largest suite ever filed in the US against a MLM company/ Maybe they can do a "Fall from grace" piece in s little bit.
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