I have always said that there are some very good people in YTB. There are some good agents and there are some good business people. Unfortunately, the opposite seems to be the norm and ethics and honesty seems to take a decided back seat to doing things right.
I was looking through a Craigslist posting and found this gem. Rather than have all the slimy directors telling you how to cheat your taxes and scam some freebies from the suppliers, why not ask these folks to honestly market what it is that you sell. Huge kudos to Peter and Aileen Pelt! I still don't like the concept, but if more Reps and RTAs would take this type of approach rather than the "get rich quick, quit your job, screw the IRS, and travel for free and deduct it all" approach, it would be a giant step in the right direction!
Join Our YTB Team (bernal heights)
http://peltinternationaltravel.vacationmedia.net You want to enter the 7 Trillion Dollar Travel Industry that is setting all time records and still growing. The opportunity is great and Your Travel Biz give you that opportunity to setup your own travel business; it is easy and extremely affordable for the average American or Canadian. Your Travel Biz (YTB) is a home-based opportunity that lets individuals start their own travel companies. The business, the enormous commissions, the discounts and tax breaks on travel are the fringe benefits that you receive the very first day you start operating your travel business. There is no probationary period to suffer through to begin to capitalize on lucrative home-based business benefits. Because of that, the opportunity for growth is fast and unlimited. With YTB, which uses a network-marketing business model, you can build a team of hundreds or even thousands and; although they all will be working for themselves, you will be working together to achieve success. A network marketing home-based business is so different from the traditional concept of selling. It is working together in the spirit of cooperation, the spirit of excellence to achieve success. Through teams, independent YTB business owners can help each other grow their businesses by providing support, training, and friends to rely on. In the 7 trillion dollar travel industry, which is going to double in the next ten years, there is more than enough business to go around. In the process of building your team, your business will grow as well as your relationship with your teammates. YTB built its success on the foundation of relationship marketing with people like you, people who relish a sound financial future and enjoys traveling. The travel business is a people business. To build your business, you just go out and find like-minded people like yourself interested in the business. Whatever your business objective may be, YTB is the bridge to connect you to your dreams. YTB gives individuals the opportunity to decide how they want to run their business, by choosing one or combining both of the company's income-earning options. You can work your business two ways: through your own travel site where people can book flights, hotels, and other travel necessities and by helping others set up their own YTB travel sites. You can literally become your own neighborhood travel agent. You will make money as family and friends book travel. You will also receive discounts on your own travel. Eighty percent of travel is based on a recommendation from a friend or someone we trust. By owning your home-based travel business, you get to travel more often, and to more places. There is also the opportunity for tax deductions when travel is your business. In everything, there are rules you have to follow and there are rules in YTB. You have to keep the proper documentation; but its exciting to know that every time you take a trip, you're enhancing your business success. Join the financially secure; those who operate home based businesses. To learn more about home-based business opportunities, YTB and its commission scale, bonuses, discount travel, and flexible work schedules. Our team members are helping each other every step of the way. I will see you there! Your Travel Biz gives you the opportunity to travel the world while putting money back in your pocket at the same time. Do you what to earn additional income and have fun doing it. Do you want to know more? http://peltinternationaltravel.vacationmedia.net For More Information Please Contact Peter & Aileen Pelt @ 1(866)990-8991