Recently, it was leaked that John Frenaye had indeed jumped the ship like Vicki Freed did several months ago and joined forces with YTB. Rather than rely on rumor and innuendo, we decided to call John and ask him directly. He agreed to an interview with periodic contributor, Kate Holmes. Kate asks the hard questions and puts John in The Hot Seat.
Q. John, after years of a very outspoken campaign against YTB, you decided to join YTB as a rep. What prompted you to make this move? Well, I can't really talk about that, and I heard that news too. But thanks for asking.
Q. Now that you are in YTB, can you tell us more about the franchise model? Well, all I can say is that YTB knows how to recruit and knows network marketing.
Q. Where do you see YTB in a year? The future is hard to predict with so many positive and great changes coming out at the convention, but I am suspecting at 1901 E Edwardsville Road in Wood River.
Q. The travel industry has never embraced YTB despite its claims. Could you explain this? All I can say is that YTB knows how to recruit and knows network marketing.
Q. Can you please explain the reason for your switch to YTB? Well, I can't really talk about that, and I heard that news too. But thanks for asking.
Q. We've all been waiting to hear more about this franchising manual. Now that you are in YTB, can you tell us more about it? All I can say is that YTB knows how to recruit and knows network marketing.
Q. How many people do you currently have in your downline? Well that is not a very easy number. The economy has not been too good lately but I have heard that YTB has more now than they had a while ago. And that came straight from the President's mouth!
Q. How many people in your downline will become franchisees? I can't really talk about that but I do know that if people do not participate they will be no worse off than if they hadn't participated in the first place.
Q. How much of your YTB sales comes from travel? From website sales? I cannot really discuss any income that I may or may not make; but you can be assured that any income I do make does indeed come from somewhere.
Q. We understand YTB recently paid itself over 6 million dollars for a giant hunk of foam to honor the troops. Can you please tell us a little more about this? Are you anti-American? Do you not support the troops? Do you feel honoring them is a bad thing? And the correct figure I have heard is $8 million plus transportation, installation, and taxes. It has also been said that YTB HQ is a green building.
Q. How are the upcoming changes to the CLIA card going to affect YTB's recruiting efforts? What perk will you advertise now? Well, perks are really a fluid concept depending on the prospect. You need to determine the touch points and go from there.
Q. You recently became an ordained minister. Who has influenced you more in this decision? Was it Coach? Regina Osei? Father Guido Sarducci? My ascension into the ministry is a personal decision and it was influenced by none of the above. I also heard that chicks dig men in robes, we get some awesome tax write offs and some great parking spots at the local mall.
So, there you have it from the source. All of the confirmation anyone needs about John's recent switch to YTB.
John is a swingin’ bachelor, father, mentor, coach, ordained minister, and makes a mean lasagna! He wears a lot of hats but loves them all! To learn more about more about fabulous opportunities please join his downline at www.ytb.com/jfrenaye.
--Kate Holmes
Love it.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I haven't heard of Father Guido in years. Is he still around?
ReplyDeletePastor John---I love it! I nominate this for the best post of the year!
ReplyDeleteJohn...are you going to the convention? Are you flying, or are you riding wiht the rest of the team in a van from Atlanta?
ReplyDeleteIt’s going to be a busy day, so I have to get going. Packing, picking up the passenger van, printing out confirmations, and last minutes phone calls for our teams departure at 6:30am in the morning begins the week of training, seminars, news, and just a little bit of fun with my fellow YTB’ers.
OMG! That was great!
ReplyDelete"John...are you going to the convention? Are you flying, or are you riding wiht the rest of the team in a van from Atlanta?"
ReplyDeleteYou people really are clueless.....
ReplyDeleteInsider is one of us, she was mocking Dougs site...
I heard that John is a keynote speaker at the convention.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clarifying that Lisa. Didn't know that. Missed the sarcasm.
ReplyDeleteGiven the RTA's cluelessness on most stuff wouldn't surprise me a bit if one of them didn't offer Rev. John a ride to their lil ole convention in St. Louis....They were chortling the other day and clasping their hands in glee he joined them.
Well, sure John would be a great key note feature.
ReplyDeleteAnd his speech is entitled "How I went from hating YTB to embracing the power and loving my power team."
Yes Kitty---I am also not a fan of YTB and that was humor. I cannot believe they are driving 9 hours in a van. You would think with all that money they are making they ought to be able to afford the $270 ticket on AirTran.
ReplyDeleteI mean with the cost of gas, renting a passenger van, parking flying is almost cheaper. And having to spend 9 hours cramped in a VAN with a bunch of YTB Yahoos is more than I can bear to imagine!
Apparently Coach's Corner does not include use of the Lear!
Hate to reign on the parade of the elite TTAs.
ReplyDeleteTo any new readers of this blog:
You are witnessing arrogance on display in the above comments.
The finest of the traditional travel agent world.
Shall I go on to the Craiglist/WAHM/Mailpound postings to get the finest of the YTB world? Oh wait, those aren't really the agents that represent YTB..those are those "rogue" agents. Give me a break. Get a sense of humor...you should really have one considering the company you work for is the joke of the industry.
ReplyDeleteWho are you referring to as arrogant? My opinion that I woudl rather fly than drive? Or the "interview" that was equally elusive as the one given by Sorenson?
ReplyDeleteI recently got an email from a RTA and she claims that YTB still has an IATA number.
ReplyDeleteBut I noticed on the booking sites now they have added the ARC Accredited Location logo to the bottom. Why not use the CLIA logo? I mean there are more cruises sold than anything else.
I'm sure this person has there IATA number on their card. Probably a old card and doesn't keep up with the news. Why would this surprise anyone?
ReplyDeleteI'm your newest rep John. I plan on doing nothing so you won't have to do much.