Earlier this week, there was an article in the Post-Tribune of Northwest Indiana regarding YTB and their Statue of Liberty. I spoke with the author over a month ago between then and now, she did her research and came out with the article that is really pretty much dead on. I only saw the article yesterday, and what really amused me were some of the comments from the pro-YTB crowd. Their reactions, albeit predictable, are certainly eye opening. It is a standard modus operandi for them--attack, deflect, lie, attack again, and if all else fails, lie some more!
In regards to any individual formerly affiliated with YTB who stole money from unsuspecting people; it is true- THEY stole money from those people, but YTB dissolved their affiliation with those people AND refunded all the money to those folks who were taken. Why did you not report that fact?Oh really? Where was the follow up story on the students from Tennessee? The bus drivers from Houston? Yes, they did reimburse the Baltimore woman, but what about the rest?
I went to the lady who invited me to the meeting via the Statue of Liberty flyer and asked her for other sources of information and she directed me to literature and websites and gave me good info. She even gave me the opportunity to go to the Home Office in Wood River, Illinois to meet the founders of the company and have lunch with them at their expense. Really!Come on. So now Coach is paying for prospects to come to Wood River? And what references were given? BBB reports? News reports of the scams? Financial reports? Letters from Royal Caribbean? IATAN endorsement? My guess is it was the YTB website and a Success From Home magazine.
She handed me several articles that she authored and asked me to read them along with an article from an entrepreneurs magazine.
Ah yes, that beautiful example of journalism, Success From Home where you too can buy the cover and content for the right price. As to her "authored" articles....I woudl like to see them. I know that the insurance industry is big on this, is YTB trying out that scam too? Having someone ghost write a column and for a price they put your photo and name on the byline?
I researched it and found also that YTB does not hand out Travel Agent credentials, but you must EARN them by selling travel via your own website. That fact sealed the deal. Then I found out that they are a publicly traded company on the stock market and that was all I needed.
They claim to not hand out credentials. BUt they do. Just buy a trip for yourself, deduct it on your taxes and whammo--RTA Credential. BUt let me get this straight, NOT giving out credentials sealed the deal? And then knowing they were publicly traded was all they needed? I have some Enron stock sitting around for you!
It’s very apparent your homework assignment was submitted as incomplete making you a very weak species in your profession…….if you could call your work a profession. Very sad that your job description requires you to attack and place primary focus on being PESSIMISTIC as an angle to get a story printed.Attack attack attack. What is your suggestion, all sit around in a circle at Coach's Corner and kiss his ass some more?
You attack YTB as being a card mill and not selling travel when MAGICALLY, they sold over $14 million in cruises with Carnival Cruise Lines setting a 1-day record in Cruise history last November 8th. Sure sounds like YTB is packed with slackers….NOT.Thye did not sell $14 M in cruises in one day. Remember it was 6500 cruises. And most were certificates, and Carnival did most of the selling because RTAs cannot sell their way out of a paper bag!
While attending the same meeting you attended; there were witnesses who saw you picking your nose in the corner because you weren’t paying FULL attention to note ALL of the valid TRUE details that were provided in its entirety and you opted to be deceitful in your story.Attack attack attack. Glad the nose police are there. I can't blame the reporter, it was probably more entertaining and factual than the presentation. But no doubt she picked the wrong one to attend as well becasue we all know...(all together now) I don't do my presentation that way!
You are the one working in scam land. The man at the top receives a higher pay for all of your deceitful articles and your pay is not enhanced. Hhhhmmmmmm – whats wrong with that picture ???
What IS wrong with that picture? How much is the man at the top of YOUR pyramid making? I am guessing the publisher of the Post-Tribune is not flying all over in a Lear jet.
Strangely enough, YTB is such a scam ---- there are many celebrities, professional athletes and organizations enjoying the abundance this company offers.And celebrities are always involved on the up and up. Is Michael Vick a member yet?
YTB is strong and stands by their word. They back you 1 million percent. They treat everyone on their team like family and make all of us very proud to be associated with this escalating dynasty.Just a point of order here. YTB has proven time and time again to be math challenged. There is no such thing as a million percent. It is 100%. Maybe you are just used to adding all those zeros to inflate your income, but there is no such thing as a million percent.
