Thursday, July 24, 2008

DisenFranchised With YTB?

Well, apparently, the TTAs are not the only ones that think this franchising concept is a strange idea and will benefit no one other than the top of the pyramid. A lot of the YTB blogs are alive with the counter spin. This blog warns everyone that the "other" MLM companies will be contacting them and trying to lure them away. The pleading nature of the blog entry is telling. I suspect that many will shift away--if for no other reason than they are not making any money with YTB--nothing to lose!

Not sure I follow this logic, but...
What they DIDN'T KNOW when they called many of us is that we're not worried. Even when they tried their best and used their boldest fear mongering techniques... we didn't buldge. It's not that we're all eternal optimists. It is that we understand that franchising is a GOOD THING... a real good thing. We see a bigger picture, BEYOND what the fear mongers see. Or do we? Maybe, it's because THEY ALSO SEE what a smart move YTB would be making to implement a franchise model into the existing framework. Maybe that's why they're trying to make a pre-emptive move against YTB RTAs and REPS before we are even farther out of reach. I don't know. It is an interesting thought though. What I do know is that YTB is on the cusp of something very exciting and it could be the BEST THING that has EVER happened before.

And of course, regardless of all else..recruit recruit recruit!

So....forget about the YTB "Franchise" Scare Tactics. Better yet, IF YOU ARE NOT IN YTB, this is a GREAT TIME to consider JOINING.

YTB IS ON ITS WAY TO BECOMING A BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY! Our founders, Coach J. Lloyd Tomer, Scott Tomer and J.Kim Sorensen have said that YTB will be the largest travel company in the world. We're on our way to making this a reality. So the fear mongering...we're not buying it, and believe it or not, many if not most of us ARE NOT coming to join your "other travel MLM" company.

Funny, but when the TTAs say we are not "scared" of YTB, they all say we really are. And now it seems that YTB is saying that they are not scared of the "other MLM" but by their logic...they must be!

If I were an RTA, I would be VERY concerned. The move to a franchise is only going to deplete your wallet some more. Remember, the wallet--the piece of leather with an exit only when it comes to YTB?



  1. Have you ever noticed that no matter what happens over at YTB, it's good? When RCCL cut them off, that was good! When IATAN cut them off, that was good too. Other travel agents don't like them because they're good. ASTA called them a card mill because they are good. The earnings statements make no sense, but that's good. And when you sell a 6 million dollar hunk of styrofoam to yourself from a company that you also own, that's super good. And when Greenpeace shows up to protest against your 6million dollar hunk of foam, that's also good. In fact, it's so good that you need a parade and a choir to sing about your enviornmentally incorrect hunk of foam. And then, when you decide to change your business structure to franchises so that you can extort more money from people, that's really good too.
    If you want to learn more about all the good things that YTB does, you can attend the "blowing sunshine up your own ass 101" class being offered at this year's convention.

  2. I love the phrase "they're trying to make a pre-emptive move against YTB RTAs and REPS before we are even farther out of reach."

    The hard corp. followers of the YTB cult have already gone bye-bye. My advise to the other travel mlm's is to let these people go. They are damaged goods. It's going to take years of therapy to bring them back into normal society. Right now, all they want to do is bow before the green foam goddess, and chant the montras that coach makes up.

    I think that it is funny that for the last 4 years they have been preaching that they are better than a franchise... and now they are becoming one. Did they forget that they are better?

    I also love all the complete and total world domination talk. It is all very Hitler-esque.

    Remember all the "you better join us or die" talk that we have been hearing from RTA's. Isn't that "fear mongering".

    Coach has done a really good job at training his army of mindless YTB bots. They will defend him to their death. "Must protect coach, foam goddess, and the franchises..."
    It must feel great to have so many people that are willing to sacrafise their own finacial future to make you rich. They will not even go without paychecks... but they will empty their bank accounts... in a gallent effort to make YTB a big company.

    It would be a shame if after years of sacrafice, that these YTB bots suddenly realized that the people that they have worshiped where in fact "false gods".

  3. It's awful darn quiet today. What are all the RTA's doing? Breaking their piggy banks open to pay their franchise fees?

  4. Well the slowdown in comments is partially due to the registration. The same person can't keep posting over and over and over as different anonymous people. Just supports my claim that most of them were the same people.

    Now the YTBers have been clamoring about the stock going up 2 or 3 cents a day....hrmm down 6. So 2 steps forward 3 steps back. And not a word from them. Imagine that.

