I have never met or spoken with Danny Borg, but we seem to be on the same page. In a recent letter to Travel Weekly, Danny recounts his most recent run-ins with the YTB crowd.
Whenever YTB comes a-knockin', 30-year veteran starts a-runnin'
I own a brick and mortar agency and just returned from a seminar at sea on Azamara Cruises. One night after dinner I was stopped by a man on the cruise who started telling me that he liked to make people millionaires.
He went on to say that he had been in the travel business for 30 years and explained that he is now with a company that is going to take over the entire travel business by 2010. He told me that his company was going to put every travel agency out of business.
I asked him if he had an office, and he explained to me that the beauty of the business is that you don't need an office or any knowledge of travel. The only thing you do is give people your business card; they go online and book their own trip, and you get money for it.
I asked him what happens when he's called by a customer with a problem. He explained that he does not talk to customers. He told me the customers deal with one of the agents at YTB if there is a problem.
He then started to tell me how I could have my own website and get free travel benefits, and all I had to do was give him $500. He failed to mention the monthly fee for the website.
He then asked what I did for a living, and when I told him I owned one of the travel agencies he was planning to put out of business, he continued to go on about how I should sign up with him. Finally his wife told him that he should stop trying to pitch this to me, as I was a travel agent.
I didn't think about this guy again until four days after I got home, and a man walked into my office in shorts and asked me if I'd be interested in tripling my sales. This man told me he was with YTB and that he could set me up with a website that was more powerful and better than the Expedias and Travelocities out there now. All this for just $500 and a small monthly fee for the website.
I told him that I really thought that sharing my commission with YTB was not in my best interest and thanked him for his time.
I must say that after being in the travel business for more than 30 years, I have seen a lot of different business models. When getting that $500 is more important than taking care of my customers, it will be a sad day. I yearn for a time when travel agents can be looked at as professionals. Every time that I run across someone who knows nothing about the business, but has a business card that he paid for with the belief that he was going to get free cruises and hotel stays and airline tickets, it makes me sick to my stomach.
I commend the travel companies that have taken a stand and do not allow bookings from YTB, I will do everything possible to support those companies.
Danny Borg
High Performance Cruise & Travel
South Daytona, FL
Now this is strange considering it was an Azamara ship. Did he sneak through? Did YTB find a back door into RCI? What about the contention that YTB was not looking to compete against traditional travel agencies? What happened to the order from Coach about not recruiting?
Maybe the Coach winked or used "quotation marks" when he told everyone the rules.
(Reprinted in its entirety with permission of author)
Bravo! I will be calling or emailing him with a pat on the back. See these people in YTB are out of control and listen to no one and will do anything to recruit.
ReplyDeleteOh gee. Another "stray" YTBer. Obviously this guy is the only guy trying this. No one else in YTB, or at least on this board, would ever do something like that right?
ReplyDeleteIt's all hearsay people. It's serious cases like this, you better come up with the evidence like dates and names, and even show me the letter from Danny to Travel Weekly.
ReplyDeleteJohn, Did you ask Danny if he took the guy's business card and reported him to the Azamara staff on board? No travel agent, traditional or MLM, is supposed to be recruiting for travel clients onboard any cruise ship. Granted he was trying to get Danny to buy into becoming an RTA, but the concept is the same.
ReplyDeleteRod--it was in the print issue of Travel Weekly last week as a letter to the editor. I no longer have my copy, but I am sure someone else can verify it. Where is your copy?
ReplyDeleteI don;t know what he did or did not do. The letter was in TW and I called and told him I appreciated the letter and asked if I could reprint it in it's entirety.
You called him and spoke to him???/
ReplyDeleteYet you started your blog today with "I have never met or spoken with Danny Borg."
So, which is it? Now, I know that this doesn't pretain to the issue but it does speak to your credibility in reporting with yet another fabrication or exaggeration.
OK Josh...I Have never met or spoken with him is true. If you must know, I called his office to speak with him on Friday (may have been Thursday) and he was out of the office till Monday. I spoke with whomever answered the call and left a message and she said she would give it to him and offered me his email address.
ReplyDeleteI sent him an email saying I liked the letter and would like to reprint it in my blog. He responded by email yesterday and said I had his permission.
I am sorry for the confusion this must have caused you and I will be sure to clearly define my methods of communication to others in the future.
And just as a point of reference, the blog entry was written last week--saved to a draft stage till I received the permission. SO when it was written, I actually had never had ANY contact with him, nor had I heard of his agency.