Bill Gates had a vision that every home would own a computer one day. People laughed at him. Now you access the internet via a cell phone, every home has a computer if not multiple units and they also carry them around.Uhm. every home has a computer? What dream world are you living in? Or was this somethign you were told at a recruiting meeting along with the "fact" that 300,000 travel agencies are out of business.
The accusation and the fake letter by YTB's attorney surfacing on the net is another ploy to make YTB look bad. The letter was a phony and it was intended to sway people who don't know any better. You believed it, right?Ted Lindauer's letter was very much a real document. Saying it is not is a lie. Don't make me post the photo of the kid flipping the bird again!
This John Frenaye mentioned in the article- I know well. We have had communications in the past. He does sit on a board but I want to also mention that he is a traditional travel agent and owns a travel agency. He asked me to drop YTB and come to work for him! Interesting. I have the documented proof. Another wash!I know this John Frenaye well too. Bring it on! So if you know me so well and have corresponded wiht me, please, please post the email (including headers) on here that "proves" I tried to hire you away from YTB. I double dog dare you! (That was my favorite comment)
We NEVER support dropping cards under windshield wipers...how unprofessional is that? Dropping them in a post office to mail - yes, but under windshield wipers? Really.Yes you do. Read the comments on this blog. Search the terms "soccer + tax" and read the comments!
I would like to leave you with this thought. If YTB is so shady, why have they not been investigated by the FTC? Why is it that they have not been shut down and moved off the Stock Market by the SEC? They have been compliant with everything they do. They follow the laws and run their business right.Just because they have not been shut down does not mean they are not corrupt. It does not mean they are not under iunvestigation. All it means is that the legitimacy of the company has yet to be proven--or disproven.
The statement about the Ricketts paying anything is not accurate. They were investigated but found to be innocent of the charges. No payout.Can't say anything about that, but the dates and times are somewhat suspicious. Wasn't that about the time YTB began to court their very own Florida State Senator Burt Sauders?
My favorite...
ReplyDelete"We NEVER support dropping cards under windshield wipers...how unprofessional is that? Dropping them in a post office to mail - yes, but under windshield wipers?"
Funny I have a relative that is in YTB and she is so desperate that she drops the cards off in bathrooms, and she is proud to tell people about it. That's pretty sad.
Johnny---if they have emails from you I bet they have caught YOU in another lie. Are you starting to see the light--YTB is here to stay and we will market travel our way and become the largest travel agency in the world.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, is that like part of the brainwashing. Keep saying YTB will be the largest travel agency in the world, we will make 1 billion dollar, coach is god, yatta yatta yatta. Ya'll sound like a broken record. SPEAK FOR YOURSELVES, not what coach programmed you to say. This is not sales meeting, your not going to get recruits here.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that 150K+ agents or whatever the number is, can only sell MAYBE 1/2 a million dollars in travel is pathetic at best. The top agencys have about 20K agents and sell 24 billion in travel. No recruiting, no downlines/uplines/sidelines bullcrap. They sell travel. When you can show me you make a decent salary..and I mean a salary you can live off, without another JOB, of SELLING TRAVEL ONLY..not recruiting..I promise to be quiet.
Excuse me i meant 1/2 a billion ($414m I think was the published number)
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to all the clams last about how YTB would sell a billion worth of travel last year? And talking about lies...what about Phil? (the one so many YTBers claimed wasn't THEE Phil). What about the fake PHD? What about the Olympics? Fly Free program? Talk about a bunch of lies and cheats.
ReplyDelete"we will market travel our way and become the largest travel agency in the world."
ReplyDeleteThat is not going to happen. And, if you think it is you are seriously deluded. Coach will sqeeze YTB dry and move on to the next big thing. And leave you all hanging out to dry or either the IRS is going to get all of you for your bogus deductions.
Mistakes have been made and they will be made. But Coach and his team are exceptional business leaders and have been in this business for a LONG LONG time. They know what it takes and are leading the charge.
ReplyDeleteNo we just missed the half billion we projected for 2007, but not by that much. But you wait and see with how we are growing and all the good news from the rconvention you will see, we will be very close to or posssibly over $1BILLION for 2008.
