Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Calling Florida MLMers

It appears that selling travel in Florida just got a little more expensive. Effective July 1, 2008, EVERY Independent Sales Agent must register with the State and pay a $50 fee annually.

Now according to an email from Doug B back in February, Florida had the most RTAs. I am not sure at what percentage, but if they had 20%, that is a $1.3 Million Dollar Windfall tot he Florida coffers each year!

And since we all know that YTB and the other MLMs pride themselves on their upright business principles, you can download the  Florida DACS 10211 (Rev. 7.08)  right HERE!

Now, I am not sure about you, but if all of a sudden some legislation just took away 48.8% of my income (Average Income for an RTA in 2007 was $102.42 in travel commissions earned from YTB), I might be on the phone to my local Senator. On second thought, I might be on the phone to my Coach and see why this bill got passed in the first place. I mean, I thought YTB bought acquired hired  a Florida Senator!


  1. I Bet this has Jokestar all up in arms now too! So hoe many RTAs does this effect anyhow?

    48% of income LOL boy that "opportunity" is sure beginning to turn into a "flopportunity" pretty fast. BUt as long as they keep paying the fees, Coach says it is an opportunity!

  2. You know John, you make this post and relate it to the $50 RTAs in Florida will pay, but in reality it further validates the RTA as being 'registered' with the state.

  3. Yes, but how many will actually pay it?

  4. I will, but don't have to until next April.

  5. If you are still in YTB next April. LOLOLOLOL

    These RTAs don't register--who are you kidding. They are only travel agents when it is conveenient for them and when it is not they are referrers.

    I am sure they are being told to ignore it (if they are being told about it at all) as there is not a real method to be caught

  6. I guess they wasted that Board position and all those shares on Burt Sanders--the illustriosu Senator from Florida! Wazzamatta did Burt not keep his end of the deal?

  7. Actually, i found out about it BECAUSE YTB sent me an email last week.
    And, again I stress, sure it's 50 bucks but I view it as a way for further validation.

  8. "And, again I stress, sure it's 50 bucks but I view it as a way for further validation."

    Further validation of what? That you only make $50 selling travel? Or, that you are not a legitimate travel agent, never will be or never hope to be not even in your dreams.

  9. Curious as to what this validates? You pay your $50, and you still don't have IATAN, RCL and many other vendors. All this does is drain what little "some" of you in YTB make. And makes others go in the red. Further validation? HA

  10. Here is what was sent out to all YTB RTA's and a follow-up will be in the Biz Report.

    "Dear Sir/Madam
    This email serves as a notification of a recent change in the filing requirements for the Independent Agents of Sellers of Travel, as approved by the Florida Legislature during its 2008 session. Beginning on July 1, 2008, independent agents must submit a $50.00 filing fee in addition to filing the affidavit required under section 559.928(3), Florida Statutes.
    If you need any assistance regarding the new law change or filing requirements for Independent Agents of Sellers of Travel, please call us at 800-435-7352 (FL ONLY) or 850-488-2221.

    Thank You
    Joann Dixon, Chief Bureau of Compliance Division of Consumer Services Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services"

    This is a valid, official e-mail and has been verified with the office in Florida listed above. Beginning July 1, 2008, anyone registering for the first time or renewing on or after July 1st will be required to submit a check for $50 along with their affidavit to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. If your renewal date falls prior to July 1st, you will not be required to submit the $50 fee until the date of your renewal (i.e. your renewal date is June 19, 2008, you have to pay $50 with your renewal on or before June 19, 2009).
    You will be receiving a follow-up e-mail with more information from the Division of Consumer Services Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in the next few weeks. YTB will be sending out an announcement in a Travel Compass regarding this matter. Thank you!
    Please let us know if you have other questions.
    Thank you,

    YTB certainly knows how to take care of it's own and is not only aware but on top of this matter.

  11. Well it certainly looks like YTB is reacting to a problem. If they took care of their own why did this surface on JOns blog and why is it not in the Compass. It went into effect today. Seems YTB is behind the times.

    BUt they probabaly have a legal obligation that they have to notify the RTAs. But wanna bet most RTAs are not registered to begin with?

    I imagine a FOIA request to see the registrations afilliated with YTB in FL will show very few. Yet YTB claims that FL is the #1 state.

    How interesting will it be to see that YTB has 27,000 RTAs in Florida but the State only shows a few hundred registered.

    Might be an intersting study!

  12. Nice spin there Insider...

    The notice has been out for a while, and it's John who's behind the times, not YTB. (I go back a couple weeks for this notice.)

    If you want to waste your time on a study, be our guest. Come back to us in a year and let us know how it all turns out.


  13. Coming back in a year might not be to fun---you likely will not be here...you guys is dropping like flies!

  14. I think it's great except I wish they all had to post a bond of say, $500 to legitimize what they are doing as "real". Also should have to show proof of business license and E&O.

    It DOES in fact legitimize them - only those who are actually serious about selling travel will bother to register. those who don't - well sooner or later they will get caught and presumably fined.

    Funny how Florida moved toward regulation and Rhode Island away. But then again, Florida has been plagued for years with time share and vacation club charlatans so maybe that's why.....

  15. There isn't going to be any way to catch the ones that don't register because they would have to be reported. Since they don't sell any travel except to themselves (if even that), then who is to squeal? If YTB wanted to do the right thing, they would require the RATS to pay it and show proof. That will never happen because that extra $50 isn't going into Coach's pocket. Good law but they should have taken it a step further and required YTB to make sure everyone was registered.

  16. Maybe this is a way to shut down Card Mills. Subpoena the Card Mill agencies and see how many are registeered with the mill as being in FL and then compare it to the number registered in FL as an affiliate of the Mill and allow a certain percentage....

    Could be the start of something!

  17. The Seller Of Travel License is really a great thing to carry in my YTB business binder and display it to my prospects and travel clinets. I can't wait to apply for it. It's certainly cheeper then business cards and a lot more value for a little over $4 a month as it confirms that I am a SELLER OF TRAVEL. Way too cool!

  18. Whoops! I meant to spell the word "cheaper". Don't want to offend all the spelling cops out there!

  19. First off it is not a "license" and it confirms that you are affiliated with a licensed SOT for the state of FL. As for what it proves...it proves that your check cleared.

    But don't let any of that stop you from telling your "clients" how hard you worked to achieve that lofty goal.

    The issue is that the majority of RTAs cannot afford to lose almost half of their income!

  20. "The Seller Of Travel License is really a great thing to carry in my YTB business binder and display it to my prospects and travel clinets. I can't wait to apply for it. "It's certainly cheeper then business cards and a lot more value for a little over $4 a month as it confirms that I am a SELLER OF TRAVEL. Way too cool!"

    IF you think showing this is going to improve your business you really know nothing about the travel industry or marketing for that matter. Sad. Pathetic really. YTB hires those who don't know any better.