Fair enough, I appreciate the explanation.
ReplyDeleteI will say this, that this YTB RTA that Mr. Borg references acted in a totally unprofessional and inappropriate way.
I am not saying that this is a "stray" as Kate stated she was waiting for a defense, but it is not a behaviour by anyone on my team, and is completely discouraged by YTB. In fact it is repeated weekly in the travel compass, which John reads so he can certainly attest to it.
"YTB RTA that Mr. Borg references acted in a totally unprofessional and inappropriate way."
ReplyDeleteJosh, Your team may not act like this but there are plenty that do. Example home based trade show in Las Vegas where they were wearing their lime green shirts and recruiting at the trade show. Example-Standing in the aisles of a bridal show I was in and recruiting without paying for booth space. They were escorted off.
There are tons of documented cases of them on cruise ships recruiting and one line asked them to stop.
Look at all the stuff on craigslist under vacations and the methods they use to recurit.
Your team may not be doing it but there are plenty that do and break the rules. That is one of the reasons why we are all so upset.
You people need to state the date of the incident not just the date the letter was published.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows YTB REPS were guilty of this unprofessional conduct in the past and YTB has since informed all REPs to stop doing it. So until you tell me when the incident took place, you have just brought up a problem in history that has already been dealt with.
Rod----it says he "just" got off the cruise, so I assume it is fairly recent.
ReplyDeleteBut what are your thoughts on YTB goign franchise as opposed to MLM?
Wrong John.
ReplyDeleteHere's what it says. You are so blinded with hate that you read what you want things to say instead of what they really say. Let me translate Danny's letter for you:
Danny said: I own a brick and mortar agency.
Once upon a time, I had just returned from a seminar at sea on Azamara Cruises and one night after dinner I was stopped by a man on the cruise who started telling me that he liked to make people millionaires.
That's how the ready reads. You need to find out when Danny took that cruise that he ran into the YTB guy.
ReplyDeleteIt does not say Once Upon a Time. It says he just got back. Azamara has not been around THAT long and I know there were some recent SatSs offered. You would not know that though.
TW is a fairly timely publication so I imagine the letter was received last week or the week before and the cruise was likley at the end of June.
BUt you know what, send Danny an email and explain your concerns to him. Click the link on his logo or go to his website and it is right there!
I contacted Danny by phone just a few minutes ago. We talked about travel for about 15 minutes. He told me the TW letter was referring to a Mediterranean cruise in June 2008. The YTB guy coming into his office in shorts and suntan lotion on his face was very unprofessional and unethical.
ReplyDeleteYTB ethics took another big setback.
Geez oh pete's Rod do you not believe anything? I am surprised he didn't tell you to take a hike. You really need to get a life and a real job.
ReplyDeleteI'm part-time YTB police. I sent the letter to YTB corporate with my comments.
ReplyDeleteRod--I am sure YTB is well aware of the letter. I am also sure that they are aware of every time their name is mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBUt I am curious--what were your comments? I thought Coach said...
Coach said that to the Directors.
ReplyDeleteMy letter went like this:
Dear YTB,
The attached pdf was forwarded to me today.
I called the travel agent who wrote the letter to verify the dates of the incidents.
The unethical recruiting incident by a YTB RTA took place on a Mediterranean cruise in June 2008.
The unethical recruiting incident by a YTB RTA dressed in wrinkled clothes and suntan lotion on his face took place at the travel agency after the cruise incident.
This needs to be reported to Kim Sorenson and followed-up by someone at YTB.
Danny said he is not YTB police so I am doing my part and reporting the incident.
Have a nice day!
-- Rod
It came to me in the bathtub tonight that Danny doesn't have the names of either person he wrote the letter about.
ReplyDeleteDanny did mention that as frustrated as he was at the first RTAs, no name provided, unprofessional manner onboard the ship, he was going to overlook the whole thing. Danny said that changed when the second YTB RTA, no name provided, walked into his B&M travel agency and attempted to recruit him with overblown marketing techniques.
Danny said at that point he was pissed off (his exact words).
I'm recanting my statement, "YTB ethics took another big setback." The reason is if Danny wanted to go public with these YTB RTAs unethical conduct, he should have taken names.
Without names, the story can't be validated. Danny might as well made the whole story up, because we can't track down the people who he says is guilty. So actually Danny, I'm going to call you tomorrow and tell you that you were wrong for going public without names of people to verify your story.
Rod does make somewhat of a good point. Anyone can SAY anything they want to. I could rattle off bad experiences with travel agents and all you TTAs would just call me a liar.