No need to come to the convention either you TTAs it will be covered by ALL the major trelevision networks. Coach told us this weekend that they all have purchased press boxes for this event. So soon you will see Katie Couric and others reporting LIVE from the YTB convention floor!
"No we just missed the half billion we projected for 2007"
ReplyDeleteAre really that stupid? Well we all know you don't need a education to be in YTB. And we know how you all crunch numbers, just ask Proud.
I recall the projections of a billion not a half billion and I would accept $414M as just missing the $500M mark less than 20%
ReplyDeleteYeah but we aren't talking about website sales. Just travel alone. And they have a hell of alot more travel to sell to make 1/2 billion before they even attempt to make 1 billion.
ReplyDeleteAnd the projection was 1 billion, not half a billion.
$414M was supposed travel sales. It was separated from website sales this year. The question is how legitimate is that number? Their ARC sales are dismally low, they claim that it is using Resconnect as part of the sales, and apparently during 2007 they did not have an accounting system to track sales of their primary product.
ReplyDeleteWe talked about it here. I think the issue is that YTB really does not know what it sold. Keep it cloudy on purpose!
Oh look at this post from Oct. 11th, 2007
ReplyDelete"Viptraveller said...
Oh by the way, RCCL wasn't YTB's lifeblood...Carnival is the largest cruiseline in the world.
type in:
to see how YTB stacked up to the big boys of travel. This year, we're hurting alot of egos....over 1 BILLION in travel sales already.
Again, change is inevitable. Stop being small minded and ignorant.
1:01 PM"
I still cannot fathom how you can have a supposed travel company, and not have the tools to track your commissions. How is this possible? How can you honestly (honestly being the key word) not know what you sold and whats due you. Same as I cannot understand why these people continue to take Coach's word for absolute. The man is a snake oil salesman at best. He has no real interest in travel, only money in his pocket. If he was truly interested in being the "biggest travel agency in the world", he would have proper accounting in place, and not have a bunch of fools running around who couldn't tell you the difference between the 2 MCO's. Someone please explain this to me..
ReplyDeleteLisa, that has befuddled me forever. If you want to know how much travel has been sold at any given point for any given period, most agencies (and certainly the ones large enough to be a TW Power Agency)can tell you right then.
ReplyDeleteI use TRAMS and I can tell you almost anythign you want. How much was booked in a period, traveled in a period, revenue recognized in a period, expected revenue for a period, etc!
But I am sure YTB will get that sometime..after all travel might be an afterthought!
You all forget that the RTAs did not ALL the 414m. VacationCentrals TTAs sold 212m (or so)
ReplyDeleteand that sum was lumped into the 414m.
The RTA figures look worse now.
Your post today about responses to the Post-Trib article . . .
ReplyDeleteIf anyone thinks that RTA responses to the article were "out there" . . .
I wish the Post-Trib readers could see the ridiculous banter yesterday from the wonderful TTAs on this blog.
Too many stupid and ignorant comments to catalog.
A bunch of whiners living in a glass half-empty world.
I have saved to document yesterday's responses.
Anyone who wants to get a quick snapshot of the mindset of TTAs regarding YTB will get an eyeful.
Was,indeed, a classic day on the John Freyaye Anti-YTB blog.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Don't worry - according to the tta's here, the vendors and everyone else in the world that hates ytb reads these daily. lol.... but, i hope in a way it's true because like you - i agree the whiny and scared tta's are their own worst enemy and don't even realize it.
ReplyDeleteWow... look its Mix posting as two different anonymous people. What a surprise, how long before OLE and Proud show up? No coincidence that when one disappears the rest do also.
ReplyDeleteI hope you saved a copy of that video Mixed Up.
ReplyDeleteYou must be wild with pride about those guys representing YTB for all the world to see.
None of us could say or do anything to top that.
We should send that out for a press release, don't you agree? Wouldn't you agree that they are an excellent example of a YTB rta or rep?
If they only knew the technology YTB has...
ReplyDeleteJust checked for an update on my YTB Commissions and look what just posted this morning....
Booking ID: J1757204 Provider:
Gross Cost: $5,493.06 Net Amount: N/A Passenger Details
Departure City: Departure Date: 6/16/2008 Number of Passengers: 4
Arrival City: Ananheim, California Return Date: 6/21/2008 Passenger 1: Eric G.
