Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An RTA Who Is In The Know!

So, a 26 year old RTA (still in college) has the insight on Ted Lindauer. This info is a fabrication. Call YTB and ask for Ted and see what they say. This guy is so in the know, I wonder if it is Ole Scorekeeper?


  1. my sound isn't working - what does he say?

  2. You know, I have a friend, who has a cousin who is the father of the mother of a kid that knows Ted.....so it MUST be true.

  3. And because I read it on Doug's website it therefore must be true....but wait, I also read something on this website so therefore it must be true too.

    Oh bother, I guess I need to go back to RTA school. This college stuff is just way too complicated. I should have dropped out like Scotty!

  4. So he takes out a room for 2,000 people and only 6 show up. I guess the kid doesn't realize the worthlessness of YTB but everyone else does.

  5. Well... I have a friend, who is a friend of a family member of a friend, of a friend, who knows who the friend of the family member friend is, and Ted is secretly on a top secret mission with YTB. And that is why if you call YTB they will tell you that Ted doesn't work there, because they don't want to blow Ted's cover.

    Coach can fix everything. At least that is what my friend's friend of a family members friend said.

  6. What an idiot! I am embarassed for this fool. I wonder if he is even still in YTB.

  7. We had a room that held 2,000 people and only 6 people showed up.....


    Thats awsome... Scott flew out and met with 6 people..

  8. MLMs attract people who are looking to "get rich quick" and often (I believe) these are people already on the edge financially. I think that with the current economy, all MLM recruiting is going to drop lower and lower - YTB will suffer just like the rest of them.

  9. The blind faith of some people is just amazing. The way that they are willing to put absolute trust in someone that is in the business of making money by selling a biz-op just goes to show that P.T. Barnum was right when he said “There's a sucker born every minute”.

    Can you imagine how broken hearted this poor guy in the video would be if he knew the truth. I'm suprised at how dedicated he is after have a major flop with the meeting.

    And everyone has once again missed the major issue here: What has become of all the issues that Ted brought up in his report? Have things been resolved in a proper and legal way? Or, have people just been paid off, and the issues swept under the rug?