ReplyDeleteI just don't remember all of the travel agents' names that screwed me over over the years.
One time I was sitting quietly in the library booking some travel on the librar computer through expedia when this guy in a ripped t-shirt came up to me, slapped some IATA card on the table with some brochures to his B&M agency telling me that I was an idiot for booking online.
I asked him to be quiet as we were in the library, he kept it up, talking about how he and his TA ilk rule the world of service and travel.
I was offended.
I kindly asked him to quiet down.
He sat down pushed me aside, and went to his agency website. Went to pull up the same cruise itinerary I was booking, and wanted me to enter in my contact info so he could send me a quote. Yeah, I had time for that.
I left that workstation and proceeded to find another computer to book my travel and successfully did so on expedia.
When I went on my cruise I was out at the pool with my wife and kids, and this really loud couple were sitting next to us cursing and making a scene about how the cruiseline didn't upgrade them. After all they were travel agents. The found a steward near the pool and were lambasting him for the terrible service and they just "couldn't in our hearts recommend this line to anyone"
A few minutes later I tried to make some nice conversation with them, saying I liked the cruise line. The woman's response ...."what the hell do you know, you're not a travel agent!" This was 2002.
Unfortunately I don't have names for either situation, but it is true as I had a letter of my story published in a newspaper in the letters to the editor section.
I am sorry, but YTB wants to have it both ways. When TW publishes something that is pro-YTB it is the Gospel According to Arnie. When it is anti-YTB, it is a lie and never happened.
ReplyDeleteRod, do you really think YTB is going to track down a rogue Rep or RTA? Come on get real. They are too busy now trying to figure out how to get rid of the ones that they have and survive.
If you are shopping and come out and see your car is smashed up. The person did not leave a name or a note. Does that mean it did not happen? Does that invalidate the damage in any way?
John, interesting analogy about a smashed car, but the part that is left out is "who did it" I could say John F smashed my car because I felt like making that up and if I speak loudly and often enough perhaps that might just damage your credibility. You would have to continually defend, try to show proof to contradict the story, and you would know the truth and to you that muight be enough, but to others who would possibly think of doing business with you in the future, it wouldn't be so you would need to defend against the lies.
ReplyDeleteNow, that was a good analogy.
What happens when you look at your car and see that the manufacturer's badge (say a Chevy) snapped off and is caught under your bumper along with some special Chevy Lime Green paint.
ReplyDeleteReasonable to say that a Chevy did the damage? But we still don;t know who is driving.
See YTB did the damage. And just like Chevy, YTB is not legally liable. But it is a very valid analogy.
you say YTB did damage, that is the part that is arguable. Did you see My cousin Vinny, it turns out ir was a different car.
ReplyDeleteJohn, Absolutely YTB tracks down RTAs who hurt the company. Danny gave no names, probably because the events didn't take place. If Danny was concerned enough to write a letter, he would have taken down names now wouldn't he?
ReplyDeleteJohn, Danny is guilty of slandering YTB. You and TW editor are guilty of aiding and abetting a slanderer. I'm telling you here and I e-mailed the editor. I put in a call to Danny today, but he was out of the office. The lady who answered the phone in his office tells me his letter is making him very popular. Probably she meant to say he is notorious.
I will break my own rule here, but Rod, take a look at yourself. You are an ass!
ReplyDeleteYou are not in YTB, you are not in the travel industry. Yet you feel that the editor of Travel Weekly, YTB, me, and the person who authored a letter are all accountable to you?
What did YTB do about Seligman? What did they do for Piccolo? What did YTB do about the Director who told mistruths at the meetings I attended? What did YTB do about Regina claiming she has earned "additional bonuses"? What about American Destinations?
And because someone does not have a name, most certainly does not mean that it did not happen. As a matter of fact, YTB has admitted it has happened and has issued edicts about it not happening again. So if it happened in the past, why are we to assume that a message from Coach resolves it all? YTB is known for this type of behavior. Again, if it walks like a duck...
Add me to the list of slanderers too, Rod. I was solicited by a YTB RTA on an airport shuttle, in my office and in the LAX Tom Bradley Terminal. Oops - I threw the cards away!
ReplyDeleteIt's not the first time you have shown your true colors Eddie. You're credibility factor is not doing well.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rod!
ReplyDeleteI sometimes think I am incredible too! And I guess those smart RTAs thought I was at least worth a try!