Booking Date: 8/11/2007 Date Created: N/A Passenger 2: Wendy G.
Vendor Info: Walt Disney Travel Passenger 3: Katya G.
Product Info: Passenger 4: Roman G.
Comment: 5 day Park Hopper plus baby Titus G.
I know the client, the booking date, the net amount, commission amount, depature date, etc.
But NOOOOOOOO. YTB has no way of tracking this type of information because we don't actually sell travel.
And while John, Lisa, and the rest of the TTA's sit here befuddled, I'm getting paid.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Then the question is, why will YTB never release the numbers without clouding them? If it is THAT cut and dried, why can't they say....we booked X dollars in travel during this period?
ReplyDeleteI hope Baby Titus G had a good time at Disney!
You better let YTb know that you have the tracking down Mixed Up - they could use you in woods hole.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo - what you posted is of no matter as no one can verify anything but you and I don't trust you as you are way too boastful and present no facts, just words.
PS - those passengers overpaid. try again.
sorry - ytb scam, but i'm the anonymous poster referred to above and in spite of what you think, i'm not the infamous "ytb travel - great mix!" believe it or not, there's more than one person here that doesn't agree with john's followers.
ReplyDeletefrom what i've read on here, ytb travel and mix is pretty articulate and factual and would have no reason to post separately as anonymous anyway.
ReplyDeleteTo my fellow RTA who posted the travel commissions and signed it "YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix":
I'm in your corner.
We are on the same team.
But . . .
Don't confuse the issue by signing off with my moniker.
The TTAs are confused enough.
Oh . . . and to you, John Boy.
You are a hoot.
YTB is an open book.
You have all of our information down-pat.
All of the SEC filings.
The Annual Report.
Every posting on Google about YTB.
You even attend YTB meetings incognito.
You are everywhere on the internet displaying your obsession with YTB.
You send your name out to the media like a lawyer with his business card at a wreck.
Anything YTB in the press and YOU want to be there with your spin.
And now you have the audacity to complain that YTB does not give you enough information?
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
If the accounting is so damn good, why is it they they advise they do not have such accouting and therefore cannot keep exact track of travel booked? Our office also uses Trams, I could tell anyone in about 5 minutes probably less what the company did in travel, what the company did with cars/hotels/consolidators/packages by company etc. Why is it they cannot even get 1 lump sum correct?
ReplyDelete$5400 for a package to Disney. Wow!..thats ..ummm..something. Was that booked with the Chinese tour operator?.
Your right, I am befuddled. Bitter..nope, jealous..nope. I just do not get why a company that shouts to the world they are the next best thing to sliced bread cannot get the simplest computer travel accounting. Or why is everything "because Coach said". Do any of you have minds of your own? or is coach's hands so far up your asses your now all puppets in his masterplan. I know of NOBODY who continually brags about their bosses they way you people do. He is not Christ reincarnated..hes is a man making millions off gullible people. If you don't think so, then why the need for the jet, the spendy cars, the mansion on the hill..flaunting in your faces. Spending $8 million dollars on a piece of garbage thats harmful to the environment..why...to showboat. Isn't there something in the bible about being materialistic. Rod where are you?
Sorry..thats IMO.
hey great travel mix - fyi,i'm the anonymous poster that posted twice here. the post beginning with "don't worry...." and "sorry, ytb scam..." are my two posts.
ReplyDeletebut apparently, according to you (and i believe you), there's someone posting using your sig line but that is not me. just clarifying fyi....
i wish i felt safer to not post anonymously but i don't. i'm not interested in being eaten alive by the vultures here! sorry, they're always talking about "ethics" but i don't trust what they would do if they knew you.
How exactly would we know you. Do you know me? And if you honestly think anyone one of us would do anything to you..thats crazy. I believe it was the YTB/MLM group that was doing the life threatening and phone calls to certain people in the middle of the night. Not the other way around.
ReplyDeleteAnd just so you know..You dont have to use your whole name, just something to show your different person then every other anon person on here.
Ah…now the deflecting and denial starts.
ReplyDeleteNot interested in opinions, assumptions, myths, and down right lies.
Only the truth.
The befuddled minds here just can’t grasp that YTB DOES have the technology to do all you do, and report what you so desperately want us to report.
Problem is none of YOU matter enough. To think we need to bow to the DEMANDS of this small group of professionals (choke) is a joke. So is this lie that YTB doesn’t have the backbone to track its Travel Sales at any given moment, just like you.
Doing so would shatter the illusions you have about a growing TRAVEL COMPANY.
TW checked those numbers SEVERAL times and what they reported seemed to be good enough for them to rank YTB at #26 in their last Power List.
If all you want to do is cry and complain, so be it.
Fact is…YTB’s technology gives me all the information you do, and to state otherwise is a complete fabrication.
John, Didn't you personally speak with Ted Lindauer about the letter he posted on the internet?
ReplyDeleteYes. And he said he liked my blog and was going to link to it. But the next week after his meeting with Coach, he would not return phone calls or emails
ReplyDeleteActually I will side a little with Mix (I can't believe I just said that). $5400 (even for the short time they are there) isn't that out of reality for a Disney trip. I go there 1-2 times a year. While expensive $5400 isn't totally far fetched. Park Hoppers aren't cheap, if you add in the dining plan (depending on which level), and then add in resorts. Its possible they could be staying in a suite or in the Contemp tower or such it's quite easy to hit that price. And that's not even in air. But I'm not going on with that topic.
ReplyDeleteTL -
ReplyDeleteFor someone who could care less about our little company . . .
You sure do get worked up about us!
It has become one of the priorities of your day to keep track of YTB.
As it is with other wildly successful TTAs.
For the casual observer, it looks like YTB impacts you to a degree.
Yes, you will give your "I'm just looking out for the good of the travel industry" and "we have to get the truth out about this terrible YTB company" spin . . .
But it looks like there is much more to it.
If you are selling travel like you lead us to believe, YTB should not even be a blip on your radar screen.
You should be so consumed with your clients.
Besides being a wife and a mother.
Something does not add up here.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
I think this is very appropriate:
ReplyDeleteYTB and BULLSHIT: The Perfect Mix!
I'm glad TW checked so well and presto chango YTB is a corporate agency! Ya just can't believe anything in print anymore can you?
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa said... Isn't there something in the bible about being materialistic. Rod where are you?
ReplyDeleteYes there is Lisa. It's called the deceitfulness of riches in the Bible.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteJohnny---if they have emails from you I bet they have caught YOU in another lie. Are you starting to see the light--YTB is here to stay and we will market travel our way and become the largest travel agency in the world."
OR - they're lying and won't post as invited to.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about how I spend my time. I am not consumed with YTB which you might think. I find this blog amusing. Some days it makes me laugh, and when I'm having a crappy busy day, sometimes I need to.
Don't you profess to know what it is that I do. I work a full day, everyday from home. I also am a wife and mother of 2. I'm a woman and mother, I was born to know how to multi-task. So what doesn't add up for you? Unlike majority of the YTBites, I actually make money selling travel, or that I've be doing this for 18 years. That in my off hours I also co-own a telecommunications company with my husband. He does the dirty work..I handle the bookkeeping and job tracking. Am I jealous that you all sit at home, do nothing but sponge off others knowing full well they most likely won't make a dime..nope!
I do not hide behind what I am. TRAVEL AGENT - CTC, MOTHER, BUSINESS OWNER, WIFE, and apparently a MILITANT BITCH to some. What exactly else do you want to know so your numbers add up.
You all say how much John is all over the internet....take a look at some of your own. Doug is way more popular to google in terms of YTB than John is!
ReplyDeleteI don't think John particularly wants to associated with YTB - while Doug does - so every instance of Doug's name also has YTB in it - therefor he comes up more, as he should.
ReplyDeleteThe earlier comment is that John was in Newsweek - I can't remember YTB ever getting mentioned there or even requested to provide an expert Travel Agent to commment there....
"Doug is way more popular to google in terms of YTB than John is!"
ReplyDeleteDoug is a fraud, a fake and a charlatan with money problems like the rest of you.
This site is a joke...
ReplyDeleteThanks for some other informative web site. Where else may just I get that kind of information written in such a perfect approach?
ReplyDeleteI've a mission that I am just now operating on, and I have been on the glance out for such information.
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