Rod-Add me to the list too. A YTB RTA walked into my B&M and tried to recruit. I threw his ass out. Didn't get his name but you can the 5 employees plus the receptionist for verification. Happens all the time.
ReplyDeleteAnd since you claim you are not in YTB why do you care?
You really need to see a psychologist Rod because you either have a borderline personality disorder or are schizophrenia. Look in the yellow pages under mental health. Some places will even take you on a sliding scale if you can not afford to pay. Do it today Rod because you seriously have a problem and need help.
John, in reference to your comment: You are not in YTB, you are not in the travel industry. Yet you feel that the editor of Travel Weekly, YTB, me, and the person who authored a letter are all accountable to you?
ReplyDeleteAll I'm saying is you, Danny, and TW are going to be accountable to the law if YTB pursues this slanderous incident.
Actually, since you aren't the one who wrote the letter and you are just repeating it, you will probably won't get fined. It just shows your true colors about how superficial your integrity is. Maxine and Eddie you too!
Actually Eddie and Maxine, as long as you don't have a "no soliciting allowed" sign up, it's not unethical to recruit in your business.
ReplyDeleteWell, let me know how well that slander deal goes against TW. Then let me know how YTB ranks in next year's power list!
ReplyDeleteYea Rod you twit we do have a no soliciting sign up. The YTB person ignored it. Just like they ignore most of the rules of decorum and ethics. And, why do you care since you are not in YTB?
ReplyDeleteMy attorney husband laughed his ass off at your slander and suing comments....Get some help.
Don't you think that if ytb has TRULY been slandered now or in the past, they would have already taken steps in the legal arena? Since they have not done so, it would seem that they haven't been. Get off it dude, and go out and get a job.
ReplyDeleteMaxine I'll probably never take you people seriously ever again. You people top YTB hands down in the deceptive practices dept.
ReplyDeleteI've had a week full of education from you TTA people and it's only Wednesday.
The lightbulb started coming on July 14 when Skepticgirl finally revealed to me she was a 25 year TTA veteran.
or is she:
She lied.
I wish I had known that last year when I gave her my time to help her. Her only agenda was just to use her YTB story to support the anti-mlm petition.
Then the Danny Borg display of another deceptive tactic TTAs use to slander YTB in support of the anti-ytb crowd.
John's blog is just plain turning into Dramaville. In fact, somebody on TW named him drama boy:
Well Rod, I am glad the light finally came on one way or the other. Now that it is settled, go find your new sponsor and have a good life.
ReplyDeleteBut let me point out that Candi May (to my admitted surprise) was a TA for many years and joined YTB. Why can't Skeptic Girl have done the same thing and found the same results that you found and quit? IS that so far fetched?
The TTAs did not make up Danny Borg. It was TW, the Gospel According to Coach--the very publication that said you were #26 that published it. So are all of TW's articles lies and not to be believed?
And as for Coleman....that is the third really funny joke I heard all day.
But seriously, it appears your work is now done, and you are well on your way to riches with YTB. Best of luck with that!
I wouldn't say my work is done, but I see some people using dirty tactics to gather information about YTB and exploit known weaknesses and see what sticks.
ReplyDeleteSkeptic Girl
Maynard 999
John Frenaye
Danny Borg
Danny's letter fits a perfect picture of the known unethical conduct from the past. If that would have happened he would have been on the phone in a NY minute to YTB corporate. He didn't even take names, but still goes public on TW. That's an obvious exploitation of a weakness in YTB. Then tag team John Frenaye just happens to read the story and just has to publish it because it is "in line" with his agenda which is exploiting known YTB weaknesses to see what sticks.
It's sickening and I'm not going to be a part of it.
"It's sickening and I'm not going to be a part of it."
ReplyDeleteRod, what is it with you? Are you bi-polar or what? You have posted on here time and again how bad YTB screwed you and we supported you. Then you turn around and post sympathy for YTB. I don't get you at all. Do you have multiple personalities. Please, please get some mental health help or take your meds or something. Do you not have family or friends to help you? Look in the yellow pages if you don't know where to turn or ask your doctor to refer you.
You really are starting to scare me with your unbalanced personality.
How bout this. Next time ANY one of us gets one of these twits online, in our office, on the phone, on a fam etc. Take a picture, get a card, get a phone number, hell get a written statement from them so we can provide it. Because obviously we make all this stuff up, and there are no rogue RTA's pulling this stuff. I go on my cruise this weekend, let's see if their are any lime green "I got here for free" people on board, and if so I promise you I will take a photo-op.